singing the song that i was screaming

It seems I am most productive when I can't fall asleep as I made all of these very late the other night whilst talking to E about 90s Margiela and suburbia and some band called the "Jonas Brothers?" Ever heard of them? They do children's birthday parties, I hear? Very interesting, mmmm.
Anyhoozlbees (hiii jack black hi that one will & grace episode hii parenthesis don't require proper punctuation or capital letters hiii) we're about to get in a tiny trip before Spring Break ends and are leaving soon so here they are and I'll cite the sources later.This one makes me want spring, like, insanely bad.
Pretty self explanatory what this one's "theme" was, no? I love Vivienne Westwood because she also thinks that if you want to learn about fashion you have to read a BOOK and not a MAGAZINE because most magazines are too commercial and focused on popular taste. When asked about when people say that her clothes make the poor look rich and the rich look poor, she said they make the poor look rich of experience, like they have led a rich life and will go on to do even more great things; and make the rich look poor because they're not luxurious looking or snobbish. I love Vivienne Westwood.
This one was supposed to be a mix of like, futuristic and vintagey. Blue/yellow/pink, shinyness, safety pins going through your forehead. HI I'M//ALT//NO MILEY CYRUS YOU MAY NOT///MEET MY BAND//WE DON'T DO THAT KIND OF THING// (if you get that reference you get the lightning bolt of honor).
Fur is wrong wrong wrong but godddd does this make me want to feel differently=X
Blue brown rocks mountain yeah.
Bye guys!


Hazel said...

aaah thanks for using my drawings in your collage
(which are super epic) i love the punk one.

it's true, never trust a punk.
or a young blogger.

laia. said...

love the fiiiiirsst onnne.
even though hazel REFUSES to share her artwork with me... harrumph.

also: brown + blue = ALWAYS GOOD

Annie said...

the first and last are perfection.

yay rodarte! perfect for that collage.

Isabel said...

Nice collages! I am in love with the brogues on that 'spring' collage.

AFitz said...


Right? right?
Points for fitzy!

Now I will subtly leave the link to my blog in my comment.


Ana said...

Love the spring one. The weather is bipolar here. It'll be happy and spring and then have a cold mood swing.

Totally caught the Radiohead refrence! Its terrible but I kind of love that they were rude to her.

Cassiopeia said...

ah those are ace! espec the pink one and the third one slightly scares me lol.


Anonymous said...

Ah, spring break.........
here in coldest state ever, it's probably going to snow on our spring break. Bleg. hope that didn't happen to you.

50two said...

vivienne westwood is my hero. collages are awesome :)

Love + Cake said...

Hey Tavi :)

Those are fabulous, I really love the second and third. I totally agree about reading a book instead of a magazine when it comes to getting into the fashion industry. I read Vogue for the articles, and Nylon to catch up on new music but I am so rarely inspired by the editorials as far as putting outfits together.

However, I do use magazine cut outs for making inspiration boards for when I want to design a line. That sounds contradictory, I guess. What I mean is that I wouldn't look at an editorial or something and go out and buy similar things wear, but I would cut out pieces from several different editorials and paste them together to be inspired. Does that make more sense?
Sorry this got so long! Lol :)

Keep up the great work, girly!

xx. mavi

Mademoiselle Ruta said...

I love the british themed one. GO ENGLAND!!! And I like reading maagzines, but I love reading old issues. Fashion books are really expensive.

WOLF Q said...

hey, i was wondering if i could do a post on the t-shirt you made. i'm not going to mention or age or anything. i just wanted to ask you since i know you wrote a post about how you don't want people writing posts about you. let me know. shoot me an email: thanks boo!

Anonymous said...

thom yorke of radiohead! :D haha.
love the blog!!

Anonymous said...

I'm very excited that I got that reference.

Anonymous said...

Did you see my JoBros rant on Tumblr?

They are disgusting (like Twilight).

bobb said...

Cool collages here. Enjoy your trip!

Lucy said...

Thom Yorke is my HERO for saying that to Miley.

(ok, he was my hero before then too, now he's my..... super hero?)

olga d said...

oh god, you're so nuts. i heart it. yea and i love parentheses v. much as well.

blogger said...

Waou J'ai cru que les chaussures à fleurs du premier collage c'était des doigts pointés, c'était super

Kylie said...

