We spoke about fears today. That one wasn't mine, but I kind of love it. Another girl's was the Rainforest Cafe frog. We spoke about confronting our fears but it's not like I'm going to go up to an axe murderer holding a knife in a dark alley and say, "Hey, how's bout a game of Cat and Mouse?"
WHOA-whoa-okay-are those pants? Like whaaaa? I haven't worn pants since...well, Sunday actually, because I went ice skating (and didn't fall! I mean, I was going at about an inch per minute, but I still consider it pat on the back-worthy). But regardless of that...oh, well, there was the inauguration, but ignoring that...
The point is I haven't worn pants to...school...yes, school! since I think September. Don't know why I felt like wearing them this morning but whatevs, they're very comfy.
The hat is vintage-I wanna say 40's?-from Devery. It's velvet and has these pretty little beaded swirls on it. Everyone was like, grabbing at my head during school. Poor vintage-deprived suburban children. I swatted them away with my skirt (worn as a cape).
I look like a mole here. Or a groundhog. What's with this "groundhog day" everyone keeps talking about? And yesterday was some type of bowl? "Valentines Day" is in a couple of weeks? Seriously, this is all foreign to me. I live in my own world where Rei is my best friend and Margiela grows on trees and Nesquik plants grow in my backyard and I lived in Greenwhich Village during the 60's and have a collection of dyed crinolines along my walls and geography is non-existant (when Fashion Week comes I will be looking at my invites and crying, CRYING I tell you.)
OH ps, I forgot to mention Teen Vogue to you guys. Thank you my lovely wife for the mention! Scans here.
mom's old pants. slow & steady wins the race shoes. idk trouser socks. vintage cape/skirt and hat, gifts.

mom's old pants. slow & steady wins the race shoes. idk trouser socks. vintage cape/skirt and hat, gifts.
oooh i love that hat soooo much!
that is super cute. you have a great sense of style!.
i love the article
the hat is way lovely. and your cape skillz are as epic as always :D
Lovely outfit, I love ivory/black. And polka dots.
OK, so they're not polka dots. But graph-y lines on your pants are still awesome. And so is your hat.
i want to know, where in the world do you buy NESQUICK PLANTS?
You look a bit like an anime character with the shape of that hat and the cape. I love the window-pane print on the pants!
boo-urns, you should've gotten your photo in teen vogue too =)
i could never pull this off. well done!
I read the Teen Vogue article a couple of days ago, and I did squeal when I saw your mention. When bloggers I worship (oh my, did I say worship?) are written about I tend to become excited. And that skirt-cape is so pretty! The closest thing I've got to it is a knit poncho... it's just not the same. Oh, and pants suit you well; those are wicked.
i love how u wear clothing so unexpectedly.. i tried a sweater as a skirt the other day. it was pretty sweet :)
Oh wow, if I could come up with a pants-based outfit this good I'd wear them all the time.
can I move to your world please? that skirt-as-cape thing is pure genius!
the skirt as a cap looks fab!
yess... I understand you... I never wear pants. Last week, I wore pants.... a whole 4 times. It was in credible. This guy that sits next to me in my spanish class was all "You're wearing.... pants?"
Amazing! A million congrats on the Teen Vogue article. I love this outfit - especially the hat! Also, can I come to your world sometime? It sounds excellent.
your post title is HILARIOUS.
<3 <3 <3
So I'm curious, obviously your parents are cool with your fashion interest, but do they ever hear stuff from your teachers about it? I would think everyone cannot be expected to understand your interest.
-Kim in DC
i know you probably dont want to hear that but, you look fucking adorable in that outfit.
i was wondering, do your school mates stare you up and down and cast you as a total weirdo for behing quite edgy and stylish like that at your age??
i remember my sort of distant childhood, wanting to dress all fashion and being sad that i had to wear a costume to school.
I second what Ashely said... and congratulations on the Teen Vogue mention!
I love that you through in a little Meatyard, for our viewing pleasure. He's always been one of my favorite photographers.
The skirt as a cape is super-dee-duper, and the hat, I'm pretty sure goes without saying, is fab.
