Today I wanted to go all metallic Hephaestus since I've been wanting to do another themed dress week of each day being a different Greek God (I was also thinking Aphrodite, Artemis, Dionysus and Helios...) but then I remembered about the monologue I had to do in class today as Blanche DuBois and that dressing up was extra credit. Extra credit for CLOTHES? Count me in.
When I last dressed as Blanche it was more of a translation of her personality into clothes. This time I just tried to dress similarly to the 40's, when the play was written and takes place. Pretty blue eyelet suit thing my mom's friend gave me (not sure when it's from), ruffly blouse, a lace crinoline underneath...the (vintage) fur hair pin Isabel gave me which is oh so soft and very fun to play with. It also made my bad hair day much better.

I didn't wear the shoes all day because I can't imagine spending an entire day in anything so...high. I did wear them for the presentation though. Call me crazy but floral Dr. Martens just don't exactly feel like Blanche...
Oh, I forgot to mention in yesterday's post that a kid in one of my classes said my "swagga" was "so cool." I was wearing the CDG x H&M.
Um, who called it??
Late Jul gifts from came today and I can't wait to try them out! Plaid and harlequin, though a few more pairs were ordered and will hopefully come soon. I was quite happy because they weren't supposed to come for another month. The tights gods were on my side today, friends.
Also, I want Rachel's dress.
vintage skirt, cardigan, and hairpin. h&m tights. charlotte rousse blouse. jeffrey campbell oxfords from

Um, who called it??

vintage skirt, cardigan, and hairpin. h&m tights. charlotte rousse blouse. jeffrey campbell oxfords from
those tights are amazing.
eleanor hardwicke (15 year old pro photographer) has similar ones (if not the same ones).
here's a pic. of how she wore them. click me!
The jacket and blouse are fabulous! I would totally rock those. And pshh... what are you thinking, the floral docs would have gone great! =D
Amazing outfit!! You're so lucky you get extra credit for dressing up.
I love the outfit GO TAVI! I really enjoy your new hair check the blog?
hi tavi :)
im in love with you!
are wonderful
im spanish and i have a blog
the new post speak about you
i hope you dont have any problem!
see you!
Hey tavi, nice post.Blanche Dubois is mah gangster bff. The suit you wore reminds me of what my grandma wore to my Bar Mitzvah. I need to conslut you on something, aim nao please.
the tights are the bomb! especially the one's on the right!
I love the hair clip!
Oh my Tavi you've done it again nice blue suit and awesome hair thiny! also I am really jelouse of those tartan tights!I looked all over for them!(I even almost bought them at Juicy Couture ewww right they were like 40 bucks!)
but I hope you dont mind but Im getting them! I love the harlequin ones too envy is pouring out of me like a monsoon! like cAN I PLEASE rob your closet in the mist of the night? wow thats creepy
Artemis is my favorite Greek goddess.
One time in Middle School we had to be named after Greek gods and I was Artemis!
Your outfit is super cute!
Sensational outfit. ESPECIALLY the skirts and shoes.
you could pass for a mini michelle williams!
ohh, I am such a big fan of today's Blanche outfit. It's perfect! And not just for Blanche, just in general ;)
what a sweet blog you have! and you look so sweet aswell little dear!
love from sweden, julia
i love your costume!
what episode of friends is that?
Ah, I adore Friends.
Hi, that's my favorite Dylan song ever-
and hello Hephaestus outfitz? Bring it on, mon petit vulcan! My boyfriend's a blacksmith, and so he daily rocks the greek-god-swinging-hammer fashion- but more carhartts and not so much metallic. How would you do it? Maybe a metallic leather apron.. and a hunchback? Or was it a limp? Anyhow, I'm excited to see the D'aulaire's influenced fashion- though the BdB ensemble is one of my favorites of yours. The shoes are pretty wonderful!
I LOVE your outfit!!! You look absolutely gorgeous! love the white skirt peeking out of the blue.
good choice of stockings! specially the harlequin ones.
pretty good!
Arghhh, I wish I had the opportunity to dress up when we studied the play. This outfit is amazing! Esp. love the hair pin.
I've been following you for a few months now, but I've never felt compelled to comment until this post. There's something about your unassuming self-assurance that gives me tremendous hope for my generation (well, barely - I'm 21). And in response to some earlier posts: Middle school is hell for all nonconformists. In history, by contrast, only the eccentric survive.
In ninth grade, I was assigned to tell the story of the Judgment of Paris in comic-book form, and I had a hard time differentiating the gods by their clothes - they all ended up wearing flowing, off-the-shoulder pastel robes. I trust you'll do much better.
i love harlequin print. i may need to check out that site.
Ooh this is such a precious post! I want those tights I adore your outfit and that dress just made everything divine.
you rock the blanche
oooh i had a dress like that for haloween one year, wired it up to light up as i was glenda the good witch of the north. yesssss.
I remember a guy in high school that I kind of covetted. (coveted? Whatev.) He would wear some rather unusual things to school most days. My favorite was a pair of bright yellow hip-waders with red suspenders. Kind of like a fireman, but not really. Hard to describe. I watched him eat an apple straight through the core once in class. He fascinated me, and not just because he was such an effing hotty. It was his sense of self, and his confidence that got me. Rawr.
Or, he could have been nutso. Not sure.
Anyway, I still remember that dude to this day, a good 18 (AUGH!) years later. I think its amazing that you will be someone all those kids you go to school with will remember for a long time, too, Tavi. Awesomeness!
And no, you don't. You do not want Rachel's dress. Dude. If you wish for that sort of thing, someone's bound to stick you in something like that for their wedding someday! No no no no no....
eeek i just bought the harlequin's at like, marshalls maybe, but they are knee socks. and these other ones with cats on them. no idea if/how i'll wear them but waaaaay too good to pass up.
and random: i have this sweater that i think you'd love, and it's like a one-time wear for me, and it's been worn. would you like it? pictures of it will be posted on my blog later.
That fur hair pin is sweet! And I love the harlequin tights. Can't wait to see how you wear them.
i want those harlequin tights!
Hooo, you're so right. Smile stuff, all over here. Tx, tv. B.
Are you really 12?
your clothes are fantastic,
do you customise it?
a kiss from argentina
Oh my gosh, that vintage look is really believable - and I love how you incorporate the hairclip! I would look nutty in it, but you look amazing. Well done!
P.S. -The package finally came to my house (YAY!) so my parents will send it to me by mail. I cannot wait. :)
I am charmed with you!
When i will be small, I want to be like your.
I´m spanish, i find your blog because i read the blog of little
you are small, but very big! good luck!
i´m not speak english very well..sorry
harlequin tights! respect!
i love this outfit. extra rad points that it was for extra credit for a middle school monologue.
yes. you rock.
I love that you're not scared to wear that length.... why is it that floor length/mid-calf leaves so many cold?!?
Do a Greek God themed week! That would be unbelievably epic. But I love how even though your outfit is supposed to be from the '40's it doesn't look dated at all one you.
aaarrgghh..i want those tights too!! :-))
Those harlequin tights are awesome.
i love youre shoes ! i want your shoes !
Hey Tavi, I've been looking at your blog for a while and I think that you are a hoot! If only you lived in london, then we could go to Dover Street Market. You could look at the CDG and i could look at the taxidermy. Its great to know that there is another twelve year old out there ( even though you are in a different country) who's prepared step outside of the circle! Contact me?
my mom has shoes just like that! i love heeled oxfords SO much. too bad shes a size 6 and I'm definitely not.
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