DC was AMAZING. I died a billion times. The car drive was long but totally worth it, and the inauguration was completely unforgettable.
I'm Not There, Bob Dylan? OH, but I WAS.
This crappy picture took me about 3 minutes to make. If that's not patriotism, national pride, and devotion to ones country, you tell me what is!
My dad's colleague got him two tickets, and everyone in our family were in major suck-up mode for the second one. I didn't get it (3 children, obvz couldn't give one the burden of being totally despised by the others) but it was fun regardless.
purple coat...red states, blue states, united states, purple, y'know?
If you were watching from home you honestly saw more than I did. We were right by the Washington monument-I thought that from our view Obama would be a dot? The Capitol was a dot. If it had been a concert I would have been upset to be so far, but the atmosphere was just great. It almost was kind of like Woodstock, actually. Minus the nudity. And drugs. And people like Joan Baez and Jimi Hendrix (Pete Seeger did perform at the concert on Sunday though, also really fun). And the high temperature. And the tipis. Basically there were just SO
I was mostly impressed by the 12,000 Port-A-Potties. This, my friends, is the change we need.
Even though it was a huge crowd it felt really close-knit. Normally that many people trying to get around in a city would probably be chaos and people would get somewhat rude and aggressive, but not on Tuesday. Also, ARETHA'S HAT IS MY DREAM CHILD.
This is the best photo you can get when you have to sit on your sister's back just to see the screen.
Blog will be back to it's usual fashiony-self tomorrow. Time to get some zzzzzs.

If you were watching from home you honestly saw more than I did. We were right by the Washington monument-I thought that from our view Obama would be a dot? The Capitol was a dot. If it had been a concert I would have been upset to be so far, but the atmosphere was just great. It almost was kind of like Woodstock, actually. Minus the nudity. And drugs. And people like Joan Baez and Jimi Hendrix (Pete Seeger did perform at the concert on Sunday though, also really fun). And the high temperature. And the tipis. Basically there were just SO

Even though it was a huge crowd it felt really close-knit. Normally that many people trying to get around in a city would probably be chaos and people would get somewhat rude and aggressive, but not on Tuesday. Also, ARETHA'S HAT IS MY DREAM CHILD.

Blog will be back to it's usual fashiony-self tomorrow. Time to get some zzzzzs.
you're so lucky to have gone!
I was up at 3:00 in the morning watching it so worth it nothing to do with the 3 jugs of hot chocolate. even though it has nothing to do with Australia.
WOW! I wish I cold have been there. I didn't even see the actual inauguration. Just some bits from the news.
But yeah, they said on the news that there were no arrest around there. Unbelievable but true.
sounds amazing!! i thought anyone would be crazy to even step near dc on inauguration day, just because of all the people, but i understand how the atmosphere would be wonderful. i had fun celebrating it at home though, haha.
also, i love your crappy i'm not there/i was there picture heheh.
aretha's hat was so fantabulous. a couple of my friends were in dc at the time. stumble apon any celebrites? according to perezhilton.com blake lively and others were just chummin with the common folk.
It's wonderful that you were witness to a such a major moment in history, as far away as you were.
Yay! We missed you. Should have known an interruption = "off on an adventure."
That's pretty amazing. The most I got was out of a chemistry lab. My music teacher got to play sax at the ball, though. Could you hear everything?
i love you! can I adopt you! What camera are you using??
aretha's hat was everhything.
that and that new president dude, he kind of rules as well.
I was so excited to watch it live it was amazing go obama!
ahh I was up nice and early to watch it too (3am), but in struggle-town the next day. Aretha's hat and earings were fantastic!
I love your comment about Aretha's hat being your dream child! You are too funny :)
What an amazing experience you had going there. It was such so incredible and touching, the entire inauguration.
Ur so lucky to be able to watch it. Was it really cold?
i did not even know that many existed hahahha
Joan Baez=<3
awesome post, i cant even imagine how incredible it must have been to be there
Who knew a Hawai'i boy would take office? :D
oh wow luv! you're very lucky to be in a country with a president like him.
gawd i'm so jealous. it must have been amazing.
Wow, it must've been great in DC.
I watched it from my school auditorium, and it was pretty moving. I even thought of you being there once as I was watching.
Majorzley jealous you went.
Obama's speech was so inspiring.
wooow! I can see it in my tv in Spain. Tavi, you're the best! I love your outfits!
LUCKYLUCKY! I was watching it at school and just could not believe what I was seeing it was the most inspiring beautiful thing in the world. Of course after my ingauration excitement died down I wondered what you wore to it.
Glad you had a good time! My good friend went to it and we're Canadian. That's Obama dedication.
Have you seen a picture of Sascha's outfit? I saw it and thought of you. It's picture #6 on these pictures, plus there's overhead shots of all the people there.
And way down toward the bottom there's an awesome shot of Michelle's dress at one of the Inagural Balls.
That looks like fun! A lot of people got turned away because they issued too many tickets. You were lucky :)
we were near the washington monument too! what an experience. yay obama!!!
Check out this picture of the crowd that day! It's amazing! http://www.popsci.com/content/inauguration-day
If I wasn't already obsessed with you, I would be now due to your BURN to Comic Sans. Best title ever.
And I'm so jeal! I'm glad it was a good time. America Hurrah!
That's so rad that you were there! Even if you couldn't see a thing.
x x x
you are so lucky that you got to go! the atmosphere of everything must have been amazing.... yay Obama!
OHHHH it must have been WAY cool. AND 12,000 port-a-potties?!! now THATS impressive! like most of the population, i sat on my couch and watched it. so glad your back! i had to refrain myself from looking on ze blog everyday for 3 DAYS! unnnnhhggggggh- torture.
seriously. aretha's hat is the love of my life.
if it makes you feel any better, I had tickets ("good" tickets even), and from what I've been hearing, I kind of wish I was back by the Washington Monument. We were too close to see the Jumbo-trons and too far to get a good view of the stage. Don't get me wrong, it was still one the most amazing experiences of life, but I bet you didn't miss anything by being farther back. Anyway, the best part was the sense awe and inspiration among the crowd.
I went too! it was amazing and extremly cold!
wow! I watched it at home in the middle of the night because of time difference between DC and Indonesia, I had this goosebumps when Obama gave his first speech :D
So jealous. Like, tights times ten, seriously. I wonder if I saw your car while I was watching the inauguration in the student centre...
wow thats so awesome that you were there for such a historic moment. i felt pretty good watching it on tv, you must have been feeling super important, i would have!
You are a lucky kid.
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