eeeeeeeeeeegs (eden)

Heyyyyy it's been awhile since one o them outfit posts. Hi, outfit post. How's it goin.
Today I wore the dress that the wonderful folks at Modcloth gave to and named after all of us Weardrobe conference people, awsofunsentimenttear. I miss Weardrobe! I miss mah gurls. I miss when Arthur was good and his voice was not pubescent and D.W.'s voice wasn't annoying as Emanuel Ungaro hiring Lindsay Lohan, which I'm not even going to talk about because we all know it was basically what it would look like if Claire's Accesories did a clothing line. But mostly I miss mah gurls.
weardrobe modcloth dress
Um, I like baby pink and textures? The fluffy thing is a ruffled bolero from Kirsty Lee tied really strangely, the pink thing underneath is part of an old back-of-the-closet dress, Epic Leggings Of Death from Nice and Shiny (<3333), href="">Modcloth black dress, thrifted cardigan, I Love Factory hat, necklace from Louise, shoes from Slow and Steady Wins the Race. Changing for gym class was a pain.

I've been doing a weird pompadour-ish thing for about a week now but today I did it then wanted to wear my awesome hat from Laurel and Christopher at I Love Factory so you don't see the pomp part and it looks like I have an awkward combover. [insert joke about actually being a 40 year old man/JT Leroy/Tomas.]
A classmate of mine continues to ask me probably about 5 times a day when I wear my hair as such if I'm part of the Mafia. Yeah, I don't get it either. Actually, I think almost everyone in my class now knows about the blog, which is about as awkward as my faux-combover (not that I am advocating faux combovers. Why would you pretend to have a combover? But yougetwhatimasayin.) A number of commenters here and people I talked to at Fashion Week wanted to know what my peers thought of all this but they didn't know so I couldn't answer. Well, and I also thought that by peers they meant "pee-ers," like people that pee, and I didn't know what to say about that either. I don't know though, they're nice about it? The blog doesn't really matter to anyone, my outfits still get stares and in the spirit of being a good little pretentious alternative///kid , that's no problem to me. There's a misconception that I can get Jay-Z for the graduation dance (should probably clear that up before a That's So Raven episode occurs) (please tell me I'm not the only one that remembers the Boyz in Motion?) but otherwise middle school is middle school and as long as I have a lunch period and can create impractical things out of plexiglass for my Chopping Wood and Stuff class, s'all good. Oh, and sometimes we watch really awful old commercials where penguins manufacture cigarettes in first period. That part's fun, too.


Heather said...

gawd that's hilarious. it makes zero sense, but it's awesome :P

Olive Tee said...

Great outfit oh god that would of been difficult to change into for gym! So in love with your leggings!! Good find!

ana said...
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ana said...
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ana said...

thank you for the R.Kawakubo that you posted on tumblr. It was great to read.

px said...

totally haven't been able to watch arthur since the voice changes!

Anonymous said...

i love your references to stuff like the boyz in motion, cause i definitely remember that episode!

<3333 love the blog, you're a super inspiration!

Cassandra Watsham said...

You don't know how happy it makes me how stoic, yet encouraged you are by your 'pee-ers' in mid school giving 'stares'. Eff 'em, I say. (Sorry!) You are certainly an inspiration, and from one 'alternative///kid' to another (famous for wearing pleather pants, 'huge bird hats' and jackets that spied envy from other girls, I toast you for your free spirit!

ashley said...

oh god your legging things are just perfect.

also, i remember in middle school becoming obsessed with dresses because I never had enough time to change from gym. 3 minutes? SRSLY, Coach Garcia? this gymnastics leotard is too sweaty. and ruched.

Ella said...

ahaha i love it! ohh i remember boys in motion from that's so raven! boys we are the boys in motion we show you are devotion. sorry, i dont get out much.

Brooks Blair Golden said...

saw the new cover of POP...congrats again...


sd said...

the leggings of death are INSANE!
reminds me of dinosaurs!
and i think it'd be hilarious if you let the Jay-Z rumor continue, and then at the last min. dress up as Jay-Z and pretend to be him...though i don't know how they'd feel about you rapping about Rei Kawakubo...oh well

Sheik-Chan said...

