:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(


"The company, Luella Bartley Ltd., lost its financial backing from VSQ Ltd. It was also hit by the closure last month of the brand's ready-to-wear producer in Italy, leaving it unable to fill its orders for the upcoming spring and summer seasons."

And now I feel like a meanypants for the SS10 review.
And I want to cuddle my SS09 jacket and never take it off.

Everything on their site is marked down...get some early holiday shopping done? Treat yourself, because this was a long day and you deserve it goddammit?

Such a shame that fashion is so dependent on money to survive.


Anonymous said...

very sad indeed, such a great brand!

Katy said...

Whaaaaaaaaaat? Why would it lose its financial backing! It's such an in-demand brand! That's some sadface craziness right there.

Lucy in the Sky said...

'Such a shame that fashion is one of the only art forms that is so dependent on money to survive.'

sigh you're only right. :\

Anonymous said...

i heard this today....so sad :(

Unknown said...

That is actually so upsetting!
Luella is one of a kind...amazing stuff, im going on the site now!!!



Katie said...

-stabs economy-

A said...

"fashion is one of the only art forms that is so dependent on money to survive"

All art forms are dependent on money (and have been for hundreds, if not thousands, of years). I'm not sure where the idea that fashion is the only one that relies on money comes from.

Everywhere you look the arts are being hit by the recession. Sure, you may not hear that Unknown Local Artist is struggling and had to get a day job, but Hollywood's playing it safe with surefire moneymakers instead of original movies, my local art museum only lets people in for free the first Sunday of the month instead of all Sundays, and Philadelphia nearly closed all its libraries. Publishers of magazines and books are struggling as electronic media becomes more popular and fewer people buy books when they could read reviews online or go to the library. Literary magazines are having to move online to be able to cover their costs, or putting out fewer issues.

One of my best friends did stage makeup and wigs for theater companies in L.A., but when the recession hit work was scarce as fewer places could afford to do as many productions or hire a make-up artist.

It's not only fashion. It's everywhere in the arts you look.

Caitlin said...

thats is such bollocks

A said...

I should note--as long as people have fabric, needles, and thread, fashion will survive. As long as they have writing utensils, literature will. As long as they have have a medium and a surface, art will survive.

Sure, they all need money, but it's not like the recession is going to be the death of art. It means that people will regroup, reorganize, and rethink the way they do things.

Unknown said...

OMG! I adore this brand!!! the recession already struck me once (now unemployed) but to take Luella off the market is the final straw! *tear

Maddy said...

That is awful!!!
Luella is a great brand. :( Though I own (nothing) from Luella, I covet it... a lot. :((((

Unknown said...

Its the worst news ever!! We lose an iconic designer who had such fun and whimsical and character-based fashion. Wearable frivolity! Gone. What really sucks is that her clothes will cost more and make more money than ever before.

Ms.Brigitte said...


reckless daughter said...

I just read about this. so lame! sadface, indeed :(

sarah ann said...

Hey there!

So, I pretty much love your blog!

...and I hope that if you check out mine, you'll love it too!


Anonymous said...

whys everyone so upset?
pub-lic-ity-st-unt darlings

Our Family said...

love ur blog i agree completly

WendyB said...

Audrey makes some great points. I know small theaters and dance companies that are struggling. That said, I don't like to see this happen to anyone and I was saddened by the news.

Emily Cato said...

This is so sad!!!! :(

Thanks for linking us though.

Eline said...

I don't think fashion is one of the only art forms so dependant on money... I think they um... all are?

Bitter Sweet said...

Fashion, at it's best, is adaptable to the economy that it exists within,as are all art forms. Ii is the companies that produce these art forms that do not survive in a recession. The artists will regroup and form anew, they will make do, that is what makes an artist. You work with what you have , and when you have little, you figure out new ways of doing what you do.

The best inventions come out of necessity.

We are on the cusp of an amazing time in the art world because we have all of these passionate and creative people who will push to survive.

Never lose hope.

Robyn said...

Even at slashed prices I still can't afford those dresses. darn!

You never know though Tavi, they might come back in a few years and take the market be suprise! Don't loose hope!


Ross said...

other than the slight good news of a luella sale, one moust swallow the gainuals of no more luella collections to drool over. S**t, Whats Bartley to do?

Solange said...

such a shame..sponsors time to work magic please

LincolnTaft said...

this makes me so sad...i'm in shock

Tavi said...

Audrey - I didn't say it was the only one, and I'm surely aware that there are struggling artists and writers and many other people with many other jobs as well. Obviously everyone is struggling right now, but the average woman on the street won't spend $900 on a dress and many designers can't afford to price it any lower. No, the average woman on the street won't spend that much on a painting either, but in my post I wasn't trying to decide one is more important than the other.
As for your second comment, people will always make clothing. But the fashion that is more fantasy and can only be really brought to life by designers and magazines using money won't always be there.

Bitter Sweet - Yes, it's kind of survival of the fittest...the strongest labels will last I suppose.

