Today's outfit was kind of inspired by John Galliano aw09/I just really wanted to wear this skirt my friend Sheba gave me. Sunday we had a number of adventures and went to the fashion archives of the school at the Art Institute and they had every issue of Vogue and Mademoiselle and Bazaar since the 1910's and Comme des Garcons from the 80's and a dress from the first Prada RTW collection and videos of runway shows since the 80's and it was heaven and I felt reborn and like I had to rethink my life and as if everything I've ever seen except the video of the CdG show from the mid-90's was MEANINGLESS.
But that's all for another time. Clearly it has made me a very serious person though:

vintage skirt, boots, necklace, bolero. hairbow from mexican market. headband by jennifer loiselle. olive tights, idk. yokoo belt thing. death stare, bob dylan in this scarring video.
More Baby Lynnie/Queen of Hearts lips! I heard "Lady Gaga" about 5 times today and wanted to throw overly sharp pencils at the comparers. But Elizabeth's Gaga Jackolantern is about the coolest thing I've ever seen (along with the CdG video of course.) I am so excited for Halloween! Whatchewbein? I am going to be a creepy doll with this lipstick and zombie eyes painted and false lashes on my eyelids so I can walk around with my eyes closed and scare moms that dress up as slutty nurses and share Tucker Max jokes with their other mom friends. Then Ella and I are going to watch Beetlejuice and Rosemary's Baby and accompany a really unhealthy amount of candy with more heart attacks and not being able to fall asleep. DON'T BE JEALOUS, IT'S HARD I KNOW.

But that's all for another time. Clearly it has made me a very serious person though:

vintage skirt, boots, necklace, bolero. hairbow from mexican market. headband by jennifer loiselle. olive tights, idk. yokoo belt thing. death stare, bob dylan in this scarring video.
More Baby Lynnie/Queen of Hearts lips! I heard "Lady Gaga" about 5 times today and wanted to throw overly sharp pencils at the comparers. But Elizabeth's Gaga Jackolantern is about the coolest thing I've ever seen (along with the CdG video of course.) I am so excited for Halloween! Whatchewbein? I am going to be a creepy doll with this lipstick and zombie eyes painted and false lashes on my eyelids so I can walk around with my eyes closed and scare moms that dress up as slutty nurses and share Tucker Max jokes with their other mom friends. Then Ella and I are going to watch Beetlejuice and Rosemary's Baby and accompany a really unhealthy amount of candy with more heart attacks and not being able to fall asleep. DON'T BE JEALOUS, IT'S HARD I KNOW.

It was supposed to look like my head sticking out of the leaves but I ended up just looking like a creep that likes to hang out in bushes. Which is fine, but as a proper creep I would like to make it clear that I prefer dungeons to bushes, where you're around, like, nature and stuff.
the second photo is SO COOL AND AMAZING. i love this outfit a lot. the skirt is beautiful, and i love the boots and bolero. and i looooooove ghost world. so much. must watch again.
i love the third photo. and you look pretty without the glasses. great outfit.
AH these are SUCH great photos! Your outfit is awesome...the skirt is beautiful, as is that lacy cardigan. And the make-up. It all just works!
(I apologize for hardly forming full sentences)
Oh my god why do you have the best outfits ever? You can wear things that most people would never think of pairing together and it looks absolutely perfect.
This outfit is so fabulous, I love the skirt! and you take awesome pictures...i always find your blog so inspiring!
i swear, you're just getting more and more charming :P
Your lips are so lovely !! The second is HOT, yep ! <3
Those are fantastic photos! Did you turn up the exposure on your camera?
Not sure that you are expecting an answer but I am thinking a fighter pilot for Halloween. The pattern on the skirt is so cool.
Wicked outfit post! You completely rock those creepy doll lips.
Ghost World is indeed a cleansing, cynical spiritual experience of a movie.
this outfit is most bodacious, those patterns with the bolero work so well!
and my halloween will be spent as james of pokemon's jessie and james :D
MINT outfit! Creepy out-does slutty nurse anyday.
This is definitly on of my favourite outfits I've ever seen you wear I love it!
Eeeee, I love everything about this! xo.
it's all good, i've been needlessly bitter lately..
i do thoroughly enjoy this outfit that you have shared with us though, and am in no way bitter about that!!
Love it!
