Happy holidays guys!
Our family is Jewish, but my mom is from Norway, so we celebrate Jul. It is basically Scandinavian Christmas only instead of a jolly fat guy we Norsemen get an angry little gnome that beats people with sticks.

But we do other Christmasy things, like eat cookies.

And eat chocolate (mmm, chawklut.)
And decorate with mice and old ladies and more angry gnomes.

And with straw stuff.

And miniature figures.

And tiny plastic food bought in Tokyo the month before. (TINY! And so detailed and cute!)

And, of course, a tree.

Tomorrow afternoon we are starting on a road trip to see family for the rest of winter break, so minus a couple scheduled posts things'll be pretty blank here next week. Enjoy your winters and snows and presents! x
Gnomes rock :)
Merry Jul!
Wow, those decorations all look so lovely, have a great Christmas! x
I mean Jul;)
Oh my god—I have the basket in this pic!
My mom's frem Germany, that's probably where she got it.
But Jul is christmas in Sweden, Norway and Denmark?
Anyways - what is the big difference? I'm also celebrating Jul since I'm from Denmark, but how do Americans usually celebrate christmas?
The mice in the dresses are so cute!
Torlich-Traditions are different.
God jul!
God Jul fra Norge!
merry christmas darlin'
Joyeux noël et bonne année <3
Wow your trees huge. I am loving the Japanese food toys.
Check out my blog at:
Thanks Tavi,
From Dolly
mini food. why thats that best thing since instant top ramen! XD
Seems like over here i Sweden too, but u are one day after us.
Such lovely photos you take!
hmm, happy jul tavi!
Got to love mixing holidays, the more the merrier!
Happy Jul from a Julie
ahhh Happy Jul!
Beautiful tree. It snowed here in the UK so everything feels a little more magical!
Have a great roadtrip!
I am so jealous of the tiny Japanese food, I want it to make earrings out of.
Mewrrry Xmas Miss Tavi!!
such cute decorations!! happy (merry? joyous?) jul!
I looove the cute little stuff! It's like my childhood dream to have everything so tiny. It makes me feel like Ooohhh!!!
Happy holidays!!!
Merry Christmas, Tavi.
I celebrate Jul ass well here in Denmark.
Hope you had fun :-)
God jul! Håper nissen legger mange fine ting under treet til deg
wow, this is amazing ...
merry christmas!!!!!!!
xxx G&L
I am well acquainted with those little present chocolates...my family's from Chicago and we're all total Fannie May addicts, so we're always sent the advent calenders out here on the east coast...SO delicious.
we have a lot of all that straw stuff too! and gnomes... and actually some mice too! but since you celebrate jul, does that mean that you open your presents on christmas eve?
There's no Christmas without Kevin! :)) Merry Christmas Tavi!
Cute ; like it.
Happy holidays, Tavi!
You're killing me with all the minis! I'm a dollhouse miniature FANATIC :]
Jul sounds very interesting! Happy Holidays and have a safe trip!
I LOVE HOME ALONE. and happy christmas!
( - :
Hy Tavi !!! ton blog est genial, j'y viens tout les jours !!! superbe petit papa noel et quelle chance d'avoir un metier a tisser !!! bisous et joyeuse fete !!
I really heart the pictures...specially little ones.
Happy holidays! The little food is so cute!
God Jul!
Greetings from L.A. Tavi!!!
Hope you have a safe and fun trip.
May 2010 bring you all that your heart desires!
God Jul to fellow Scandinavians!
Chloe-Traditionally, we're supposed to, but we usually get off school with less time to put together presents in time for the 24th so we just do the 25th :)
god jul tavi:)!
have a merry holiday, Tavi!
God jul og godt nyttår! :D
All that stuff is so cute! I love it! Way cuter than some of our decorations- though my aunt used to put out pink flamingos in red santa hats.... which was the scariest and oddiest holiday decoration in the world!
Why does your little gnome beat people with his sticks!?
Love Home Alone!!!
Have a very Merry Christmas Tavi!
oo! im from sweden! i celebrate christmas, yesterday!
Happy holidays! :D
"It is basically Scandinavian Christmas only instead of a jolly fat guy we Norsemen get an angry little gnome that beats people with sticks." - okay that made me laugh so much... you are too cute/hilarious i love your personality :)
i am jewish too, when i was little i was SO scared of santa, lol..my mom had to tell me and my twin sister that he knows we are jewish so he wont be coming into our house...i was an odd child, but common a big fat old man coming down your chimney/breaking into your home is quite a scary idea, non? haha ;P
God jul!
Do you even speak/understand norwegian?
Haha I read about that tradition! I also read that he comes from Spain and instead of elves, he has six to eight black men as assistants or something. Very politically incorrect, it was hilarious.
Happy Jul!
