Posts will be pretty spotty from now on but if you want incessant ADD posting that will ultimately dominate your dashboard, you can read the ever angsty quick inspiration Tumblr I've been unloading my entire hard drive on.

In other insomnia ramblings, I am honestly not that big on fashion magazines. Or at least, I hardly ever buy them. I just sneak food into Borders and grab a bunch of Vogues and fancy WE USE HELVETICA AND ALL CAPITAL LETTERS/COST 24 DOLLARS magazines and read them in the corner whilst slurping some GoGurt and walk out without buying anything. That's how you gotta operate in this here "recession," you see. Go cheap or go home! And if you don't go cheap, spend money on pretty things like this.

Anyways, I find many fashion magazines to be too commercial, and if they're not too commercial they just try too hard NOT to be. It's like designers that are weird just for the sake of being weird and "going against the norm." Vogue, saying "Real Women Have Curves" contradicts half of your magazine and we all know your future content still won't change a bit. I mean, when I saw this month's cover, TOTAL Photoshop questioning went through my mind. Mmm, irony.
RUSSH, on the other hand, is a lovely little Australian fashion magazine that puts awesome girlcrush material chicks like Karlie Kloss in Rodarte and then takes epic pictures of them. More here.
Have a good weekend, you cool cats.
I WISH I could take credit for this incredibly profound and beautiful illustration but my guess is some kid that was once on Arthur's "And Now a Word From Us Kids" drew this? Source here.

RUSSH, on the other hand, is a lovely little Australian fashion magazine that puts awesome girlcrush material chicks like Karlie Kloss in Rodarte and then takes epic pictures of them. More here.
Have a good weekend, you cool cats.

karlie is really growing on me.
I'm excited for White Lightning. Way to get some traffic!
karlie is so lovely, this photoshoot is completely brilliant.
it's all darling. you're darling. i'm coming back. perfect photo picks.
O my gosh! I love arthur!!!! I always wanted to be on a word from us kids!!!
hahaha i used to watch arthur all the time, but i hated the segway between episodes with that program. and i completely agree with you on the magazine front. karlie is amazing, i honestly can't believe we're so close in age its a bit depressing but mostly just cool(cat).
Karlie is very interesting looking, very expressive, very almost real looking.
You are a secret addiction of mine. I spent my life modeling. I modeled from 15 to 55. I'm now 64 and still a bit of a fashion junkie, but not to buy or wear, but to think about. I don't like much of what I see, but I keep looking and thinking about how little it attracts me. I no longer care much about the way I look, but I think everything is political, even, maybe especially, fashion.
And yes, this photo shoot is spectacular. You do have lovely taste.
I....I am flabbergasted at your visual itellect! Keep this going strong, and you m'dear will have any job in fashion available to you.
All this at your age, I honestly applaud you.
And, I love those aa tights from below!
karlie's legs is making me die. holycrapthey are long.
amazing, the knits are pretty fantatic.
RUSSH is fantastic, its well priced, with lots of fashion and images
its slightly like recession chic. but then really not...
i always think that karlie looks like she is wearing a steak dress though....or is it just me?
Karlie Kloss is so amazingly beautiful & without even wearing make-up. She works the Rodarte almost as well as you Tavi! :)
hahhah no! not the shamwow guy!
i know, i'm shocked about the shamwow guy too.
oh well i was always a bigger fan of the oxiclean guy anyways
yay... RUSSH is awesome, wonderful and lovely all tied into one :)
I love Karlie, she always makes the pictures come alive! The illustration of the cat is cool is, in a word, supercool! xxoxoxo
omg love thats image ! and the cat ...
im so glad russh exists. without it australia would be completely deprived of a good fashion magazine that isnt ridiculously expensive.
australian harpers baazar and vogue, in my opinion are rubbish. theyre so commerical its like reading a catalogue for k-mart.
Russh is fab. I think you'd like Frankie too.
I just can't believe the Sham wow guy got arrested. :O
mmmm borders. the one in Perth has a coffe shop in the back of it.
heyheeyy! I MUST say i LOVE ur blog! total coolness!!!
totally agree on the fashion mags!
the REAL source of trends besides the crazy designers is in the street! or in ur blog probably :p
still looking for inspiration?
check out the DIY "spa" tips in my blog...hey maybe it´ll help...relax always does!!! :)
greetings from spain!
rookie youre the best!!
i love karlie kloss... ever since them teen vogue days with ali michaels and chanel iman.. you remember that?
ne wayz i that pic totez reminds me of that arthur segment... they should do a where are they now with the kids... i'd watch that.
yeah, Karlie + Russh + Rodarte = Pretty Epic
karlie kloss is the new kate moss.
"Grunge and Glamour"? I MUST get my hands on a copy of this magazine. Also, the Shamwow guy got arrested!? Stop the bus!
i love karlie kloss dearly. mucho girl crusho.
i tend not to read fashion magazines either... blogs are my addiction.
I love Arthur! That kid's got talent!
I totally second you on the Vogue cover. It's insane. I found it hilarious that they didn't even wait until the inside of the mag to contradict themselves, they went right for it by putting the little "Nip/Tuck. Designing the perfect body" banner in the corner! I mean, was that seriously overlooked by the editor!?
wewt! we luv karlie! <333
channy xx
I think it's awesome that one of our fash mags is getting so much praise from o/s. Love Russh & love your blog!
I just love her!
Rush is good but Frankie is better.
We know, we're Australian. xx J
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