she had to get out

These are some photos I took a while ago for MAC's MacZine that just came out, so here I am now, posting them, online, on the internet, on my weblog!!!!! The theme of the issue was "Wanderlust," so I did a Los Angeles-inspired moodboard and outfit, which is not surprising to readers of this blog. (This is also basically the outfit form of next month's Rookie theme!)
Weetzie Bat, postcards from a Peter Max paper airplane book, Joan Didion, Elle Fanning in Rodarte in A Magazine Curated by Rodarte, postcards and photos from an antique store I went to in Pasadena with Autumn and Arrow, a tapestry my mom made a long time ago, daisies from the craft store, and Joni Mitchell's Song to a Seagull, which ends with my favorite Joni song, "Cactus Tree."
My top is vintage, my eyelet skirt is from the dress-up box my sisters and I used when we were little, my platforms are by D&G, my necklace was a gift from Chris Habana, and I made both my crowns from craft store flowers and joke shop houses.
Every time we visit I'm particularly delighted by all of LA's pastel houses and surrounding floral life.
I added the necklace for the spooky side of LA and Hollywood Babylon-type stuff, and for the weird psychics that are everywhere and other mystical things Weetzie Bat is obsessed with. I just like that something so sunny and colorful with pastel houses and flowers everywhere can also be so dark and David Lynch-y. But I should probably stop talking about it before it becomes too obvious that I'm trying to justify to myself that time that I murdered a person wait what?

IN OTHER NEWS, I saw Moonrise Kingdom yesterday thanks to a screening set up by their PR for me and my friends, and it was EVERYTHING I'D HOPED IT WOULD BE AND MORE. During the school year I usually avoid watching movies that I know will make me that emotional and inspired because I'm left with all this energy that school doesn't allow for and then it has nowhere to go, but it's almost SUMMER, so soon I get to run away and read fantasy novels and play records as much as I want! (People rolling their eyes right now might like to know that I thought the movie did a good job of not being too self-indulgent on the montage-of-cute-people-doing-cute-activities part. Just enough for me to be like, "Oh Wes, that is so you! Typical Wes! Wes, you aesthetically-defined bitch! =P I heart u so effing much!!!!" before complimenting him on his shoes and throwing my yogurt spoon in the air, but not so much that it stops actually helping the story move along. Also the main kids were so absolutely perfect, and too witty and dark and confused to be cutesy, too. The other kids were also absolutely perfect. So were the grown-ups. Oh my god it was all so good. I may have liked it more than Royal Tenenbaums, which is my favorite Wes Anderson? Oh my god I don't even know I just want to go back. I plan on seeing it at least four more times once it's out in theaters.)


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nonnapuffo said...

Questo cerchietto è a dir poco strepitoso!
Mai visto niente di simile
Un bacio

Sophie Frances said...

First off your outfit, you look unreal. Def feeling the whole 60's in LA (which is you know, my aesthetic) And on moonrise kingdom. omg no fair. That is currently the movie I'm most looking forward to for this summer. Poo.

Unknown said...

Love the photos and differing elements of your outfit! Thank you for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

The aesthetic is perfect. It's weird, trying to construct something like this because I can get a bit obsessed with perfecting everything and then realising that I can't control stuff like the weather and the people arround me, but here I feel so immersed in this pastel dream that it's all okay.

Kashara of Undiscovered Worth said...

I love the moodboard:) very inspirational and very vintage.

Sofía said...

AH! You're so lucky that you got to watch Moonrise Kingdom, I'm counting the days! The outfit was amazing as always.

F said...

That outfit is actually scarily similar to one I posted a few weeks ago, which was also inspired by LA!
and even more wierdly that moodboard is also a lot like one I also posted;
Okay you probably won't think so because you're like a billion times cooler than me, but just saying that it struck me as soon as I read this post.
You look lovely, I love the crown.

Daniel said...

Love the outfit specially the crown !! And the Mood Board you did looks great ! Like awesome really ! XXx

Anonymous said...

Flipping out over that tapestry your mom made and I want it realllllllllllllly bad.

skflrez said...

I love the colours of your photos. Very sunny... Makes me looking forward to summer (which is very unusal for me).

Bambi said...

I love the folklore-ish, dollhouse, woodoo vibes. It triggers interesting corners of my mind! Lovely as always, Tavi.

Amy ♥ said...

