Suburban Wasteland

My friend Claire and I decided to be a little weird tonight. We decided to do a photoshoot-very fun! The theme of the clothes kind of changed from florals to 80's to, uh, birds, but it was extremely fun to do. We are calling it "Suburban Wasteland" and it will go in our in-the-making magazine...we have a lot of extra time, ha. A lot of these were found in a costume box in the dark of my basement, but here they are-enjoy!



Erin said...

Awesome! My favorites are #5, 9, and 10.

Wendy said...

Oh my god, you guys are too brilliant. The masks and the prom-ish dress (especially the bubble gum colored) are just perfection.

m+l said...

loooveee these! you even made leggings look great!

Stephanie said...

Holy crap this is just waaaay too cool! I love all the outfits, and especially the masks!

Oh and btw, the blogger Rumi from Fashion Toast sent me a child size vintage dress for Caroline that is much too small for her - would you like it?

Nothing said...

Great photo shoot! Loves it! I tagged you on my blog, if you choose to participate! See my blog for details.

Asheeely said...

I must say, you have excellent taste for being so young.

Riley said...

aww you guys are so very cute! i like the simple denim skirt outfit you made....and that bubble gum pink prom dress is a hoot haha

biancaaa said...

AHH, both of you are awesome!!! as are those amazing masks! looks like fun!

The Stylish Wanderer said...

Huh. I think its a little too blurry, and I dont like the flash.

Anonymous said...

oh my! you look awesome!

Mondo-Fashion said...

wow this is amazing. the first one looks professional


tavi im a huuge fan of your blog you have great style and your friends also pretty! i also like your new header alot!! go tavii xx

Anonymous said...

great photography and outfits!

Richel said...

extremely adorable!
It's great how being young and experimenting can result in some fabulous stuff!

Tavi said...

Stephanie-Ummm yes! How could I turn down such an offer?

Stylish Wanderer-I agree that it was pretty blurry, but that would be the product of an old camera and unstable bodies. Sorry you don't like the flash, I do. But I think it would've looked better if we had edited the pictures a bit like how Nylon does theirs.

Wendy and Riley- That poofy pink dress is just one of many articles of clothing found in the family costume box. I'm pretty positive both me and my 2 sisters have worn it at least two Halloweens each.

Erin said...

Your blog is so inspiring, seriously! You've got to be the most fashion-precocious girl I know of! I'm starting a fashion blog of my own, do you mind if I put you in my links?

Anonymous said...

how adorable! I especially like the blue printed dress with the red belt.

Cait said...

Love the mailbox masks, too. You guys are adorable.

Shes Dressing Up said...

Wow love the masks! This shoot is fantastic!


LOVE the blue dress (at the bottom) and all of the feathers! ♥

Squishybubble said...

I love your new header!!

Hanna said...

You are perhaps the edgiest pre-teens, fashionwise, in the continental US. Very creative!

Elisa Kwon said...

haha, that must've been fun!!!

Sam said...

you guys look super cute!
looks like you had a lot of fun!!

jess said...

your phots are great and i love the masks

Angie hearts said...

nice combo and the lighting!

Rumi Neely said...

You are the coolest child ever - it's making me insane!

Hope that dress fits you, too bad it didn't fit Stephanie's sis!

Poem_girl said...

can i use these i'll give cridet!

Annie said...

nice pics!
i love those masks tho lol. i only wish i could have a masquerade ball. u should have a masquerade party!

Samantha said...

Yellow houndstooth + park bench <3

FANTASTIC, especially the blurry ones haha (sorry to that other commenter)

style-magnet said...

Ah, what a great little shoot! I love the clothes :)

Anonymous said...

the frech girl ;)
I wanted to show you a blog, if you're interested in french teenage fashion , it may be interessant and can inspire you ! :


Anonymous said...

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