I'd probably compliment on your oufit if I was still in school. I always got stares, and I hated when people thought I wanted the attention. I didn't really...I just wanted to dress that way?

In anycase...I LOVE modcloth. Such adorable dresses but pretty pricey. I've decided to make dresses like the ones I can't afford on there. They don't look too hard. :>

Rofl..and I KNOW which That's So Raven, you're talking about. XD Hehehe!! You silly girl. :>

Sheik-Chan said...


The voices changed on Arthur? I haven't watched that show in ages. :/

b said...

I thought the cardigan was F/W 08 Rodarte for a second there; I got That-One-Rich-Fashion-Doctor-Lady vibes during that second.


Robyn said...

I can't get enough of those boots! What are they made of, exactly?

ChloƩ Mae said...

love the ruffles.


Anonymous said...

i'm 28 and i know what you're talking about when you refer to boyz in motion. omg. i am so lame.

Soren Lorensen said...

la la la love all the twisted stuff and layers and stuff

if I were blind this is the kind of outfit I would like to feel

isobel said...

i just read like every post you've ever posted
(creepy, me? never!)
cos i didn't get the little references you made to people and whatnot
so i decided hey, i have like 5 hours to spare, why not
it's really interesting to see your style develop as well as the passing of fashions
to sum it up:
your blog is awesome.

SO. said...

ahhhh!! im loving the tights!!

sofiasophie said...

lovely outfit,
lovely leggings!!!!

nicc said...

OH MAN you bet i remember the boyz in motion. Watching That's So Raven. Oh Family channel, or I guess Disney channel since you're in Americaland.
All those old shows were pretty cool way back when (which isn't that long ago actually).
I loved seeing all the different outfits she wore every day. Did you ever watch Lizzie McGuire?

Victoria said...

Hello Tavi!
I'm french, I live in Paris and I have write an article on you.
I love your style !!!


zoomslow said...

sophisticated shapes and textures + nicely proportioned :-)

U have a real talent 4 design, Tavi - u should draw as well! i remember reading that u don't think you're good at drawing, but you must! it's better 2 have drawn and lost, than 2 have never drawn at all.

TheMinx said...

black and pink is the best combo, and those leggings are sicksickisickkk. also middle school kids are/have been/always will be super weird, but that's okay! That's why we have so many terribly funny (awkward) stories to tell about it when we get older. Which is also cool. Oh and I want your shirt so bad it's like the raddest thing I've seen in a while :)

Erinna said...

Adorable outfit, and those legggings are amazing. I love the way you layer your outfits...

isabella said...

omg, those ' Epic Leggings Of Death' are amazing!!


Anonymous said...


Andie said...

woah man those leggings are KILLER!
i do wonder about your peers though, like what they think and such. maybe "hmm theres that strange tavi chick wearing another weird outfit again... OH LOOK A SQUIRREL!"
and dont worry child, youre not the only one who remembers the boys in motion. i mean, who can forget "boyz in motion"?? thats like EPIC!"BOYZ! we are the boyz in motion, we give you our devotion..."
ahh good times good times
way better than that hannah hoe-tana crap (cuz yknow, hannah montana=HOEtana, get it? not funny? okay ill shut up now....)

Anonymous said...

You are so sweet, smart and funny. I have a daughter your age and so many things you say remind me of her. Love the Raven reference!! You are way more into fashion though, she just loves the shoes....wants 5" YSL pumps to wear with her jeans and Tokio Hotel tshirt. Keep up the great work you are a joy to read!!

Meaghan Kelly said...

"In the mafia"?? i love hearing about the things people ask other people. One blogger said she's been asked by a total stranger if "that's her real hair"!
I'm fairly jealous that in your case middle school seems to mean creating crazy stuff and watching old cartoons! Mine felt mostly like arithmetic and art class meant drawing a "canada day" poster with pastel crayons, hoping to get it displayed across the country on the national holiday! - yours sounds better!