Yeah didn't Radiohead say no to meeting Miley Cyrus and she went nuts?! Jeez, she thought she should have received special treatment... althought I don't get the lightning bold reference ? :o

ps- late night IS the most productive time, although I'm pretty sure I can't do collages this great at any time!


miss__w said...

you're a true artist!
the punk one is the best but I love them all.

RuthlessChic said...

I love the third one it looks futuristic yet not cold.
I was I was laughing half the time i was reading this so funny, ur good at being scarcastic

ps: do u hate the jonas brothers?are u just like all these girls in the internet dat just hate them to look cool and pretend dat they listen to better music, because in my opinion music is art.

Paige Schindler said...

mhm... I got the Radiohead reference! =]

Karl Lagerfeld said...

Dat NEW NEW, Tavi does listen to better music, hmm? She is not pretending. She's a real cat, if you know what I mean. But not an Andrew Lloyd Weber kind of cat.

Emilie said...

I have to agree I fail to understand the allure the Jonas Brothers.

"We've been to the year three thousand. Not much has changed we all live underwater, and your great great great granddaughter she's doin fineeee she's doiiiiinnnnn fiiiiinnnee (they croon that last bit)"

Firstly, a lot has changed if we're living underwater. The whole song is nonsensical and the rest of there songs are hardly better.

Maybe it's the fact that they thrash around awkwardly on stage while still holding their mike stands and constantly are batting/shaking their glossy locks out of their eyes?

Anonymous said...

cool collages! i love the Vivienne Westood one! she is one of my fashion idols.

rachel ann said...

haha radiohead totally earned even more respect from me when they wouldn't meet miley cyrus. I seriously laughed soooo hard when I read a headline about that a while back XD

Shannon said...

You are boss Tavi. (:

Thais said...

omg i luv ur collages! xxx id love to know wat u think of my blog xx

kelse said...

you've been busy.

Marii said...

I love the quotation of Vivienne Westwood. I work with her and she really puts into practice the truth of book and a strong knowledge.

Have a look on my blog :

Elizabeth Victoria Clark said...

love the vivienne westwood collage!
ps, is that reference to radiohead vs miley? xx

Kirstin said...

Niiiicee. The first one is my fave! What program do you make these collages on?

caroline said...

oh, i love your collages (that's what they are?) and your blog. I'm happy I bumped into it!

In-tree-gue said...

these are amazing, and totally inspire me to stop playing pokemon and make collages. Oh my gosh Hussien Chalayan 99, i loved his work from the late 90s and early 2000s, it was so conceptual. I liked his shows as a first grader, and mcqueen.

Belinda said...

I see Gareth Pugh! :D Love it love it love it. I sometimes entertain the fantasy of being a superhero and flying around in my cape, Pugh style. Yum.

(Miley totally deserved it.)

Erik said...

Love all of those collages! I too feel most creative at night, it's 1am as I type the comment. lol great blog. BTW, I only have 2 days for Spring break... be happy that you had some... =]

RuthlessChic said...

Karl Lagerfeld I never said she is was just a question cause im actually pretty curious, I wasnt trying to offend anybody

Anonymous said...

Wow love the Sex Pistols and Viv Westwood one. And your blog is awesome and I'm adding to my blog roll lol.

Pretentious b said...

thom yorke is a gr8 guy. a bit harsh to teeny boppers, but gr8.
and these are all lovely compositions.

have a good spring break! (mine just ended)

-sarah of Pretentious B

SAMANTHA said...

I love all of these. They radiate awesomeness, fo sho.

Anonymous said...

very creative! :) said...

Hey! Sometimes, late at night are the BEST times to create!

indigotangerine said...

i love these, especially the girl riding her bike up the sid of the page on the last one.
and floral oxford flats. COULD that be more epic?

marina said...

you're amazing. i think i love you.

... said...

i love this post!

-Patrick Demarchelier
-best flats Sprint 08
-Karl Lagerfeld quotes

Niki said...

what a cool quote from vivienne westwood. . . I love her work so very very much and aspire to one day own a piece by her.

and i got the radiohead reference too. i must read too much celebrity news. i don't really like either of their music, and i'm not trying to take sides but it sort of makes me sad that radiohead didn't want to meet one of their younger fans. . . but maybe they were busy at the time or something. or maybe they are pretentious. yep.

Phone with a Cord said...

these are cool, like inspiration boards :)

ultra said...

Did you know your blog was FEATURED IN AN AUSTRALIAN MAGAZINE?! The mag is called Girlfriend, so I went on your blog. Just wanted to inform you that you are already famous. No peer pressure, though.