Devery of the band La Laque recently sent me an assortment of things she wanted to get rid of..."liberating" her of her clothing she called it, and since I am such a good-doer I happily did my part in this world by accepting a bunch of awesome clothing. Completely selflessly!
Not exactly, but the package had some neat clothes you'll surely be seeing in more posts. Two of my favorite things were this old Terry Reno autobiography and Barbie catalogue. The Barbie one must be especially old, as indicated by the hyphen in "teen-age." See, this is how the professional historians figure these thingymajigs out.
I've been updating my lacy black witch outfit every time another suitable item pops up, and with this veil (more navy blue, but whatevs), dress, and skirt (underneath the dress) coming from Devery I had to redo it once more.

Quality that is totally me=kind of doesn't want to make eye contact with certain people and has strength to fight bulls.

dress/skirt/veil, devery. necklace from laia. thrifted longsleeve top. childhood closet vest. secondhand cape. h&m tights.
I love your picture as a matador!
I love your blog!
Just wanted to ask when your next vlog might be?
Isn't it a tradition to get a few cute necklaces for your bat mitzvah? It was back in my day :-)
We all got initial necklaces then!
dear god, it's me hazel, i'm having troubles. there's this other blogger named tavi and she's 40594359359x cooler than me. her black lace ensembles are so awesome they make me cry. what should i do?
hey, your idea for a bat mitzvah sounds pretty darn good to me!
tavi- don't stress out about your bat mitzvah, i had mine a few years ago and it was a blast. my bat mitzvah was rather low key, just a nice outside party but in the end its not how you do your party that matters but who's there to celebrate your special day! also make sure that you practice alot for your torah portion and haftorah (if you are going to be doing both portions), you dont want to look like an idiot at your bat mitzvah. trust me. i have seen some people do some pretty crummy jobs at them.remember,its not all about the party you know, do it how you want it, not how your friends/family want to do it (or atleast compromise on somethings). it is your day after you know what dress you will be wearing? i wore a white one, and i loved it! get something you will love years to come when you look at the pics later.
p.s. sorry about the extra long comment but i thought i would pass on alittle bit on knowledge to a fellow jew! :)
I had to look it up, but apparently Dylan had the largest Bar Mitzvah in the history of Hibbing , Minnesota. No idea what his Torah and Haftorah portions were:) Maybe somewhere there is a recording.
You might be familiar with the new documentary "The September Issue" - about the creating of the mega size September issue of Vogue - featuring Anna Wintour and Grace Coddington. The Friday edition of Salon featured an interview with the director, R.J. Cutler. Here's a link.
im sure that any party planed even the slightest bit by you would be totally amazing, but i love your lace outfits, there always so exciting, you should totally diy some cdg silver hexagon jacket and wear that over this
In an e-mail, my now-atheist professor reminisced about his long-ago bar mitzvah, confessing that he did his Torah portion "by rote, and stopped in the middle of a sentence." Don't do that, and you'll be fine. (And don't rent an entire science museum or serve cookies emblazoned with your face - I saw both mistakes committed nine years ago.)
I might just have my bat mitzvah in college since I haven't had mine yet & i can't find the time to remember a parsha...
BUT this look is mindblowing, truly the textures upon textures look soooo feminine!!
gorgeous, dahhhling as always
dear.. are you seriously a 12-years old girl? for God's sake! your way on matching those outfits are terribly amazing! love your blog.
have fun with the bat mitzvah.
I spilt my drink when I saw your outfit, so epic. maybe to epic
keep it up :)
i love your idea for the bat mitzvah! please dont stress out, im sure it will go GREAT.
can i come? lols :)
OMG I almost hate you for having that Barbie Catalogue. I screamed inside of me. Haha! But of course I can never hate such awesomeness <3 Btw, I really love the details of your blouse! Killer!
woah, i always thought it was bar mitzvah.
Whooooop whoop it looks totally Yohji Yamamoto Fall 2008!
Thanks guys for the encouraging Bat Mitzvah ideas. I'm going to one today and will probz get some ideas.
chester-Ack, who knows! I don't know what to talk about.
jem-Thanks for the help! No clue what I'm wearing yet though.
bob-Oh I have to see that movie. Also it's kind of strange Dylan had the biggest one, I wonder if that was his parents' choice or his...he said he didn't really embrace childhood all that much >.<
bellinda-This one girl I know once had hers at the Adler Planetarium with a donut conveyor belt, crazy!
putri erdisa-Yep, sure am.
chucklovesbob-For boys it's Bar, for girls, Bat.
moi-Haha thanks, that collection didn't have any lace but the silhouettes are quite similar!
Tavi your my hero! Good luck with the bat Mitz and stuck with the gummi worms plan.
I love the witchy outfit and the bow/veil headpiece is completely AMAZING. I continue to be awestruck by your coolness.
Good luck with the Bat Mitzvah! I'm not going to/didn't have one, because my parents really are not religious at all. Still, I now that's a lot of hard work/studying/memorizing/planning, so, again, good luck!
Looove this outfit.
And "See, this is how the professional historians figure these thingymajigs out." is the best line ever.
Nice outfit; I do love the cape.
And I had my bat mitzvah last year, and though there were a bunch of people I didn't know there (thanks selfless mother who thought it was her day too), there were a bunch of gold balloons and good food and friends. So I guess doing all the planning is worth it. ;)
love the headdress you have.
Gots any ideas for tzedakah yet?
If you just had a camera in your hand you would look like Wiona Ryder in Beetlejuice!
Good luck on your bat mitzvah! I had mine a few years ago and did the whole DJ thing. It was ok, but there were more relative/random family friends that i didn't know than friends. :(
Also, i'd just like to echo the others and remind you to practice a lot for your portions.
who knows, maybe you'll score some nice jewellery and tons of cash. i know i did, and now i'm putting to good use (aka epic euro trip with my best friends to greece and italy :) )
LOVE "Quality that is totally me=kind of doesn't want to make eye contact with certain people and has strength to fight bulls"!
2) "Idealistically"; maybe you meant that word, maybe you only wanted "ideally".
3) Regarding a later post, up there: Positively 4th Street remains a great song, don'nit? I first heard the song in another century, when it originally came out. No guff.
4) Bob Dylan's 115th Dream, know that one? In case you do, like and want to look at the words, (Note, I think the Captain's name should be Ahab, with an aich.)
Oops. Strike that last number....
YES! Absolutely Winona in Beetlejuice!
Have no clue about the your Bat Mitzvah (because I'm, um, from New Zealand . . ?). Awaiting developments with interest!
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