It is so cool that your mom is from Norway :-P I love your blog! God jul :-)
merry xmas little tavi! hope u have a good road trip :)
We should make a site where people post pictures of their christmas trees.Too bad ours at home is a fake plastic one who looks the same every year :(.. :)
kult! snakker du/skjønner du norsk? god jul, tavi, fra en fan i norge :)
haha i love the title...home alone is my favorite christmas movie!!
love the gnomes and cute mini food! happy holidays!
ohh JUL ;)
im from Denmark so celebrate christmas the same way as u do:)
loooooove ur blog u have a lot of fans in denmark!
Those ,miniatures are reallyyy cute tav!
is that a... LOOM of some sort in the second to last picture???? wow I am jealous that you have that in your house. and ven more jealous you can use it.
Loving the little asian "things" may i ask where they are from?? and Merry Jul!!
I'm Jewish too! Hope you had a great Channukah =]
I'm so jealous of the (I THINK) loom, the tiny deer that looks like it's from a stop-motion '60s Christmas movie, and the tiny Mickey mayonnaise. Happy Jul, miss!
Aw, I love those cute decorations.
I'm a bit confused, Tavi, with what exactly to wish you!?!?! Perhaps it's safest if I just wish you the very best for this time of year :-) x.
Merry Christmas to you too! The little popets are really adorable.
With love,
God jul fra Danmark :)
merry christmas!
theyre sooo cute
God jul, Tavi! :)
hello, Tavi, c'est la GLOIRE ... great ! you're in, girl ! Can you tell me just one thing : those wonderful pictures, in your blog, are yours ? what kind of camera are you using ?
( excuse my broken english : I am french )
God jul!!!!...spend a few years of style elightenment in Iceland! Cute Niste btw! have a xmassy xmas!
Tiny Celery Stalk! adorable. And who IS the weaver in the family? You could make some amazing fabrics, Tavi.
Happy familial road trip, and God Jul.
Happy Holidays.
Home Alone is the best. Happy holidays to you!
Gledelig jul og godt nytt år!
Hello Tavi!
Just discovered your blog some weeks ago, and I've became a true fan of it!
Home Alone is one of my fav movies, I love it!!
Wishing you the best for these vacation xmas days i send you a big kiss from the warm (not too much these days) Spain!
P.S: I love Norway, where I spent a summer, specially the Lofoten Islands and Trondheim!!
Haha! Love your decorations! We have a whole bunch of Christmas mice around our house that I think my step dad bought... So odd like that. xD
Hope you had a holiday. :D
Tørlich, I live in Sweden but I have lived in the United States. There's not a lot of difference except in the food and the decor. Tomte is basically a Santa and instead of reindeer and crazy amounts of lights, the Nordic countries go with goats, pigs, and gnomes and also have a lot of candles. hah :)
Maybe a few other tiny things but nevertheless quite similar.
Tavi - God jul och gott nytt år från Sverige!
Hi, Tavi!
I'm from Sweden, neighbour-country with Norway, I think it's really cool your mother comes from Norway! :D
And I don't know how they say in Norway, actually, but in Sweden we say:
God Jul och Gott nytt år!
(Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year)
Happy Holidays! :D
God jul og godt nyttår fra Norge :)
aw looks like the same old jul. next year, next year.
Koselig :)
Your mother is from Norway? That's great:) So am I. Do you open the presents on the 24th to follow norwegian tradition, or do you go american style and wait untill morning on 25th?
Great blog! And great shoes in the last blog:)
you have the cutest family. norwegian and jewish... sounds like fun to me. i want a gnome!
Now wait wait wait, santa does NOT hit people with sticks over here in sweden...! I mean he's not as fat as in the US and more like, um, an old man... eeeh living the forest eeh (alright so he's sort of a gnome, whatevs) but he's still friendly! All i'm sayings is i don't want people to think we have a mean santa over here haha God Jul och Gott Nytt År!
Liking the sound of that angry little gnome..
I was just wondering what type of cookies you have, as we have traditional Czech ones on Christmas Eve. I was just wondering if there was any connection between them?
Hope you've had a Happy Jul, and enjoy your holidays.
God Jul, Im from Norway, and we have almost the exact Christmas tree! And our santa is a "fjøsnisse" and he does not beat stuff with sticks, he is nice! :)
i find that nome in the first pic oddly adorable!
wow i love those decorations! im to blogging check mine out http://suburbanstylista.blogspot.com/
I love all of those mini foodstuffs! I love miniatures, and those ones really are so great and detailed.
I hope that you're enjoying your holidays! I absolutely love those miniature foods too, I get them (and cute little animal erasers) from my local Japanese store that imports all of these and more from Japan for like $5 each lol. Hope you have a great new year's!