Ah, you look so pretty! Your hair is amazing, especially with the head band! I really want to see Moonrise Kingdom too! :)x

moiminnie said...

I'm in love with the moodboard, as a fashion designer I always make them as well! And I also adore how well you incorporated the spirit of L.A. into your outfit. Amazing!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love all the colors and patterns in this post. I love your aesthetic. Just perfect, everything.
xo, Tori

brown teen writes said...


Glenn Encinares said...

cute headband :)

Midwest-Lotte said...

Wow! that's a freaky necklace! love it though! :D

Greetings from the Midwest,

Alison Rose said...

OMG love the crown! Where did you find those little houses? "Joke shop" = toy/magic store or something? A specific place?

Stefania and Caroline said...

your crown is very edward scissorshands-suburbia and pink lemonade

Eline said...

your moodboard looks wonderful! And elle is so pretty! :)

Anonymous said...

beautiful! definitely radiates wanderlust-vibes c:

Tessa G. said...

AHHH! Love the outfit and all the things you added to it to make it perfectly complete.

MOONRISE KINGDOM - YES! I am beyond excited for this film and cannnooootttt wait. The Tenenbaums are also my favourite created Anderson family. Thanks for giving us your 2 cents. Always valued!

groovacious said...

Love the necklace and crow. Divine!

Carina Michele said...

Lovely crown!

Unknown said...

Love this! Love love, really bright and colourfull! Hopefully this will be the theme to my summer!

lucia m said...

i love your necklace!


Maxens M. Finch said...

That's a really interesting outfit! I love eyes jewelries.
More importantly, thanks to you, I know what to do with the free theater tickets I've got!

Rachel said...

this is so intricate and amazing omg ;o

I'm a new blog, mind checking me out?

Pixie said...

I Love that outfit! The necklace is just AWESOME

Casey said...

You should consider applying to NYU Gallatin for college Tavi… I've found that it does totally allow the creativity and inspired-ness I had to suppress in high school, and I'd be honored to count as great a mind as you as one of my classmates!

Aïcha said...

hi tavi can we get married already ? <3 bisous

Unknown said...

this is really cool. I love it :)

Nafiah xo

cancercowboy said...

a private screening? time to be jealous ^^ if studios start to make a habit of providing you with these opportunities you should consider launching your own Release Group ^___^
have a good summer

Lovers, Saints & Sailors said...

Yup, this is the perfect mix of pastel and creepy. 60's pastel and creepy. 60's LA pastel and creepy.

Anonymous said...

Song to a Seagull is the most underrated album of all time! I can't believe how people forget about it when they talk about Joni/Joni's legacy. It was the first Joni CD i ever listened to Sophomore year of high school - and she has been with me through everything since then. Listening to Cactus Tree now - happy to be alive in this crazy, awful, beautiful, world. Inspiring as always, Tavi

x Peter @

Unknown said...

I loved the crown, youre so talented, great pictures, saludos.

maya.autumn said...

omg layout?!= v.nice.
anyway,i love your outfit - especially the crown - and i actually cannot wait to see moonrise kingdom!!!! the other day i saw an advert on the tv for it and i was like "that looks like my kinda film" YAY:)

Anonymous said...

My mom looked very much like you when she was young. I guess, you'll look like her when you grow older :)

Anonymous said...

stunning!) amazing details!

Anonymous said...

I love the sort of themes you worked with for the LA moodbord. And sounds like a cool movie, I'll have to take a look

S said...

simply breathtaking...

Bess said...

Love the colours and moods. So inspiring. I know what you mean about getting creative energy during school, it's so frustrating!

Čepaitė said...

Wow! love it and love your blog!

Anna said...

cool outfit! ..maybe someone said that before?

Celia Bow said...

I'm so jealous you have seen Moonrise kingdom already I'm so desperate, down here in stupid Australia it doesn't come out till late august:(

Lydia Armstrong said...

I love your crown-- it reminds me of "Weeds." (Little boxes on the hillside...) I'm super jeal you saw Moonrise Kingdom already-- I can't wait to see this movie!!!

leanna21 said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ashley said...

love the necklace and the home-made headband, superrrrrr x

Anonymous said...

The headband is amazing!!

Please take a minute to look at my trunkshow;

nyloncake said...

wow i love what you're doing in the blog world!
so much better tham common blogs!

cs0jk said...

LOVELOVELOVE especially your necklace... just watched your talk.
It was amazing, so inspiring X


thwany said...

