If you scroll down my page, you'll see that I have met Elizabeth of White Lightning. Going back to a post in April (there's one in June, too), you will find that I know 3 other bloggers-including Stephanie of Fashion Robot-prior to starting my own. As to whether or not my family helps me with this blog, no (though I do need to borrow some cash every now and then). I wrote a post long before the article explaining how my parents aren't interested in fashion, and my sisters usually dress in a t-shirt/jeans/flip flops combo. For a few of my first outfit posts I would ask my mom to snap a picture of me, but I can assure you that no one dresses me up (sometimes they are a little skeptical and I do get the really? look). That was with the old camera, the one I use now has a self-timer, which also explains why my photos don't look self taken. And my age-I'm 4'6" and yesterday my friend's brother mistook me for a 9 year old. Need I explain any further?
I will agree that the fact that I'm 12 shouldn't set me apart from other bloggers, and it definitely shouldn't play a part in how one might react to how I think or write or dress. And I'm not the only 7th grader out there! That being said, I think it's a good time for the "cute" comments to be put to rest, as well.
Best for last-thank you times a bajillion to the wonderful readers that kept me from going coo coo for cocoa puffs and are just plain amazing in every way. I love you and I hope you feel loved because right now I'm hugging you. In my head. Because I love slash thank you. Ok? Good. MUAH!
Lately I've noticed that I gravitate more towards clothes that are very colorful and have bright patterns. So, I decided to do a little photo shoot experimenting with my black/white/gray clothing. It was sort of hard to put things together since I normally use prints to match clothes but it was neat to try this too. Oh, do I spy a little underlying newspaper article theme thingy here? Yes yes yes I doooo. Hmm, do I also spy the point where those annoying papers fell and I was too lazy/sweaty-see facial expressions-to fix it? Yeah, thanks a lot SCOTCH TAPE.

I really love the 3rd look.
I'm glad to see you back & I'm very glad that you didn't let anyone get you down. The situation was just dumb. Cheers!
that white blouse and grey coat are awesome. i'm a HUGE fan of black/white/grey. That's basically all I wear in the winter, so props for this shoot ;)
Tavvssters!! I'm so glad your back!
black and white and grey. makes my day. that's a little rhyme for you. the people at nymag can just take a poo.
That grey coat is seriously cool. it's vintage, did you thrift it?
i am so ecstatic to see you back tavi....im actually infatuated more with the fact that you scotch taped your wall with all of those pieces of newspaper,dont get me wrong i have to say i love outfit numero uno...its very prada-ish fw08..with a hint of the victorian era..and the prints work so well i love prints
Welcome back!!! I like what you did with the newspapers! You can work black, white, and grey as well.
oh you look so chic!
you really suit the colours
welcome back!
I welcome you with lots of hugs and candy! (The non halloweend type, more like the kind teacher type) lol yay, I LOVE the first outfit. It's really cute. And I hope you have fun blogging more and pfft people stuff like that cause they're jealous.
totally into the white blouse as well!
The 2nd outfit is my favorite.Your blog is amazing.Do you want to link?
love it all
Glad you're back :) Love the oufits and the photographs are fantastic!! Annnnd the new header is super!
marry me. oh wait, you already did.
these are fantastic. i heart you.
Just wanted to say I'm really glad you're back!
Fantastic, Tavi! I'm so glad you're back!
Wow! The newspaper theme is AH-MAZING! MUST. COPY. NOW!
Glad your back!
XDD Squishybubble
thank God you're back again :)
I love the first look. It's nice to see you experimenting with black and white. I think it's harder to look good without colors because you have to play around more with textures and patterns to create visual interest, so you did a really good job. I'm glad your back. :)
wow cool background!your outfits are great tooxx
glad to see that your well rested and that your back to blogging
i've missed the new post every other day
i've had to please my style fever by perusing your archives
and that only kept me satisfied for so long, and you've returned in just the nick of time
look forward to more post form you
yaaahhhh TAVI!!!!!!
i love this!
and your haircut of your haircut is pretty shweet as well.
so happy you're back
thank goodness you're back!
your style is very inspiring :)
an unanswered question i have:
where do you get these amazing clothes?!
You're back! And with an awesome photo shoot too, loved the newspapers too! Char x
way to go tavi! for a second i thought these were actually from a magazine!
Tavi, i'm a brazilian girl... Think how great is this, i live down here (or up here, depends of the position of your globe) and know about you and your huge sense of fashion. is cool. i S2 fashion either. and yes, i also think you are very stylish. btw, i'm 22, not 12, but all of this is bullshit, don't you think so?
love the backdrop...happy you are back!
yay!! you're back!
and you're right about the 12 year old blogging thing. i actually started my first blog at 12 (not the one i have now, of course), so it shouldn't be such a strange thing to have a 12 year old blogger.
but love your editorial-esque photos. it just reminds me of how much i need a digital camera...
I love these pictures. Anyone who doubts your authenticity is crazy. And also terribly condescending. I think age is a factor (just like location, etc), but ultimately it's only important because it is part of the package that is you. And in the end isn't that why we like a blog? For the blogger...
