Well, I've no clue what that was all about. Who is "Tomas?" He sounds like a fine fellow, anyway. Judging from his looks. Handsome! Could make a pretty girl too. And I think if he was a girl he would look very wonderful in lots of Comme and Westwood. Especially if it was free and in plentiful amounts.
Anyway! Yesterday I met up with Spencer and had lots of fun. We browsed music and bought music and talked about school and blogging and blogging and school and how Twilight is a passing fad and nothing more. Like Hanson, but less awesome. I don't even REMEMBER Hanson, I just remember my sisters loving it and me being over in the corner trying to learn all the words to all of their songs, Britney Spears, and the Spice Girls, so as to be cool with the ~elementary crowd~ because watching Recess and chewing Bubbilicious STILL WASN'T ENOUGH. It was SO stressful being a toddler in the 90s.
shit, it's finster
Speaking of the Spice Girls, Britishness. Topshop sent me a nice package the other day of this shirt and tote. The tote is perfect, fits records and has lots of lovely little doodles that make me happy. You can just barely see lovely Katie Grand peeking her lovely head in at the bottom, next to a lovely cupcake. Hiiiii Katie Grand.
Messed around with these pants the other day too. I thrfited them without trying them on first so they're pretty big, but were fairly cheap and I'll grow into them, like..eventually or something. For the time being I just put in lots of pins and decided they're SUPPOSED to look all kooky and with crooked lines. People always talk about "wardrobe basics"...I do not own one Hanes tee or black pencil skirt or black blazer or a regular pair of skinny jeans or boyfriend jeans but I DO have safety pins. And that is all I need.
These all follow a certain kind of theme for me but anything that is black and white can obvz be worn billions of ways.
pipettes tee/button shirt, gift/DIYed headband
topshop tank/DIYed vest
thrifted hat/sweatshirt found on our banister or something
thrifted moto vest
obesity and speed tank
thrifted blazer/slow and steady wins the race sunglasses
I got this blazer from the SA in 3rd grade for my Halloween costume as Willy Wonka. It's been sitting around in our basement but I just found it again with lots of little "golden tickets" inside. This would probably be cute if I wasn't a tiny weirdo that tried feeding them to dogs rather than handing them out during the school costume parade.

Speaking of the Spice Girls, Britishness. Topshop sent me a nice package the other day of this shirt and tote. The tote is perfect, fits records and has lots of lovely little doodles that make me happy. You can just barely see lovely Katie Grand peeking her lovely head in at the bottom, next to a lovely cupcake. Hiiiii Katie Grand.
These all follow a certain kind of theme for me but anything that is black and white can obvz be worn billions of ways.

topshop tank/DIYed vest
thrifted hat/sweatshirt found on our banister or something