And the aside on being a creep in the bushes-- hillarious! looking fabulous as usual here! :D
you are too fabulous =]
aaah creeper. :P
gah you're looking so good for a 13 yr old. umm, jelz. i remember wearing gansta clothing and large hoodies in gr 8. and.. yeah that's about it... it was so cool back then, swear!
i need that headband.
colours ftw
ummm if you are having a fright night I think you shoud watch sleepy hollow also and carrie also.
awwww.. you look adorable. i honestly cant pull off what youre wearing but you wear it beautifully...
Brilliant, of course! Exquisite combination of colours, fabrics and prints. The soft atmosphere embodies sophistication way beyond your years. Always impressed and never disappointed!
ps. I plan to be a squirrel for Halloween. Think of a life size fuzzy tail, cute whiskers and for the hint of beauty perhaps a dash of red lips.
Lady Gaga-ish or not, I love the lips on you. You wear them oh-so-well.
I'm always so blown away with how you style yourself, Tavi. I know you must hear this 234097302847 times a day, but when I was your age I had a bad perm and an oversized No Fear t-shirt.
the jokes! the jokes! you, like, kill me.
i would pay to see a sketch of this so-called dungeon where you reside in your free time. how about you sketch and i'll send the cashola. deal?
So completely and utterly inspiring. Sublime. So delicate and well rendered. Genius, Tavi.
Oh my gosh, Tavi! Very cute outfit indeed! Your complection looks so nice and I love how you're hiding in the bushes...
Cutest creep I've seen. :O
Glad you enjoyed the Art institute. I plan on attending one, I just don't know if I'll be able to afford it..err so for now, just majoring in visual arts at a community college. Cheeeaaap~!!
I want to do a drawing of you. Hope you don't mind... I am inspired. :3!
Oh, I also think the zombie doll thing is going to be soooo cute!!! I was a "Dead gothic lolita" doll for Freshmen year of HS. XD It was fun!! I had to walk in these really high doll shoes though...but it was worth it.
Look forward to pictures.. ^__^!!
I'm going to be a vampire school girl for one party and something else for another. I have too many ideas to just be 1 thing and with more than 1 party to attend..I take full advantage O.O! Okay, sorry for spamming your comments twice!XD
Your skirt is awesome! The Mexican details are amazing! Love GhostWorld! It's a tad depressing, but we all need some of it in our lives.
this is my #1 favorite look that you have done. There's sweetness, youth, and intellect in it, even with the Dylan stare. Could go on a runway right this very second. And the head piece sold the look.
Great styling!
wow, i love the photos! i think the skirt and the lacy thing really go well together.
oh halloween. ill get to thinking about that some day.
you are so beautiful.
you are blossoming so much tavi
Oh god, i am so in love with that skirt!
No but seriously. It's my new favourite thing I've ever seen.
The photo of you in the bush is unforgettable. No srsly.
haha, i think you look pretty good 'with' your glasses too! :-))
These photos are very nice!!!
You are reaally awesome!!!
outfit is usual
and your hairband and the details on it...
and the lurking thing in the bushes..creepy tavi??? hmmm naahh..
creepy's good tho :D
Movie recommend: The Brothers Bloom. It's not a masterpiece, but they're extremely well-dressed. Nostalgic. I think you might like it.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the details!
Tavi, you're amazing!!
you are so great! love this combination :) and the pics <3
aw i like that skirt. and i saw you in the dutch newspaper!
you pair prints like no other. I love this look. and you wear those japanese red lips so well! :)
Love the cardigan. Your make up has been done really well. Kudos to you! xxx
i'm in love with that skirt! my grandmother actually made me one almost just like it. it's too small now. anyway, love this!
little face doll.
love the boots and the bond head.
Tavi, this last picture is great! Love your headwear. And your writing on The Pop's blog is really informative, yet fun. Good to see you doing show reports for them - shows a different side of you and we love it!
I'm being Marilyn Monroe for Halloween. CRAZYHYPERUBERAWESOOMMMEES, much?
When I first saw your blog it was intriguing. Who is she? The feminine and real version of Benjamin Button. No way she can have that sense of style at only 13. I was wrong, you are not BB and you do have an amazing style. Now that you are getting more and more famous, i guess you will have to speak french, right? So why don't we do what I call a tandem? You correct my english while I teach you french? Oh, and to add a bit of craziness in your unique style, I could pretend to be your grandma?
Go girl, you really rock
Loving the vintage skirt and the very ethnicy tribal look your going for.
so dreamy
i love the print on the skirt and all the playful textures you are using! But I have to say I would total die for those boots you are wearing they are quite lovely!
hope you are well! <3
Seriously I think that is your best outfit to date - lovely!
