i don't live in a zoo, this is SUBURBIA. also no one smells like monkeys here they smell like soccer fields/perfume.

Today was my 13th birthday. I FEEL OLD, GUYZ. Even if I'm not. Not OLD, necessarily, just not wise, at least. I always had this idea that when I aged I'd be all ~philosophical~ like Morrie Schwartz and awesome like Anna Piaggi. I'm older but not wiser. Just like.. awkward. Omgwtf, is THIS is the awkward stage Ramona's mom said Beezus was going through when she asked? Hm. Well, thank you BEVERLY CLEARY for that lesson. This is what you look like when you turn 13!This is ShamWow.This is Bob Dylan.
This is what you spend an hour on buying at Jewel- figuring out the cake kind, frosting, how you will coordinate the colors of the icing with the colors of the frosting, AND how you will incorporate all that into the colors of the candles. And then your friend writes your name on it to show you how special you are, and to give Bob arms.
This is the face you will make in every photo for the next few years, because it is awkward, and because teenagers are awkward, and because you are ~CHANGING~
Well, this morning's mentality was.. actually, it was "Oy my back hurts, do I really have to get out of bed?" (12 going on 76, I'm tellin ya.) But it was ALSO that since it is a special day I get to wear clothes that should not be in school prescense due to holiness. Obesity and Speed shirt, Comme for H&M jacket, Rodarte tights, Yokoo scarf, and vintage Givenchy sunglasses. A gift to myself, I guess. Thank you self. You're welcome. OH I'M SORRY WAS THAT AWKWARD I DIDN'T REALIZE I'M A TEENAGER!!!!!1111!~!!1
pictures by sophie
This is how you pose when you're an awkward 13 year old.
Though the idea of being considered a teenager is scarier to me than this and this, I am quite ready to outgrow being 12. Now I can't be considered "cute" by anyone, just more annoying than ever! Muahaha! Let me provide you with angsty venting and complaints about homework, boys, and lunch food!
Speaking of boys, HI KEITH. More people at school are finding out about this here blog. Thank you for not throwing pennies at me/mocking my dorky fangirling, classmates. And Keith: Did you ever get that lollipop out of your hair?
The skirt is from a dress I thrifted the other day that should have enough fabric to make a pair of shorts and shirt along with this skirt. The fabric is SOOO Balenciaga-y, so when I say "shirt" I really mean pulling a Forever 21 and being cheap. This skirt still has lots of safety pins in it since I'm too lazy to actually sew on elastic, but it saves time! GOTTA say, kiiiinda glad I have such awful capacity that I'm alright making a bad ripoff AND being lazy about it. B jealz?Cut up a bag I bought from H&M last year to use the fabric. More origami head things await.
I hear "teenagers" need lots of "sleep." So I will crawl into bed and try to "sleep." And while I say this, I will make tiny "quotes" with my "hands," in a very careless "teenager-like" "manner."

" "
will say "awkward" and "teenager" less in the next post.
" " " " " "gedarjye38743thgsejkg

obesity and speed shirt. comme des garcons x h&m jacket. diy headband and skirt. rodarte tights, gift. slow & steady wins the race shoes. yokoo scarf. vintage givenchy glasses, gift.


AFitz said...

Happy birthday (ok i lied i did stay up).
I like how oyu already changed your user info

AFitz said...

oh and:

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!!!

Tara said...

Happy birthday! Hope you had a great fantastic awesome day :)

Hero Hunter said...

hey tavi!
wishing you a happy birthday
lots of love
crystal x

AnaMG said...

happy birthday tavi!
I really like your cake it made me laugh:D


J.Yo said...

happy bday! love your outfit as ever, and you DO look awkward teenager-ish. lol. jk.

3253128 said...

happy birthday you oldie! ;)
amazing outfit today. want a yokoo scarf so badly.

Lucy said...

Happy birthday! You just entered teenagerhood and I just left it! Although I'm trying to trick people into saying that I'm Twenteen, so that I can still be irrational and awkward and irresponsible.

A said...

Happy birthday!

A project for you: http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2009/feb/08/martin-margiela-fashion

Emma said...

Happy Birthday! I heart your blog

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthdy (:
Nice outfit :D

laia. said...

t33n p0w3rz!!

haha, happy bday duderino

Diane said...

Yay, happy birthday, Tavi!!!

Lovely figures on your cakes and super super outfit!

Kylie said...

