Last night I sewed up the lips on my shirt since it really just looked like a hole and I didn't know how to make it work. Just some ribbons and ruffles. Snip snip here, snip snip there, and a couple of tralalas...all that jazz.

In order to be in ~COMPLETE AND TOTAL Rei mode~ today I wore it with these Tao-ish boots and polka dot skirt and the CDG x H&M tuxedo blazer (I say the because tis holy. I say tis to emphasize its holiness, and I italicize my words to feel superior). This CDG shirt below I can't seem to find on but the picture was enough to convince me to pin one of my own gloves to my shirt today as well (obviously not well enough seeing as it's falling slightly...)

How ANNOYING are those dumb twigs? Poking in all innocently, stealing my focus. Now now Twigs, you know better than that. Have some courtesy! Some tact! Don't take away attention from my levitating.

I breathed on the camera lens when I took this picture. It was blurry from the snow (yes! It snowed again!) and fog in the other pictures, too.
H&M skirt (thrifted) and tights. Comme des Garcons for H&M blazer. thrifted boots. DIY shirts.

H&M skirt (thrifted) and tights. Comme des Garcons for H&M blazer. thrifted boots. DIY shirts.
this is the most perfect outfit ever.
good job fixing up the shirt! looks very cool :)
this is incredible.
also your hair looks great :3 and the part about the twigs was funny
Very, very cool. :D I love your blog. <3 And you're hair is awesome. :D
Ack. Your* not you're! xD
tavi this is so awesome! especially the gloves cause stuff sticking out from your clothes is so rei. can you link me on how to cinch and drape? please?
It turned out really goo reeth d! Especially the gloves oh my golly gee that was genius! And those twigs I know what You mean I had a made out of them and after a while they started to come undone and poke me in the eye!
oh and that hand picture is really creepy,like straight out of a horror movie creepy!
I love the colors of this outfit, the black and white with the bright pink! The glove was also a nice touch.
the gloves so cutee
i personally loved arabelle's "vagina skirt" comments...
i love this though!!
I love the last photo!
i love it!
OOH! Nice fix! I think the glove thing is very neato/strange. Or strange/neato. Not sure which order yet.
love the outfit! congrats on snow..
so jealous! its 60 here!
you just gettin cuter and cuter..
HAY GURL HAY. I wish I had the courage to pull off a Rei ensemble. You look smashing.
Ooh, I love how it turned out! Nice outfit composition, Miss Tavi. The gloves were a lovely touch indeed :)
shocking pink, surrealist gloves...
schiaparelli much?
I like all the ribbons you gathered up. girly to the max.
Adore the outfit, shirt looks good! Like the title of your post :) I've been seeing a lot of pink and black lately.
xoxo Isabella Clarisse xoxo
you're my hero.
adorable. :D
i follow your blog and just wanted to say that your very creative and talented... despite what everyone says about your age.
Oh it's fab! I love all the layers and the proportions of it. The colours kick ass too! I wish I could pull this off once in a while but I'd never be able to stick to it XD
I like it much more now! love the pairing up with the polka dot skirt and the boots!
I love the surrealism of the fake hand.
a preview of what the heart shaped one may look like;
thats gotta put you off?!
Oooooo I LOVE this outfit! Black lace & pink top = success!
And you did a great job sewing all the ribbons together, the result is great! :)
Oh my gosh, I really wishe ou weren't already married to Belle because I would really love that honour. GIRL, you are just so FASHION. You honestly dress like an editorial everyday and I love you for that!
(Joni M. is one of Canada's greatest songwriters, no shirt. (Strike the r.))
And your bloggything remains great fun.
Ciao, B.
I'm impressed by how sharp those twigs came out. LOL. Nice twig photography.
You need to check out this swedish blog, she's nearly your age!
damn twigs! lol
This creation is fantastic. Perfect with the long lines from the oversized black jacket.
I've been thinking about leaving comments before but I'm too lazy. I like your blog a lot. However, the first thing I thought of when I saw the sewn up lips was "that kind of looks like a vagina."
Great interpretation!
This pink shirt is a-ma-zing !
I'm not a fan of hot pink on myself but I would love to wear this shirt :)
May I link your blog on mine?
that is an AMAZING fix for a mistake i love it!
The shirt is spectacular textbook case of fortuitous mistakes
oh my gosh i thought i was the only one in the world who breathed on their camera lens... haha its kind of gross but the pictures turn out so so cool.
Fabulous outfit again! I'm catching up on all these posts and going into awesomeness overload! The way the whole thing works together is truly inspiring.
I found the CDG jacket of your inspiration for you; it's F/W 2007: it ;)
I like the adding of the glove! =) Nice instant d.i.y. for the real thing. =)
Love it! Hey, you could try stuffing the glove with some cotton wool or pillow stuffing, to make it look more real. And spooky!
That may be the single greatest DIY EVAR. Please teach me the wisdom of your ways, Sensei.
i love the song in your blog post name, also the twig thing was hilarious, cool pinning of glove:)
has everyone failed to notice the most awesomest Wizard of Oz reference evvaaahhh?! haahaha i always find myself singing that song and i DONT KNOW WHY..
its haunts me
tavi - that is one pretty amazing outfit. :D
Ooh, I adore this. Hot pink and black is such an excellent combination, gotta take notes. =)
this is my fave, esp the bright pinks and the polka dot skirt. love the ribbons on it too. you have a great eye!
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