Unfortunately I am an idiot who dropped and broke the family's digital camera (NOOOOOOOO!), so this crappy webcam picture will have to do - it's rather inaccurate, though...way too green.

Some notes:
-Looks KILLER with Proenza Schouler top from Spring 2010, cobalt colored socks showing through sandal heels, bright red tees, Slow and Steady Wins the Race sunglasses, and anything silver.
-Right now it kinda looks like a wig with the bangs down so until they grow a little longer (Proenza Pre-Fall lengths, perhaps?) I'm pinning em back. Kinda soccer mom-ish, only a soccer mom that is a smurf, an anime character, and not the one you want to carpool with because she may be housing rats the glove compartment.
-REALLY fun to coordinate outfits around.
-I'm also, apparently, farting? Or constipated? In the picture above? Yeah, who knows.
Here is a pretty accurate representation of the shade...

And also the picture that caused me to break my camera :(
I'll need to take a better picture somehow but really, I'm so happy with the way it turned out! I get the best of both blues too, because right now it's bit more vivid and then it will fade to the frosty, icy shade in about a month. No regrets, which is definitely a good thing when you dye your hair, I think.
Oh, school report time!:
Why'd you dye your hair? BECAUSE I HATE BLUE HAIR.
Did you know your hair is blue? WHAT?! IT IS??! NOBODY INFORMED ME OF THIS!
Well aren't you a little badass/rebel! FIND A BETTER LOCATION THAN THE LIBRARY TO TELL ME THIS.
Sadly no funny analogies today! Come ON kids, put your brains to work and deliver the goods next time! Luckily this stuff will be in for a couple months so get your brains to work.
Oh and until the new camera comes (ugh) here is an old outfit I for some reason never posted (also, WHOA, blonde hair):

Yeah bad picture but you get what the outfit looked like. The print on this dress from the Rodarte for Target collection reminded me a LOT of Edward Gorey illustrations:

"On the shore, a bat, or possibly an umbrella, disengaged itself from the shrubbery, causing those nearby to recollect the miseries of childhood." God, don't you wish you were someone who walked around reciting stuff like this? And it just came from your own head, like you weren't actually RECITING it from somewhere else? Me too, but my lips only flap on about how badly I need every piece from Miu Miu spring and how great the James Franco episode of 30 Rock was. BUT BACK TO THE OUTFIT, I am supposed to tell you because of that new law that I received compensation and pieces from the Rodarte for Target collection for my collaboration with Target.
Just wanted to be mysterious/creepy like Gorey and wear a leather coat and this hat that Belle gave me (love love love)
you linked to the wrong fashion pirate :)
Oooh I love the new colour, looks fantastic :) The outfit post (despite being old) is pretty stellar as well, details details details! <3
Tavi! The blue hair actually looks cool. I love that lace dress! Really nice! sorry about your camera! Come visit my blog please:
Wow, that looks so good! You arre, without a doubt, the only person I know who can rock blue hair. Way to go!
aaaaah i love blue hair. :) second only to pink/purple hair, in the grande scheme of unnatural hair colors. and aw, sorry bout your camera...
Tavi, you look like a pedophile in that trench coat!
Just kidding (kinda). I love you and your blue hair.
Too cool!!!
Cool hair Tavi, you should do a sea monster theme :)
Wow you look great! I'm so happy that you got that blue hair.
hhahah i love dying my hair. i just recently back to my natural. but its just so much fun. we should all be like edie from ghost world and just go wild!!
tavi u are are fab!!!
yeah. I've dropped the family camera sometime in my life...deuce >.>
<3 the dress!
SHIT>>>> That hair be ridiculous! crazy! WOAH!
I love that it does make you look like you belong in the skate witches, or behind the scenes screaming your head off at a nirvana concert.
note to self: Buy more Ed Gorey books.
note to vous: your tresses look wonderful. i wish i was bold enough to try something like that. ~pRoPs to Tavi.
i lub you:D
Such a great shade on you!!! Makes me miss my pink streaks!!
Sabrina Marie
It looks so fantastic!! Can't wait to see more shots.
when i was your age (which wasn't too long ago actually...) i wouldn't have had the guts to dye my hair blue so i give you props for not caring what others think and dying it! i cant wait to see what it looks like when it fades to the light blue. :)
Very smurf-y. I'm loving it (no McDonald's analogy there).
I CANNOT GET OVER how freaking awesome this post is. Super hair, awesome outfit, lovely illustrations, neat-o hat . . . too much.
