Hussein Chalayan was based around the idea of a mirage, though that fact was no MIRAGE as the sunglasses said, "MIRAGE". Dad jokes! In all seriousness, because this is serious business, as things always are around here, I first thought it was sort of arbitrary, but the more I looked through it and thought about it the more it made sense, and the fact that it was hard to understand at first only made me like it more. And made it more, of course, like a mirage. I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE, MR. CHALAYAN.
There were binoculars stuffed up with shearling and leather, hazy nebula-like prints, foggy sheer fabrics, and crocheted jackets that only half-covered the top part of the body. Without the concept, the clothes didn't seem to flow from one look to another too well, but I don't think a Hussein Chalayan collection can be viewed without knowing that there has to be a concept, anyway.
The "mirage" sunglasses reminded me of New Year's Eve sunglasses, in a good way.
what are new year's eve sunglasses?
should I know? I bet I should know...dammit.
The dress in the middle looks like a shark egg.
lets cross our fingers that the fabrics themselves will further evolve into such realms of ..... well, profound beauty. surely the simple expectation of futuristic fashion will carve a path easy to travel along.
I'm not so sure about this collection. It's interesting like a story but not gorgeous like a collection and it doesn't have me drooling. You always see the best in the most confusing of pieces, Tavi!
Sarah from The Etiquette Cult
those sunglasses are so cool!
Bonjour , je suis français je t'écris car j'adore ton blog maime si je suis un garçon tu ma denner envie de creer mon blog une inspiration d'ailleurs mon premier article parle de l'inspiration que j'ai grace au style rookie
The mirage sunglasses reminded me of NYE ones too!! Ahh crazy! Awesome collection. I'm still waiting for something better than the one where he had the electronic hat-dress things..
That collection was GENIUS. just saying...
Wow! This is really cool. It's a bit costumey, though.
THe collection is interesting.. to say the least.. but compared to other collections that he did... hhmmm this is quite disappointing.. but some pieces are so cool ^^
I love it!
You`re totally right about the sunglasses, as I saw them the first picture in my head were the New Year`s Eve sunglasses.
I have to think about the collection to find out if I like it, but I do like the red shoes.
I like this post!
Nice collection!
He is such an amazing artist! The proof that fashion is not shallow, it's pure undeniable art!
I really like your blog, is very very interesting, and the descriptions and the writes that you do are brilliant.
I'd like to know your opinion about my blog.
It is not a great thing, but I am trying to improve it,
Hi Tavi!
what do you think of Kenzo? I thought it was fresh and different... and yet it might be the seventies nostalgic in me talking...curious of your opinion!
It's an interesting collection, may be he has a very peculiar concept that we can not find in just one view.....I think we need more time to figure out what really is this concept of MIRAGE....
Kisses Lady Tavi
i like the fabriics, though the colors could have been better. i'd have liked tto see more metalics and sheers. as far as "mirage" goes, the looks are bland, they don't really stand out :[
Just to say you're amazing :D
Love your blog
Just to say you're amazing :D
Love your blog
I was curious what you'll write about this particular collection :) I didn't like the sunglasses, but I LOVED the prints. Overall, the collection had, in my opinion at least, just the right proportions of functionality and this artsy craziness, for the lack of better word :) When are you going to write about latest Comme des Garcons??? Anyway, I'm looking forward to new posts from you, Tavi.
this dresses, are nice!
Pretty cool designs! xo
Um, road trip amazingness!
The dress with the white lines of the highway was incredible, as were the subsequent rain spattered road dress and finally moon reflected on a rainy road dress... And then the finale with the white belted black dresses, symbolizing the road... What a concept! I love how the road pieces came to signify new chapters, new places on the trip. Brilliance.
Also, could the swirly masks be car exhaust? And those 'mirage' sunglasses to signify what he could not: the heat of the asphalt? (Although I bet he could...)
Love some of it... especially the binoculars.Not so keen on other bits. loving more interesting fashion for the fall as lots of designers have played it very safe. I'm all for some controversy!
Hey Tavi!
I'm a german girl! I read your blog every day and it's so amazing waht you're doing. I and my best friend have a blog too!
That's mine! Maybe you could take a look at ours.
That would be great!
I love your blog and I agree with stylespotterfashionblogger
Keep blogging Tavi and it would be great if you could visit my fashion blog!
I like the collection , but I think he has done better collections
me and him did the same fashion course though he did it many years ago, same teacher though :) and my friends mum made his wig for s/s 2010 paris appearance...i like his stuff.
i also like the amount of avaitor jackets in this years shows.. it pleases me..tank girl kinda thang. loves it.
happy tuesday :)
Very much enjoying that hoody dress piece, it tickled my tah la la. Or something less awkward sounding and more mature-and-pretending-to-know-what-the-hell-I'm-talking-about.
