(and sorry the photos are crap, I don't have a scanner).
Belle, duh, with her batman glasses and hippy hair and smug smile because her birthday is coming up. LOLtastic.
HI BEN. This is mostly for mine and Belle's amusement. I think I'll frame this for her as part of her birthday gift.
I'm not really a YSL girl but I dig the space thang from Fall 2008.
Because her scarves are so epic and her photos are delightfully quirky. The Pembroke and Minnie I have her sporting here are the colors of her walls. Not like I've memorized every item in her shop or anything....anyway, she just sent me a wonderful box of hand-me-downs which I'll post soon. Even if I had picked up the items on my own at the Salvation Army they still would have reminded me of something she would wear! Luckily Ihave come across Yokoo-esque items at the SA and will be sending them your way soon, you nutty knitter you.
Karl, obvz.
Elizabeth totally defying epicness and going next levz in her insane fluro bathing suit fabric dress. I think I may have owned a leotard with a similar pattern when I was in preschool and tried doing gymnastics. I lasted about 2 lessons before I decided constructing banjos out of baby shower stickers and music class drums was way more useful.
Even though Laia has changed her profile picture many times since she had this one it is still the first one that comes to mind when I think Geometric Sleep (not like that's CREEPYZ or anything). I did it from memory then found the picture and post itself. I don't know WHERE she is (crazy shark chalk drawing?) but I LIKE IT.
Rei being passive agressive.
On an unrelated note, yesterday I was shoveling the driveway when a figure (couldn't tell whether it was a man or woman, they were so bundled up) came up with a snowblower and did the whole thing in two minutes without saying a word. I felt rather small and pathetic watching them with what felt like a useless shovel in hand, but as they walked away and I thanked them I heard no answer. Man, if this was Christmas Eve I could totally make up some shit about a guardian angel, right?
more on flickr.
P.S. I am beyond flattered that a few of you have commented/emailed about putting the YSL one on a t-shirt, but I will ask that no one uses any of these photos. I am considering putting it on t-shirts myself to sell, and if you know of a good website where I can do it or think you would buy one let me know.

On an unrelated note, yesterday I was shoveling the driveway when a figure (couldn't tell whether it was a man or woman, they were so bundled up) came up with a snowblower and did the whole thing in two minutes without saying a word. I felt rather small and pathetic watching them with what felt like a useless shovel in hand, but as they walked away and I thanked them I heard no answer. Man, if this was Christmas Eve I could totally make up some shit about a guardian angel, right?
more on flickr.
P.S. I am beyond flattered that a few of you have commented/emailed about putting the YSL one on a t-shirt, but I will ask that no one uses any of these photos. I am considering putting it on t-shirts myself to sell, and if you know of a good website where I can do it or think you would buy one let me know.
omg it does and i am writing all lowercase to defy your hipster capsness. and yes i will send you the ysl and rei ones. the ysl wasn't hard so i'll just make a new one.
I wish someone with a snowblower would come up to me and do all of my homework without saying a word...
omgzzzzz tavzzz
i am so honorrrrreddd
also the ysl one is fantastic! so minimalist!
i <3 you. please come to nyc soon!
All are very cute. YSL is definitely mah fave, though. -kimberleighROSE
yellow, white, red ROSES
they're so cute!!!
bob dylan one on flickr looks like olivier zahm from purple.
PURE awesomeness!!!!!!!!!! also, the Yokoo one looks amazingly like my piano teacher. WEIRD......anyway, love the first pic and YSL.
I should do some watercolor.
the sleeping-green-hair one, and the YSL one, ARE GOD. your guardian angel was just hanging around to tell you that. :)
Wowzer, you're pretty inspiring in all aspects of the word, hmm?
Yes, the YSL one is pure awesome, all unique and shizz. I commend you for it, as I do for all of the other ones seeing as they're all cutesy.
And Karl looks exceptionally great in pink.
I love the ysl one! I want that on a T-shirt! Im totally putting it on a T-shirt! you mind if I do? Ill give you one!!!omg T-shirt
oh and wicked creepy .......perhaps god came to you in creepy snow-blower form...?
its totally easy to silkscreen it, plus then you can have the silkscreen and silkscreen other things. Just go to an art supply store and get a reusable screen, and black fabric silkscreen ink, and that plasticy paper to make the stencil. Since the image is pretty simple, its pretty easy to do on the silkscreen, without using lightsensitive photo transfer stuff. That is my advice.
you could use cafepress, karl knows more about that than i do though.
Omg the YSL and passive agressive Rei is soooooooooooooo epic i would buy two. Lol and the ponytail on Karl is so awesome!
Try Zazzle for t-shirts or anything else for that matter...I'm picturing the ysl on a coffee mug...