Much respect and very best wishes. I don't like all the clothes you like and I don't get any of the TV references, but your blog is very fun to read and an education for the style-ignorant.
Can I just say belatedly that your Comme des Garcons clothes are beautiful, especially the checkboard coat, the pineapple blanket coat, and the tulle coat? (I kind of hate the shoes while respecting their insanity, if that makes sense.) I would want to wear them daily (rotating, and weather-appropriately) until they fell apart. How do you wear them?
Maybe you could blog about Bob Dylan sometime. He seems to be a sort of style icon for you.
Love louis
god jul söta människa!
amazing! how pretty these decorations are :)
have fun, xoxo
God Jul!
Fra Norge!
merci ma belle
Wow, your half Norwegian! Do you speak Norwegian?
Nice pictures! Happy Holidays, God Jul :)
Merry Christmas to you Tavi...:))
god jul! ( from sweden, but sadly we don`t have any angry little gnomes here;O) I hope you had a wonderful day with lots of great food.:D
i love the mouse wreath thingi .
and i love chocolate too . u sud try putting melted chocolate over balls of koko crunch . its a cheap and good and instant snack all year round :D
Haha, Kudos for the norwegian "jul" blogpost!
I'm from Norway and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside that you acctualy celebrate "norwegian christmas" =)
Have you ever been in norway, and do you know any norwegian words?!
Greeting from the cold north ;)
I love your tiny Japanese food.
The details are wonderfully inspirational for miniature food we occasionally try our hands at creating.
Ils sont tres mignons.
~Pearl, from The Sky The Keep
Tavi, you are hysterical, i love that home alone clip. i look forward to catching up with your blog when i have time, it's my guilty pleasure. happy holidays!
God Jul!
sooo cool that your mom comes from Norway. I'm from there too.
Hi Tavi! I looooovvveee the little miniature food thingies from Japan! So very cute! Your christmas decos are cool too. Hope you had a great christmas and enjoy the family roadtrip!
Cheers from Australia, where Christmas was vveeerry warm indeed...
<3 tiny plastic fooooooooooood
WoW! I love how you incorporated the glasses,and shirt, with what I think is like a victorian esque outfit with the skirt, and tights! I really do! Anwyay, keep making us smile, and happy new years!
Heey :)
I had no idea that your norwegian too! that's so cool! Im from Norway my self!
Do yuo speak or understand norwegian ?
Or do you have any family or have you ever been to norway ?
im exided about this,haha! :D
The first image is very Warhol Tavi!
I am swedish and our xmas tradition is very similar to yours!
I love your blog by the way! :D
AAA a fellow scandinavian! those ornaments are very familiar, they're all around our house as well God Jul och Gott Nytt Ar
My daughter in law is from Norway and she loved this post! Uff Da!
I'm from Norway :D merry xmas is "GOD JUL" in norwegien ;D I didn't know that your mother comes from Norway!
a norwegien blog : www.latterkatter.blogg.no :D
-susanne from Norway
Hi Tavi....I'm Indonesian....I know you from Bobo Magazine....Please visit My Blog: http://cutezgirlsblog.blogspot.com.... Nice blog....
Gnomes are cute;) even if they will be me wth sticks off my kumquat tree
Hm, that's weird, 'cause where I live (a city in Norway) we do believe in Santa Claus. If you had told me or any of my friends that Santa was coming, I think they'd expect the Coca-Cola Santa, or at least something in between him and St. Nicholas...
Happy Christmas Tavi! You the best! In Moscow you love too!
God Jul!!!
I made a gnome like the first pic!!
haha Yours are better than mine though!!
Happy Jul.
I'm from Denmark and love the gnomes also called "nisser":)
I love Christmas and we have the tree decorated inside and eat af lots of stuff that makes you fat. But I love the food. The snaps and julebeer. You know what..Santa came with presents also this year.
I have the basket in this pic!
see through lingerie
aww the angry gnome is so cutee.
Du grønne glitrende tre, god dag! :-)
Hi tavi
i have just recently discovered your blog and your amazing style and taste! big fan!
was noticing your christmas tree and the norwegian flags!! i love the fact you have norwegian genes! Im norwegian too. do you speak norwegian ?
keep up the good work:)
you are amazing
oda (aka a new modernist)
I didn't know you were half-Norwegian! I know it's REALLY late, but GOD JUL OG GODT NYTTÅR!!! Hilsen fra en blogger i Norge :)
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Oh! A traditonal norwegian tree!
Hiphip Hoooray for scandinavian christmases!
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