But I cannot TRY to put it into werrrrdssszzz. So an outfit from earlier this week:
The scarf is from the AWESOME Wendy at Ooga Booga. She made it for the Rodarte pop up shop at Colette and had an extra which I gleefully received in the mail. It's dyed yellow and purple and reminds me of scarves my grandpa used to make, and there are cats and dogs printed on them which only makes them even MORE cute. This is a really simple outfit with it (hi waking up really tired and late for school) but I wanted to make the scarf the centerpoint..

I made tshirts and totes with Borders & Frontiers and zines of my own for the pop up. The tees and totes have the signature Rodarte knit print and American Gothic wearing Rodarte. American Gothic is used for seriously EVERYTHING but Kate and Laura Mulleavy are one of American fashion's great prides and their clothes have been described as gothic a billllion times. So it's like a dad pun in tshirt form, har har har. Har? We only made about 20 of each style I believe.And the zine. I'll post all the scans on Flickr once I have them but for now these are a few of my favorite spreads from it.
There are awkward weird spaces where I would have filled in the zine # and my name. 11 copies were actually made - this copy I kept, and then 2 were given to the women at my dad's work that helped put them together. There are 8 at Colette.
(I don't think you can tell from the picture but the title is in quotation marks!)
BEAUTIFULIKNOW. I wish I could be at Colette right now because apparently there's a bat covered in spikes that I would really love to hit people with and a bunch of little Rodarte rag dolls wearing mini Rodarte looks that I would love to carry with me everywhere. Colette is just another reason for me to talk about Paris being my magical dream destination and for Eden to call me a cliche when I talk about Paris being my magical dream destination. Also the Colette website has cool music and when I open up a bunch of different tabs with different clothes I know I can't afford they all mesh together and sound like a weird trippy spoken word thing and IT'S COOL.

Need sleep.


Solange said...

oh i loved your outfit and bob dylan's head :D

monica burnett said...

cute art! the lost dog looks like a maira kalman drawing.


Emily Cato said...

lol okay the last one is my favorite!

Love it!

Also, I will say this again, I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE!!!

kimricosays said...

love the third one.

and the fact you wrote louie is stupid its just a monogram.

zoomslow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
zoomslow said...

Aha! So you have been drawing, and generally being quite arty! Xcellleennnt :-)

WendyB said...

You're looking adorable...like a little Rodarte doll yourself!

brunch at the beach said...

AHAHHAHHA LOVE the last picture. You should do a series on that.

-Jane @ brunchatthebeach.blogspot.com

B.nana Lady said...

hi tavi,im from malaysia,im 14 now.
i luv your blog and your style.
you r cool.
you r the most fashion young lady i havent seen it before.
i luv your curtains designs...it is so glamour and fantasy.

hope you can see my blog:

(sry for my brooken english)

Unknown said...

hey I LOVE your blog and ur fashion!!

- Kira

P.S. can you check out my blog and tell me what you think and how i can make it better

- young-and-recklesss.blogspot.com

chwalisz. said...

These garments are such elegant and sweet. And Bob Dylan hair rocks!


(from only-shopping.blogspot.com)

fashion child said...

I love the outfit. It's really simple but I really noticed the scarf and it is purely wonderful. Like yourself.


TobyOliverDean said...

I cant believe that Wild Things isnt out in the UK till DECEMBER!!!! laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the "doodles" and your style.

mardijane said...

l o v e i t the zine is ultra sheek

if you love this blog like i do, then maybe you'll like this one too...


fuschiaaa said...

This is so inspiring, I want to make my own! Which is not good because I really do not have the time :|
I have to wait until December 11th because Where The Wild Things Are only comes out over here then. ugh.
Also, Morgan Freeman makes me happy too. x

I V Y said...

great stuff!


your zine is sooo cool. i make one you should check it out

but its more drawing-y than fashiony!

Mai said...

That scarf is so damn amazing!

x said...

beautiful magazine :)
nicky x

Anonymous said...

Love the zine!

Anonymous said...

You're totally right about "Louis Vuitton, it's just a monogram. I was 5 when I saw the first time a bag of Louis Vuitton. I said: Mum, what a stupid thing! I love youre zine, you're amazing.

Peanut Leigh said...

lovin your zine!

{uninhibited fashion}

Tørlich said...

The little dolls at Colette are SO adorable!! You would totally love them.


Cassiopeia said...

Gorgeous scarf! I can't see the B&F pics for some reason, which sucks :( great zine tho! Xxxc

Simon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Simon said...