Unknown said...

um... penguins cant fly.

Naddy Sane said...

Meowwwwwwwwwwwwww, meow. MWAH. your outfit is so so cute.

nad xx

Erina said...

I love all your layers and how you combine them! I remember having similar difficulties changing in and out of outfits for gym class in high school. I was always the last one out of the locker room... Love your blog! And PENGUIN COMMERCIAL IS CRAZY!

Starr Crow said...

if only your classmates knew how much we all adore you! in my experience, middle school was filled with the biggest haters so props to you for being YOU at such a young age...i certainly didn't have the guts for fashion then!
i love this look you posted.....the soft pinks are my favorite! the tights and the hat are fantastic too. as look great!! :)


Emma said...

Yay! an outfit post! I totally agree with you about the lindsay lohan thing too it was pretty bad


Katie said...

haha ily.

FLORENCE. said...

you're definitely not the only one who remembers boys in motion, that and that card that sang "miss you, wanna kiss you" are my thats so raven highlights.
love your outfit by the way!

Vicki said...

those leggings are epic you are right.. id say they are fierce but pretty sure i cant pull off saying that! xx

Dodo said...

wow people give long comments here :p I just wanted to say I adore that hat (so much :O)

Olivia Tripp said...

Great outfit! Oh, and you're not the only one that remembers the 'Boys In Motion'. haha!

Olivia -

Jess-Gab said...

amazing as always!I love the leggins


you are wonderful, and your peers probably think so too. lovely outfit!

Mallory said...

You rule! Nuff said!!

EmilyRosePortraits said...

I wish I had been the indiviual that you are when I was your age. You really are an inspiration! Keep on rocking the style world! You are super adorable!

Laura Gerencser said...

Great post!!:)

Pandora's Aquarium said...

I LOVE this outfit! :)

human highway said...

did you hear about your beau Yohji Yamamoto? :(

Anonymous said...

I can't decide if I find the penguin video completely hilarious or disturbing. Maybe a little of both.

Kylie said...

BOYS! We are the boys in motion. We give you our devotion! ... Thats so raven is amazing, and urmmm, Arthurs new voice... not so much.

Aww yea gurl werqin da legginzzz! I need to crack mine out more often, especially with some pink fluffy stuff. Obvs I love this outfit, and the hat is SO GOOD it reminds me of Peter Pan (my idol)

Isn't woods class great? I made a mug holder that I know use for headbands :)


matthew said...

beautiful outfit :)

AFitz said...

Well I'm an expert pee-er and I can tell you that your blog is awesome

Anonymous said...

I love those leggings!! All the texture in your outfit is amazing!

Solange said...

awesome leggins Tavi!!, oh c'mon ..the whole outfit is awesome

VovĆ³ Santa said...

Amei seu site, vc tem muito talento e bom gosto, sou do Brasil e tambƩm tenho um blog


Akasha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Akasha said...

you are amazing!!
I'm from Spain and I see you in some magazines...

Stjarna said...

amaaazing outfit!!

Elements of Style said...

boys in motion: BOYZ.


Ross said...

sweet jebus. that has to be the odest thing i've seen on youtube ever.....

Lizzy said...

i love the leggings! they make you look like you could take down an alligator. The rest of the outfit is great too

Vintage Lollipops said...

You're aces... simply aces! This is one wicked amazing combination.

simonesays said...

I wish I could remove that from my memory, but I can't. Ugh.

Isabel said...

Holy crap, those really are the spiky leggings of death1 They're pretty cool, this outfit rules.

Raquela said...

Just thought I'd let you know that you were my inspiration to start blogging- keep doing what you're doing, you're fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Wow, people must think you're so weird, eccentric and different! Thats a good thing, you're unique and an individual. You are deffinitely going to have a career in fashion, you probably get straight A's right? You talk like someone whos been in the business for years! Girl keep it up for real, we need more 13 year olds like you.

new blog:

Katy said...

Hey, I want chopping wood and stuff class too! And those leggings! And your brain!

