room part 2

More room inspiration, slightly random-er this time. I've posted a lot of these pictures before but they're worth sharing again. I don't totally know how all these will translate in the end but they've been running through my mind nonstop like the victim of a bad pick up line.
Nicole Levaque and Nicki Minaj shrine by Teen Witch, for the shrine-ness and celebrity worship and candles and flowers and Ouija.
Madge in Desperately Seeking Susan, the video for Lust for Life by Girls, unknown, and Brenda Walsh, for the pinkness and flowers and haziness.
Grace Miceli, unknown, Kelly Bundy, lyrics to Old Age by Hole in my journal, for the cosmic vibes, collaged pentacle, Kelly's shirt and the wood-paneled-ness of their house, and shiny stickers.
All unknown! Boooo. Cats, flowers, shady bedrooms, girlness, etc.
Album art: Violent Femmes self-titled for the little girl and vines, Totally Crushed Out! by that dog for the Sweet Valley High-ness, Live Through This by Hole for the paint and basement and CL's queenness, PJ Harvey's Man Size for the flower.
Cinnamonkite, Petra Collins, reba bean, and Jane Birkin, for the iconography and flowers.
T. Reilly Hodgson, and the rest unknowns, for the cacti, bleeding paint, dusty technicolor summer colors.
Joni Mitchell's Ladies of the Canyon and Missoni Fall 2011 for the tiny stories.
Unknown and Helmut Lang Spring 1997 by Robert Mapplethorpe, for the awkward happy braces and hearts.
Unknown, birthday roses via Arnsdorf's amazing scrapbook, and Tim Walker, for the flowers and tiny decorations.
Kamikaze Girls and Kat Bjelland on the cover of Flipside, for the tiny treats and vines and broken dollhouses.
Tomas Castelazo for the idea of flower-adorned pastel cemetery crosses, Hasisi Park for combined witchy vibes and Weetzie Bat's Hollywood, the video for Violet by Hole for the storyteller fairytale ballerina stills, and old Schiaparelli perfumes for the colors and potion-likeness and sun.


Eva said...

love this!! good luck on your bedroom :) redoing mine too, actually! im planning on stringing together honest tea bottle caps and hanging them around my walls.

Anonymous said...

the nicki minaj shrine from teen witch is sick

Nedda Ebo said...

LOL @ the very first one. That's epic.
the flower undies remind me of this sketch i found once while surfing tumblr:
anyway, love all the cute random photos.


Oofie said...

Maybe you should consider adding an alter in one of the corners. Candles are always a nice addition, especially the ones that smell like ice cream and lemon cupcakes. I enjoy the Wiccan vibes that you post sometimes - I think it adds a lot of character.


EmK said...

Where do you get these amazing pictures?

And I like shrines. I wish I was more compelled to make one. I want to be in your room more now!

Witch stuff is amazing, isn't it?

Also I realized I comment on all your posts....

SarahPeslar said...

I feel like you can do so much with this inspiration. Possibly so ecstatic post card creations? Or possibly some newly themed clothing?

Larissa Blintz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Larissa Blintz said...

loving that nicki minaj shrine!! teen witch is da shit.

Velvet Codeine

Erin said...

The Nicki Minaj shrine is totally awesome, just saying. Same with the pink-lined coffin. I can't wait to see how your room turns out!


meagan said...

tavi you should check out any number of the botanicas in the city. candles and jesus and incense and rosaries and potions and everything youll ever need to bring your inspiration to life.

Anonymous said...

Yay I love Ms Love.

Unknown said...

Totally cool that you're into Grace Miceli's stuff. It's funny because I keep thinking about how it seems like you would really like Smith (were we both go to college... or went since Grace just graduated...)

tucker said...

The braces are America Ferrer as Ugly Betty

KEEHNAN said...


Rachel said...

I am totally digging the shrines you posted. Feeling the urge to light massive amounts of candles and maybe have some dead flowers or something.

Mitchie said...

Your inspiration for the cacti... Yeah, I got that right next to my house.

Eleonore said...

have you seen "the crush" with alicia silverstone (she's like 14)? you'd love it. plus her room is all
vomitpink-horsebackriding-lauraashley vibes.

Kayla said...

this post OOZES with inspiration! I love the innocent darkness of all this. Makes me want to watch Virgin suicides and put flowers in my hair.

<3 You're truly an inspiration little miss.


Lia said...

haha love the Nicki Minaj shrine!

Glass of Fashion

Lovers, Saints & Sailors said...

I can't wait to see how this all translates.