OMG Tavi you are too frikin funny, I lol'ed about 5 times in this post. OUT LOUD!
Of course everyones going to say "happy birthday", but I'm assuming its already done so I'll say "HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY"!!
haha, beat them all to the punch

srsly, hope you had an awesome day. No more "12-year-old" stuff, but Arthurs still aloud when your 19 don't worry... not like i watch it everyday on pbs kids...



Eleanor said...

happy birthday!!!!
Epic outfit.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday. HURRAH! I can say things like HURRAH! because I am British...

Jo said...

Dude, you look more badass than ever. Teen-hood suits you. Happy birthday!

J x

Kate said...

Happy Birthday! I love your blog, it's so funny and your style rocks!



Nadine said...

Happy Birthday darling! Love the greatest-hits outfit.

Cassiopeia said...

Absolutely immense post. Def a fitting way to enter teen-dom. Have fun with it! Loving the holy-outfit... School doesn't deserve it, but a b'day certainly does! Gor-jus as ever.


chalortte said...

H"ey happy birthday ! BONNE ANNIVERSAIRE ! I m 12 years old and I wan't to be like you a wonderful fashion bloggeuse !

50two said...

you fail at being a teenager! whine about your ugly teacher! and your giant red pimple! say 'like' more!

Nerea said...

Killer (Barbie)
Wise twice
Rookie, really rookie

Happy birthday and very interesting "awkward"nes!

Belinda said...

Ahhh, happy birthday! I think you're on a pretty good start on teenagerdom. Don't ask for any of my 13-year-old outfits. >.<


Devery said...

Happy Birthday Tavi!!!



Agnes said...

Happy Birthday! And just so you know:
I still feel like I'm eight, and I'm thirteen..

stealthnerd said...

Happy birthday! Oh, and the bday outfit was totally excellent.

FutureLint said...

Happy birthday darling! What a perfect gift to yourself!

P.S. I love Ramona!

it's just fashion la ! said...

happy birthday to you :D
i am a very jealous 21 years old turning 22 ! i never got a chance to live / love fashion when i was your age.

i still find myself awkward =_=
i duno why i m writing this to a 13 years old > < damn u have done mostly everything half people your age hasn't still been able to accomplish but i really support you :D

also, my sis is turning 11 on july a week after me.
it is scary looking at her u know. just realizing in 2 more years it is going to be about boys and heels and maybe vogue ( i hope ).... come so far myself from cleaning her diapers and taking her to the park and making sure she knows her gay brother is always being a bitch :D

darn you kids grow so fast > <

sorry if i sound like someone's sad mom :D

still enjoy every moment :D ... :D not many get to live and dream and write like you :D

with lots of love

ashley said...

tiny "quotes" with your "hands"

I loved this part.

Happy Birthday

diane said...

Well, Happy birthday ! Hope you'll have a really nice day, because have 13 years old could be awesome ! x

bobb said...

Happy birthday Tavi! I love the cake. My mom used to design my birthday cakes like this- and they were pretty cool - but yours is even cooler:).

Maura said...

Happy Birthday!!

corrie said...

Bob Dylan has some swing in his step on that cake, I love it. Enjoy 13! I'm sure you're more than ready to leave 12 behind.

mat said...

happy birthday! you're too old.

Unknown said...

OH MY GOD. thirteen already? you'll have to let me know what it's like (i'm thirteen in 5 months!) i have to tell you - i'm not "looking forward" to this whole hand-quoting thing... but i suppose it's a rule of teenagerism. so whatevs.

any who -
tavi. i think you are a really inspirational person with all your amazing outfits and also the work your doing for darfur and oh my god - so much more.
i really, genuinely hope you have an amazing birthday.

Kirstin said...

Happy birthday Tavi! Hope you had a great day :D

Brave Sir Robin said...

Happy Birthday!

You are wise enough for 13, fear not.

Selina (Flying Saucer) said...

happy birthday!!! being a teenager is the only excuse for lots of things. use and abuse it!

Constança said...

Happy Birthday! Great blog =D

Katy said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Lurvey lurve lurve the outfit. Being 13 isn't bad!

Shelley Noble said...

Happy Birthday, Tavi. 13 going on ancient and wise I say.

Nik said...

You're wise beyond your years! Happy Birthday, and that's a perfect birthday outfit :)


WendyB said...

Happy birthday! Cute post :-)

Melting Fabric said...

happy birthday! your style is amazing and adventourous even for someone older then you!
your outfit is SUBERB today! i love everything about it!

Melting Fabric said...

happy birthday! your style is amazing and adventourous even for someone older then you!
your outfit is SUBERB today! i love everything about it!

