I realize I have been thanking you guys for the comments a lot lately, but seriously-it's unbelievable how nice, honest, and helpful the reactions to my last post were. Thank you.
Now! Back to normal, yeah? Sounds good.

So it appears my
Comme des Garcons rap has kind of attracted more watchers than I ever thought it would. Eventually it got over to Jordan, the PR for H&M in Stockholm, who is pretty much one of the awesomest people ever. So awesome I am refraining from using an actual adjective, and trying to calm down my nit-picking, perfectionist urges.

Jordan then emailed me, asking if they could send me a "small gift" as a thank you for the video. A few days later a package arrived at me doorsteppen, with the jacket a man had taken out of my hands at the opening and the tuxedo blazer from the collection.
I actually had a hernia. Then I drank hot chocolate and read a book to calm my nerves.
I am still shaking as I type.

Um, I guess Karma was on my side? Yeah, take that stupid thief manz. I have yet to properly debut the jacket, but Friday I wore the tuxedo blazer and I was really impressed with the quality (design too, but that's a given). I draped my cape as a skirt using brooches and pins and decided to stick random green tulle and my tutu everywhere. I quite enjoy the feeling of having colorful mold sprouting out of my stomach, highly recommend it. If I had to lay down on the street the day I wore this I would already have a built in pillow and bed.
But let's hope I NEVER have to lay down on the street in CdG. The thought itself gives me the heebejeebeez.

Here I am trying to be Rei. I'd say we are basically the same person, if you take away the height/eye for design/nationality/age/brain/mind/difference between our levels of immortality (what's 47149789783121 minus -3467?)

I am taking very good care of them. I don't even allow my sister to touch them, and I am usually the one breaking her stuff. Thank you, Jordan!