Hi:) I just discovered your blog. You're the coolest 12 year old ever, so inspiring. And your pics are really good too. It's pretty amazing...Looking forward to following your blog.
<3 Johanne
tavi im so glad youre back! the fashion blogging community was not the same without your funny intelligence (i mean that in the best possible way, that you are funny AND intelligent). This photoshoot is fantastic. the newspapers are a great touch!
Oh. My. Gahhh! I love the last shot, A-mazing!!
The new haircut rocks hard, love it!
---Glad to see you back <3!
I lubba you, okay? And all your lovely outfits, and your HAIR (omagah), and your new header too!
Love the theme, and the outfits, and you beh beh!
No, the cute comments will not stop...even though you're probably a year younger than me....
E-mail me back, okeh? We'll do this post sometime in the next 2 weeks maybe?
Get back to meh,
<3 x the largest number possibly imaginable :)
you know tavi, fashion can be more than a hobby. i could definitely see you working for a magazine and styling photoshoots. wouldn't it be lovely to make fun things like this your job in real life?
your blog is insane, and i love your style. i think it's hilarious that people can't believe someone as young as you can have as much style as a 22 year old fashion assistant. people need to open their eyes and realize that there are younger people out there that actually are interested in fashion, and it doesn't come from Hollister.
I am so, so excited that you're back. These pictures are great, I love the gray colourscheme. Were your parents pissed about that mountain of newspaper? lol
good to have you back in the blogging world!
that is some supreme dedication to a background
I wish I had the patience
Loving the outfits and the concept of your shoot!
ah i'm so glad you're back!
Welcome back... love the grey coat and the lace dress over the white shirt....
Glad to see you back!
Love that first look, I'm a sucker for layers.
thank God you're back! :)
great hair :)
tavi, you're awesome! you have a much better sense of style than i did at twelve. actually, you have a much better sense of style than i do now and i'm 20, haha. thanks for the inspiration! glad you're back. :)
your short hair looks AWESOME.
(and i'm so happy you're back!)
nice comeback! glad to see you back!
i love the newspaper background, the first and third looks and i'm so glad you're back!
welcome back!! i love the newspaper theme.. and the 2nd outfit is perfect.. something i'd totally wear myself!
this photoshoot(along with the one with the bin) are definitely my favorites!
im really glad you're back.
Way to make a bold and big comeback! The photos are amazing. Sorry about the dramarama. Welcome back girl
I'm glad you're back!! Nice shoot, I like your outfits.
way to stick it to everyone and glad you're back.
Yes you should never let anyone hold you down! You are amazing & THEY SHOULD KNOW THAT! Awesome photoshoot! Love how you placed the newspapers on the ground.
this is amazing, i love it!
Beautiful photo shoot. I'd like to say that it shouldnt bother you what other negative people think (it hurts i'm sure) but dont let it get you down.
You're a young girl, thats true, but it doesnt mean you cant be artistically creative whether that be in fashion or in painting. I'm sure if you were posting your artwork, people wouldnt be making that big of a deal.
But you ARE a big deal. You're a 12 year old girl who knows more about fashion and has huge talent more than the average 30 year old. And that I think is BRILLIANT.
Hey Tavi,
It's sooooo good to see you are blogging again!
The photos are really cool!!
you handled this with amazing style and confidence well beyond your age!!
thankyou tavi!!
WOAH! I can't believe you made a newspaper backdrop for your photoshoot! Craftsters for the win! Nicely done, especially the second and fourth pictures. That last coat... is awesome.
Love every every look!
I can honestly say that you are probably my favorite blogger. Honestly.
I am short too, and you make me feel like being short is cool (stupid way to phrase it i know =])
Well I wish you the best of luck!!
The first outfit and picture is stunning. Looks like it came right out of a magazine.
so bottom line is your freakin adorable and i am proud to say im completely jealous of a 12 year old.
you are a huge inspiration and thats a lot coming from me haha.
I love the set for this photoshoot. Very impressive.
dakota fanning for mj done properly. great little ed.
so FRESH. i am totally impressed and wish i started a blog when i was 12. i produce photo shoots for a living, and i think this newspaper one is really rad. it makes me want to play dress up. also i have to say you are QUITE an eloquent writer for age 12. i'm very impressed.
keep up the imagination and creativity it is so inspiring!
p.s. check out my shoots at sorrelli.com
Okay, so, you ARE me when I was twelve. Except for the part when I was not creative enough to start a blog, nor did I know what I blog was. These minor points aside, I'm quite obsessed with this lovely site of yours, and am lovinggggg (See all those extra Gs?! That's LOVE) the greyscale palette for fall.
Sweetie - those are really fashion forward and quite sophisticated for someone your age. I like your use of the newspaper to tie the theme together in an artistic picture... you may only be twelve; but, I predict that in eight to ten years you're going to be a fashion force to be reckoned with.
Keep on keepin' on and don't let the poopy heads of the innerwebs EVER get you down!
Adorkable Grrl
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