Blue hair. I want blue hair. Why'd you dye your'e hair blue? Because I hate blue hair. AHHHHH, you sound like me.
Stunning dress!
Also, I've always been fond of our man Mr. Gorey and it warms my heart to see him mentioned so often on your blog.
Totally TOTALLY love the hair and the Gorey-ish outfit, too.
i've always wanted blue hair. but you know what strict parents think about that...blah!
Love it dude!
When I dyed my hair blonde (don't know if Caroline told you, but I did) I got SO many annoying reactions. I'm pretty sure people didn't really like it at first either because they kept coming up to me going, "Stephanie! Your HAIR!"
(Ok, time for the compliment?)
Haha. Love the outfit too of course.
blue hair tavi? definatly. my parents wont let me do much of anything.even though i was allowed to die it red. but the kind you can only see in the sun since i have dark hair. and it was winter. therefore no sun.
...and old outfits die hard. im not even completly sure what that means but the way i mean it is i love you "old" outfit.
plus i really like how your leather trench is like dr. jekyll and mr hyde with less problems. in fact wit no problems because i love the texture it has to it. the hat (which i want) also relates too so thats good.
Love it!!!! Looks really chic. I'm thinking about chopping all my hair off too a really cute pixie cut...not 100% about it yet though...
Check out my bog @:
How could your hair look like a soccer mom's? It's blue! I LOVE Edward Gorey. That book looks fascinating. I don't have that one but I have a few other ones. That photograph is a very good impression of his work, he would definitely approve.
I really love Edward Gorey. My favorite story in the whole wide world, was his "the doubtful guest". I had a dog, that was just like the doubtful guest. Except she didn't hide in tureens. She did, however, eat the soles of our canvas shoes.
YOU DID IT !!!!!
( clap clap clap are doing my hands ! ^^ )
I must say it looks wicked fantastic. I love it. and your the right person for that hair color.
<3 stella
haha... i would so love to be at your school right now. i hope you have some great reactions in the future :P
Love the blue hair. :D
Wow! Blue hair looks so good on you!
Tavi, the blue hair looks killer on you, you totally rock it! Just died mine back from pink recently! It will look awesome when it fades to icy blue. ^_^
it's looks super cute!
...i'm thinking about doing the purple!
love your outfit, looks supa cute
cute hair! and I have that Doriane poster ;]
Blue hair looks good on you!. It looks fun to accessorize to. I like that coat, because right now it is so cold and rainy where I live.
Did you grow taller?
u look awesome in blue!
nice outfit
great allusion to the storybook
that's a sweet duster...and I can't wait to see your hair in a picture taken with your new camera :)
Fashion X K8.blogspot.com
Thanks for biting the bullet! Now I can sleep. I had you on my membrane with blue thoughts. I dropped my digital camera in the lake once so I can relate. It sucks. On the flip side, you can get a snazzy new one. I am done with my Mary Poppins top check it out! http://lara-serbin.blogspot.com/
Love the blue, honey! I am also excited about your hair!
teri at tintedseaglass.blogspot.com
I always loved "N is for Neville who died of ennui." That's what I learned the meaning of "ennui" from. Looks like your hair came out frosty-ish like you wanted!
crazy Tavi!!! :))
Looks awesome! I wish I were as brave. I too was inspired by that frosted spread when I first saw it. I've got the pale skin, might as well start dressing head to toe in that amazing color.
xD Ahhhhh bluuue~ I like that shade of blue. It's like a gun-metal gray blue kind of color...not sure if that's a color but those are the words I will use to describe it!! Grr. ;3
I hope your camera comes in soon!!! That sucks it broke. The one I have has fell many times but it's still okay XD
Love the "zingers" from the kids at school. Reminds me that I got the same thing at your age. Love your hair!
amazing, love gorey. All of his drawings have the best outfits ever, like the floor length fur coat, thick turtle necks and the mustaches.
and yes that 30 rock episode was great.
Love the hair. Makes me think of Coraline. Loved that movie so much, that I was Coraline for Halloween. I wore a wig though. Not enough guts to dye it.
try black next time. maybe because it looks green i dont like it but in person im sure it looks different. actually scratch the black try purple and blue. halfies.
www.fashioninurface.tk >B)
oh wow! That looks amazing~ I can't wait to see pictures (when you get a new camera. R.I.P to the old one~ ) of the actual colour~
A girl with blue hair
Drops her camera to the floor
A window appears in the ocean
Where once there was a door.
blue hair blue hair blue hair
I talked to the Color Blue and it's happy that someone can finally rock it as a haircolor;)
haha very cute!!
its looks really cold where you are!