Nice mood board!

*Maluni* said...

Me encantan las fotos que nos enseñas con tanta luz y color. Mis felicidades!!! Besitos!

Unknown said...

I am in love with that crown!

rouli said...

love it:)

ms.Ogorodnyaya said...

Very beautiful photo! Just super, Tavi! Good for you!

Anonymous said...

Love the moodboard, outfit, everything! And I really want to see moonrise kingdom, just have to find some company to take with me.

Mika said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
czarianonuevo said...

Hi Tavi!! I always get excited when a new post is up on your blog! i LOVE the outfit you came up with. it really defines your style :) i like your diy headpieces, hope you can show us how can make one sometime!

and also, I'm so glad you already saw Moonrise Kingdom! I learned that movie from one of your posts and since that, I wanted to see the movie also. Hope our local cinemas will care to show Moonrise Kingdom or else, i'll download it from the net :)

that's it!
paint it stripes

Maarten Gubbens said...

Stunning outfit. I simply love your photos because you are looking so cute in these photos. Keep posting dear..:)
Womens Online Store

Anonymous said...

Wow! You look absolutely surreal in those pictures. Wish I could look as effortless in those outfits! I'll be sure to follow your blog for more. Thanks so much!
Glamour Girl

Olivia said...

Lovely pictures as usual ! :)

Anonymous said...

i love this jewellry! it's great!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


stufftalker said...

you're outfit is great and i LOVE the moodboard!!

Mana said...

love it! I made a post about elle fanning and spring aesthetics as well! check it out ?

Anonymous said...

Moodboards are such a clever idea. I mainly make my entire apartment to one big moodboard, with some things which really do inspire me, like atm big paper flowers. Really liked your pastel house crown also, looks great.

cancercowboy said...

totally unrelated to this post.

after reading the transcript of a talk on Rookie about street harassment i think its due that i apologize for that deleted comment of mine to your previous post. it was just meant to be tongue-in-cheek, but it could easily be read as being a form of harassment. i'm sincerely sorry for that.

i didn't have the faintest that the situation is this bad.

Rohayatun Fatonah said...

You look sooo pretty! Love your hair! :D

Unknown said...

I don't know. I want to like you because I love kids. But your website looks like Juno threw up. Or maybe Diablo Cody did. I'm not sure.

Unknown said...

I admire your style :)


Unknown said...

You look like a ghost from a dream, wonderful
herlux fashion blog

Anonymous said...

It's like looking in a time warp mirror turned to 1998 ~ except the reflection's hair and makeup is much better than mine was.

What I wanted to say was the first thing I thought when I saw that head band was "Weetzie band!" (Weetzie fresh in my mind since I just reread it for the 10th time since time warp mirror time last month.)

Happy May!


I like the moodboard and the result!!

Anna Saarinen said...

Lovely photo!
And lovely outfit, specially I love your hairbands! I've seen them in former posts but it was great to see them closer! They're so cool, I'm going to try to make something like that...

Kisses from Finland,

gosialein said...

I simply LOVE this bow, so architectural...
lady, you've a lot on your head :)

DSTONE Magazine said...

Always looking great!

ardena rose said...

this outfit is without a doubt the best i've seen this week!! it is fun, scary, cute, edgy, and just all together incredible.
i miss your blogging, but love that you're pursuing your own magazine in the meantime! a dream come true, i'm sure!

ardena rose

Qlczyk said...

girl, youre amazing:)

Claire said...

I think that this moldboard may be the most perfect thing ever to have existed ever! I just cannot get over it's beautiful perfection!
And moonrise kingdom! I'm so extremely excited about that movie! The trailer is so fantastic and basically use perfect. I think I'm overusing the word perfect right now.

Lemarte said...

We are two art students from Spain who love fashion, music and your blog!!
you are so original and an example for young people!!

you're invited to visit our blog....we hope you like it! :)

Unknown said...

Hi!! as always you look cool and different. You are a referent in fashion industry but at the same time you never lose your own way. Congratulations!

I invite you all to see a history about two SUNNY SISTERS in my blog:

recklessandforgotten said...

You are amazing! Great blog, clothes and everything else ;))
i've just created my own blog:

You're blog is the best blog ever ;)

Tera said...

Love your crown!

Anonymous said...

I luv your face and your style. So colorful.

lisasparty said...

