The last pair of tights from my parents came last night and I died twenty billion times.
They're optical illusions!

Love love love them. They are INSANE, and shockingly versatile. Already have ideas for more outfits with them.
Now I can chop off your head AND hypnotize you, all at the same time. While wearing CDG. And shoes a couple sizes too big in -6 degree weather. Skill? No. SUPERHUMANPOWER?

Wanted to be all black/white, paired it with this stuff and spent most of the day with the coat off but forgot to take a picture of the inner layer. Whatevs. It was a black lace shirt and space-y kinda Margiela-ish belt. The white lace shirt I buttoned and belted as a skirt.

Since the skirt is so feminine and flowy I felt like more geometric stuff was needed, hence the paneled coat and geometric bug space fish round sunglasses, which I only wore for a few minutes during lunch while my friends and I acted like oompa loompas in the hallway. Only to be seen by a group of teachers, mind you. At least it was good material for my friend on yearbook staff. Me doing weird dance + making strange faces + wearing fish sunglasses + group of teachers looking on disgustedly=KODAK MOMENT/PICTURE I WILL TOTEZ BE SHOWING MY GRANDCHILDREN.

This is my last post for a week or so as my family and I start the drive to DC tomorrow and I won't be posting while we're there. If anyone can recommend some thrift shops that'd be great, too *bats eyelashes and smiles and clasps hands together and offers eternal gratitude by holding what I call an Official Lawful Certificate but it's really just a Post-It that says
IOU: Eternal Gratitude on it*. I'll definitely take pictures at the Inauguration (probz not outfit pictures though. Gotta pack light and
practically (gross) and whatnot.) Either way I hope you guys have a wonderful week!
celeste stein tights via slow & steady wins the race shoes and sunnies. thrifted belt, top worn as skirt, and top (underneath). comme des garcons for h&m jacket.
You're so lucky to be able to go to the inauguration! I hope you enjoy yourself.
I love the jumping pics. It's as if you're jumping through different dimensions.
oh tavi, you are totally the shit.
i love you and your self
if that makes any sense
I totally love this. This might be my favorite outfit of yours, it recapitualates every amazing designer, and its still idiosyncratically you(oh my, that is most deff not spelled right)
hey oh wow! so you will be in dc?
um... me and my freinds are thrifting maniacs, and if you get off of the metro at takoma, and walk up to the street of little shops... (just google earth takoma metro stop) they're directly out of the door if you walk for a few blocks) you can find some neat shops. there's moonshadow for really old stuff, polly sue'swhich i like a lot. and if you're in the area, then you might like glad rags as well. they're having a sale. look that up if you like. those are all more like consignment shops, there are many more thrift store that are large and filled with clothes and other things. most are in silver spring which is also right near dc... uh yeah, you can google them if you like, i think there is a good one on ugh what is it called? nevermind. there are some really good ones though. hmm... some cool clothe stores in georgetown if you're around there. i dunno. it's dc, noone has good style, but there are some great shops. also maybe mustardseed which is right off of the bethesda metro stop. okay i'm just really excited about the inauguration and everything so i wrote a ton and because you seem so awesome. !@J!J!":! whatevahz, if you have questions about thrifting just e-mail me ( or if you want to meet up or something. which would probably be weird because i don't even internet know you... UGH OKAY WHETVER IN MY MIND WE ARE BFFS.....fjksdlafj alright have fun!!
Fantastic outfit as ever. Love the skirt and especially love THE JUMPING!
have fun little lady!
ooo have fun in DC. one of my fav cities. and those tights are totally rad ;)
Have a great time at the inauguration Tavi:)
Me loves the pairing of the skirt with the tights. It's, like, rad. ;)
Have fun in DC, while I will be in New York watching the inauguration from my school auditorium where they plan the internet server to work despite the fact that every public school in New York City will be on it... not to mention that I will be next to people who won't stop cheering, won't stop making faces, won't stop sleeping, etc.
Me? I might just pay attention.
sweeeeeet. i'm in dc for a few months on a school program and was fixin' to go thrift shopping soon. and no one i asked was able to tell where the good shops are.
Oh I have a t-shirt with the the same print as your tights. They're lovely!
you should definitely check out meeps. it's near the U st. metro stop and it's got a pretty good selection of crazy vintage dresses. also, there's a store called vintage junction which is also near U st. last time I was there, I found a 1980s YSL black trench for $80!
I love these pics!!!!! I love your crazy faces and may I say... your hair is looking fab-oo!
Oh, I am SO SO jealous. My three best friends ever (and a few other of my good friends) are all going to be in dc, and i am stuck in small-town ohio and it is lame. and very, very cold. boo!
i hope you enjoy inauguration, though!
Hmm... I've visited DC a couple times. Annie CreamCheese is the main vintage shop I remember. It's in Georgetown, right on the main street, but it is SUPER expensive.
Check out this blog entry...
(PS its not my blog, just one i adore!)
Hope that helps a bit. :)
I want tights like those, the prints make me all spaced out and I love it.