I will miss your blonde hair :(
I love the blue hair! I attempted to dye a selected few of my dreadlocks a bright turquoise but it resulted in a disaster. Lessons learned from this experience are 1) Don't dye newbie dreadlocks 2) Bleaching is difficult and should be left to at least a semi professional, 3) Don't have a hair dye disaster miles and miles away from civilisation/pharmacy otherwise you have to live with it until outside contact has been reached.
I still have my dready-locks but they are au natural. I often dream about them being technocolour, but want a professional to do them, but that costs major bucks... sigh.
The hair color looks great, hope you won't have problems in school with it. And I also love the look with the hat, it remind me of Sherlock Holmes :P
Super cool tights!
the hair is amazing! so sorry you broke your camera :( and amazing outfit! you have an incredible eye -- you always manage to find things that designers would use as inspiration to create the garments, but then you turn it around and use it as YOUR inspiration for what to wear!!
i simply adore the hair,
i used to dye my hair lots of uncoventional shades.
it seems to emphasise certain ensembles, with something a little odd to throw the whole look sideways.
wow it's actually blue. wow.
wow!!!!!!!!Tavi you did it actually....bluee hair...who would ever imagine that...
ur soo brave! bravoo for u!
visit my blog wenever u have some time...
J'adore le chapeau!! Et meme le look est genial!!
I just bought these lovely
frosty blue colored dumbo shoes;
They would match with your hair
Haha, sorry for posting again,
probably is too much to read all
the comments over here.
But I'm just enthousiastic about
all of this. I've read allot of your stuff and listened to your video's.
I'm 10 years older than you.
Growing up in this so called adult world makes me feel alienesk. And then reading your blog, do what you do, encourages me to stay with my own goals and really act as primitive as possible, to stay with own believes.
I'm an arist, but I learn allot through all these weird platforms.
So thank you and good luck with all,
blue hair ...very cool ....
maybe a pink highlight would go well with that !!
i love the blue hair!
and the illustrations from the book... beautiful =)
Blue! Fabulous hair Tavi, original and unique as you are! The old outfit is really good, great dress and all the mix works very well together, but for me the hat is SUPERB!
Kisses lady Tavi :)
I love the blue hair!
I must say I just came to discover your existence thanks to ModCloth to whom I just gave 50 dollars for hopefully awesome full-fitting clothes (first time I buy from them) and I must say you are amazing: smart, funny, crazy (in a good way, not Lady Gaga stupid way... oops!! mind my own opinion). Keep up the GREAT work, a great great life is happening now and awaits you of course
AWESOME hair colour :) x
Loving the hair! You could try shooting with a Holga or other film camera and scanning, way cooler results than digital.
Hey, I had blue hair last year, and at first it looks way green too. If you want it more blue, you have to dye it to white (sorry, don't speak english pretty well, don't know how to explain this) So you have the hair blonder and then dye it to blue, it's so much better.
Swietne! Bardzo podobaja mi sie Twoje włosy :D Pozdrowienia z Polski! * Great! I love your hair :D Greetings from Poland!
sooo cute! loves it!
the reaction of your class mates reminds me of this 90s band (lately everything seems to recall the nineties) called crash test dummies, you heard them?
they have a couple of songs where they talk about kids changing hair colour, one of them just waked up to blue hair and wonders what the kids at school will say (god shuffled his feet) and the other one has his black hair turn white because of a car accident (mmm mmm mmm).
Owww... I loved
GO BLUE HAIR. I neeed to see you work it with your entire wardrobe and, and, what not.
You did it!
its bluuuueeee!
haha did you dye it yourself or at the hairdressers?
Sonia x Dozen Dresses
Wow, i really love that hat!! Its so coooool..
Please visit my Blog :
juicycoutureandlife.blogspot.com Love Anne xxo
Great hair! Sorry about your camera. xoxo
The blue is awesome, don't let anyone tell you otherwise!!
Fun hair color.
That dress is my favorite thing from the Rodarte collection. Love it.
Wooooow,I love yout hat
amazing blog ^^
kisses from Spain
Love the dress!!
And when I was your age, I also wanted to dye my hair blue (oh my god i sound soooo old!!!)
LOVE LOVE LOVE! it looks so good!
and i'm sorry about your camera :(
Hey T,
I'm reading your blogs for a little while now. Actually ever since your name showed up in the Dutch press for your FRONT ROW invitation at the NYFW (woow what a great experience I think?!).
