Slowly but surely, more fall vibes!
1. Grease

2. Bye Bye Birdie
I watched this ALL THE TIME when I was little and I took a break for years and when I rewatched a couple weeks ago all the lines were still popping into my head as they said them. When I have kids I am going to show them Bye Bye Birdie all the time so I can make them perform it for me whenever I damn well please! It'll be like a talking and breathing Netflix Instant, whose poop I have to clean up. Actually, that sounds way less fun that actual Netflix Instant. I'm going to raise my children in a vacuum so they never talk, ever.
Spencer's mom once told me during one of our showtunes singing sessions that they filmed the closing one like a year after the first, which is why Ann-Margaret's voice is so much less whiny, and that the director had to make it on his own money because the producers didn't think it was a good idea, then once he showed it to them they were like OMG you're so right here's the money you spent on this! And then Janet Leigh was SO PISSED because in the stage version Rosie is the star, not Kim. ZOMG hot gossip from 50 years ago!!!!!!

The whole movie is pretty and weird, but the Telephone Hour is the BEST. Kim MacAfee and Hugo Peabody get pinned and all of a sudden Sweet Apple, Ohio is like, a HUGE CITY full of HOT GOSSIP FROM 50 YEARS AGO.

Plus I love how obviously like, 25 Ann-Margaret is in this, while Ursula plays the twerpy little 16 year old she really is. This song was so misleading.