Inspiring as always. I love the references you use, started a blog the other day if anyone wants to check it out:

Hanna said...


Unknown said...

I love tavi's style it's so original which is why I want some of you style rookie to check out my fashion blog called Fashion Junkie here's the url

Anonymous said...

Loving the pics, as always. Wicked, relentless vision.



hair looks incredible tavi... love it :)


Eva said...

You look so ace! You remind me of Wes Anderson films. X

Jess said...

I'm always inspired by your collages and mood board type things. I recently went though all my magazines (well almost, all I have 1 more stack to go) and cut out everything I wanted to keep. I am excited to start putting things together in inspiration notebooks. Great colours and vibe with the outfit as well. Cheers!

Unknown said...

Super duper cool! I love it!

Unknown said...

Tavi and everyone else please help!!!!!!!!!! Help me raise awareness about these two bloggers and their homophobic and racial rants!

Follow and share the first article


Oh and I love your blog Tavi

Maarten Gubbens said...

I simply love your photos because you are looking princess in these photos and your style is awesome dear..:)
Womens Online Store

Anonymous said...

Such a nice style!!!

Sophie May said...

Love your top awesome colours.

Anonymous said...

i dig the headband

Musings of Krav said...

Amazing and inspiring as always. You are appreciated Tavi, sincerely.

Amber M. said...

i love joni mitchell. Her music is so realxing and her style is effortlessly hippie chic.

Brittney said...

Ahh, this combo is brilliant, Tavi! The new layout looks very sharp. :)

Anonymous said...

You whole outfit is mindblowing!
Greetings from Santiago, Chile.
Twitter: @cristianpavezd

jessielovesthis said...

Flawless,as always!

-c.owen said...

i like that a teenager made it big on a blog. A lot of adults don't understand. It's an amazing insight for them.

my blog is here:

chelsea said...

Oh, Weetzie Bat. I carry a copy with me wherever I go.

Anonymous said...

Your top is very good, looks like it could belong to any new designer collection. Great tiara too.

x Yunes

Unknown said...

I am in love with your crown, it's beautiful and great to find another daisy fanatic (yes, I know) on le internet. Beautiful post and love this month's Rookie theme.

* said...

cool colors. love the blog.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tavi,
I'm Maggie and I just started blogging. I love you and you are like my total inspiration. (Wow that sounded stalkerish). My blog is Style Walrus and the website is I'm 12 which is around the same age you started blogging. I hope you check out my blog!

S Bag said...

I do love vintage and things very neat just like your crown!! so your blog is so perfect to me, i'm gonna check out all your posts!

Maddy said...

Hey guys! I figured since you love this blog, you are all fans of fashion. I have just created my own blog about OCD/anxiety/stress and fashion. I am not trying to compete with this blog at all. i am a fan myself! i just thought that you would be interested in mine as well. the address is:

and i would love it if you could stop by! It is a site perfect for teenage girls who love fashion and may be struggling with stress/OCD/anxiety~ as well as anybody else!

l said...

Looks great! Love your style ;)

Linnea said...

Beautiful necklace!

Jana said...

simply amazing! <3

Anonymous said...

that headband is so cute!

nicolina said...

I just came across your blog today and just wanted to let you know how much I adore it! You are beautiful and have the best energy flowing through you that comes across even through the internet! Finding this today made me happy. I hope there is a little Tavi in all of us, and I think you really help people realize that it is ok to be themselves in a world that is constantly telling us differently. <3

aliceautumn said...

you inspired me to create my own blog!!

Miri said...

I envy your ability to make mood boards. I have a habit of making any attempts on the kitchen table right about dinner time, so they are swept away by my mother's unforgiving arms... *sob*

miss annie said...

hey tavi :) Just felt like commenting today because I´m super inspired by everything you do, I really am :)
Your creativity is so unique and so is your blog, your style and your online mag(which I adore, seriously)!
Lots of love from Germany!
miss annie

pop-up blogspot said...

Loved your hairband with the houses on looks fab ... Cant wait to se your next posting!

Anonymous said...

I want so much,say a thing:
See my blog
I am from Brazil
Hope you like it :D

Shopaholic said...

i like it! Tavi <3

Vanessa Ferreira said...

your blog is amazing!
I hope you'll visit me and follow me if you like :)

armocromia_daniela said...

Very nice!!
visit my blog, we can follow each others!!