Annie said...

the pink and black combo is fantastic, and those leggings are crazy! love 'em. also, congrats on your mention in telegraph uk girl!

Ally said...

holy goodness. that penguin commercial was terrifying. who knew that penguins made such huge cigarettes?

sarah said...

your leggings = my dreams.

and also,


Alice said...


BAM! (raven)


... said...

the leggings are AMAZING!!
I want them!
did Nice and Shiny costum made them for you?

hatim a.r said...

i suggest u try bright-neon colour for a change n see if it fits the fall season.if anyone were to make it work i believe its u!

HG Photography said...

You are fabulous, and I don't know if you know but I just picked up the most recent Teen Vogue and you are in it :)

Hanna said...

Tavi, is that you? I didn't recognize you because its been so freaking LONG. I miss thee. We need to chat. Do you still have my number? Text before you get online if you do because I'm never within ten yards of a computer anymore.

Blue Floppy Hat said...

The Leggings of Death are awesome...especially if you actually did get to stab someone with them ^_^. Kidding...

Emily Cato said...

So I am IN LOVE with those leggings.

And the JAY-Z misconception is hilarious. You should just be like 'oh yes, uhm... let me get right on that' and give people a very awkward stare.

Don't you just love people's reactions?

Urban Fashionisto said...

your so cool Tavi!


Goodle. said...

Those leggins are the shizz, very dangerous but very cool indeed!

The soft pink is really niceee : )

Goodle x

Laurel St. Romain said...

you wear it well, yes you do!! thats my girl!

Cotton Socks said...

love this outfit tavi!

Spardha Malik said...

your outfit is fugly

somebody had to tell ya!

Karl Lagerfeld said...

Spardha Malik, you're demode.

Anonymous said...

Wow. You make me proud. I love your style and how fearless you are. :) Why aren't there more 13 year olds like you? I guess then you won't be so unique.

Lotsa love, girl. <3

Tanzie said...

heya tavi, your sense of style is so amazing.
i love the way you mix the textures and colors around.
i like to be unique with fashion.
i guess you do to.
thats what i like
xx <3 Tanzie

Casey M. said...

you are so fun and unique and your blog always makes my day.

Unknown said...

Love the baby pink and black.

Diamante said...

Sei veramente un genio del FASHION in erba , KISSES FROM ITALY
(You are a little geius odf world of fashion!)

kmaddenk said...


you are Excruciatingly Fantastic. I read this almost every day(or whenever you update). I do not know where you live, but I am a San Francisco native, keeping up on fashion happenings all over the world. LOVE LOVE LOVE the vuitton spring/summer collection. Can i say FAA-BU-LOUS?! i look forward to more little stories of your quirky every-day interests, and run-ins with style mania. xoxo

WendyB said...

Only someone as tiny as you could make a lumpy thing at the waist look like a good idea!

sayangku kucingku said...

remember giant pizza!!! and when raven planned a party but this really popular girl had also planned the party at the same night but then that mean popular girl told everybody that she had changed her party date, without telling raven, and everybody ends up going to raven's party where shes like at home and stuff like that. god.
macy gray was in that so raven, wasnt she?

j.f. said...

Yes! I Love Factory <3


mustownmore said...

Loving the leggings. I feel a DIY project coming on.

Your outfit posts are my fav. So different to anyone else.

LiPs said...

I fail to believe you wear this outside your house...

hmm. :-$

Aire said...

Hi Tavi!
Thanks for featuring our Weardrobe dress on your blog! We all love the way you styled it! Its very you! :) We're all big fans of your blog, keep up the good work! You're an inspiration to all of us!
<3 Aire

Ellie Fox said...

ah gad! the leggingzzzzzzzzzzzzzz<333333333333
i adore you beautiful girl

chwalisz. said...

OMG! I want that shoes.
Greetings Tavi!


JamesLynch said...

I as of late ran over your blog and have been perusing along. I thought I would leave my first remark. I don't recognize what to say with the exception of that I have delighted in perusing. Decent blog. I will continue going by this blog all the time. White dress in Miami