FABULOUS. Striking. And very Frida, in a way.
Honestly, you are making me re-think whether I want to have kids or not. What if I got one like you? That would be AWESOME.
i always enjoy reading your posts! the halloween-costume-idea is awesome, haha! great outfit, as always!
(shameless self-promotion)
Just beautiful! The headband is rather snazzy if i must say and John Galliano has done one of the best shows this season.
I actually posted some John Galliano on my blog, check it out if you want.
(PS, loving the lace, want!! Lust factor qualifies ;D)
The second picture is epic, seriously! and the lipstick thing is totally gonna be a new trend
wow i love this. this is amazing Tavi !
Wow ! This outfit is simply amazing, it all looks great put together ! I love your sense of style and imagination, you really inspired me.
very beautiful colthes ;)
I totally know how you feel with the pensil stabbing feeling.
And I adore that outfit!
Great photography.
that skirt is to die for! (:
bush baby shot is amazeballs. you rock the red lipstick. and just when i thought you couldn't be more fantastic, you go and include shots of the details. BRAVO!
Great. Pure awesomeness.
I'm dressing up as a bag of jellybeans (pics on my blog) but for school I'm just wearing a red shirt, tartan tights, black tutu and devil mask!
I LOVE the movie Beetlejuice!! Tim Burton is such a fab director!
omg you are soooo creative here in chile you are alll over the newspapers!!!! i love your style its not weird its amazing! please please please visit my blog: bye ily <3
i think this might be one of my favourite outfites you everrrr posted!!
fantastic, ily.
keep going, your an inspiration! xxxxxxxx
I have that exact skirt. It's not vintage, it just came from some sort of hippie store.
you loook very pretty in this outfit!
it reminds me little of a babushka
LOVE what you do
please keep it up, each outfit is more mad perfection than before
this is to die for, loving it
check out my blog @
supper supper
Hey style rookie,
I love this outfit, theres something so magical about it! I like the way it reflects Gallianos show.. mmm flashbak of that beauttiful collection :)
By the way, I truly enjoyed that article and those wonderful photos of you in Pop.
love the long skirt-short boots-stocking look.
and i'm going as the same thing i go every year. a dead prom queen.
Wow the pic of you being one with nature is adorable.
Also, you should know - I sleep easy at night knowing that you're our world's future.
i love this post.
i saw you on Fashion Television today here in Ontario! You were at the Rodarte show, they said such nice things about you (obvs).
You're a doll.
lovely photos hun that skirt is very cute xxxx
heyy I'm reading your blog since this summer!! and I love your personality and style !!!! you're great and look more than 13 for sure !! :)
Dude, I don't think I've ever commented on a random blog, but I love, LOVE this outfit. Totally beautiful. Totally editorial. Thanks for a little happiness and inspiration, darlin. :)
you're so cute. I love this outfit, very different and unique. rock on.
I love the detail shots. Definitely love them.
And the fact that you're editing your photos again. They look brilliant
AND your boots are so wonderful
By the way I was looking at today and there's a book you should consider - unless you already have it - "My Wonderful World of Fashion"
Anna -
The second picture is AMAZING! Well they all are, but the 2nd really stands out. I love the geisha lips! Not creepy at all..... :-p
Beetlejuice is one of my favorite movies, and I hope you have a great Halloween!
what do you think about Russian Fashion Week?
i really like the second photo! the colors and lighting is this ensemble! the skirt droooool
WOW. This is one stellar outfit. Seriously
tavi, u r genious, i saw the first pic wiyhout ready the post and saw galliano's colection... saw the snow of the show and everything... good work girl... u rocks...
um, pretty much LOVE the pic of you in the bushes. A-MAZING!
The print of the skirt looks very ethnic. I love the skirt print patterns.
Volunteer opportunities
It’s beautiful outfit. You did a brilliant job putting all these pieces together.
boracay island Philippines
tavi post below..
This was a truly inspiring post! Thanks, Tavi, for bringing me out from a bad mood with great images and memories of Halloween when I was your age. Hell, I'm probably going to do something similar to your plans--watching movies and trying to scare myself, fueled wit lots of candy.
I'm working on a "Prince meets Devo" costume right now.
Wahou !
You're fabulous ! i don't understand why a thirteen years old girl has a such beautiful style ! it's astonished !
congratulations miss rookie for your sense of mode.