Just wanted to let you know to keep up the good work!
I caught in between two studies and have no idea wich to follow. Journalism or the Dutch style academy... So hard to decide!! Working for a local TV station right now with my own fashion program. Lot of fun I can tell you!!
Don't know if you will even read this comment, but if you do, I hope one day to see you in the future! Maybe to do an interview or to do well maybe some shopping ;)
Greetz & Love
p.s. Starting my Blog @ Wordpress @ 1 Feb ;)
There's an E.Gor poster book? This is exciting news. I went to his house once, it'w a museum run by his old friends, it was quite great and there was a really fat cat there, thank goodness.
Ace blue hair!
LOVE your hair. It looks so cool, and its so unique :) also, i want that dress in your outfit so bad. It looks really cool with the coat to, and in some weird way kind of reminds me of the whole Sherlock Holmes post you talked about the other day. i really need to see that haha
Tavi Your hair ROCKS!! I love it! :)
I have the same cushion as you (weird I know!)It's a pink spotty one. It's on the right hand corner of your first of your first picture!!
Tavi Your hair ROCKS!! I love it! :)
I have the same cushion as you (weird I know!)It's a pink spotty one. It's on the right hand corner of your first of your first picture!!
TAVI i hope i'll see you some time in ny fashion week:)
OMG UR HAIR! I Think it looks adorable on u. . .the clips in it look cute too. . . i'm totally the kind of person who would make a face like that!
OMGGGGGG!!!!!!!! I love it! You look so friken awesome Tavi:)
that dress is wonderful. I would look great with blue hair!
that dress is wonderful. I would look great with blue hair!
I love the Noooooooooo button HAHA
it's adorable!
unfortunately for me i have really thick and dark hair so i'd have to bleach it loads to dye it- and since it's curly i'd look like candy floss!
but it looks amazing on you!
Ow... just love your hair, I would never do it, but yes you look cool!!
Love the new hair! Love that outfit too. Fashionable Matrix coat? Who'd have thought it?
I love your new hair its so suits you and i need to know where did you get that leather jacket its sooooooooo cool its got a detective undercover in cogneeto feel im luvin it, also this may intrest you at my college in Glasgow Scotland in the fashion department (i study fashion btw) they recomended blogs to look at and yours was top of the list i thought this was soo amazing because not only did i know who you were be for anyone in my class but i sat there thinking how proud you must be of yourself and your parents must be so proud aswell your definetly a phononenum (i cant spell hopefully you got the jist of that)in the fashion world and the digital age!!!! keep it up!!
you're starting a new fashion!
i find a lot of fresh inspiration in your blog . you are awesome !!
nitca♥ ♥
Omgosh! Your hair looks amazing and it SO looks fun to work with! And, of course, you picked THE perfect shade! Kudos! I think that means good...? Anyways great hair and can't wait to see the Gen~ious outfits you plan :)
you're a genius.. i saw you in a news channel in argentina that talk about you and you look..
kisses :)
SO RAD. i am in love with your locks of blue
Oh HELL yes.
P.S. The Rodarte/Target/leather coat/hat outfit positively cries out for a monocle. You have to do it.
tavi u rock!! love ur blue hair dear (:
Such a great shade on you!!!youre so cue.iI wany yo see you someday.
from japan
L-O-V-E the blue hair!
when i first read "unfotunately" I thought u were gunna say u hated it but saw u were talking about your camera which sucks... womp womp but atleast your hair is cute! :-)
the picture of your new hair gave me an idea: i want to see pictures of your bedroom! pretty please? or is that creepy?
it's amazing! you shouldve dyed your eyebrows blue too :3
I just signed up to blogger AND fake-hotmail/hotmail 2.0 (live.co.uk) to say: the 'James Franco episode' (yes apostrophed because pwnage of the episode on his part did NOT happen) was absolutely not great. It was the least funny episode of the show so far. Blerg. I don't want to go to there.
I loved your blue hair!!so perfect...super style!! :*
Genial! One kiss from Spain.
Love the blue hair its awsome!
u have amazing confidence to go that colour. =]
new hair looks amazing. i love edward gorey!!
You could try shooting with a Holga or other film camera and scanning, way cooler results than digita
videos models
Blue hair makes you look very unique and special!!!! Love it :)
The hat is really cute as well.