CHAR said...


Even though it was yesterday, still, happy birthday!
what did you got? :]


Steph. said...

happy birthday :)

lol your posts always make me laugh


TheShoeGirl said...

Happy birthday Tavi!!! You are amazing and I'm gad you're my favorite (well only, but thats just a coincidence) TEENAGE blogger friend :)


In-tree-gue said...

Oh my god, happy birthday!
does this mean your bat mitzvah is soon?
sleep is a valuable resource, get as much as you can in middle school.

Dennis said...

Happy Birthday from Stockholm!

Julia said...

happy happy belated birthday!
you're wise beyond your years.
thirteen should be fun.
-it wasn't for me, but that's another story. wow, speaking of angst... I'll shut up after I tell you that your outfit is awesome as always. Shutting up.

Isabel said...

Happy Birthday Tavz!! I know being a "teenager" is going to bring great things for you. "Akward" or not, you are amazing! That outfit of special clothes is pretty epic too.

chloe said...

happy birthday little miss wunderkind! <3

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.
Pablo Picasso

bessie said...

I would just like to say that, if possible, your cool rating has gone up around fiftythree points (Yes, I did just pick a random number). Okay, maybe I'm biased, but what can I say? Thirteen yearolds are cool.

Lully said...

Hey I'm from Brazil! Sorry about my bad english; anyway, a lot of people know you here, and everibody loves you! Happy b-day :) I realy have a lot to say to you, but... I can't express myself in english, I just wanna say that you are AMAZING realy, in all the ways.

Annie said...

i love you.
and your scarf.
welcome to teenagerdom.
the thing about sleep is a myth.

chloe nash. said...

dude you made my day we have the same birthday :D happy birthday, and i do love that chain scarf with a passion.

Frankie said...

Happy birthday, Tavi! I would have killed to be as cool as you when I was 13! Things are only going to get increasingly better for you here on in x

Anonymous said...

oh, happy birthday!
i adore(d) those ramona books!
also, your scarf=awesome.

Sorcha said...

Happy Birthday Tavi! We share an April birthday, it's the best month, swear.
I hope you have a much less awkward 13th year than I had.

Claudia said...

OMG yesterday was my birthday too!!!! happy birthdayyyy!!!

Jantine said...

Hope you had a nice day! ;)
Love your outfit! xxxx

Jantine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kat said...

Happy birthday ya knob.

Here's a present:


You're on my list. My list of blogs I love.

Ashley said...


..hey that ryhmes!

alex said...

you are seriously awesome, and I need that scarf. May attempt to make it- eh?

keira antoia rose said...

Bob looks lovely! Great outfit, really rocking the tights. Happy birthday!

xoxo isabella clarisse xoxo

Ra said...

happy late birthday! i hope it was great!

JULES said...

happy birthday sweets! please you are not old and believe me you are wise say that when your 23 like me hahah; love your outfit very sartorial ;)


Eyeliah said...

Happy Birthday!

a.m. said...

just wanted to say hi and happy birthday! i recently found your blog, and i want to adopt you as my little sister.
im 23 and im still not wise, i dont know at what age its suppose to happen. i still feel like im 12 and i still decorate my cakes that way. keep it up, youre awesome. i wish more 13 year olds were like you.

Cruz said...

Totally kickass outfit! Happy birthday Tavi! :)

kate cait sith said...

13 is not old my doll!
I wish I was your age again! Embrace your youth... it goes by so damn fast its unbelievable.
By the way, I would KILL for your entire outfit here, your style is so impeccable it's not fair!

Becky said...

Tavi! Happy birthday! I loved being 13 and I hope you do, too! Love the outfit

Emily said...

happy belated! i love your blog and am delurking to say happy birthday.

Rain Chudori said...

happy belated birthdaay! :)

Emily said...


Jazz Kate said...

Have recently discovered your blog, read this, and so:

Happy Birthday.

Hope you like thirteen beter than I did. :P

Love + Cake said...

Love the rodarte tights...love the whole outfit, really. Happy birthday :)

xox, mavi

Unknown said...

happy birthdayyyyy miss tavi!

Lizzybee said...

Today you outfit made me gasp aloud with joy, which never happens. I think you should know that.

N.S.A. said...

Happy Birthday! Hope your classmates only throw light things at you... like $20 bills? I think that sounds much more appealing.

P.S. Thanks for the tip on Lula magazine! I found a copy today!

indigotangerine said...

ooh! happy birthday! All of your most epic peices at onec, is that even legal? You are probably one of the most entertaining bloggers....