Amy Creyer said...

I love the idea of tiny embellishments in a massive space, so that it takes several moments for the eyes and the brain to put everything together. The whole idea that nothing is as it seems.


Ohhh lalalax...the teen witch's shrine was absolutely wicked, in a cool way of course. I loved the serene effect there ('empty' space, light bulbs) seems occupied with somethin (err..try not sounds too occult here;p). The PJ Harvey photo there really addictive (her posse), and for the roses, i wish more of black...(wish for have one someday). Au freshh...!


Anonymous said...

I am really feeling the Desperately Seeking Susan vibes.

Jack Flash! said...

really liking the dusty technicolour scheme, and the ever-present courney vibes.The Religious iconography would probably creep me out in the middle of the night though, Desperately seeking susan is soooo fcool...

Anonymous said...

I just moved so I seriously need to start thinking about decorating my room too ^^, so I really needed some inspiration, even though i'm trying to sail towards strong contrasts with white walls, matte blue chandeliers etc.. but thanks for this and a great blog :D

Takuka - Léa said...

Hi Tavi ! :D
I just wanted to tell you that I love your style, it is just beautiful !
And I'm in love with your wonderful blog ! *A*
It is really inspiring ! YOU are really inspiring !
Could you check out my blog and tell me what you think about it ?
The thing is that... it is in french ('cause I'm french)... :/
I will do a blog in english soon ! ^O^
Bye ~

zoomslow said...

Ahhh! So many pretty colours and shapes to lose oneself in – and I do! Serious inspiration <3

lyrics to Old Age by Hole in my journal = Great! Looks so good.

old Schiaparelli perfumes for the colors and potion-likeness and sun = I want to reach into the photo, pick them up and hug them.

Madge = :-)))

Mihaela said...

it's 2011 and your blog is interesting.

My blog♥mfashionfreak

The Fancy Teacup said...

There's a hint of decadence in all the array of pink hues and flowers, which is so beautiful. Best wishes on designing your room!

♥, Jamie

. said...

OMG,my father has this "Violent-Femmes"record too.xD


WOW!love the Nicki Minaj shrine!

Anonymous said...

hey tavi, i wondered if you had seen the video for denver - los adolescents

i thought you'd like it, especially if you like the lust for life vid. just youtube it, i think they're a chilean band.

lizz said...

it's going to look amazing.

Ravenna Moreira said...



Lydia Armstrong said...

These are all totally cohesive. What do you call this?? Romantic-death-punk-idolatry? There's got to be a word for it because you totally nail it. I love that pic of PJ Harvey.

Lydia said...

I think this brings very good inspiration, not just for you Tavi, but for me also. I am really inspired by all the pictures you post, mostly the ones in this one. I admire them greatly, particularly the broken dollhouses and the collection for the iconography and flowers. Both, such a stunning collection of photos. Your really doing great Tavi, and I look up to you and your blog, a lot. XOX

Unknown said...

Amazing pictures

Much love, Hadera ♥

Lindsay said...

Nicki Minaj, Madonna, and Kelly Bundy all in the same post. YESSSSS.

kate cait sith said...

oh have you ever watched kamikaze girls? it's good. loli fits in fairly well with yr inspo. u should explore the style. it's something i was really into in my early teens/late tweens.

LauraPage said...

Man I just love your style!

moony said...

Love these photos. every time, without fail, your posts get better and better.

amie k said...

Great post! Love the pics, great inspiration :)

Love Amie xxxx

Rachel Cannon said...

I thought I that I got over my Hole obsession after high school, but I am now finding myself downloading Celebrity Skin all over again! Thanks for the nostalgia Tavi!


Anonymous said...

It is an interesting theme your going for. I love the girly witch wibes of this, seems really interesting.

hope505 said...

...very plastalgiac for me, Tavi...these "room inspiration" posts...
(plastic+nostalgiac = plastalgiac! *haha! ok.)

Also: it is terrifying to remember the time in my life when I lived in my Parents' house and had "a room"...*heeheehee! But when I lived there, then, I had nightmares about having to live on my own and take care of ADULT things...

You probably won't believe it, but comparing the two, this is way better.
wwwaaaayyyy better. (I'm speaking to you from the future.)

cancercowboy said...

interesting range of visual influences you posted here. i'm really in suspense how all this will pan out and manifest in your room. just don't cave in to perfectionism.
i still hope to see the day when image-displaying devices with the physical properties of plastic sheeting hit the market. changing the mood of a room as easily as changing your desktop wallpaper... oh the possibilities ^____^

Lu said...

i think the flowery teen witch idea is cool... u could make a butterfly farm like in bright star
the colors in the movie i think are really inspiring!

kid said...

you are gonna LOVE this music video it is so ur lasts posts
quieroStar - Efecto Espejo

mike said...

you've done too much, much too young.