Anonymous said...

I love your mood board! I love the different colours and prints!Fashion is something really close to my heart, so when I came across your blog I was amazed at how you translate it.
Anyone who loves fashion and general girly posts visit my blog, leave a comment telling me the url to your blog and i'll be sure to check it out!

Anonymous said...

Love the outfit!! especially that cool wege. I want it. Haha, I think you should smile. :)

oliveyew said...

Love love love the headband!

Anonymous said...

your hairbands are fricken awesome.and that necklace its sparkly yet creepy xx

Quinn G. said...

That headband=fabulous! Oh my god, I have the same problem with inspirational movies. I watched Dead Poets' Society when I was in school...that did not go down well.

matildamunyard said...

Hey Tavi, I love your creativity! You inspire me!! you should check out my blog!

the do littles of mine said...

Love the combination, the jewelry is very different and should check out the jewelry I make: <3

Adele Pierri said...

Cute Outfit! :)

RHIANNON said...

That necklace is stunning. It looks beautiful on you!

JojoStylee said...

Headpiece and necklace are out of control
xx jojo

Spencer. said...

I can't get over how immensely awesome your headbands are, it's like there's a civilization builiding on your head and it's amazing!

I saw this video a while ago, it's packed full of flashing images but I swear I saw a picture of you towards the end and wondered if you knew? It's kind of trippy and there's something about subliminal messaging in there, but the song's quite good, anywhoo here's the link...


Anonymous said...

Ahh, I love your magazine and your blog. And you look so very, very amazing.

Juliet said...

Love your blog. You and your friends are looking so uniquely .:):):):)

Alyssa said...

So you have to be coolest blogger I have come across thus far. You are so creative, I love your taste in music, and you created another awesome website. Now I'm no longer a teenager, but I'm definitely going to refer to my cousin who is and I'm sure she'll love it. But all in all, you have an awesome webpage :]

MM said...

I absolutely love your blog! greetings from Poland ;)

Ana said...

I've been going through your 8tracks lists and I must say I adore the Troublemaker one.

New (old) good music, yay!

Madeline said...

that eye necklace is super spooky! love your mood board to. there's a really incredible aesthetic story you're telling

Unknown said...

The necklace is beautiful!

D2G Apparel

Karin Takiguchi said...

Kawaii ne!

Unknown said...

Hi Tavi. I haven't been reading your blog for that long, but i love it! I went back and saw some of your older posts (2008,2009) and i love the way your style has evolved.I think you and would be good friends if, you know, we lived in the same state (Arizonian over here). I ecspecially like this post, its very colorful and sunny, and i love how you incorporated the necklace and the crown, which i love. Hahah sorry for the long post, but check out my blog please: Thank you!<3 P.S. You are also very pretty, i like your blonde hair. :)

Anonymous said...

Sooooooo cute!!

Fashion babel said...

TAVIII!I've finally made my blogish thing!yey!I've always wan'ed to, but never did.But, Summer started, school break and now I have time to post and post and post. YOU ARE AWESOME, GIRL!

Sarah Loup said...

Love your necklace !

Vivi said...

Hi! TAVI your a huge inspiration to me. Wanted to share my blog that I just started today.

Diana said...

The photos are really great!

Anonymous said...

That crown, I don't think I'll ever get over it. I so much loved Moonrise Kingdom too!

Anonymous said...

You look gorgeous. That headband/crown you made is freaking INCREDIBLE.

Fashion babel said...

P.S. that crown is just perfect!those cute little pastel-color houses!love it!

Katia Pellicciotta said...

Oh my goodness gracious how jealous am I of you, I cannot wait to see Moonrise Kingdom.
This is a very inspiringy inspiration board, and on another random but relevant note I love your gold platforms.
PS if you're interested I'm running a week-long series on feminism on my blog, just a bit of a rat tat tat really.
x Katia said...

Those clogs are amazing.
I think your hair is flawless.

DSTONE Magazine said...

Your headband is so cute!

Lapse said...

I love the use of daisies in the first image. I also saw your rookie post on them. You are right, they are the best flower. I wish you could come to England so we could roll around in a field of daisies together. But not in a creepy way, which is how that read. In a cool, music video-y type of way.

I also now have a new favourite jewellery designer

Anaïs said...

Ok, this is my first comment on your blog, Tavi. I must say that you're amazing, your pictures are amazing, all your posts are amazing !