Lindsay said...

Happy birthday! Thirteen is a good year.. It only gets better (ish..)! Haha

Ms. Jenn said...

Happy Birthday

btw.. tag your it

Rachel said...

Happy Birthday! You are hilarious and still, I must say, quite cute. Sorry! The outfit is excellent. The cake is awesome, and totally something me and my friends would do. Down to spending ages in the baking aisle deciding on cake flavor and frosting (my favorite is party rainbow chip with cream cheese frosting dyed with neon food coloring and made into cupcakes, but we've tried all sorts of combinations). So many fun times.

Rozie said...

Have a wonderful 13th! I hope you love this time in life, and are able to laugh at any awkwardness it brings.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, but you say you aren't wise?

Your vocabulary and personality are way beyond your times!

Hope you had a lovely day ^-^

Sadie's Wardrobe said...

Happy birthday! That scarf is brilliant!

Sadie xxx

Lara said...

Happy B-day, Tavi!! Turning thirteen isnt as bad as everyone says it will be,
well, at least it wasnt for me.

L xxx

K said...


Hope you have a wonderful day Tavi! there are some sweetness on the way in the post for ya!

All The bestfrm Loooondooon!
Karoline & Drew

s. said...

you got chutzpah, kid.

Parapluie said...

Happy (belated) birthday! I love your sense of homor :)

margot said...

happy birthday! i LOVE your outfit. i wish i could steal those tights.

Danielle said...

13. The beginning of teenagerism. Happy belated birthday! And this outfit is so fun-looking. I think florals are fun to play around with!:)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Tavi!! Welcome to the teenage world...muhahahha!!

I'll turn 19 and I just wandering if i'm still a teen! LOL!

loli said...

Yay 100th comment!
Happy belated birthday- welcome to the wonderful world of teenagedom! Love your blog, btw :D

photogeek said...

Happy late birthday Tavi...ugh I wish I could still be a teenager but Oh well lol.. but for you its like Ladyhawke song "Better Than Sunday" I`m feeling younger
It`s better than wiser, it`s better than wiser, it`s better than..

J said...

happy (belated) birthdayy!

amazing amazing amazing outfit.
&& loved this post and your birthday cakee.

My Sand said...

aww dem , day late but i wish you happy birtday anyway, hope you had great awesome uperduper amazing day :)
love your blog by the way!i am so hooked on it, as so many others!

Cosmia said...

You are so funny, Tavi! Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!
it blows my mind that you are only 13. and it depressed me that i still wore clothes from target at your age.
thanks for that tavi.

Anonymous said...

I'm certain that everything you think, do, say, wear, will be even more awesome from now forward. Happy birthday, tavi!


. said...

Happy birthday Tavi! Haha I love Beezus and Ramona!

Nat said...

Wow a post with ramona references & cake! Awesome. Hope your teenage years are filled with adventures, laughs, loves & more great outfits. xxxx

Freya said...

happy Birthday!

in my opinion, the whole teenage philosophies and theories about kids going nuts is overrated. i never had a great teen life. Okay, i did enjoy, but not so much.

Hope you do, though!

geri hirsch said...

happy birthday tavi!


A belated happy birthday to you!

Amelia said...

Happy birthday!!! I think this is my favorite outfit of yours ever!

Fábio Damião said...

Happy birthday!!! God blessed you, bay!

Nicola Henni said...

Bon anniversaire!!
I'm a french boy who love your blog!!!
Me too I'm so crazy of fashion and that's all :)
come on my blog

holly said...

Happy belated birfthsday tavi!
13 was my favourite year, i can only hope it's the same for you (:

Niki said...

happy belated birthday! your outfit looks fab and I'm sure your teen years will be full of cool stuff and only as much awkwardness as the rest of us (possibly less). the cake looks like a grand start though!

April said...

Tavi, I effing LOVE you and I hope you had an awesome 13th birthday. Keep being the hilarious and superbly out-of-this-world cool person you are.

Korianne said...

Tavi, guess what? We share the same birthday! Happy belated girly! Don't feel old at 13, I turned 20 this year. NOW THAT IS OLD! I envy your age, but I would rather skip all the high school that is ahead of you. Enjoy!

Jordan said...

That's a pretty accurate Bob Dylan
I am insanely in love with that chain scarf
I make my teenager quotes with one hand, Lazy.

Anonymous said...

I really love that green shirt and floral skirt.
You are so different I love it.
Love Poppy


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