I have insomnia too, and thus I am commenting right now. I would much rather be spending my restless nights painting pictures of my amigos aswell, but alas I must read Macbeth and try to write a paper instead :(. I would much rather read an epic play by you dear Tavi. And you could make it a picture book! Books with pictures are my favorite kinds of books. mmmmhumm :)
karl and rei made me smile so hard.
I would totally buy one!
You can use MySoti.com! I se that myself. But you have to know the basics of Illustrator or Photoshop. I don't think you'll find any other place that is willing to make professional good quality shirts without those awesome programs!
(see my shirts @ elinemarierenee.com/fluffykittenmittens if you're interested in seeing the end result.)
i would buy the ysl one! you have amazing t-shirt dezigning skillz , yo!
you could use bigcartel.com. You can customize your own store and they dont take any of the money.
i could totez imagine your drawing of susie bubble and jane aldridge!
although i have ALL CAPS thanked you privately i will CAPS IT UP here in the COMMENTS to tell thank you a JILLION times and say i am beyond flattered and honored and I LOVE IT SO MUCH I WANT TO DIE.
i dieeeeeee
i love them all, karl and ysl and rei are REALLLLLY next levs, FER SURE.
heart and hearts and love love love love tavz xoxoxo
Nice pics!
Who said insomnia was all bad?!?!
The YSL one should be made into a t-shirt and sold for way too much. If you don't do it, I will and i'll make millions BAHAHAHAHA.
Just kidding, not really... or am i?
Did I mention i am also struggling with insomnia? Consequently, I'm developing a healthy port addiction. I don't recommend it, though!
stop by some time
there are a ton of local screenprinters in chicago that would be able to make your shirts for you in a snap. and you could also sell them relatively easy on www.etsy.com. all you do is set up a shop in a few easy steps. mine is www.thegreatlakes.etsy.com. feel free to get in touch if you want help with it!
i love the yves saint laurent and the karl brava !
haha this is so awesome! i'd totally buy a shirt.
You are too cute! They are really good!
The one of Laia is lovely....!
Fun watercolors you've got there! I really like the one from the first picture. Those eyelashes make it.
those paintings are so cute! and the YSL on a shirt would be really cool...you could sell them on etsy maybe?
Haha I love these. Especially Rei and the YSL pic;D
i love your watercolors! you seem to really capture the spirit of the people in the pictures :)
Yes, Etsy.com. Perfect place to sell.
Well your a much better watercolorpainter than i am, if that makes you feel any better! I like those pics
<3 Sarah
well tavi, you've TOTALLY captured the essence of me, you know, a blue outlined vampire. Thankyou so much for that. Aim nao. I'm bored. The ysl one kinda rules.
I love the last one :) and i totally knew that was karl xD
You just reminded me that I can't wait until this semester is over so I can switch from music to art.
The drawing made me laugh out loud, in a good way! I especially love the ones of Yokoo and Karl. And ahhh the YSL t-shirt would be fantastic.
love the watercolors! very quirky and awesome....i too have watercolors and now wanna paint.
Damn, you use your insomnia time much more creatively than I do. By the way, I found that home-shopping channels can help put you to sleep, once you get over marveling at the insanity of them.
The YSL one is haunting me.
You must put it on a tee shirt.
Etsy! (for selling)
the YSL one is . . . amazing!!
thanks for the inspiration :)
I want the YSL one on my wall! And on a shirt! AMAZING!
Go to a silk screener. it's about $25 to burn a screen from something you supply him in jpeg form. Then it usually costs $4.00 per t-shirt (more if you do more than one color. Plus you have to supply your shirts but once you find a quality one, you can get them cheap or have people send in there own.
You can get sheets of paper at like a CompUSA or Office Depot that you can print images onto and then you iron them onto plain shirts, like from Hanes. The papers usually cost about $1 apiece. After that you can list them on etsy.com. Total cost per shirt with this plan would probably be $3-$5 each. You could price them at like $15-$20 and make an absolute fortune.
I would be interested in the YSL one, the Elizabeth one, and/or the Laia one. Please email the address below if there are any major updates. Thanks!
selling the ysl and also the karl guru of fashion ones on tees would be in my opinion great business ;)
fer sher make tee shirts of these. i'd wear any of them.
I think my mom would frame that painting of my sister in a heartbeat...I know I would. these rule, Tavi.
cutandsewn.com is great for making shirts, i love the rei.
i don't know if you steal need a website for t-shirts, but www.redbubble.com is an easy way to get t-shirts printed/sell them.
excuse me. ur site is very good and so informative.. looking forward and thanks alot. may u have a great future...togel singapura
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