Dude! I went there yesterday the spiked bat is the coolest thing on earth and I posted my favorite pic of the exhibition on my blog. You should come over to Paris man. :D then we can go back to Colette together.
ok bye you're the bomb

Becky said...

your zine is amaZINE!! i love love love it! Nice work.

runwayriot said...

love the zine :) and can i have your scarf?

Rowan said...

that magazine. i want one. it is so amazing and creative! tavi, you are awesome!


Katy said...

Your zine is being sold at Colette?!? That's amazing! It's amazing as well, of course.

Katy said...

Your zine is being sold at Colette?!? That's amazing! It's amazing as well, of course.

Isabel said...

Dooood, I want a copy of your zine!

Anonymous said...

I thought you actually meant a bat (animal) with spikes on it. haha what lives in Bob Dylan's hair

kate cait sith said...

Aw this is so cute I can't take it.
Little EIC in training wut wut!

simonesays said...

This zine is sickkkk. I want, I want, I want.

sofiasophie said...

Bob dylan's head is stunning!
Who could imagine he has soooo many things in his hair?????

Lexi said...

I like the Bob Dylan hair coloring page and your scarf...you're right, WTWTA cannot be put into words. AMAZING.

AR said...

I think I am in love with you. In a non weird way. Oh god now i sound like a stalker.

Rainelle said...

...The Bob Dylan hair thing is hilarious!!
I can't stop laughing!

Julia said...

I love your blog... It's adorable


Julia said...

love it. i'm inspired.

zeeta said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
zeeta said...

i cant see pictures 2, 3, and 4 DD:
it's really bothering me b/c i wanna see the designs...*cries salty tear oceans a la alice in wonderland style*

Evelyn Rose said...

The zine is really cool. Love the collages. Love X


MoonFlower said...

love the zine!!!!!!

Duck said...

would love to see some pics of the tees and totes you mention, unless the pics are their and my clapped-out computer just isn't letting me see them?


Dieke said...

Omg that Bob Dylan Illustration is great!
Nice outfit too :)

(oh btw, a guy in a dutch newspaper magazine, that writes the fashion parts, names you and your site and is quite positive about you being inspiring and fresh. Always nice to hear no?! (: )

Francesca said...

I love it. The Bob Dylan part is definitely my favorite. You have lovely handwriting, btw! xx


Trish said...

Nice style!


Anonymous said...

Love this post! love your zine and your outfit is totes cute!


Anonymous said...

Wild things made me tear up a bit.....then again, comme des garcons fall 2009 did the same thing.....maybe I am just a softie, a soft serve ice cream.

Catherine Blair Pfander said...

I'm so digging your fall looks! Lovely pink in the scarf. Bummed that I'll most likely not be getting my paws on one of your tres-exclusive "zines"...le sigh.

xxx cbp


Qi said...

cute doodles (: and I'm loving the scarf


Anonymous said...

love scarves and zines, so this post=amazing :)

<333 neongypsy.blogspot.com

Unknown said...



loaf. said...

Yo momma lives in bob dylan's hair.

Unknown said...

Love the scarf. :)
What lives in bob dylan's hair. Omg!

C A said...

You wear almost like Anna Wintour, I would like to purpose to trying to do a look wearing "gareh pugh style".. Do you think you can do it? ;)

Visit and follow Maison Chaplin @

SO. said...

oh my god, this honestly makes me want to start my own zine. its adorable...

Anonymous said...

You look adorable in that lovely scarf

Polly x

LiZa said...

You are in a dutch magazine, quit wellknown news magazine called: De Volkskrant (that's a newspaper) magazine. It's about Bryanboy and the writer is not impressed by his blogs but he says (I quote): The blogs from 13-year old Tavi are more interesting at tavi-thenewgirlintown.blogspot.com.

He thinks you are a better blogger then Bryanboy!

So that was you in a dutch magazine.

Love, LiZa


Stjarna said...

Love this scarf: it's perfect!!

Hope Adela Pasztor said...

that scarf is so pretty and delicate! =)


Angeles Almuna said...

Art and more art lady! creativity is in your mind and you are the coolest girl in the BLOg WOrld!
Please don't change........:)

Chelsea said...

Lady! LOVE your blog! You write so maturely and entertainingly (if that's a word) for your age!

P.S. Rodarte is doing a Go International line for Target, out in December!

Charlotte said...

OMG I can't believe you're just 13. Your blog is amazing, congrats.

Tavi said...

Thanks guys glad you like it!

Girl in the loft said...

WOW!!!! I love love love the zine and you look adorable. you are simply a genius i hope you know this.


TartanBoots said...

love the scrape expecially the "Lousi Vuitton is so stupid its just a monongram" it's so clever!

I would really appreciate if you visit my site http://flashingfashionx.blogspot.com/ and consider becoming a follower.

