I was quite the happy camper when I received an awesome package from Yokoo the other day. It has ridiculously great stuff, including purple patterny granny dress and nightgown-y things and MORE plaid and tartan (yes, you heard me. I need to grow a million more bodies, then I can wear all of my plaid at once and also maybe Neutral Milk Hotel will write a song about me called Billion Headed Annoying Preteen Angsty Girl That Writes Dorky Blog And Is Slave To Rei. Hiiii Jeff Mangum.)
Today I wore two of the things from the package along with my mom's old red skirt which is pretty much the softest thing evar. One is this epic ruffly blouse and the other is the cape that makes me feel like a Thanksgiving Witch when I wear it (whatever that's supposed to be). It's actually an apron but too long on me to be one. I'll have to grow a few more bodies and then I can wear all my capes at once and Neutral Milk can write another song. Hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk.
One kid at my school said I looked like Little Red Ridinghood. Um SURE if Lil Red changed her name to Little Navy With Red Leaves And Beige With A Hint Of Tan Flowers Riding Hood. This kid's knowledge of fairy tales (and the color spectrum) (and the difference between solids and patterns) (and the difference between things with hoods and things without hoods) is as pathetic as my facial expression on the picture below.
This facial expression indicates that a chipmunk has gone missing and quite possibly might be in my mouth, and that I think I have telekinetic powers and that if enough childhood anger is focused this tree will unleash itself from its roots and carry me over to New York just in time for mid-February.

Fashion week is coming up, my friends...
Adorable patterns, I c u thar.
Most of the people at school have stopped making fun of my outfits (with the exception of the Fairy Talely-Challenged child mentioned above) because they feel threatened. Not by me of course-my strength is about that of the hair on the chipmunk inside my mouth-but by the fact that carpet netting, coathangers, and combat boots could all easily injure someone if the wearer were to decide injury was necessary. Which it won't be, unless you give me 10 bucks and a free slice of pizza. Say cheese!
I talk way too much. Thank you Yokoo!
blouse and cape, yokoo. mom's old skirt. h&m tights. slow & steady wins the race shoes.

Most of the people at school have stopped making fun of my outfits (with the exception of the Fairy Talely-Challenged child mentioned above) because they feel threatened. Not by me of course-my strength is about that of the hair on the chipmunk inside my mouth-but by the fact that carpet netting, coathangers, and combat boots could all easily injure someone if the wearer were to decide injury was necessary. Which it won't be, unless you give me 10 bucks and a free slice of pizza. Say cheese!

blouse and cape, yokoo. mom's old skirt. h&m tights. slow & steady wins the race shoes.
oh tavi how you make my boyfriend and i chuckle :)
btw... i showed my sister your rap today and she made me play the "swagga" part over and over again :)
this is great and the second photo is especially beautiful
I don't think I would've been brave enough to wear those outfits back when I was in middle school, so kudos to you, Tavi. You're really inspiring!
this makes me happy, its kind of like japanese street style and old sunday school teachers injected with this seasons luella
oooh i just love the patterns in that close up shot! beautiful!
you are too cute! this reminds me of little red riding hood, in a good way.
yes the second photo is really really nice.
Not sure what size shoe you wear, but I saw these on etsy just now and thought of you.......
Completely gorgeous. Sterling use of apron. I think everything looks better in the snow (cause I don't get snow round these parts), and yes I may be fairy-tale-challenged as well but my first reaction to the first picture was, ahem, littleredridinghood . . .
I love the color of your skirt!
what's wrong with little red riding hood?
little red riding hood rocks actually: goes into dark forests, has encounters with evil wolves and wears a hood as if she cares.
o dear tavi.. start getting used to it, not many people get the point of dressing differently. forgive them:) (and keep doing it!)
if you went in france come to lyon its will be cool to go to the "friperies "
im happy to know that a 12 years girl love fashion (like me )
oh of course i don't have the same "talent" but you can learn that to me
a girl from france
(who don't speak very good english (i'm sorry))
you look like you have the ability to fly
If I had your style, wardrobe, and ability to wear free dress at school, I wouldn't have the guts to wear something so uhhmahzing.
Very cool gifts. And another great outfit. -kimberleighROSE
yellow, white, red ROSES
Seriously, this is epic.
You're so amazing.. I love your outfits, and the way you fill your blog! Keep the good work coming please :D
so fun, You're so amazing ;)
Love the skirt!
You give little red riding hood some tough competition, I love this!
love the third pic.. the thanksgiving witch is summoning her broom!
you are very lucky to receive all those nice gifts!
If I would have thought to wear it as a cape and not an apron I would have KEPT it! You look adorable and these shots make me so happy.
hahaha. i love this post. seriously.
Wow, a cape! Honest to goodness, you are the only fashion blogger that actually inspires me anymore.
Your blog isn't dorky at all! It's so cool and you're really stylish!
Go Tavi!!! Fly and save the fashion world from all the serious sour pusses!!
I think your blog IS dorky, and that's why I feel so at home here. ;)
Neutral Milk Hotel rocks! And your cape is wonderful! :D
wow how cool are you?! i remember when i was twelve and i did barely know any fashion trendes or stuff.. now im 17 but im still clothing like a 7 yearold comparing to you hehe keep up cuz you rock!!:D
I feel like I must go out and find a cape. Right now. But I think I should like one with a hood. A grey one.
Now I won't be happy until I have one.
!!! neutral milk hotel !!!
!!! plaidness !!!
!!! this blog !!!!
Stop carrying chipmunks in your mouth. They don't like it. They told me to tell you.
How lovely your outfit is, as is your writing!
Boy, you do know how to entertain.
I! LOVE! THIS! OUTFIT! I usually don't like red but that lovely skirt, amazingly epic capron (geddit? cape-ron? hahaha, I'm a regular riot.) and awesome blouse = adoration.
woohoo for you and nmh!!!
i wrote a feature on weardrobe, check it out?
you said before that u edit ur photos thru picnik. which features do you use? i love them!
I laughed so hard at the chipmunk bit that the chipmunk in my mouth fell outside!
hey,tavi,would you mind telling us where that way-outta-line kid lives so we could egg his/her house?i live in CA...but.. um.....just a thought......hehehehehe
I really like that cape/apron. <33
since when do you have this special style?i mean, when did you started to get interested in fashion?
lovely outfit!
i love your blog!
and your rap! :)
I love the cape! It does resemble Little Red Riding Hood, but your awesome pose in pic 3 turns you into some sort of super chipmunk hero :)
I love the cape! It does resemble Little Red Riding Hood, but your awesome pose in pic 3 turns you into some sort of super chipmunk hero :)
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