This is what I wore the day the Rodarte cardigan came (still recovering, btdubz. I write from a hospital bed right now) but obviously had to wait to post it. Ignoring the odd nature of leather skirts making me look like I swallowed Playmobile pieces for the second time (yes, there was a first) and the face that indicates I swallowed poop, I was kinda going for superhero? Samantha Pleet sent me some awesome clothes the other day (some to be sold on CWAC so keep an eye out!) and the shape of this skirt is just. too. good. I'm normally squinty-eyed about satin clothes because it can look cheap so easily but the rocket-ship-ish shape is so perfect, though not perfectly visible here.
Heels = handmedowns from mom's friend, didn't wear them to school because that would be so painful (and I really look like an idiot when I walk in heels. Mainly because, I can't) but the outfit kinda begged for them.
Weirdo leather leg warmers are the arms I cut off an old jacket.
Heels = handmedowns from mom's friend, didn't wear them to school because that would be so painful (and I really look like an idiot when I walk in heels. Mainly because, I can't) but the outfit kinda begged for them.
Weirdo leather leg warmers are the arms I cut off an old jacket.

Seriously though, I love it. When I wore it I received many "Is that a boy or girl?" "Are you a boy or girl?" It is SO FUN confusing suburbian children.
Made this bow from crossing guard belt stuffs and pinned a clump of tulle to my skirt. By now I'm in such a style rut the idea for each outfit is "add one weird thing so you don't feel boring even though zero creativity has been involved." Pretty much yeah.

one two three four five
Love that first outfit!
love the first outfit so much, and all those photos, especially two and four.
Three things:
1. Still jealous of your Rodarte. Your Rodarte SENT BY RODARTE no less.
2. Still find your haircut quite stunning.
3. You have been looking particularly snazzy lately. And that's a mix of snappy and jazzy, so you know it's a big deal.
I have to say, I really love the tulle on your skirt in the second outfit there! I always forget the name of the stuff, but it looks excellent!
(I'm going to say now, after reading your post ages ago about Edie Sedgwick, I'd desided I really want my hair cut like her's! )
first outfit rocks lady! is that O&S?
I am getting ready to bid on the yokoo stuff
really great blog, i love it :)
i love the part about confusing the suburban children. I am curious for the yokoo items...
first outfit is awesome.
So is your haircut.
You've been looking older lately...i mean i know you turned 13 but i dont know what it is...
I love all of this, the first outfit especially!
The first outfit instantly makes me think of luella. Its so nice that your getting so much support on the CWAC project. hats off to that.
AW tavi , you look so stylish ! I love your glasses on the first image ! And your skirt on the 3° photos !
lucille a little fench girl !
I have several things to say so to borrow the excellent idea of list making from Lauren whose comment was formatted as such above:
1: Your hair looks I can't even explain it..I would kill to have straight hair so I could rock such a style, but I am concerned my exceedingly curly hair would not pull off that look so smoothly (I am crushed) It seems low maintenance as a sweet added bonus.
2: I was absolutely convinced at first that the legwarmers+heels=blackleatherboots
...but what you did was even more creative.
3: That skirt in outfit one is awesome as well. The whole outfit works really swimmingly together especially in terms of shape.
4: I agree about summer/I miss my tree house/I could go for some rasberries right now
Errmm is it normal for people to post such freakishly long comments? Perhaps not.
yep this T-shirt with Valter on is basically one of the best to come out of the huzzah-i-shall-make-a-cool-t-shirt-for-cool-blog-peoples-to-buy phenomenon.
Valter's blog is good, if you didn't hit it up already then you could, if you wanted.
holy hamburgers! first outfit is love. i really want to hear about the looks you probably got in da burbs for wearing this sweet number!
and seriously, those look like boots. it's like magic.
Wouldja take a look at that first outfit! Oh yeah, you did, you wore it. Spectacular! I love it to pieces. It jumped out at me from my dashboard, had to swing by this post.
Leather legwarmers . . . ! Too awesome! (You don't need heels to make that outfit work. I LOVE the way you don't need heels at any time to look stupendous. Down with heels! Oh, haha . . . Ahem.)
you should consider doing theatre costume design!! you'd be really good at it especially with such a creative touch
love youre outfit's! and btw, youre on my blog, is that all right? watch it if you want to!
Ah, that first outfit is made of win... as are the rest of your outfits... but srsly, superhero outfit? I need to do that one day...