Rachel Taliaferro said...

okay, so, i'm just giving my support to everyone who ended up loving wild things as much as i did. i've read so many reviews that criticize jonze's/egger's portrayal of max, and how it's just their idea of what 'dreamy kids' are like, and it makes me so angry (so angry i want to eat them up!). obviously, this is a classic children's story that affected many people in different ways, and everyone walked out of the theater having made a different connection to the story, but...holy shit. Maybe I was just a weirdo loner kid, but that was the most accurate portrayal of a nine-year-old I have ever seen. Nailed it, Max Records. The story was fleshed out but not manipulated to get some sort of forced plot out of. Lots of laughs, and lots of tears. It was the best thing I've seen in a good long while. Let's all turn our love for this movie into a collective force to make ALL movies this personal and this touching. Seriously, no more michael bay.

LDF said...

Saw you on Fashion Television last night! Werd! Canadian Institution...youz big time now.

Jess-Gab said...

tavi , what should I say?I think you are a genuis!you are soo young and you know too much about fashion!wow..YOU WILL be very very very big!anyway cool outfit as usual!

Leah said...

Just started a blogger so I could comment you! haha I've been reading your blogs from start to now in the last month at work and I'm just trapped! Wonderful work would be awesome to meet you one day, I hope you go to wonderful places you deserve it with such a cool outlook on things.
Well done :)

<3 Australia

Kristiane said...

cute outfit, and a cute blog:-)

sarah said...

hey, i've read about you in german glamour. your blog is sooo cool.

you are cute.

my blog : searchandfindus.blogspot.com

greetings from here!

Signe said...

Very cute girl.

Anonymous said...

Hey it is frickin sweet that you make your own magazine! I used to for fun but never like you do! Just personal drawings! R u frm Chicago? I thought I read on her that u were if so I'm frm a the south suburbs of chicago-land! Dropping by all the blogs I follow to say hi! Cool style btw! Very individual!


Sarah said...

another great post!
You are truly talented and i'm sure an inspiration to many young 'fashionistas'!! congrats on all your success

ericwinkel said...

uhhh..found a post on tavi/fashion...


Sophie said...

i love the book and your outfit looks awesome. i can't see the rest of the pics though.. :( xx

Moshtari said...

respect. I wish I were like you with 13 years. The drawings are beautiful, I have a sketch book, which looks like this one- I really love your blog.

Elena said...

hi :) (shy one) haha your blog it´s great girl!! you´ve got awesome stuff in all the entries! i´m a huge bob dylan fan, so when i saw your drawing i was like "awwwww" i draw as well. hope you take a look at my blog sometime. I´ll aprecciate it coming from you. greetings from Spain.

Amy + Ava said...

I dont understand it. How can she wear an out fit like that, if I tryed to wear that to school kids would make fun of me and she wears it and people say shees amazing?? call me crazy but i just dont think it makes sence

Marta said...

haha come to Paris! Cool outfit,the scarf makes the whole look.
Can't wait to see the zine, I love the DIY style.

Anonymous said...

okay well i know you get a million and one half comments on each post, but i would just like to tell you that i have been following your blog for awhile and i think you are just absolutely wonderful. i just plugged you into a blog of mine, that's how truly wonderful i think you are! keep doin' your thang girl i'm lovin' it!


JULIA said...

You are amazing, you are thirteen and are more accomplished than me. But we're not here to compare, we're here to compliment! Alteast I am ... I love the risks you take, it must not be easy to stand out so much, so I love your daring-ness. Interesting book.

www.sgcny.com said...

I am a sucker for glasses.

y said...

I love Bob Dylans hair. Are you going to colour it in?

L Farrah Furtado said...

Lovely!!!O h ~~My!!!xoxo


John said...

Please get this published.

Leticia said...

Lenyűgöző,hogy ennyi idősen már ilyen hírnévre tettél szert.Én nagyon különcnek tartom az ötleteidet és a gondolkodásod de nagyon tetszik és gratulálok(bocsi hogy magyarul írok)<3love<3

Unknown said...

Did you hear about Polyvore.com ? It may be of your interest...If you need help, just search for IGeorgiana.

Lisa... said...

I love how you are bizzy with fashion. I wish i was sutch a populair girl with a great taste of fashion. You are my role model!

Unknown said...

Good afternoon , I really liked your article , your article is very petrified me in the learning process and provide additional knowledge to me , maybe I can learn more from you , I will wait for your next article article , thanks .
Good afternoon , I really liked your article , your article is very petrified me in the learning process and provide additional knowledge to me , maybe I can learn more from you , I will wait for your next article article , thanks .