I'm fond of your clothes and epated by your imagination !
I love it ♥♥
I'm pretty positive this is my favourite outfit of yours so far. LOVES IT!
These photos are fantastic! I love your outfit, and your lipstick look as well!
robyn-No I edited using Picnik
emilie-Definitely want your answers!
Ainura-I haven't really looked (out of ignorance, not dislike) and I know I really should
You are ayyee-dorable Tavi! I love the outfit, keep rookin 'em girl! and good call on Beetlejuice and Rosemary's Baby
Lovely little outfit and makeup.
Tavi - Write, your opinion when you will look
I absolutely adore your style!And LOVE the lips I think I might have my daughter copy that make up trick some time. I have a pair of Galliano shorts from the 80's still. I used to wear them with these big patrick cox shoes and little bra tops and actually my hair was cropped short like yours is now.
You are such an inspiration and so intelligent. My daughter and I started a blog just this past August. We would be honored if you checked it out.
I've been reading your blog for a while now but I don't think I've commented before... just wanted to say I adore your style, your writing and I'm loving your outfit posts. I know you've been getting a lot of press recently, but do you know you've appeared in a Hong Kong newspaper (and its magazine), one that is the most 'intellectual' in HK! I saw the articles recently at my parents place. I might be able find the magazine article and scan it. Let me know if you want to see it. A link to the newspaper - I know you can't read it but you get the idea- how amazing is it to make it to a Chinese economic journal?!
You're very special!
xx J
adorable, love your lipstick!
lol! So cute! yay for Halloween and John Galliano! Beetlejuice and zombies are awesome! Such a beautiful outfit! Love the skirt, top and headband! :)
Can't stop looking at these. Really a beautiful selection of photos. The light, the lip. You look just divine in this look. Well done!
These photographs are really well done. Who is the photographer? The skirt has a great modern feel with the classic ethnic print. How fun, thanks.
john galliano should re-do his fall/winter 09 fashion show and hire you to open his show.
hahaha... : )
cute dress/skirt, makes you look like a folk-dressed scandinavian..
Great self portraits!
Too cute, really.
j'aime your outfit!
those boots are terrific
the mix of patterns and textures are terrific.
Amazing Girls :-)
That photo where your head is sticking out creepily above the bushes (which i think is a cute type of creepy) is such a brilliant photo.
Holy Hell you must have put a lot of time into this post! The pictures are amazing. Where did you find them? You should check out my blog
Hey, this is a great blog.
Tavi!!! I love your blog! Yours pics are just amazing!!
Tavi!!! I love your blog! Yours pics are just amazing!!
pretty awesome i like the 2 photo..its cool
Oh my god , I think I'm falling in love with your outfit.
And I think I have the same glasse of you.
Oh my god , I think I'm falling in love with your outfit.
And I think I have the same glasse of you.
your are such and inspiration !
i think your very gorgeous and your gonna go far in the fashion industry wether its designing clothes or modelling or anything ! (: , your blog is amazing x
sophie xo
wow, i found you on the blogspot homepage and you sound pretty much like me. your so lucky to be able to go to all these shows because its my lifelong dream! itd be amazing if you could comment on my blog one time..because your writing really inspired me. becca x
wow we luv ur style it is the best we have seen in a long time and we no c oz we party and only wear the best. talk to us on the party time blog plz ppl luv u all xoxoxoxox
Very creative. And I do like your photo in the bushes. It's not creepy at all but very calming. It looked great.
Thanks for sharing,
Beautiful. I love your skirt. And your make up.
Actually, that picture of you in the bush is pretty amazing.
it's rare to find someone who is actually willing to just go for it and where the current, fresh from catwalk styles. fuck da jeggings.
Loving this, baby Babouskha!
What an amazing outfit! And Ghost World?! Your taste in movies is awesome!
I just wanted to let you know that you have totally inspired me to start a fashion blog. Your fashion choices are so fun and quirky! I love it.
I love that skirt!! And Ghost World is one of my favorite movies, I love the ending.. It's so open to debate.
You are absolutely fabulous. I just came across your blog, and I'm floored by your maturity and your knowledge about fashion...and you have such an eye for creative and unique looks! Are you really only 13?! Keep up the good work...and stay's contagious. xo
my name is sophie, and i LOVE the mac and cheez dinosaur. hes all goofy and lives on waves of fake gooey orange cheese.
it's very nice.Thank you admin
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