5. Female Trouble

8. Cindy Sherman's Untitled Film Stills

9. Hunx and his Punx

10. "Our Deal"
Best Coast is normally reserved for summer, but this video fits fall. For some reason the video buffers weird and I have not the patience for weird buffering, nor do I feel indifference towards carpal tunnel, so I didn't screencap it. You just have to WATCH it instead. Life is hard, kids! Welcome to the real world!
Get More: MTV Supervideo, Music, Best Coast, Best Coast, Music, More Music Videos
(Chloe Moretz would be the perfect best friend because she would totally kick the ass of anyone who is annoying you or, I don't know, killing your other friend in a gang fight.)
Lastly, do you like candy? Do you like Parks and Recreation? Amy Poehler? Aubrey Plaza? Rashida Jones? Chris Pratt's breathing? Because they made us a really sweet video at Rookie. It is here! Also, I wrote my editor's letter for October, styled a shoot of angsty yearbook photos, wrote about first encounters with the male gaze, and, under my pseudonym Chill McChillson, tips on middle skool d@t!ng.
YESSSSSSSS ALL OF THIS! Love it love it love it. I can't believe I wasn't a teen in the late 1950's early 60's, fashion wise of course (the whole world sucked except for the clothes.) And Female Trouble is just too good. Also, Grease's "Beauty School Dropout" scene is one of my favorite movie musical scenes EVAH. Pink hair!
You're killing me with this little list. Cherry in the Outsiders and Tippi Hedren and Dawn Davenport and Divine and, sheesh, it's just a lot. And so, so good.
Ffff now these I know I've seen. AND GREASE ugh I haven't watched that movie in such a long time! JAZZERCISE this post has a lot!
sometimes I fantasize about meeting you because you are truly that radest person of my age.
love love love!
and all guys need to start wearing super bright socks.
Glass of Fashion
You're interesting as always! :)
How many teens love this type of stuff, you, me, and a few others! lolz
Anyone should feel free to check out my writing blog!
I love this post! I was raised watching these movies and wish I could raise my kids to re-enact the scenes...although at the same time...not so much. I just imagine tantrums and me turning into a crazed stage mom...But none the less LOVE all these movies and your choice of stills.
ANN-MARGARET, WHAT A BABE! So goood, although I more imagine forcing my kids to perform Sound of Music and the Labyrinth. And I gotta say, Cry Baby made me sick to my stomach when I watched as a young teen. Something about the voices and the faces, I swore off John Waters for a long time, but your stills of it are easy on the eyes (and belly). Perhaps, I am a little PG, PG-13 at times, unless its French, then all censor gloves are off.
Oh man, I have to say hate that opening Bye Bye Birdie sequence but love so much the Telephone Hour. How does everyone know so instantaneously? Imagine if they had the internet!
Love you blog, and I'm 22!
-E, House of Guise
ahh, amazing inspirations! all the colours! now i need baby bangs.
i wish i could be in a gang with chloe and alia. especially such a well dressed one.
The first ten minutes of Female Trouble is the best ten minutes in cinema history. Cha cha heels! Nicely done.
TAVI, HOW DARE! omg You like tapped into my feelings for the Fall EXACTLY. Ughh, I'm totally busting out my 50's-esue garb asap.
I love it Tavi!!! great post It brings me a lot of memories ! one of my fav!
If I could have lived in the 50's my life would have been perfect!xx
great inspirations!
how exciting! thanks for posting this! the first fall vibes one was so inspiring to me! Crybaby and the Outsiders are two of my favourite films ever!
Hi, tavi! I like your blog so much! Why you have so many idea to write something? Btw, this is one of my favorite post that you made ;)
i've never heard of "Female Trouble" before, but it looks fun!
i love such films and of course i know the most of them but some are new for me. thank you for the hint! (:
So right on all counts.
Dear Tavi,
You've got a lovely blog. It's nice that you use pictures from my magazine.
All the best,
Anna W.
I LOVE Cry Baby, aaaww Johnny Depp *__*
I love the insperations!
Loving the list!
i love this post ;)
wow , what a great research. I love Cry Baby too. This films are so inspirational ;)
i haven't seen cry baby!!!! ooohhhOOHHH!!! though GREASE is one of my fav movies!! great post and largeeee!! kisses from bilbao!
wow!!! love it all....
cool blog.
Love 60's fashion, great inspiration, Grease is a Perfect film for all the 60's fashion especially when looking at trends that are still around today!
Please take a minute to look at my trunkshow;
Awesome post!!! I can't believe I wasn't a child of the fifties! :( (Well, other than the clothes it probably would have sucked, but still.)
i LOVE grease and i've heard bye bye birdy is really good, might watch that some time :) i'm not sure if you got my tweet but i was wondering if i could use one of your photos for my blog as i'm doing a "cool hair" post :) ox
love love love, so inspiring!
haha he was breathing so was soothing.
Absolutely amazing post! I love film based posts with stills and everything! :)
Hmmm, I really love all this films. Perfect post.
Oh yeah...please tell me you've seen Welcome to the Dollhouse! I feel like it vibes really well with all this...
I've never heard of "Female Trouble" but it looks sort of amazing. I love these little inspiration lists you've been doing! I can't wait to see how you incorporate these into your wardrobe.
love love love!
Hmmm, is it bad that I'd barely heard of Bye Bye Birdie before this? I guess it probably is...
Great post as per usual anyway - I particularly liked the picture of the girl with the coke beaker, her eyelashes are heartbreakingly perfect :)
I was never much of a one (other than Hitchcock) for this period’s: colours, style, hair, music, makeup etc. But as usual your powers of persuasion are proving too much! A Jedi mind trick? (The force is strong in you, Tavi.)
P.S Your writing and drawing make me very happy <33
I've been doing that for a while when watching stuffs on my computer: screencap-ing these scenes when characters are holding old/interesting telephones.
One day, I'll print them to make posters.
For now, I only have scenes from Whiz Kids' episodes, Wargames and Prêt-à-Porter, but I really *need* to see Bye Bye Birdie.
(awesome list for procrastinating but still feeling great in the moment!)
Let's bring ponytails back . . . I've already got those Sandy bangs (and hey! don't you?).
Been listening/watching that Best Coast video for days. HUGE inspiration right now.
just crazy....
zum teil wieder so abschreckend strange...aber diesmal hat es auch echt schöne bilder beinhaltet....i love! go on...!
für mehr von mir, hier:
LG, Lea ;-*
I love your fall vibe part two post!i find it so interesting..
I you find the time please take a look at my blog:
and tell me your opinion about it!
i love various girls's bang and hair! fresh!
this is like my fav post of all time! great job! keep going, ur amazing girl! :)
Well this might just as well be the best mood post I've ever seen.
John and Johnny, both with greasy, slicked back hair. ;) You perpetually make me wish I were still in high school. It's just not right! Glad everything with RookieMag is goin' well. I love Amy and Rashida. Not sure who the other 2 are ... yet.
nice girls don't wear cha cha heels... love divine/john waters
the leader of the Night Creepers is totally Maeby Funke
I love these things your doing and dont you think its so funny how in bye bye birdie she doesnt mind that her best friend is going to tell everybody
amazing post!!!!! thank you for share!!!!!!
mmh, you might enjoy Wild At Heart's outré, sarcastic take on this kind of style. and of course the early Todd Solondz.
Female Trouble will always be the best John Water movie, imo. Such great dark humor in it.
Have you seen American Graffiti and Wanderers yet? More 50s/early 60s nostalgia movies that you might enjoy : ).
I watched Bye Bye Birdie for the first time yesterday because of this. It was amazing. :D
Amazing post! I love Greece, it's too amazing. Your screencaps are always amazing (:
Whoaaaa. Check this out, tavi. it''s about your cover on Lofficiel. love ay there. Super cool and TAAALLL//
I'm totally gonna watch these movies, they seem so intersting! hahaha the telephone hour is brilliant
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You may be my movie soul-mate.
I am so inspired.
Thank you.
Fashion Hype / Graphic Content / Pretty Things
ok first of all i forgot how hot traci lords is...and second you are my hero! ghost world!
I think the Our Deal video is sorta stolen from this sweet little film.
Tavi, this is pure coolness!!! I loved the pictures. I'm half norwegian!! Check out my blog :
Pretty :)
love all of this - ann margaret is such a babe. i even own the soundtrack to bye bye birdie on record <3
sei veramente brava mi piace ogni cosa che pubblichi .mi piacerebbe se guardassi il mio blog . little super star . grazie
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