Also why did you link to Lulu's blog. I need those Dries van Noten boots ;____;. Argh, my heart is broken. My shoes normally cost 3 Euros man, I cannot afford it... BUT I WANT THEM SO BAD. Damn you.
damn these are all so good.
your method of "add one weird thing so you don't feel boring even though zero creativity has been involved" is exactly the kind of thinking i need to get me out of my current style rut, so it has been duly noted and will be followed.
You are so crazy, I love it. =)
Anna Wintour would be proud of that jumping shot, Tavi.
i like first photo. you have so nice style, Tavi.
The first outfit looks so cool! And the idea of cutting off the arms to make them boots is really amazing! You're so creative!
I've got the same tee-shirt (thanks to Arvida), and people made me laugh so many times saying : "Hey the girl on your tee is beautiful" or "Is THAT a boy or a girl ?" or "You've got the same haircut that the girl on your tee". Huhu ! Love it !
I thought, "COOL BOOTS!" what a great idea to use sleeves as leg cuffs. sigh, you are my fashion superhero!
i love your top on the first photos of you !
and the pictures are awesome.
I want to be in summer too :) x
I think setting up a blog for selling is worth a shot. If it doesn't work as well you can always go back to eBay.
oh tavi! that first outfit may just be the number one favorite for me! super cool!!!!
love your new haircut! very cute.
tavi! love your outfits. (: did you hear about the east afria child soldier/invisible children rally in chicago?! they rallied outside of oprah's studio until she same out. epiccc.
You're so original! Shoes from first outfit are absolutely amazing. :O
That first outfit is SUPER badass!
However limited creativity you feel your putting into your outfits, trust me when I say that its a HECK OF A LOT MORE than most other people... including myself. I've pretty much been living in my crop crotch pants/stylishexcuseforsweatpants all week now. It's getting sad really.
Anyways, I think it would be a good idea just to sell on the CWAC website. It's easier to list, free of charge, and most people who are buying I assume are readers anyways. Like you said, lots of other blogs are doing it and they seem to have no prob selling thier stuff!
ps- I sent my donations on thursday, you should get them next week, or the week after at the latest :)
I love how bad-ass the first outfit is and how girlie the last one is. The best of both worlds (omg, did I just quote Hannah Montana?? how old am I again? *dies from shame*)
All three outfits are super but I especially love the 1st! The 3rd picture is incredibly stellar.
Oh dear lord those boots in the first picture.
Do I really have to express how much I love them? Because I'm not sure I can find the words to!
Can I steal them? D:
I love this tee aswell :)
ahh you are inspirational :) I just wasted my teen years and here you are kicking every bloggers butt.
haha Good on you!
I love the second outfit. And the pictures are so inspiring!
AHHH YOUR SHOES!! looveee it!
Oh man, those heels in the first pic are CRAZY! Are they by John Fluevog? I am of course, loving the outfits.
P.S. -DEFINITELY sell your stuff through a blog. It gives you a direct link to the customer and its guaranteed to sell stuff! I guess the only thing is the price won't increase depending on how many people want the item, so you might make less money for the charity?
how do you choke someone with an eye??
we are back if you want to check us out
ooh yes! i much prefer buying through a blog, i think that is an idea of the utmost excellence!
you are just a crack up
that sounds wierd. you make me crack up? you are a laugh riot? yes yes, that's what i meant. srsly i just read all the posts i missed and i usually (creepily) read your blog w/out sayin nothin but i just gotta say, you maka me laugh so hard sometimes. you know? is it raining in NJ like it is in NY? my shoes are wet.
ok thannnnnnnxx
i must say, your glasses in the first photo are quite epic.
I have to say you are one of my new favourite bloggers , keep coming back to your blog.
i love ur outfits! very cool... escpecially the first one with the mask! keep upp the good work, more posts!!!! and fab outfits! xoxo
The first one is my favorite! You look so rad in sunglasses! xxoxoxoxo
love it all. you are so great!
Tavi, I just love your style! It's so fun and free. Keep posting these amazing and inspiring photos please! x
All of the outfits are GREAT, you are always an inspiration! Love you blog, come every day! :)
All your outfits are inspirational, and so great! My fabourites the first i think.
you look great in heels! i mean, boots!
and the way you mix colours...i admire you!
love your style
You are adorable!
how the HELL are you 13, you are the style equivalent of Mozart. You have made my day
x x
All days outfits are nice. I love 2nd and 3rd one most. 3rd one's are looking very innocent.
photo retouching
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