Tavi i love those tights! They remind me of a Comme des Garcons shirt ad :)
Those tights are so cool, they make me dizzy just looking at them!
You have an amazing tolerance for the cold. To have fun doing awesome outfit posts in the snow? You're some kind of superhuman (as confirmed in your post).
I think I'd die out in -6 degree weather or at least shiver and complain A LOT. Spoiled Californian, I am.
Hello Tavi! Do update us on Twitter when you are at Washington okay? :)
wonderful photoshoot!!!
have a safe fun trip to dc!
Have a great trip!
check out 'the fashion void that is DC' on her page is a link to her list of 'DC area/vintage/consignment/thift stores' Although I've never been to DC (I live in London) it looks incediblely thorough and her clothes are ace. check it out! have a great holiday.
Always love your pictures, the jump puts those amazing tights in motion!
DC thrift shops? You should've just asked me to begin with. ;) haha
The ones people mentioned above are all good. Takoma Park is especially great, but like the other person said, they are consignment, not thrift.
Mustard Seed in Bethesda is good and fairly cheap right now, since they've just updated their inventory. Annie Creamcheese as well, but they are kind of a rip-off with new season stuff.
If you're really hankering for the THRIFT, though, you'll have to trek far from downtown, and head over to the Unique Thrift Stores in Falls Church, Wheaton or Silver Spring. There is also a Value Village in College Park. They are essentially huge-ass warehouses filled with secondhand clothes, housewares and other doodads. Fun experiences!
Also, wow, good luck with getting to the inaugration... I live here and I'm not even going. I'm sure you know that driving and public transit will be nearly impossible that day, so I hope where you're staying is walkable to the Mall. Although before that day, you should ride the Metro and get your own commemorative Obama Metro card. :) I'll be hiding in my politically-ignorant hidey-hole.
ooh, i shouldnt disclose my #1 thrift store in dc... its a THRIFT and not consignment, but, honestly its just because no one has told them to be one.
its a bit intimidating because its all spanish people in there, spanish gospel music... but dig dig dig away and you can find some awesome threads by sweet labels. i've found a marc jacobs sweater for $2 NOT KIDDING, i've seen Christian Dior, brooks brothers, burberry, etc etc, at ridic low non-consignment prices.
only because you are you, tavi, its in columbia heights on 14th street. the name is "3 por $12" and its real non descript. I'd say its on the 3600 or 3700 hundred block.
ooh, i shouldnt disclose my #1 thrift store in dc... its a THRIFT and not consignment, but, honestly its just because no one has told them to be one.
its a bit intimidating because its all spanish people in there, spanish gospel music... but dig dig dig away and you can find some awesome threads by sweet labels. i've found a marc jacobs sweater for $2 NOT KIDDING, i've seen Christian Dior, brooks brothers, burberry, etc etc, at ridic low non-consignment prices.
only because you are you, tavi, its in columbia heights on 14th street. the name is "3 por $12" and its real non descript. I'd say its on the 3600 or 3700 hundred block.
SHOCK! Those tights DO look amazingly versatile - who woulda thought? I don't think my chunky thighs can pull them off, but you my dear make it work. Love the blog, btw. Feel free to drop by mine sometime, I'd love your fashion advice (mainly cuz I LOVE your style :)
that's so awesome you get to go!!! enjoy!
optical illusions that they are!!
your crazy cool, i did a post on you, check out my blog. im 16 from melbourne australia
I stared at your tights too long and started walking/clucking like a chicken.
awesome tights!
Have fun at the inauguration. I'll be hiding in my house afraid of the crowds because THAT'S THE NORMAL THING TO DO.
Oh and DON'T go to the Unique thrift store in Silver Spring like someone else recommended. I have nightmares.
AMAZING outfit and tights, I ADORE that last shot. Go here for an amazing list of DC thrift stores:
Amazing. Those tights are crazy awesome and I love your poses. Have an epic time seeing Obama - my friend is going and I'm so jealous!
Can you marry Obama for me? please!I love him(as a president not like I wanna make out with you......)
killer tights btw!
i ADORE those tights. they are TOO COOL!
very very cool! enjoy the inauguration, that's pretty awesome.
i love your tights
and have fun at the inaguration
dude. sick pics is all i can say. lol
totally kickass.
killin it!
counting down the seconds he cozies into his oval office desk...
TAVI i'm going to the inauguration too! i'm uber uber excited. not only because we'll be in the same city at the same time, but because of the whole watching the first african american president get inaugurated thing too. if i see you on the streets (not likely) i will totz be like TAVI I LOVE YOU WILL YOU PERFORM YOUR REI RAP FOR ME? and you'll be all like yeah um okay crazy lady and then i'll be jealous because you are 3812904821084y3756238761378 times cooler than i'll ever be.
these are way good jumping photos. they blow the pants - and optical illusion tights - off all jumping advertisements ever made. especially the last one.
My friends is going!!!!! If you see someone around your age named caroline.....say hi for me!!!
DO go to Unique.
That person doesn't know what's awesome.
I absolutely adore your style and blog :D
your tights! i want them, love them.
love the second shot! you're amazing
I love your wit, kid.