obesity and speed tank
thrifted blazer/slow and steady wins the race sunglasses
I got this blazer from the SA in 3rd grade for my Halloween costume as Willy Wonka. It's been sitting around in our basement but I just found it again with lots of little "golden tickets" inside. This would probably be cute if I wasn't a tiny weirdo that tried feeding them to dogs rather than handing them out during the school costume parade.
crrrzy pants; love that last blazer especially
teehee. looks great! i'm def envying you statesiders for all the topshop goodies... oh for the novelty again!
i instantly become jealous of your free topshop clothing. grrrrr.......
gorgeous pants those, and the blazer. i would never let that rot in the basement.
ps. i had a willy wonka b-day party once. it was strange. and fun. i think i dressed up as an oompa lompa.
i instantly become jealous of your free topshop clothing. grrrrr.......
gorgeous pants those, and the blazer. i would never let that rot in the basement.
ps. i had a willy wonka b-day party once. it was strange. and fun. i think i dressed up as an oompa lompa.
The free TS goodies are awesome. I really like the tank, I was given one too. It's patriotic but I like it.
Clicked on the link to Spencer's blog and the link he posted to the record store you guys went to. Wow! It sounds like the kind of place I could spend two days in Reading about 79 cent LP's makes my heart pound.
Love the Obesity and Speed shirt.
ooh ove the tote
twilight is bullshit in the form of a novel. it should be burned for the safety of the human existence.
wow those pants. i love it
your pants rock.
Whoah, you tried feeding golden tickets to dogs? That cracks me up, Tavi. The pants are pretty amazing. I think they look good all baggy and whatnot.
you and spencer could be bro and sis...too funny! love the pants, they totally rock!
i actually love the pants pinned, and that blazer. Its screaming for some luella inspired outfit
OMFG! Finster!!!!!!
you remind me of a mini anna wintour, love it!
I want your pants! hahaha,
funny you should mention that particular boy band, i was drawing comparisons to hanson and the jonas brothers the other day. and i remember the spice girls breaking up when i was still in elementary school, which means you were either in kindergarten or first grade. you were (are) a hip kid.
willy wonka themed party would be awesome... thanks for that :]
I love that saddle shoes. I believe i have a very similar pair, (most likely in a much larger size considering i wear a 9)... and now i'm going to mention two things that i'm sure you're already aware of:
1.) You have FANTASTIC style.
2.) I'm really jealous that topshop sends you free clothes, in fact, i kind of wish i was you.
now if you have time for a nobody, i'd be flattered if you checked out my blog [Stupendous Stylista]
i'm loving that purple blazer a little too much, it's the best!
i like the blazer look the best ; )
delicious use of stripes, m'dear
your previously willy wonka'd (vocab?) blazer is especially lovely paired with the pants
The pants are hella awesome ! :)
i love that obesity and speed t-shirt. i want it. i also want your moto vest, but i didn't have to tell you that.
hah, i have that topshop tote! and i use it, surprisingly! there were these vans around NYC giving around free topshop stuff and they were always on st marks so i took one. it had free shit inside, too :DDD YAY FREE SHIT
I miss the tv of the 90s lol.
Great outfits
I love these looks. those pants are so amazing.
i don't think they could be worn any better
I love that sailor hat so insanely much.
OMG I love Recess. My (one year older) brother loved it so much that he would record Recess episodes onto VHS tapes so we'd have an archive that we can watch at any time. And lo and behold, I still watch them because a DVD set refuses to come out.
Yes, I am 23. And I watch Recess all the fucking time.
& That little purple blazer is the best! I love it with the red and white stripes.
My dentist is called Eden,
and for the last two years I've thought it was Gary.
"Athena," he said to me, "Just to let you know, my name is actually Eden."
He LOOKED like a Gary.
Lovely outfits by the way, did I mention I absolutely adore your blog?
Hi, Tavi. You are great, I read your blog every day.
But one thing obsses me in your pictures "Please water your plants!". I never do so probably that's why I'm obssesed with it.
Light on your porch is interesting and nice too, sure it helps to your creativity.
You are "the artist" of the safety pins, your pants look great.
feeding dogs gloden tickets? HAHA! It's so awesome how you get sent all these clothing packages and I'm loving these nautical nicities, like my use of alliteration there? xxx
Tu est tres belle dans ces tenues ! J'adore ton jean !
Wait...Topshop just sends you things!?
Officially jealous now!
The doodles on the tote are really cool, I like the Kate Moss one with really severe cheekbones...
i like the trousers all pinned like that. middle outfit on the top row is my favourite.
btw, i have a brand new blog. you may want to have a look and update das links x
really cute!!! i love your style....check out our blog
haha you're good with the 90s culture references. fucking hate finster and randall.
Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous.
Safety pins = best wardrobe basics ever.
love the saddle shoes.where did you get them?
I liked their attitude in the photos. Very very good girl.
cool clothes and 'pants'
ps i NEVER say 'pants' as im a total wierdo to u - im an english girl
ha but ur blog is epic*
*ive beenusing epic since u addicted me to ur blog
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