It's crazy I haven't really been posting because with all the photos and LA stories I have I could easily do a good 10 posts if I had time. Why the hell is it not summer yet?!?!
Anyway, here are a couple more pictures from Laura and Kate's studio. Just in case you were starting to doubt their epicness or anything.
And as if that wasn't amaze overload enough:
I snuck on the computer multiple times at school today to watch this. Trufax. I don't even know was Nosferatu is but I can still laugh/pretend I do. Also, I am slowly falling in love with Lady Gaga, and it's a little problematic.
Today's outfit: Marc by Marc tee bought in LA, random ribbon/pin as belt, thrifted glasses and skirt. Ohhh, the case, you ask? No bigz, just a SKIPPER (BARBIE'S LITTLE SISTER DOI) DOLL CASE FROM 1969 BOUGHT AT THE ROSE BOWL FLEA MARKET WITH TWO OF THE MOST AWESOME PEOPLE EVER. $8, yo. I have a whole post I need to write that is completely dedicated to that amazing day. The inside of the case is kind of gross/might need proactiv but whatevs, I dig it.
Thanks to Jessica for sending over this cool mesh braided necklace from her store, Anonymous Agent. When she asked me to pick one out there was no question I wanted the neon green "Lime Zia" to wear with the crossing guard hairbow I made. It's hard getting a good picture of a neon color but it is seriously insane in the membrane and pretty much perfect, especially with grey.
Ugh, I just realized how badly I want to be Susie Bubble, who often talks about how much she loves neon with grey and I'm pretty sure owns this tee too. Um.. don't people say great artists steal, though? So yeah. I'm just an amazing artist!!!!!!!! (kinda.) Or Susie and I can be neon/grey combo-loving, Marc by Marc tee wearing TWINZ...Oh Suuuuusiiiiieeeee....
I snuck on the computer multiple times at school today to watch this. Trufax. I don't even know was Nosferatu is but I can still laugh/pretend I do. Also, I am slowly falling in love with Lady Gaga, and it's a little problematic.
Ugh, I just realized how badly I want to be Susie Bubble, who often talks about how much she loves neon with grey and I'm pretty sure owns this tee too. Um.. don't people say great artists steal, though? So yeah. I'm just an amazing artist!!!!!!!! (kinda.) Or Susie and I can be neon/grey combo-loving, Marc by Marc tee wearing TWINZ...Oh Suuuuusiiiiieeeee....
this outfit is phenomz. love, love, love the neon necklace and your glasses. ACH it's all just too cool.
Dammit! I didn't snatch the first comment spot fast enough. Oh well. Just wanted to tell you that this look is AMAZING, as per usual. Honest to god, that outfit with the Barbie case just made my week.
ooh love the doll case, how cute!
Never would I doubt Kate and Laura's epicness but those pictures are great:).
Nosferatu was the first vampire movie, back in like 1920 or something. Nosferatu was also the name of the vampire in the movie. It would have been in German, but it was a silent film.
I'm not going to lie, I'm a little creeped out by the dancing Nosferatu but I'm oddly attracted to it at the same time. I'm not sure what's wrong with me.
And I loove that braided necklace. What a perfect color.
The teeshirt is so cute, and the case is awesome! Hope you had fun in LA
I sort of want to marry Brendan. Is that wrong?
P.S. Nosferatu- EPIC vampire flick from the 20's. Seriously, you must watch it, so fab...
No lady ga ga for you! you are way cooler than that!
I usually hate the gaga but dancing nosferatu makes it quite alluring
awesome outfit!
it sounds like your trip was amazzzzzzzing
I'm pretty much jealous x 176932
buut you deserve it!
i have a 2 hr layover in chicago on sunday. please give me your address so i can steal your bloody doll case.
thank you!
tavi, thank you for posting my video!
elizabeth talks about you like you're her little sister and i can see why!
keep up the good work on your site!
I'm an italian girl and i love your blog!!! please, sorry for my bad english...I just want to tell you that you are very smart and gorgeus! : ))
I love those dead dolls myself!!! they look so funny!!! you have such a sweet face and your sense of style in relation to your age ----->wow!!!
I need a suitcase like that.. been wanting one for a while.. btw I'm so darnn jealous of your shirt :o
I ADORE Ghibli stuff.
omgz that doll care is awesome! <3
Love your outfit and the vint doll carrying case. Seriously, you're awesome!!
PS- i definitely do not doubt laura and kate's epicness.
the video was sort of spectacular,however I suggest you quickly fall out of love with lady gaga as she was sent from the devil
oh yes you SHOULD fall in love with Lady Gaga. she's just amazing.
you look so darling in that first picture. i love the skirt and shirt combo. and i adore your glasses.
Marc by Marc tee . Ooooh jealz.
és uma miuda mesmo cómica!
(this is portuguese for "you are a really funny girl!")
of course (as the old lady with the trashy toy addiction, that I am) I love the skipper case. but only because it's from 1969. and for the neon necklace, i have some sneakers, neon green with neon orange stripes on it(yes, three stripes) and people cry when I wear them... but everybody hurts sometimes.
ps: tavi, what about some pink felt brooch?