Anonymous said...

Hey tavi, i really admire your dedication to your blog and a certain aesthetic, have you seen the tumblr a witch's spell (
if not i think you'll like it


gigi-popfrock said...

I want to see the finished result! You're obviously going to have a lot of tchotchkes, so what color are you planning on doing the walls to go with it all?

Have you seen this? I think the people at Tide might have been thinking of you...

xo Gigi

Eli said...

I enjoy your blog!
P.s If you haven't seen the movie Holy Mountain you may want to check it out ;)

William Brower said...

i'm coming up man sized... skinned alive

Alexi Frest said...

This is a top favourite post these days. As for Nicki Minaj - I do prefer Kim, you know (except for the fur what she wears). How Happy I was to see Madonna, she is my sweetie, she was the lady whose photos made me realise that I AM a bi. And I love the cats - especially the black and white one that cuddles so lovingly.

Lula said...

Hey! Love your blog read it like everyday. I only found out about you recently so i'm catching up on the old posts while reading all the new ones that come through. Great inspiration for you room! I'm doing mine up. My parents made me go all minimal so now i'm adding colour!

Fi said...

I had my bedroom painted duck egg blue to match the cream coloured furniture. In my head, my bedroom was like the inside of the palace at Versaille. Needless to say I had/have a wild imagination.

Good luck with decorating yours.

Narita said...

Really nice! I'm getting a new curtain for my room but that's all, want to redo the whole thing but it's not big enough to make anything decent out of it I guess.

Farley said...

No one of the opposite gender will ever want to step foot into your room... maybe this is what you're going for?

Anonymous said...

More food for the soul. omnom.
My room is insanely girly and my fiancé (oh I love this word, doesn't roll out of the tongue as much as it elegantly walks out) spends a lot of time in it.

Taylor said...

I'm redoing my room this summer to, erasing all evidence that i was ever a child, I'm basing mine off of Wes Anderson's The Darjeeling Limited, have you seen it, it has fantastic colors!

megan said...

so much awesome stuff!!


Cindy Puteri Gunawan said...

I love it!!

~Cindy PG~

Noumia's papers said...

I love the sanctuary for Nicki Minaj !


Anonymous said...

these are very cute photos**

lottie said...

Your room is going to look soo great, this post has made me want to start again and re-do my room, i love it :)

erica said...

this post totally inspired me to do some shrine drawings. thanks girl! :)

Sissy said...

Your blog ist so different. Awesome different.

Sissy from Modern Snowwhite ♥

Snob fashion said...

hey! snob loves u.

we follow u and you are on a link on the right hand side of our website!

please follow make sure you follow us.
love the girls from snob xoxox
Here! x

Cess said...

Wow, these are some really funky and cool bedrooms! You inspired me to redo my bedroom! Could you check my blog out?
Thank you so much, your blog is a true inspiration!

Anonymous said...

i know that i already commented, but i just wanted to tell you that i'm passing you the 'one lovely blog award' ^^

you can come and check it out at my blog!

Scarlett B said...


celeste said...

this room inspiration is freaking rad. every single image is so unique.

chica arcoiris said...

I found a lot of inspiration in your pics! xoxo


Gabi Parracho said...

Tavi good luck:0 you are such an inspiration! Thank you so much for this post.
I also started my own fashion blog:

and my tumblr which consists only of fashion photography:

gabi said...

so. fucking. cool. paint the walls with blood!! xxxx

Unknown said...

this is my bloog

parreya said...

Black Magic or White Magic. witch or Angel. you are the one who sleeps with that atmosphere. ...but think about which one that makes you have a happy wake up in the morning!

Prince Paradox said...

...Can i move into your room when it'll be done? <3

sayuri said...

i think nicki menaje is a witch

hey, do you know (or someone knows) where can i read sassy maganizes pdfs? - or if it exists. thx

Pneumonia said...

looks amazing, and thank you for ur lovely comment dear X

Anonymous said...

You're good at this stuff. I'm just wondering if you're in the fashion cult, that'll be surprising to me. I love what you're doing and I like your shrines.
visit mon blog:

Anonymous said...

like all this even more than part 1! really inspiring. your great, Tavi!
my blog is new and i'd really like anyone reading to help it bloom by following and stuff.

da said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Daniel said...

