Woke up this morning to see all of the yard covered in snow. SPRING FAIL. Chicago, you are REALLY getting on my lastlast nerves. If the rest of Spring Break is like this I will become some type of angry mutant rabbit rather than a happy pink louis vuitton one and strangle you with a houseplant.
If I were Muffy I would say "vomitroicious." If I were Duffy I would say, like, "mercy" or whatever her gig is. And if I were Uffie I'd say hi my husband is awesome. But that's irrelevant. What I wore yesterday to...do nothing, really. Made a new Tumblr where I upload pictures and links from my favorite magazine editorials, so if you have the same tastes as me/get annoyed when the only Foto Decadent updates are sucky yellow-lighting eds and Tom Ford campaigns then it's here.

I did go to Sophie's house yesterday, but that doesn't count as anything since it is Sophie (hi Sophie tell your fish I say hi) and all we did was look at failblog.org and serenade pictures of the ShamWow guy and eat donuts for a good 3 hours. If that makes you uncomfortable and scared for the future of the world then I cannot blame you.
natalia looks so awkwardly out of place, oops
When I put this outfit together I had these exact pictures from last May's Vogue UK in mind. I am overly proud to own these editorials in print and basically gaze at them and kiss their beautiful tulle prints mixing feet whenever I can. So it's not really executing inspiration so much as I have major girlcrushes on J.Stam and Nati-Nova and poofy headpieces and tatooed them on my brain.
I forget what these dolls are called but I got two of them in 3rd grade and have them on my japanophile shelf. Other things on the shelf: Comme tags (also falls under: label whore), other Japanese toys, Style Deficit Disorder book, FRUiTS postcards, manga...
And if you think that's weird, I also built a shrine in my room. For whom I will not say. Because that would be weird and I am not weird *laser stare*
natalia, jessica
obesity and speed headband. vintage blazer, gift. my spacegirl tee. found in my house pink skirt and glove. slow and steady wins the race sunglasses. celeste stein tights via mytights. diy'd cuff and uh brooches. thrifted shoes.

When I put this outfit together I had these exact pictures from last May's Vogue UK in mind. I am overly proud to own these editorials in print and basically gaze at them and kiss their beautiful tulle prints mixing feet whenever I can. So it's not really executing inspiration so much as I have major girlcrushes on J.Stam and Nati-Nova and poofy headpieces and tatooed them on my brain.

And if you think that's weird, I also built a shrine in my room. For whom I will not say. Because that would be weird and I am not weird *laser stare*
natalia, jessica
obesity and speed headband. vintage blazer, gift. my spacegirl tee. found in my house pink skirt and glove. slow and steady wins the race sunglasses. celeste stein tights via mytights. diy'd cuff and uh brooches. thrifted shoes.
that major bow!!
I really hope that spring soon will be here for good!
Love this, especially the bow!
Is the shrine for dylan?
And that dog/beverage picture will never die, will it? Not that I'm complaining...
nice you rarely have closeups.
gotta love poofy headpieces!
i feel for you chicagoians, i lived there for a while and it literally took till mid april for spring to come. oh, the insanity.
Ahha! the bow kills me. I think you're amazing.
Awesome tights! The sunnies are cool..totally suits you
Love the tights and shoes.
Your outfit is pretty amazing. :)
all i can say is YES.
megan / http://mallratcouture.blogspot.com
no worries, I'm pretty sure the girlcrush on vodianova is universal.
enjoying the home-made headpiece.
Dalek minifig. Style points from me. ^_^ Thanks for your inspiring blog.
I live in chicago too and I wanted to freaking scream when i saw the snow.
nice outfit btw
uh, yus, i've had a crush on j. stam and that editorial. the headpieces are grand.
nice pics, nice look !
That outfit is fanfreakintastic!!!! I adore those shoes and they look sooo cool with the tight and tee. Then you add in the matching pink and things get mindblowing...
