It is a sad, sad day when you realize your teacher got mixed up on the syllabus, and that you actually get back to school on Monday instead of Wednesday, and hysterically call all of your friends asking is this true/some kind of sick joke, then die inside. That was yesterday for me. [Insert angsty annoying preteen variations of "it sucked" here]

So today I went to the library and did my entire book report that is due tomorrow. When I say entire I mean ENTIRE (luckily the book was fairly short and went by fast). I fell out of my chair an embarrassing amount of times since I kept tripping over my cape but then comforted myself by getting a pretzel and chocolate milk and reading outside whilst jealously observing a hobo's dreads. Party animal.

I also tried to grasp every last bit of winter break I could-sitting by the Jul tree, listening to Christmas With the Rat Pack an absurd BUT NOT SAD AND/OR PATHETIC amount of times, eating holiday cookies and playing in what's left of the snow (which, as you can see here, there is very little of).
There's something sentimental about this time of year which I'm not ready to give up just to go back to condescending teachers, petty drama, ridiculous expectations, self-absorbed students, alarm clocks, B.O., disgusting and nausea-causing amounts of Axe, and really smelly Messy Josephs (BAM, totez just described middle school in one, huge, run-on sentence. I could take the easy way out and use one word-Hell, if you were wondering-but this is more fun.)

First Comment... wow!
School isn't fun. Especially when you have been gone from it for so long!
I like your outfit and was wondering if I could link you on my blog?
awe! same thing here man same thing! I woke up today and almost cried! parting is such great sorrow especially when you are parting with your freedom to sleep until 2:00 in the afternoon.
cool picture of the church too!
(p.s Im obsessed with this blog but not in the creepy way in the check this every morning night and afternoon because your so darn cool kinda way!)
yeah, I work at a school and am not excited to go back either (to the axe body spray) it's amazing the way ALL middle schools are the same, across time and geography, they are and always will be hell
You totally just described my middle school right to really smelly messy joseph! LOL :)
That suckzzz. I thought school went back Wednesday too, because it seems like a good going back to school day. But apparently its Tuesday.
I love the two tone top.
I can't believe break is almost over! GUH WAKING UP BEFORE 11 IS SO OVERRATED.
you sound dangerously close to that Erin Wasson "homeless people have the best style..." comment with your hobo dreads... but hey, I think you could rock them.
I wouldn't go back to middle school if you paid me a skadillion bucks.
Unfortunately for all of us, you've described high school accurately as well.
My brain cannot comprehend going back to school.
so middle school hasn't changed in 7 years. Just so you know. Not that that's reassuring... my apologies. Also, the nausea-inducing axe will follow you to high school... along with other things... but especially that. Not reassuring either, huh? Well, at least you look great ;) And I'm still insanely jealous of your docs
procrastinating homework, eh? you can look forward to repeating that every year for every break until you graduate collage (unless you go to grad school, and i hope one would grow out of it by their mid 20's). shame about the whole cam thing, though it might have been my fault. it wouldn't supirse me if all the tech in the room went on the fritz due to the sheer force of belles anger after me, my brother and jaime spent 2 hours antagonizing her. my favorite activity.
I hated going to back to school! esp middle school...I feel ya girl, I was there.. it goes by super fast though so don't worry too much :P
xoxo good luck on your first day back!!!
Ah "Christmas with the Rat Pack". There's also a Sinatra family Christmas recording - it's the only time I think of where Tina Sinatra sings.
wooow you are so cute!
That really sucks Tavi. :( I'm sorry.
For a moment there I thought that last picture was R2D2.
Yikes, that's like one of the anxiety dreams I still have at school.
Aww, I have to go back to school tomorrow too. But geez, I'm so glad I'm not in middle school anymore, you're totally right about that. As usual I love your style, especially that stitched-together shirt! Awesome awesome. :D
Bob always makes me feel better. He's fabulous. I'm seeing him in April!
Ah well, high school... Glad that's over for me! XD
/useless comment
wow. yeah first day back at skool i ended up walking through the corridors and asking myself.
"why the hell am i back here this fast??!!! i still need holiday movie marathons!"
LOL at the falling-off-your-chair occurrence, sorry.
i like those pictures :)
I love that photo you took of the church! You are just bursting with creativity.
School was a hard time for me as well, and I'd love to say that those same annoying people disappear afterwards... but the truth is that they come and go for the rest of your life.
Just keep your good sense of humor and I know you'll survive it.
Best of luck! xo
Great church pic!! So creative.
You look awesome. Hobo dreads are cool and I see you have your University work habits down pat! haha.
Hehe, I am LOVING reading your blog. But I feel like I need a glossary, because I don't understand half of what you are saying! Do you have a unique language all your own, or am I just older and more out of touch than I thought I was? I will limit this comment to a question about only one glossary item: What is a Messy Joseph?
"Courage !", in x years you'll be free, and you'll forget all your rude schooldays.
Hmm, all right, it's not so motivating... And high school isn't better. :(
c'mon! not that bad! you can show off ur new hair, see who got fat over the holidays...:)
much luck tomorrow! i hope school's not that bad. :)
you took a picture through your wet glasses? how innovative! haha
yep, definetly back to B O. eeuugh. gross...=S
love your shoes =D did you have a good new year?
the days when axe was worn...
i don't miss them at all.
cute outfit
Ugh Axe is disgusting. I'm so very sorry. It gets better, promises!
So today I went to the library and did my entire book report that is due tomorrow.
Well. Happy new year, hmm?
Ugh.....I hate going back to school after break. It just makes me feel all nostalgic for no reason really....I love your description of middle hit the nail on the head, especially the bit about the Axe. I swear at my middle school the kids got high off it!
I love your outfit...the layering is fabulous. And you always take such good photos...
heyy tavi..u must get this a lot im sure, but i think we are quite alike in some ways...i mean my style is a little different frm urs, but i also like to dress not caring wat anyone says or what is "in" at the moment..i hav this frend that is somebody i always bump into wen im shopping, and we hav had a few (more than a few) times wher we bought the same item of clothing...our styles are completely diffrent but we find ourselvs makin almost the same choices 4 outfits evryday at skool(im ur age)...sry 4 da fast typing vocab im in a rush...i jst wanted 2 say dat i admire u very much and ur independent style(wich i am stil workn on a little). visit my blog pleeeaseee ur r an inspiration (not 2 sound like a giddy internet stalker/predator or anything...jk)
(p.s. how do u get so much publicity 4 your amazing blog???)
Your description of middle school is not only hilarious but PERFECT!
Not sure how to break the news to you but high school is no better. Except the boys switch to from Axe to a variety of foul smelling equally as strong colonges. I love the glasses picture!
Oh my goodness TAVI! You have the most wonderful website as well as FABULOUS COUTURE chick T. I think you guyse should make a blog together, that would be ultimate you know the Australian and The american fashion blog! I think you should seriously consider it because you guyse (T and Tavi) would make the most wonderful blog. visit her blog and make a blog together or not! But please think about all the fab stuff you guyse could do
haha. i love how you described middle school perfectly. you couldn't pay me to go back! but high school is totally better...everyone's more chill and they don't wear axe, so yay! :)
your description of middle school was spot on. high school isn't much better. actually, it's worse. there's more drama, higher expectations, the gossip is worse and most of the teachers are complete morons.
You have HOMEWORK over CHRISTMAS?!?!?! How truly dumb. (I'm from the Southern Hemisphere, so yeah we're all on holiday.)
What I really wanted to say was, another really gorgeous outfit.
love the outfit!
i never want to go back to school ever.
good luck tavi hope all goes well xx
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