Ah love all of this, suhweet. Totes want that necklace and the neon on grey thing is a definite. It's basically how I function for school...bright colored tees + grey palette cardigans. The Marc tee is great too.
PS: You have no idea how much summer needs to come...I have ten days.. :)x1000000000
heheh, everytime i wear grey with neon i think of StyleBubble too, i think everyone has an inner Susie, and wants to emulate her, she is so cool,
as are you!
i love your blog Tavi, you've got an amazing style!, keep it up and have a good Bat Mitzvah tomorrow, (is it tomorrow or next Saturday, i can't remember,)
anyway, yes ♥
Hi Miss Tavi,
This is the first time I'm leaving a comment on your blog- which I think is ace by the way. You are often my first stop when I'm feeling for some inspiration and distraction, something new or forgotten.
I live in Paris and I'm a singer (working on a solo album with hopefully awesome videos)+ doing lots of other wierd and wonderful projects with people. I just started a blog mainly to put up photos of a photo reportage I did with a friend Coco at a lady (she's called 'La Baronne')'s flat in Paris- she organises retro balls (I'm doing an internship for her) and is a vintage queen. Her life is an anecdote so you can imagine what where she lives and her wardrobe is like, dare I say it... epic? Anyway, I'm waiting for her to reply to my 2 A4 pages of questions I wanted her to answer. I may have to wait a while and in the mean time learn to do interviews with less questions, or not.
Right, well I've said hello to you on your grey and fluo day.
Bisous from Paris
love it,
i think youre absolutely fab.
tavi, you're so powerfull
incredible, of course
I'm TOTALLY in love with Lady Gaga. I could do about 100 jewelry pieces inspired by her!
I'm crazy about the necklace and shirt!
ahaha i've so been meaning to buy that shirt
and you should have gotten one of the backpacks sold at the m by mj store! i have the burgundy one, planning to stud it!
AND ROSE BOWL IS AMAZING! my best friend struck gold when she went with her uncle, who is a vendor, one weekend and he gave her a $100.... thats like walking into the wonka factory.
btw, still recovering from the fact that you met and hung out with the sisters (you know how i mean ;) ) it makes me want to hug you. lol. yea not creepy lol
duuuude tavi thank you :-) i totally dig the neon on you BTW.
always and forever
nooo you have me addicted to poker face again.
now listening it to re-play on youtube. :( sigh.
god spamming this comment box nao.
love love love the necklace dude it is AWESOME
You look amazing !! I just love your "strange " necklace (cause I love stranges !)
LOL at the video, and love the outfit! I, too, have been a neon-lover for a long, long, time.
I am in love with Lady gaga :P i love love love ur outift! great necklace... cant wait to see new pics xoxo
Ty Ty
ok so I just found your page. and I am wowed! You are one in a million! I hate leaving comments because it feels so fake and all ...but I just had to. great page. I'll be following from now on.
okay i hate neon and lady gaga but i love your spectacles and i love your hair and i love the dancing chap, so it's all good.
Mega cool - comme d'habitude <--as always in French)
Tavi you just keep getting better and better! Pictures of ghibli characters, marc by marc, neon, skipper case thats grotty inside (love it) but most of all SLOWLY FALLING IN LOVE WITH LADY GAGA! dont fall out of love with her lady as she is brill. Pokerface rocks.
am crazy about neon and grey as well! what a nice neon green by the way!
ooh cute tee! i also like the mmj backpack with that print on it. XD
oh, i have a skipper doll but its from the 70's and missing a arm and a half but sits proudly near mr. bill
Oooh, Tavi Tavi Tavi!
Do you know how I envy & adore you so?
haha, your outfits are terribly cute!
amazing blog!
exchange links darling?
love lara
Oh my God, I used to have that Skipper case when I was little!
Hi Tavi ! I like ur blog. You are so cute (L)
The french magasine "Glamour" had write a link from your blog in the may edition.
Hope you reply to me one day.. bye !
hahah. dancing nosveratu = very amusing. i love the neon necklace on you :) xoxo
I loooooooooooooooooooove the braided necklace!
tavi, you are absolutely incredible. thanks to you i finally have my blog (over a year in the making, hooray for short attention spans?) up and running. if you get a chance to check it out please do, it's not much yet but i do confess my huge girl-crush on you in my inaugural post, nbd.
wow your outfits are great and i love your blog! really like the neon scarf...
`you should watch nosferatu, if you don't mind vampires. It's classic cinematography.
They WOULD be into Totoro AKA my #1 feelgood movie. And I've only seen clips of Nosferatu but his long fingers are creepy amazing therefore I highly recommend it.
demon dollys argh!!!!
cute t-shirt:)
ooh ooh ooh i have a backpack with the fist on your shirt on it!! and cute dolls!
i love this outfit, it looks so amazing!
An outburst of creativity. Lovezz!
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