This is a really cool outfit! And I love your giant bow.
Hey there,
Japanophiles for the win! I love Japanese fashion, especially lolita, gyuaru, spank/fairy-kei, decora, hime, and everything in between. I love the idea of a little shelf dedicated to all your Japan loves, how about a picture?
I just stumbled upon your blog and I think it is great! You have such a great personal style and I enjoy your posts and outfits. Keep being witty and creative!
i love that issue of vogue - mostly because if i could then i would marry jessica stam and steal the clothes from that shoot.
nice outfit :)
and who's sophie? x
That bow is so utterly EPIC! I'm definately loving the pink pastel theme here... Reminds me of a modernized 1950s look? Lovely!
Sweets, why are you rejecting my sistah hood? We'd be the coolest sistahs EVER. Letsdoit.
Anywho. By the way, I kinda have a passionate love for Chicago, and I read the first few lines of this post and I was like, Of COURSE she lives in Chicago. WHYWOULDN'TSHE? Because thats how cool you are. The end.
You're so cute! I just discovered your blog (and other fashion-y creative blogs like this) recently, and you are so talented!
Why are you more articulate and equipped with a better vocabulary than most 18-year-olds I know? Props to you! Have you always been around older people, do you have parents that treat you like a adult, or are you just a baby genius? :)
Either way, you are so cool!
I've passed on an award to youuu!
uh not to make your spring break any worse but I totally got a sunburn on my neck and shoulders from driving with the window down today. It was only like 30 minutes sheesh!
Lovely blazer! Very Sylvia Plath.
thaaaaaanks dudez <3
cplavala-MAYBE a picture..can't promise anything though! My room is a mess.
sophia-Sophie is my friend from school/donut provider.
sprinkle-Ha I don't comment on blogs that much (or read that many, for that matter) but we can be sisters if you like..
kelly-I grew up doing theater if that tells you anything? Thanks for the nice words.
And we are under a blizzard warning:)
I could make a few guesses for the shrine...
And I've wanted to make a shrine as well but 1) I have no space to display all the love/ paraphenelia and 2) Everyone who comes in my room would immediatly think I'm a nutcase. Maybe I'll do one in my closet like Helga from Hey Arnold... good times.
Love the outfit! The best ones are on days when theres nothing to do.
I love your outfit, you look so good. I adore the pink jacket, so nice.
And that doll pin is amazing. I want it.
If I were Uffie I'd say something like, my husband is not the artist he's made out to be, in fact he is not even an artist but he sure as hell is hot!...
Like the bow a lot, a lot.
If I were Uffie I'd say something like, my husband is not the artist he's made out to be, in fact he is not even an artist but he sure as hell is hot!...
Like the bow a lot, a lot.
the first photo is for lack of a better term, fierce. this is an awesome outfit.
You truly have an amazing sense of style! Love the bow!
I love your outfits expecially the huge bow! Lovely
Ugh I hate MidWest Weather too. One day its spring then 6ft snow Bleh:)
Tavi i am officially buying your tee.
and that editorial is also amazing, i have those pictures up on my wall in my room
Nice Blog HUn.x.
i was like WOWOW..x..
hey back off my man (ShamWow guy), you younger woman, you!
The picture with the bow is fabulous.
That pink bow, the pink blazer, I think everyone is obssessed with pink. How appropriate for us girls! xxoxoxoxxoo
Shrines are never complete without some sort of genuine personal article of the personage in question. Y'know, lock of hair, vial of blood, old sock, etc. . . . Just in case you were looking for tips on that.
I like the t-shirt as a dress, too.
Wow, you are amazingly fabulous!! I just discovered your blog and am so glad that I did :D I'm so inspired to make a bow like that one in the first pic...where did you get it?
xx. mavi
PS I looooove Edward Gorey! Him and Tim Burton are my favorite artists!
PPS, I'm totally adding your link to my blog :D
FAB bow, that jacket is really beautiful, like the sunglasses too ^__^
Did you read the news? One of those shammy guys got into some trouble over the weekend....