Henrietta said...

I love this post so much. It is perfect for summer and life and adolescence and everything. AHH. Also, your hair looks STUNNING and I love your outfit more than, like, anything else in the world.

Rudi Gaol said...

Hi Tavi,
I like your blog, very much, would you exchaneg link each other?

Title : Weight Loss Programs
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Fashion babel said...

I have new post, first real one, so if you're feeling bored at the moment, check it out, don't be scared**

xo, L.

Anonymous said...

A nice outfit! I love your necklace. <3 :)

Anonymous said...

A nice outfit! I love your necklace. <3 :)

Mertxe Hernàndez said...

You look so lovely in this outfit!

On our site you can find original pieces as unique as each one of us!

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FashionCherry said...

loving the necklace and the garland! amazing!! This is an awesome post. Follow our fashion blog on and take a look at our latest post

Emily said...

This is gorgeous, I love the contrast of the colors an of course your looking gorgeous as ever.

Emily said...

This is gorgeous, I love the contrast of the colors an of course your looking gorgeous as ever.

Marta Marques said...

Amazing blog :D Loved it!

Julie-the-Dazed said...

the words and the photos inspire so much!!!

Unknown said...

go Tavi !!!

armocromia_daniela said...

visit my blog and follow me!

Anastassia said...
Another great fashion blog

Rebecca On said...

Hey Tavi! I was just curious, where can I find this "spooky part of LA"? Just scouting for some sweet editorial locations.

Thanks, thanks!

Lovely Liar said...

Tavi, I think you will like this video and song :)

Annia said...

I just found your blog.
I love it!!

I made a blog a couple of months ago too!
I would really appreciate it if you could check it out and follow if you like it!
Thank you!

Milica Lubardic said...

Oh Tavi! Every single time i watch your blog, it's like i'm in i'm watching some super cool old-school movie
keep on going

Zinnia Cress said...

love your crown, it kind of makes me think of what the houses and apts would look like if they made a edward scissorhands monopoly game. :) loves its!

Online Consignment said...

That is an excellent vintage look. Love your style!

Unknown said...

the necklace is a beautiful addition to the dress...

Unknown said...

i love vintage photos. great job!

Gina said...

Amazing photos! They look like something you'd see in a magazine! I love your blog!


EE saekiYan said...

wow your blog is AWESOME!!

EE saekiYan said...
about my painting and photoes..
I have only 5 posting yet, but I wanna share^^

Unknown said...

You are so beautiful

Anonymous said...

I saw you on the cover of Bust magazine! Your so pretty. And that's a great mag.
I'm a fan of your blog.


Unknown said...


brituss said...

At first I was kind of pissed when you weren't posting as often as in the past, but then I realized that you're just transcending out of this role solely as a blogger and ascending into new things that you don't feel obligated to tell the entire world about. Keep doing awesome things.

PoshSlob said...

oh my god. I remember doing a grade 10 english project on weetzie bat and created a movie poster for it. wish I had it to share with you but it was 20 years ago and its long gone. I think I cast C.Love as weetzie. Love your blog.

Maria Galvão de Sousa said...

Wow love this post!

Anne said...

your hair band is sooo cool, I want it!

Anonymous said...
funny manga

Unknown said...

I'm loving the play of colors here! You have such a great imagination for such a young age! I admire you.

Gabi Parracho said...

I run a teen-fashion blog, and it is really hard to get the world out there, but I would really like to share it with you guys:)

thank you for your time

Tina @ My Highest Self said...

Totally in love with that first photo!

Anonymous said...

I really like the crowns it's very cool , i think i'm gonna try to make one with video that you made :)

miss k said...

super cute, i want ur hair band <3

Anonymous said...

Love this post!! Especially the headband and necklace picture, the colours are amazing!

Lexie said...

I love the clothes and the photos! The look is so 1950's/60's! Lexie x

Anonymous said...

Loving the old school fashion. Seems like the floral fashion of the 70's is going to be big this spring.

It's everywhere.

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La Belle Placer said...

Your moodboard is so cool!! love it! <3
I always trying to make a moodboard but it strangely always failed. so haha yours is adorable!

Anonymous said...

warm Greeting

These kind of post are always inspiring and I prefer to read quality content so
I happy to find many good point here in the post, writing is simply great, thank you for the blog.

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LaPopMode said...

Hi, your headband is very excentric. I like it.


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