Love Huseein Chalayan. I love this collection, too, but he's done better. x
Thank you! )))
Those glasses are just like New Years Glasses
I can see the gaga wearing the fourth one..
Hey Tavi,
Nice to hear your thoughts on the collection. I actually liked the collection. I find that it is hard to critique such virbrant creations. You had stated: "...the clothes did not seem to flow from one look to another too well..." but I would like to note that the theme of this collection was a roadtrip across America. Chalayan said that he had the collection start out very tailored in the beginning (NY) and then slowly makes its way across the counrty. Mid-West (bonnets, etc), then New Mexico (shearling) and then then Vegas (sequin dresses) to LA. I thought that this whole roadtrip thing was such a good idea. But, I can see why you thought that the looks did not flow very well.
Thanks again for another great post. Also, should have left this comment in an earlier post but: that video of you and Spencer Tweedy is just too great. Is that the son of the Jeff Tweedy. I'm sure it is, but just to make sure. Anyway, Wilco is like a staple in our house. My dad has "Jam Sessions" with my brothers after dinner, to Wilco songs. My dad wishes he was neighbors with Jeff Tweedy.
Anyway, fashion. In additon, thanks for getting back in the comment forum about writing that Comme review. Have a great day!
gorgeous show! hussein chalayan is interesting. he really has an awesome visionary!
fashion atelier.
I long for glasses that say WendyB.
I have to agree with Sarah - beautifully constructed pieces and a great mix of colors, but somehow it doesn't make me want to have them for myself. It does make me feel like going to outer space. ;)
Hmmm... Mr Chalayan's collections always do this to me. There is great fashion wizardry and theatrical element to it... but in terms of real wearability, it takes a bit of a beating. They are gorgeous designs, but isn't fashion for wearing? Or does it transcend into the realm of pure art, where a design is for the sake of design, and has no other purpose?
could this be you in like 60 years? http://s3.amazonaws.com/hgl/assets/3346/blue_hair_blog.jpg
Totally new year's eve sunglasses!!!
Hussein Chalayan is the classical "I would like to be there LIVE" fashion show for me! Lucky you Tavi!
I like only a few dresses !!! The glasses are OK!!
i like the prints but not crazy about the collection overall, which is unusual for me. good review!
I don't see a cohesive story here. Two long dresses with a slit. A dress just above the knee, a dress at the knee. Shorts 2in above knee, shorts mid thigh. Seems to be all over the place. Something you could wear to the boardroom, something you couldn't wear anywhere...actually, a couple of things you couldn't wear anywhere. Missed this one, I think.
Fantastic review. Fantastic Blog. Fantastic blue hair.
Just gave you a shout out on my blog.
Wow...I like the two last ones...I mean, I know runways show trends but at the same time those two outfits are totally wearable :) love it! And your blog :D congrats Tavi! You are a bright girl!
Your blog has just been featured in the Danish breakfast television - I predict a lot of Danish readers today ;)
Love your blog!
Hi rookie I 'm your big fan I love your way of thinking and wearing the fashion. I do ha the Polish ELLE they have write about you you look great there, from what part of Chicago are you ?
P.S You have very beautiful red shoes who has made them ?
The glasses ??...Top !
And i also like the third dress from the left .
Kiss !
Haha. Those glasses are sooo great. And I thought of the New Years Glasses (r.i.p.) as well.
wow great look... my collections are most beauty! ^:^
besos from Italy...!
love the blog =)
visit mine
you might not understand a thing tho ._. its in spanish =)
Great Review-- nothing gets by you, tavi! ;)
Love a dad joke or two! Also love this collection, love the tones, cut and general theme of it all.
Chalayan rarely does wrong in my book.
hahaha New Year's eve sunglasses.
I love your blog,
Jayne Pierson just showed at Paris Fashion Week and the collection 'Titania's Dream' looked so amazing. I wish I could afford all of it! I seriously can't wait until next season apparently, she has some surprises for her catwalk show at London Fashion Week S/S 2011!!
I seriously want a pair of those "New Year's Eve" sunglasses!!!
if it's any consolation, i was so bad at sports at school that i used to just get sent to pick up the gear afterwards and carry it back in shame. now i'm in sixth form i can choose my subjects. nearly burned my gym kit :D
me and my best friend spent hours, and i mean hours in a row dissecating every collection we could put our eyes on. and coming to chalayan we were kinda... we were sad we weren't liking there was some indefinable feel. but then we went separate ways and the only thing we remembered was his work. your saavyness comes exactly when you say that after mediating you found the sense and the wonder of this collection
Love love love the marage idea... even the way the some of the clothes move and flow is like a marage!
tavi; your search is genious!
I love your blogs!
Oh! Your blog is so cool!
My blog is im Portuguese because i am brazilian but
i would love if you were in my blog and leave a comment!
kiss ....
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