Oh lord, that's a lot of Chinese right there in the middle. Weird spammers.
Anyway, the pink hairbow is AMAZING. And I think I have that Stam editorial stashed away somewhere, too. Must find it.
GREAT outfit chica! Loving the lair bow and the combination of colours...
You re looking beautiful ! I love your clotheand your idea ! bravo bravissimo !
Hi Tavi! Finland´s watching you! Okay, that was spooky. I guess I tried to say that I´m from Finland and we Finns just love your weird style :)
Oh and the most important thing I had to say: you are so inspiring and SMART. When I was your age I could hardly spell my name.
Am I wrong or are you from Norway? Yay, GO SCANDINAVIA!
Should I be totally patriotic and embarrassing and write something in finnish :D
Okei kirjoitetaan nyt jotakin. Onpa outoa kirjoittaa kirjakieltä. Suomessa on niin paljon murteita ettei kukaan oikeasti puhu yleiskieltä :D
Love your bow & blog girl.
Linked you on mine under Blogs & sorts =]
thats how much I love it haha
i'm loving the 'one glove' thing. very Billy Jean.
and i love the big bow, too.
sometimes you reming me of myself when I was 13. I had the same haircut and everything. but ofcourse i was forced to have my hair cut short, because i got bubblegum stuck in it. haha
That's what I did this weekend, too! Minus the ShamWow part. Our donuts were HANDMADE. EAT IT (no pun intended XD).
P.S. Dylan shrine. I can feel it.
omg chicago sucks. its weather is so bipolar its not even funny..when i woke up yesterday and i saw it was snowing i went into shock for a few hours.
anyway i just found your blog through jonesie cake and WOW you are only 12 but you are more intelligent and fashion concious than people twice your age. so i just find that amazing. this is why i feel that age shouldnt define people. unfortunately the rest of our world doesnt think this way.
but anyway i will definitely be a frequent reader now :)
i love your tights!
I love all the pink on you, it motivates me to challenge my light pink hating self
theres the most gorgeous pink mbmj blazer downtown but it's a light pink and I don't know if I can deal, aha.
did you just quote Muffy from Arthur? haha amazing.
how are you twelve?! you're WAY too cool to be twelve years old! go away!
haha. just kidding, darling.
you're precious & so is that bow.
Gah what an amazing outfit!!!! I love love love your new blog as well - I had a peak and it's seriously the best of the eds. If you have a mac, how do you get rid of bookmarks? I have no idea if you have a mac or not but if you do, I assume you know how to take away bookmarks. Thanks!
nice look;)
hahaha, love the bow. I have that Vogue UK too! I remember looking at it 1st time round thinking what a weird mix of prints... eughhh.. which progressed to but i can't... stop... looking at them... then ended up with me loving it. love the hair things on stam and i loved all the socks too!
sorry for babbling. i'm a big fan of your blog (all the way from london) :)
Z xoxo
"If I were Muffy I would say "vomitroicious." If I were Duffy I would say, like, "mercy" or whatever her gig is. And if I were Uffie I'd say hi my husband is awesome. But that's irrelevant. "
Love the bow!
haha spring fail. that made me giggle. i feel you! i saw the snow outside and a little part of me died. regardless. i agree with the stylish wanderer and i envy your bow.
love the colour
I love your blog. your outfits are so great i especially like the black ones and that bow in your hair and your amazing tights!!!
You are so cute :)
I like the video I aggree with most of what you say on it
What i love in fashion is that's a way to express who you are, that you are different and fashion can be a way to show it.
You said something about a blog who spoke about a desiner who you dont remember (sorry for this sentence im not sure youll understand it :s)
Hey girl, I really like your style.
The photo were your standing outside the house you look like the olsen twins when they were small.
Keep up the good work:)
love that pink jacket very cute. I WANNA TAVI SHIRT
love poppy
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