P.S.: I passed the KREATIV BLOGGER AWARD ONTO YOU. Visit my blog for more information: http://thetrendyfashionista.blogspot.com/2010/01/my-first-award-kreativ-blogger-award.html
-The Trendy Fashionista
i vote yes for blue hair!
sincerely, the fashionista from thesilentswagger.blogspot.com
I just wanna say i LOVE the hair colour and the dress! AND the illustration in the poster book...amazing!!!!!!!!
I like this illustration book,
where did you get it?
I am beyond jealous of your hair! I'm just waiting until Summer camp when my mom's not around to tell me not to dye it.
ah i love it!!! what a great shade, sort of soft like the lula pics rather than enid coleslaw punk, which i agree was not good. in fact she made too many strange decisions in that film but lets not go there, just dropping in to say the hair is the best. i put pink in my hair last week but i failed. i need to blog about it hmm
You should definitely get a lookbook :D
very beautiful as always :]
I Love Your Style! But I Can It Not Reading..I Live In Holland, And I Am 11 Years Old, I speak a Little Bit English, But Your Blog Is Soo Cool!! I love It So Much!
i want that hat, plain and simple. lol
but loving the blue hair!!!!
Have you heard of the song, "I'm going to dye my hair blue?" I think you would really like it and there are several versions up on youtube.
Just stumbled across your blog, awesome work. I am currently working on a 365 self portrait project. I've done a couple of shots with really fun outfits but here is my favorite picture so far.
Looking forward to reading more!
Bravo et encore bravo pour la couleur...
and thanks for sharing...
Love your Blue hair!! and that leather coat is amazing :)
really like the color! wasn't sure about it before you did it, but it was a great choice.
also i am always impressed with your comparisons. those illustrations DO remind me of that fabric, but i never would've thought of that!
p.s. I started reading your blog after it was mentioned in a NYT article, and I love it :)
Dear Tavie,
please stick to your real haircolour!
love the hat too!
That is an outstanding specimen of a hat.
Edward Gorey is so cool. My parents new him and I have a poster from 1978's "Everyone Loves a Mystery" Week that is signed "To Zora" and autographed by Gorey. I cherish it!
That's right, the baroque print of your Rodarte dress reminiscent Gorey's illustrations! I love it!
And, very nice hat!
I love your room and your style.
Its beautiful .
Tavi you are hilarious, beautiful and witty! I just can't get enough of you and your blog. Oh and your blue hair is kick ass<3
Tavi you are hilarious, beautiful and witty! I just can't get enough of you and your blog. Oh and your blue hair is kick ass<3
Hi Tavi;
I'm your age and I'm a bit like you. Me and my cousin went to 2'de1Blog Party in İstanbul. We went to party and girl shouted "Omg! Tavi is here!" I looked her and everyone looket at me. Everyone was surprised and I laughed.
Your are very succesful and beautiful. I love your style.
Aylin Aygen
I just adore your artistic ability. Its just so flawless, I sometimes find it hard to believe you're only like 13. I especially love the first one, it really reminds me of The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. :D
Helen Neely
Coucou !
Alors désolé si tu ne me comprends pas, car je suis française & je n'arrive pas totalement à écrire en anglais ^^ Bref, juste pour te dire que j'adore ton blog, ta personnalité, ton style. J'adore ton petit monde :)Je repasserai ici, j'adore en tout cas, tu es une fille très originale, je pense, et j'adore ça. Bref, continue comme ça, j'adore !
Bisous et bonne continuation,
si tu souhaites me répondre vite fait je suis ici http://subway-to-london.blogspot.com
Bye bye.
Ridiculously entertaining blog!! Love it. Keep up the good work little lady.
Check out mine if you've a min xx
If you like Edward Gorey, you might also appreciate the artist behind the illustrations in this music video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to7PxdyEdDw
Have you heard Dead Man's Bones? It's Ryan Goslings band, which I really enjoy and the artist from that music video is a local from Victoria who goes by the name Hank.
Cheers Tavi,
adsfjaklsdfjkjlsdfhkl. sorry, i just had to litter your blog with a comment regarding that stevie nicks-esque outfit. it's just amazing, one of my favorite looks you've posted. EVER. well, that's all, really. x
If I could I would design my whole wardrobe to resemble Edward Gorey illustrations. I love his work! When I had to recite a poem for an English class I chose The Doubtful Guest.
I actually really like the web cam look. I get it doesn't that clean look that better cameras have. But its very real. O BTW, love the blue hair - I'm jealous.
To create such a truly amazing article, I read your blog every day and give me for that announcement here this article is too great and very entertaining thanks.
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