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Recession is breaking my heart. So many wonderful lines are going belly-up. :(

ChiqueChic said...

so the line is actually dunzo? that's so sad :(


Wild Keiki said...

Oh, that's just awful! I really do love Luella. I'll have to beg the parents for a goodie or two from the website in order to mourn properly.


SO. said...

yeah it sucks that EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD is dependent on money to survive.

Aysha's Rabbit Hole said...



Anonymous said...

yea... i totally agree to your final statement... while fashion inspires us to dream... it's so sadly tied down by money/finances... really ruins the dream. :(

OH mode said...

I'm shocked it's revolting!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was so shocked! This is a company that brings in 9million a year. I'm going to go and cry now...

Dressed4Success said...

i cant believe it..im so sad! =:-(

visit my blog & follow me!



Blogarella said...

Waaaa :( Hope you've joined the twitter protest! I certainly have.

alex*at*aufdemaur said...

that totally bloooows!!!! :(
I love Luella. Hopefully
like someone said earlier, "this is a publicity stunt" and they'll be able to recover. I hope so. :(

. said...

luella is over?? oh nooooo

Angeles Almuna said...

WOW! It's really sad ......she is a great designer.....this economic is awful and always money has the last word to destroy valuable creative people and also dreams :(

Teresa said...

That is truly sad. Many more sad faces... I really hope they find some more backing soon. The effects of the economy are really spreading like wildfire to every industry. Ugggg.


john ricochet said...

like ur style. good luck

Brian Christopher said...

Great site!

Cassandra Dias said...

Hey there little lady! Just wanted to let you know that I'm having a pretty little giveaway on my blog... just in case you wanted to enter!



Vancouverista said...

everything in our stupid capitalist society is dependent on money to survive
even art
time for the revolution

nineob said...

Tiger good

kate cait sith said...

speaking of sales, i find this a little bit ironic:


sometimes i wonder.

embee said...


Mademoiselle Chloe said...

I read this on graziadaily when it broke out! Was kinda sad when I heard :/ I love luella.

Mademoiselle Chloe said...

I read this on graziadaily when it broke out! Was kinda sad when I heard :/ I love luella.

Betty Blue said...

I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. <3 Luella.


awww, I love Luella!

L in progress said...

it is such a sad vicious circle! but w all gt caught up in it season aftr season!
i wish designers would just somtimes turn it down a notch and do a reality check before taking down orders and adding nw stores.
money money money... nuff said!

Anonymous said...


Style, She Wrote said...

That. totally. sucks.

mourning with you at..

A said...

Tavi--I understand what you meant, but you did say fashion was one of the only ones, where as from where I see it, art across the board is struggling in the recession. Those people who won't buy a $900 dollar dress also aren't buying season tickets to theaters, etc. As the statement is now (you edited it, ne?), I agree. It is a shame fashion is so dependent on money. It's a shame that the overspending and fiscal irresponsibility of part of the population has led to the arts suffering.

Sorry to get so nitpick-y over diction, but for years I've been seeing stories about the potential collapse of the (book) publishing industry, publishers strapped for cash, and how publishers are looking for the next Dan Brown and Stephanie Meyer who will actually bring in money instead of the next writer who cares about the craft of literature but whose books won't sell as well. As I've said, I've also watched friends lose jobs or be unable to find jobs because their arts degrees aren't worth much in an economy where an arts degree is next to worthless.

HumanAdult said...


Same goes to music too I guess.

flonlis said...

"It's a shame that the overspending and fiscal irresponsibility of part of the population has led to the arts suffering." -Audrey
Kind of late to comment.... But what you all don't understand is that we've all been ASLEEP it seems. Yes. How could anyone be so stupid as to not realize the U.S. has one of the largest deficits in the world and that was LONG BEFORE 9/11. The problem is we keep bowing down to all the buracracy over and over again. We decided to be mindless self absorbed idiots and not learn how to survive...learn how to sew, learn how to build a house, learn how to grow your own food, learn how to heal your body and mind...instead you BITCH about how you don't have this or that...its FUCKED. All or most americans just sat around sipping their starbucks coffee watching it happen "hoping" the next big superman would save them...NEWSFLASH OBAMA has spent more money than any president in u.S. history combined...that's a FACT. YOU ALL NEED TO GROW UP AND FACE THE MUSIC...the golden so called days of not giving a fuck are OVER. A-FUCKING-MEN.

flonlis said...

just to add I do what I preach...I'm renovating my house with my husband , grew my own food this summer and have jarred for the winter...all organically grown, have my own sheep for wool, milk, cheese, sew/knit my own clothes, all while juggling a 17th month old baby girl. So yeah I can preach whatever I want and not piss away my life or savings. I love your style Tavi and hope my daughter becomes just like you...opinionated,openminded,smart, beautiful and creative. Just don't losse site of what's important even if you have to push aside what you would like to do at any given moment...

Rebecca Jane said...

So sad!

Nicole said...

I can't believe it...The end of Luella? Howwwww can this be? These "troubled financial times" are realllllly messing with my program.


Villedela said...

I read about this in the Times, too. Upsetting.

Villedela Goes to London