You look like you have magical powers in this outfit...
or something.
I love how you wear piecces of clothes in different ways than expected. The skirt as a poncho/cape is perfect with the pants.
holy mother f%%%* i linked to your blog through teen vogue highlights and unbelievable you are only 12!?!?!?!! you have impeccable style, and for your age that is impossible!!!! lovely dear, keep it up but don't get too caught up . if ya know what i mean :)
what an interesting way to confront your fear. I was always scared of vaccines, what I would do was to carry my teddy bear around and put it againts my mouth and scream so nobody could hear the scream. Even if IO've grown up I do it and look quite childless entering the doctors with a teddybear.
Nice work on the pants, and fabulous hat.
lalala you can swoop your cape! thats so awesome.
congrats on teen vogue.
have u played dress up games like gosupermodel.com, stardoll.com...?!There is also guppylife.com - looks awasome!! For playing around with clothes... Do u play video games??
Man, loving the cape/skirt. It makes me happy, for some reason.
Congrats on the teen vogue!
however slightly it is you wear jeans, these are amazing and they look great on you. also the cape-skirt is awesome. how do you come up with that stuff?!
OOOOOhhhhhh i LOVE the title!!! hahahaha it is so funny. nice work Tavi!
Ha, ok so this video doesn't really have anything to do with this post, but it made me think of your blog. Plus, it's hilarious, The Blah Girls.
Check it out. I die.
I love that hat, I'd grab it!
You make ponchos/capes look cool.
How do you manage to stay warm and stylish in snowy weather?
It's snowing here and I'm completely stumped on what to wear out of the house. I had to resort to my fuggs when I went out to play!
I love the skirt as a cape that's such a BRILLANT idea! I must try it...Congrats on the teenvogue mention, I read the article yesterday. I've said it before and I'll say it again--you are ridiculously cool.
I love your cape ( do you say that in english ( nevermind !))
and your hat is so ... beautiful , wonderful I love it !
your blog made my day. i love the mischevious granny style!
xo from sf
amazing pictures :) congratulations
That cape and snake thing are sooo beautiful! I know it's a ribbon but it looks.. snakey. I want a snake brouch!
I love the skirt as cape. It reminds me of ANTM with the twirl twins (maybe shown ages ago in the US but on in the mornings in the UK) :)
Amazing outfit!
Your hat is AMAZING! I've never seen a hat so lovely!!
Love the outfit but your kinda gonna wanna say early 20's for the hat close enuf though
aw little girl you try so hard to have fashion sense and style, but im sorry to say this. Nothing fits you and it just looks like such a mess. Like you fell in a pile of old clothes that are 6 sizes to big. Wait a couple of years and dress your size.
aw little girl you try so hard to have fashion sense and style, but im sorry to say this. Nothing fits you and it just looks like such a mess. Like you fell in a pile of old clothes that are 6 sizes to big. Wait a couple of years and dress your size.
did you ever follow the cardcaptor sakura series? that hat reminds me of something the title character would wear!
Yey Belle! My heart filled with joy when I saw the scans, I'm so glad that she's getting the attention that she undoubtably deserves.
As for the outfit, Loves it. That cape looks freakin sweet, and your allowed hats at school? Every school I went to went nuts if you wore a hat, thats sweet that you can wear whatever you want.
Poor vintage deprived children, lol!
i love the romance, your artistry, the sincere feelings of innocence that are protrayed though the photos and the clothes. love it, it's inspiring.
That sounds like a very nice world to live in. :)
I LOVE Nesquick btw- but, who doesn't I guess...
Okay, it's somewhat late-ish to reply to this post, but this outfit just reminded me of an old Danish children's tv show about a girl named Super Carla. Not sure if this link will work, but I'll try anyway: http://www.dr.dk/bonanza20_assets/Entrance.aspx/all/0/any/43048/title_ast/asc/80/Super_Carla_1_5 And you probably won't understand it, or maybe you will because it's somewhat similar to Norwegian. Anyway, it's great (not the first part with a woman talking to a pig, but the actual Super Carla part)! This is too long... You're wonderful :)
what is last photo?
it looks funny~
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