You make me feel like an old woman at 25, though.
I am so impressed you guys are driving all the way to see the inauguration activities! I live downtown, and I'll be watching all the commotion from my rooftop =)
As for thrift stores, we have a lot of "vintage" and "consignment" shops that can be pricey here, but since I assume your fam has car access you should check out Unique Thrift/Value Village (HUGE! 10121 New Hampshire Avenue Silver Spring, Maryland 20903) Georgia Avenue Thrift (6101 Georgia Ave NW Washington, DC 2001) for fun browsing and super cheap stuff
those tights are insane! And i love them with the lace skirt/top.
You know, you are like a super hero, without the "day" identity! :)
really snazzy tights.
Trust me when i say you *need* to go to Glad Rags in Takoma Park, MD. It's like 10 minutes outside DC and the owner of the shop, Jody, would go crazy for you :O) It's a vintage/consignment shop. And it's amazing.
i love your style!
I absolutly Love the tights!
haha i love the photos of you jumping through the air. <3
i've got another blog in creation right now. almost done. i just needed to move locations due to a certain ..uh... stalker?? yeah, no fun.
anywho, my email is feel free to email me anytime! and i'll send you a link to the new blog :)
Gorgeous outfit, gorgeous poses.
These tights are classy: Obviously I need to send an order to mytights very soon.
you're amazing, great outfits! :)
Tavi, i just discovered your blog and i'm so impressed a 12 year-old girl can write such an amazing blog. You're so cool. Take care and enjoy dc. xxx
ENVY masquerading as intense dislike. blarg i'm so mad you bought those as i was considering it ): but you do wear them better than i could ever imagine. the intense dislike is basically just envy again ):
Wow! You're so little but have a great style! (this is a compliment! :)
i adore that skirt and tights! enjoy in washington! :)
Also I cannot believe youre going to be approx. a 30 minute drive away from me ( i live in northern va) and I probably can't go to inauguration ): bummed.
also you look exceptionally pretty in the last couple sets of pictures :)
so i stumbled upon your blog while i was on tres fly's blog.
and i read your post and i was simply amazed.
wow, you are amazing, has anyone ever told you that?
& i know that you like to think you you arent cute, but you really are.
you should get a "follow" button, but the one from blogger.
say hi to mrs o!
Ps: the outfit is genius. You are genius. The skirt is gorgeous.
Have fun at the inauguration! And I would just like to say you do jump shots much better than Caroline Trentini and you should be in Vogue instead of her except you're way too cool to be in Vogue. And white lace skirt + epic architectural jacket + OPTICAL ILLUSION tights = awesomeness.
Ahahaha. In your second picture, you look like Captain Janeway defending the Voyager.
your too cute..
xoxo BS
check my blog:
Wow!!! I am considering ROFLing. Awesome tights, and even better pictures. You crack me up!!! *Looks for follow this blog button*
The tights are really awesome!
And I liked the pictures, they made me smile(:
Love the tights and the pictures.
I wouldn't know any thrift shops in DC but I see several people have helped you out on that one! Have a blast :].
3 for 12 in Mt. Pleasant.
Georgia Avenue Thrift Store.
Salvation army in Bethesda.
those are all fabulous thrift stores.
Mustard Seed &
Annie Creamcheese
for consignment.
& Meeps
Your surroundings at to your flare.Thats all
love the pictures. you are adorable.
although you just a child,
but precisely because this is the case, you may to change at any time out to infinite of possibilities.
because in this world, the adult brain has been overdrawn.
no new production, no surprised,
but you are different, you just like bring everywhere with explosives as the breakthrough point,
To bring a pleasant surprise, so that everyone recognized that the "wow, more incredible!"
you know you are different from your peers, you have your ideas & views, your forward-looking ... and so on.
your emergence of own is a gift that is god gave the future society,
we can see you in your better future,
from the heart feel that you are the future successor.
and the last, i would like to ask,
your parents how to say with it?
should be given great to support you, right?your parents is also very like fashion?whether mentally, or financially (you know, even if fashion surface it's not expensive,
but in general still have to spend a lot of money! do you know what I mean?!)
aaaahw I like your style
i was watching the inauguration and i thought to myself "tavi's there!" ahaha
Its fun seen a girl playing dress up in a chic way. I love your jacket! you are an artist my dear
I soooo like your tights, I have just caught on to the groovy tight movement myself. I am in awe
you've grown dull................................
Hi! I've just seen a coment about you in a spanish magazine! I'm following your blog since i discovered it... and I think i'd never wear one of your crazy looks, but I enjoy watching them and take some ideas... ;) Congrats!
PS. I'm sorry if my english is a little poor... ;)
lalalove the pose mid air with the sword. bad.ass.
Hey Tavi ^^
First comment on your blog,
but just wanna say i love your style!
Your Doc Martens where how i found you hehe. Was trying to buy the exact same thing, then stubmled upon this blog.
Anyhoo, just wanna leave a goodie -
has some awesome floral and patterned clothes (Y)
come back to us, tavi!!
I think you are a wonderfull girl :)
from the netherlands/ amserdam
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