I was trying to find scans and articles from Sassy magazine for a project and found this shoot of Chloe Sevigny as Edie Sedgwick from Blair magazine. For a while I disliked Chloe Sevigny because I hated her character in Melinda and Melinda. Then I realized it just means she's a good actress, along with having fun style! Oopysdoops.

Alllllso, I'm gonna go out on a whim and ask that if anyone has any issues of Sassy (before it sold out to Teen) could they pretty please pretty pretty scan them in (maybe send?!) for this project? Lots of fashion bloggers would love you forever and shower you with invisible Comme and McQueen! It's a lot to ask but couldn't hurt to try..
Also, another picture from LA that I'm just posting now because I suck at email! This is with Jenny from the Opening Ceremony store. I wish I'd gotten a picture of her amazing necklaces!
Ignore me. Awkard child is awkward.
Also, another picture from LA that I'm just posting now because I suck at email! This is with Jenny from the Opening Ceremony store. I wish I'd gotten a picture of her amazing necklaces!
send me that email?
also LOL you look more asian than I do
pretty pictures :)
lovely pictures!!!
I have almost every issue of Sassy - anything in particular you're looking for?
This proves I should never get rid of anything. I had a few issues of the old Sassy when they were new but they are long gone.
Everything about the last picture is pure gold. Everything.
awkward is funny, not that we are laughing at you, it is with you definitely
belle-oh, it was just that I got the email with the picture a month ago and never posted it lol. And yeah seriously, almost as vampire/pale as you too! XD
kassie-WOW, really? Like I said, it would be amazing to have a copy, but I know that's a lot to ask and I probably wouldn't give any away either. I'd be happy to do a swap, maybe send over clothing or make you a zine? I'd take any issue too, from '89-94. Again, I know it's a lot to ask so maybe just scans or even pictures of your favorite features? Feel free to completely ignore me but if you're interested my email is tavitoons@yahoo.com! Thanks!
Thanks a lot for posting that editorial!
Lucy =)
Can I take this moment to fangirl a bit? Tavi, of the gads of different types of blogs I subscribe to, yours is the one that i am always excited to see in my inbox and never feel disappointed by. Srsly your writing is fresh and funny and you have the most imaginative and unique take on fashion. I love it. I'm not a fashion blogger myself tho I often chronicle what I wear as fashion therapy...as I think our wardrobes say a lot about our emotional states. You totally go up and beyond any other fashion blogger I've seen in regards to capturing your personality, emotions and fantasy through your clothing. Endlessly inspirational! xoxo Rachel Rabbit
Rabbit Write
Aww I used to love Sassy...it was so much better than YM. Ok I feel soo old right now. Anyway, I wish I hadn't thrown all my old mags away (in the meantime I've got piles and piles of Vogues, Elles, HB, etc. etc.) You look awesome in that pic, btw!! Awesome outift!!
nice outfit you got on there!
Hello There.
My name is Paulo, and I'm from Bazil.
me and a friend of mine, called Raul, just love your clothes and style.
We are creating a new brazilian labem called Cabra-Montéz, and we would be really happy and proud, just to know what you think about our stuff out there.
See you.
I loved Sassy when I was a pre-teen! I remember reading it in the doctor's office. Thats how I learned what the word "jaded" meant in an interview with Claire Danes back when she was doing My So-Called Life.
Sassy was the greatest! I just did a post about it (http://alison-adorn.blogspot.com/2009/06/nostalgia.html), but think you've probably found all the photos I used already. I have a secret hope that all my old issues are in a box at my parent house, but I don't know. It might be cheesy hyperbole, but I think Sassy changed my life. Back then there wasn't much affirmation that it was OK to be different and wear kooky stuff! Good luck with the project!
Oh Tavi, you're just so cute...
My issues of Sassy are long gone : (. But I've managed to keep the 1st issue of Jane (the post Sassy mag) w/ Drew Barrymore on the cover....
PS, Before I forget, congrats on the 10 Magazine write up : ).
PPS, Do people tell you you look like a young Anna Wintour? Because you totally do!
xoxo, SarahJayne @ Knockout Vintage Clothing
speaking of awkwardness and paleness, check this one out:
Lovely! Thanks for posting.
Duuuude - if anyone alerts you to Sassy scans let me know mmkay?
Jesus it's weird to see other bloggers freaking out over 90s stuff the way I do!
For good Chloe screen time, check out Kids. Absolutely chilling.
You really do have an amazing style! I wish I could be like you!! :)
Ha! I was an intern there briefly, in my college days, and appeared on some subscription mailer they did! With really bad hair... Don't think I saved any copies of either that or the magazine though.
those scans are lovely!
i love love love your blog
to the point i read it over and over again! ha! im not a stalker, your just brilliant
i would love to meet your one day
x emily
i love love love your blog
to the point i read it over and over again! ha! im not a stalker, your just brilliant
i would love to meet your one day
x emily
i love chloe! she has a wierd beauty but rocks it..
nice outfit!
Ty Ty
Very cool series of pictures. I love the 2nd last Chloe picture something about the clothing and the "whats that on the ceiling expression" she has on her face. Kind of childlike. Very Very brilliant blog.
soon, you will love her.
This reminds me that I have a bunch of old Sassys, yes including what I remember to be the Winona Ryder-Heathers-esque one, in a box at my mom's house. !!!! preparing to forage.
is look like Twiggy.. icon of 60's
iLove ur blog so much TAVi !! =;-D
Lov's fashion kisses!!!*
Thank you share.İt very nice
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