This is the jacket, edited so you can see how epic the deconstructed paneling is. Definitely worth pulling a Home Alone.
blazer, CdG for H&M. Shirt/tulle/cape/boots, secondhand. tights, H&M. tutu, Claire's.
Oh man, you are so lucky! I love that first jacket and the outfit you wore! Also, winter wonderland!
you are on lucky dog. great pictures, btw. your smile looks nice in the second one. ;)
you are super lucky, i love both jackets.
ooh lucky you ^-^!
Love the pic where you're imitating Rei, you really look like her in that pic! =)
they look great on you
LOVE the jacket. LOVE.
Go you!
ahh oh em geeeeeeeeeeeeee that's so fantastic! you sure have a crazy amount of luck. enjoy them!
Damn, I can't believe it how you can be so lucky. Maybe Jordan went thru the actual trouble of
a) tracking down the man
b) stealing the jacket from him
c) sending it to you ^^
P.S.: I like your haircut.
I love the tuxedo blazer. That's so epic of H&M to do that for you. You deserve it.
Thank you guys! I do feel really lucky :)
this not related to this day's blog, but the sartorialist posted a pic of a lady in nyc wearing your floral docs...
also read recently that the 90's are back....
which is good cause you were born then, and i was in college then...
your writing is really funny...
here is the link to the floral docs on the street in nyc.
Wow! That is so awesome! Well done you!!
Hey I just found your blog and I'm really jealous of you. You are so much cooler than anyone I know.
Cheers to smart, witty, young people with style!
Never mind 'lucky' - I think you made your own luck here, and you completely deserve it. Love the beautiful photos and the deployment of tulle (esp. the green). In the one with your arms out you look like Claire Danes (meant as a compliment!! R+J was on TV last night).
Both the jacket and the blazer are a-ma-zing!!!!!
Good god I am jealous. But you look amazing :P
By the way I'm not deleting my blog. I would probably regret it afterwards. As for old posts I guess I wont because they are kind of my history. I was just in a bad I suck at life mood when I posted that. Your comment about saving my pics on your computer made me smile.
tavster (mind if i call you that? ha jk)
i deleted my blog.
but i would miss you too much if i just like didn't have any contact with fashblogging people etc, so add me on lj
or myspace
or just email me :]
and by the way, i don't know how you manage to have amazingly amazing photos in each post. its fucken epic :]
ooh, love these girlie, amazing xx
OMG! Thats so nice of them! And thats a really cute jacket!
<3 Sarah
That first picture reminds me from a distance of Amet and Sasha's apron skirt, which I lusted over for approximately four years and never purchased.
congrats on getting them!
i wonder if rei saw your video haha
the internet is so wonderful
LOVE the outfit. You look really beautiful. That's soooo cool with what happened. Karma really is amazing.
now see fame aint all bad ;) and you owe it all to YOURSELF being so coolz!
xo - anon2
you know what one of things i like most about your photographs are? When I click on them to get a more zoomed-in bigger picture they look even MORE fantastic and beautifully taken/done.
I love the snow falling in small specks on these ones! so magical!
i take it back. a few posts ago i said you didn't sound like a twelve-year-old, but then i watched your rap video and realized it was for realz.
This is such an adorable outfit! Love the pictures too, they are beautiful. I wish it snowed in L.A.
Hooray!!! Take THAT icky theif-man!
H&M WANTED you to have these...it was meant to be...as is clearly apparent by how great they look on you!
Congrats lady!
CONGRATULATIONS! Tavi, I would have a conniption if that happened to me. Fer serious. I like youuuuu!
ahh you're so lucky! This proves that there are still kind people in this world.
P.S. I love the Home Alone pose .haha.
i knew it, people just can't stay put hearing your EPIC rap, girl!
you're so lucky!
just look at those jacket made me melt. the neck, and the buttons, and... kill me?
that is amazing!
I'm so happy for you! As soon as I read the post it just made my night. I love the way life works out sometimes.
in no way possible am i trying to be mean, but don't you think it is kind-of harsh to say and i quote "As of now, I am saying no to all press. I don't care if you're a blogger that just got started and has all but 2 readers or the big Mama Vogue herself" when press was the very thing that made you so succesful (well part of it is because of your flare for fashion) and well love or hate what I said but you asked for others honest opinon there you go. If you would like to say something don't fret to have a look!!!
kudos to you. it all goes back to the point, what the purpose of the blog is. It is always easier to use it as your own outlet and not to write intentionally for an audience. that is, quite a chore!
when i first read your blog i never expected you to be a 12 yo.
your pretty awesome, who do you come up woth your excentric looks?
and what does your parents think of the way you dress?
Thanks you guys <3
T-I appreciate the honest opinion. I realize press is what has gotten this blog as many readers as it has, but it's not as if that means I owe the press world anything, such as the right to write about me. I don't want any more exposure if I can avoid it, and that's what that post was about. I didn't mean to sound rude or harsh, just get my point across, and I stand by it :)
so happy about your karmic retribution!
Who takes pictures of you?
Haha, the Home Alone face is priceless. That jacket is beautiful. How nice people are nowadays surprises me.
just passed your rap on to a coworker at ELLEgirl.com. good luck!
Exes and Ohs,
an assistant editor with Hachette
u look like u have green arm pit hair in pic #1 n #3! haha!
ahhh. i've been back and forth between petty jealousy and awe about your blog. just wishing i was half as rad when i was 12 cause you really do nail it. congrats on the jackets.
you lucky girl, you
These are the exact same two jackets (short deconstructed and tuxedo) I got from the collection! I'm so happy for you! I know you will wear them well. Have fun!
I loved the rap, I guess it pays to rant online sometimes! This is the kind of thing I would do if I was the PR for H&M, what an awesome guy!
You lucky lucky girl!You so deserved it, your blog is awesome:) Keep it up;D
that jacket is amazing, i'm jealous
Well Tavi,
I agree with you but don't you think if someone said to you come and read my blog. You kinda owe it to them due to the fact that they stand by your blog. I wasn't trying to sound rude either. hopefully i didn't HeHe...=]
xoxo, T.
Anon #1-Me and my tripod (my camera has a self timer)
rachel-LOL my friend said that too, it totally does XD
lopi-Coincidence or telepathic connection? I'm sure you'll rock em :)
T-I see what you're saying, and I am guilty of often not checking out people's blogs when they ask. It's time consuming enough for me just to post! Also, I think someone should be reading my blog because they find it interesting, not to expect a comment in return. Thank you for the honest opinion though :)
I am SO HAPPY that you got the coat you wanted! It looks amazing on you!
Aww you lucky duck! You could totally be Rei's lovechild or something haha. I can actually quite see the resemblance! The all black darkness with the green and pink tulle sticking out of it=beyond amazingly fantastic. It reminds me of... shredded cabbage, but in a really good way. And I make no sense.
what a beautiful coat! too happy for you! love your blog!! inspiring!
wowowow! just shows how fab your rapping skils are, i bet the H&M people loved it! well deserved
Your blog is so amazing! I love it! You have such great style! Would you exchange links with me?
Aww, fantastic score!! I'm very happy for you, you delightful munchkin, you!
I've said this before I think, but your blog is witty and wonderful.
Maggie M
That is cosmic wonderfulness!! Congratulations!
i adore your CDG+hm jacket
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