Also-WHY can't I stop listening to this song? Oh right, it's amazing, got it. I love Elton's version, but behind his big glasses, his eyes are not nearly as hypnotizing as Ewan McGregor's. STOP IT YOU HANDSOME FRENCHMAN.
Lucky me, I get this sign in my new room! My sister was in the play Can Can, which takes place in 1890's France as Moulin Rouge does, and took this home with her. She couldn't take it to college, so the garden gnome (thanks Ben) gets it.

P.S. just thought you'd like to know...
"The people with the best style, for me, are the people that are the poorest. Like, when I go down to like Venice Beach and I see the homeless, I'm like, oh my god, you're pulling out like crazy looks. They pulled shit out of like garbage bags." - Erin Wasson
See, my friends tell me I should go on the show Yo Mamma because I do GREAT insults. I would totally put one right here along the lines of dressing like trash, or something about Zoolander, but there are just too many good ones. I just wouldn't be able to choose. That's like asking Belle what her favorite CDG line is, or a mother who her favorite child is. It just doesn't work.
I'll let you decide for yourself what you think of this, but when I read about it on Elizabeth's blog and Fashionista all I could think was "" Pardon my French (hey now, foreshadowing!)
Oh well, I'm off to find a great piece of jewelry, copy it completely, have it printed in magazines, put in an Alexander Wang runway show, and claim it to be my own...
I almost had a coronary when I went to your blog and it was private!
Thank the sweet lord above that it is no longer that way.
Yeah that was so bunk how Wasson totally jacked the idea for that gorgeous body chain. At least it was worth copying cus it's so amazing.. ?
Anyways, I love moulin rouge. About a year ago it was all about the moulin rouge songs for me. I can still sing all the songs all the way through!
I love Moulin Rouge. Rocks my socks.
But what happened to that whole secret thing, that was to be unveiled? Oh well, doesnt matter, cause I have better secrets than you on MY blog, and my blog rocks more. So there.
Love the sign, it fits you, miss blog member of the elite blog members. Gosh.
(hints to you that you should make a post about my blog hint wink hintiyty hint wink wink wink advertise me !!!! gives you prada, cars, that necklace, candy 4 FREEEEEEEEEE)
Ok, so long comments rock anyway, and are not at ALL stalker-y and acting like a person that has too much free time, and/or procrastinating, and actually has tons of homework, and what not. Yeah, not like that at ALL.
Ok, comment done NOW.
~The Stylish Wanderer
actually....done NOW.
Haha, you'll just have to wait!
I, as well, was extremely sad when i tried to go to your blog this morning and it was private. Thoughts of "ohmygodhowcanicontacttavi" came flooding into my brain.
BUT, 'sall good now :)
Keep up the badass work.
seriously, erin wasson, whoever you are? you want to be homeless? wow, that pisses me off in so many ways? urg. so, ms. rich fashiony person, you wanna be poor? go right ahead, and give all your money to the homeless people. i'm sure they rather have that then their "crazy looks". makes me wanna smack some sense into her. jesus christ. ugh. now i feel pissed off.
It was just so inconsiderate. Besides-here's one of my A+ insults-it is sort of understandable that she likes it since she's already so trashy-DISS. Sorry. That was mean. But honestly, white tank top, designer jeans? I understand how beautiful simple design is...but that's just so plain and boring.
I honestly can't believe she's ever batted an eyelash at anyone who's yes Abigail. You track down that Erin Wasson, and you TELL HER OFF. And when you come back we'll juggle together and eat matzah.
I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't minddddd.... Okay, I'll stop. But yes, I love that song! Loved it even more in Moulin Rogue. And I love your banner! That red balloon reminds me of the movie The Red Balloon. I watched it last night on TV, I forgot how damn good it was and the little boys clothes are sooo adorable in it too!
I agree, Ewan McGregor's version is better to me...his voice is so pure! I rarely think covers are better than the original, but him and Chan Marshall are two I will always give in to.
You have a good eye! The editorial I got my header from was actually inspired by that movie! If you want, the link is here:
oh Tavi there are are so many reasons to love this post:
1.) fucking crazy futuristic surrealist lucha libre (?) editorial from Vogue Italia
2.) making fun of Erin Wasson ( sick of people worshipping her)
hey can we have some sort of chicago blogger mash/bash/party type of thing where we cause general anarchy and mayhem all while wearing strange clothing? cool cool
i love erin, but i cant believe she did that...
Great to see your blog is a-ok.
deko and posh
please add me so when you accidentallly make your journal friends only or private or something i can still read it :[
i just have to say
you are fascinating!
Glad to know nothing bad happened. That editorial is really kind of scary. We should definitely paint our faces like that, though. Start a trend. And the Erin Wasson thing... ugh.
Nearly gave me a heart attack when your blog went to private. I was so upset, I love your blog. :) Also that sign is awesome!
hahaha. i thought you deleted your blog or something... i was about to get very worried. if you wanna make a private journal, you should make a livejournal. they're much easier and better for diary-type things.
I LOVE Your Song! Sorry but nobody touches Elton...
Yayyy! You're back! I was worried something bad had happened... and then I find Moulin Rouge appreciation as well! *excitement* and I totally agree with your "wtf"ing, there's lots of things really wrong about that statement...
MOULIN ROUGE!!! one of my all time favorite movies - i agree with you - i like his version WAY better than elton johns!
ewan mcgregor tends to be at the center of my friends inside jokes. he's too cool.
erin wasson is truly a DUNCE. ack. i've never liked her (or her ridiculous cut-off denim shorts) and this quote only supports my dislike.
that que is insane.
I ha no idea she took credit for the y chan
Yeah, I was obsessed with Ewan McGregor too! I would watch "Moulin Rouge" over and over. I think subconsciously, I hoped it wouldn't end so tragically.
Check out my blog,
I'm just beginning!
i still love erin, tho... :/
i just found your blog...really great site! :)
First that ridiculous spread featuring impoverished people in India in Vogue, now this. Arghh, fashion world, if you'd realize the cost of your shoes could feed a village for a year...
That ignorant editorial got on my nerves. That's why I'm hesitant about telling people I'm interested in fashion, because there are so many things about the industry I really am not at all fond of...
Tavi is Back yay! i completely when crazy when i saw that your blog was private. well not crazy but i missed it. no tavi love for me that day. I went on every website that criticized you and defended you. your the best and their just so ignorant. as soon as a young person is doing big things they try to bring them down. GGRR i hate people like that.
well the real reason why I'm writing is to say I LOVE MOULIN ROUGE!!! best movie ever made me cry, laugh, dance, sing, Love it made me say over an over again "the hills are alive with the sound of music" completely rouge obsessed.
Good Luck with Everything Tavi Your the best.
wow that was a brilliant post.
i was so upset when your profile was private its my favourite part of the day coming home from college and checking up on blogs :)
the song you were referring to is the most played song on my itunes!!
ahah Ewan is the bees knees/cats pyjamas etc.
I almost lost my mind when I thought you were private! I have come to regard your blog as part of my OCD blog reading before I leave the house.
Pretty much that you rule. Glad to see you are not private cause I would be sad.
Thanks guys! Ha, I didn't even realize until Belle told me...whoops!
best. song. ever.
same goes for the movie.
btw, you are cute as buttons and so is your blog.
say hello to my google reader.
your blog is awesome . keep it girl ;D
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