Nicki Minaj OH YEAH !

Love you Tavi ! Kiss

Sabina said...

My goodness you are just the 90s queen. And Kat Bjelland and Kelly Bundy were both fashion muses in their own right. Good luck with your bedroom, and I look forward to pics when you're done.

Drop by me some time if you like, too. I'm holding a giveaway where the prize is a custom illustration.

Julia said...


Saúl said...


Betsan Evans said...

your blog is really interresting:)x

Amy said...

What awesome photos. If your room ends up looking like the vibes I'm getting here, you're going to have a Tavi Temple. You have to post photos when you are done!

Visit my blog!

Ecaterina Radovna said...

It's a very nice article,that reflect a special beauty!!

Visit my blog!

mmayja said...

Amazing shrine Tavi!
Inspired me so much to start my own, i might just do a room inspiration post due to my re-decoration this summer!
You truly are fabulous.
Best wishes xoxo

Anonymous said...

I love how much thought you put into re-decorating, I'm the same I recently did a post on my bedroom and some of the inspirations behind it!.I think you may have even reblogged one of the pictures on your tumblr, it was a picture of a pink phone on a bedside table with a Heathers poster above it.

Julia said...


Angeles Almuna said...

To many memories! excellent always you inspire me ....great eye are super original!
Beyond this planet!

Gucci S. said...

So...your room is so creative !

Anonymous said...

Theodora and Callum is giving away their “Tan Multi” Scarf ( all you have to do is share your favorite summer destination on their Facebook Page ( to enter the contest. Contest ends on Tuesday, July 26.

Anonymous said...

this is great!
i've always been a fan of your blog, i've added you to my "blogs" page for fashion sites! keep it up!
i hope you'll come check out my posts from my journey through Spain and my first look since returning to the US!


Anonymous said...

Although I've heard lots about you, I've never read your blog before today and I had to comment to say I LOVE YOU TAVI. Even though you're 10 years younger than me, your style is an inspiration! Wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...


I see both the 2 parts of your room and now I believe that there's lots of fun in the room and you enjoy it a lot.Right?

Hermes bags

Anonymous said...

i'VE NEVER EVER seen a more horrible blog then this one. Horrible. Is this suppose to be an example for our young bright minds? wtf?

Anonymous said...

good !

Anonymous said...

so inspired by your post!


chelsey. said...

I can't remember if you have any of these yet, but I thought you'd love them:

selma said...

tavi I hope you aren't dead, because I love you and want to merry you if you were a boy!!!!

Rosé Magritte said...

haha dude, t. reilly hodgson is a friend of mine from school. such a small world.


Love City said...

You make me scary Tavi:P Kisses from Europe, from Poland:*

Gigglez! said...

I`ve read about your blog in a german fashionbook. your posts are very inspiring!!keep it up :)

Anonymous said...

I really like your inspiration, your blog is very personal and different from others.

Gia said... смотри :)

Handbag Lovers said...

Loving each post of yours!
And good look with your bedroom, im still thinking of what to make on my walls...
But I actually like it with all those old magazine's rests of paper! I took it all off but the rests are there, it looks funny hahah


I absolutely adore this! Especially the pastels, flowers, and juxtaposition between symbols of Christianity and witchcraft. PERFECT.

Anonymous said...

This Undercover collection might be helpful inspiration: It seems to go along with the rest of the stuff you posted. I think a Lady gaga shrine would be cool. Lovely inspiration exspecialy the Hasisi Park photo and perfume bottles.

parreya said...

Your blog is a tool and inspiring to young people in your generation. What do you want to make your generation to be? What do you make this world beautiful and make people think positive. Life is always beautiful.

Camilla Hay Jenssen said...

I love it!
And I love you too, you are awesome giiiirl! <3

Fashion Is God said...

There's a note about you in an Argentina's Magazine! Amazing blog! <3

Hulttiomartta said...

I've just moved so I have to figure out what to do with my bedroom, but I think I'm going for the 2nd hand thingy and I'll just get whatever I can and then my room will be a mess but who cares...

BTW, If you have any intrest on animal rights, with this many followers on your blog it'd be a good if you'd express your opinion. :)

Steph et Lea said...

Love this !!

Guille Rubio said...



Jenny Kendler said...

Past blast! I listened to that dog. SOOOO much in high school. The dis-harmonies. Love.

Nicolas said...

pictures on your blog are just beautiful, you're a kind a web designer who knows how to mix fashion, hobbies and technology. BRAVO !!!

Nicole ALORS.

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