Thank you all for the lovely comments on my vlog! I'm glad people liked it and more coming, hopefully very soon. This is the outfit from the day I made the vlog (hence the shirt). Today I was sick and came to school late in the day. Since I was tired as hell and my hand was swollen up to the size of K.Lag's ego, I didn't bother putting together an outfit and just wore pajama pants and a tee shirt to school. That's fatal, guys. I would
never do such a thing, but I did. It was strange though, people seemed more weirded out I was dressed normally than they do when I draw mime lashes on my face and wear doilie hats. They also seemed a little disappointed.

And in uncanny look-a-likes I-like-to-creep-my-peers-out-with-my-stalkerness news, not only is there a
Twiggy in my grade, but a Siri Tollerod as well! Today when we were on the computers I found her
this picture of her. She was freaked out. I told her not to take it personally, you look like a model and that should be enough.
hey, look at me, i'm hardcoreeee Anyways, I studded my denim vest with the studs from my belt, but does anyone know where I can get new ones? Also, any suggestions for a different arrangement of ze studs? Tell me!
Belle is going to the hospital for some tests and the like within the next few days, and I will not be able to look at FRUiTS with a clear conscience without knowing she's good and healthy and in her usual table cloth-wearing condition. Feel better bb!
i love the little bootie things. They look very warmm and cozy, As for the studs, i would check your local Rag Shop or AC Moore or Michaels (they are all art supply stores)
Your outfits are so excellent that i forgive you for the pj pants. Oh yes, an I tagged you! Check mon blog for more details.
You are so cute! I love the studded vestie thing. Amazing!
And your vlog totally put a smile on my face :)
studs studs studss
hope you don't catch that palin flu going around!
feel better.
Thank you all for studdddd help!
And laia, I would never catch a palin flu!
i kept reading K.Lag's eggo for some reason. i was so confused, but i'm ok now. yeah i did the pj pants and t shirt thing once in college...its a bigger no no in art school.
holy shit tavi a studded vest. yay, i love you even more now. the outfit is freeping amaazzingggg too. yay for ripped tights. umm you can get studs from angryyoungandpoor.com and they're reeeeeally cheap for like loads. its awesome.
I know!! I was thinking of you when I was studding it xD and thanks for the link
oooh, I love your shoes!
love the jest at k. lag's ego, pure genius. ;) I love your shirt and your ripped tights
when i was in middle school we had a dress code =[ your luck =]
the studs look great - hope you're feeling better. This cold seems to be going around, sadly...
Oh, randall, we definitely do have a dress code. Maybe the studs scared the teachers off so they decided not to tell me what to do :)
I got a ton of studs from studs and spikes, they are really cheap and easy to apply with 2 flaps on the back instead of 4. The vest is super cute like you, nicely done.
ahh, fall weather . . . I'm jealous. It was 90 degrees here today.
I used to hate denim in ANY SHAPE OR FORM besides, um, jeans. But at some point I began to feel a pull towards tacky light wash denim t shirts. No I do not own said item of clothing. However, because of this addiction I love your vest. And the sad thing is that denim vests should come in large supply? Yes? But no. Not one store seems to have one. Single tear.
Did I just tell you the story of my life? I think I did.
Wow amazing outfit, love the ripped tights. It's almost summer down under so layering is disappearing..stupid southern hemisphere
So, Has anyone ever told you that you're cool? Wait, I'm sure they have. Hey. I've seen you all over lookbook (hott site, invite me) and I saw a link to your blog. well, I checked it out. It's cool. I have a twelve year old brother. He's....not like you. But then i remebered i actually do have a twelve-well, thirteen now- year old friend who IS like you in the way you are very fashionable, and hillarious, and way too cool for school. She has 3 older sisters. When i was your age I did not have the confidence you have. Now, at 17, I am only now just starting to get my confidence. So you rock. Hardcore.
(dang this was looooong!)
can't view the pictures or the vlog for now...
that sounds funny about the Siri Tollerod girl.
Just for the record i think you are simply amazing and a true inspiration. haha lame comment but so totally true.
awesome vest.
*goes and cuts the sleeves off her jean jacket*
This outfit literally rocks my socks off!... Well my socks are still on, but still! I love it, the cut off jean jacket sleeves are awsome, I like the jagged cuts (either intentional or not).
I watched your flog the night you posted it but I really didn't feel like logging on to my account to comment, but... Wow. You are way too cute! To tell you the truth I thought you were going to be high pitched and more bouncy like younger people ussually are but you weren't! You've got a really cool speaking voice, which reminds me of someone that I just can't put my finger on.
Anyways, you are really witty, clever and just lovely! I loved the video!!
---Ps Get well soon Belle, no more fainting!!
i love the red coat so much!
Studs are way cheaper on angryyoungandpoor.com, though they have less variety than Studs and Spikes or whatever the other website is. I actually just received some myself! That vest is awesomeness.
And yeah, one day I didn't feel good so wore "normal" stuff to school and my friend was like, "Wow, you're dressed normal!" But in a bad way, sort of. I don't blame people at your school for loving to look at your outfits at all =D
The fall leaf with the shoes is an astonishingly good photograph by any standard. Excellent composition and a lovely work of art.
Gosh Tavi, your so lucky you don't have to wear a uniform to school! I think theres only like one or two schools in Australia that are like that. I bet you can imagine how uninspiring that was for me!
I love your blog - I found out about it in CLEO magazine & haven't been able to stop reading! Your words are witty and so very inspiring. Never stop.
Nice working.Photograph is very nice
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