I bought the bible thing at the Salvation Army and had to explain to my mom that I was still a practicing Jew and simply desired living a life as aesthetically close to The Virgin Suicides as possible. Then I laughed and cried simultaneously at how much I am living Tumblr in real life and obediently chomped on my matzah. Happy Passover, fellow chosen ones!
1. Laura Palmer's Prom - You Say Party! We Say Die!
2. Miss World - Hole
3. Behind Blue Eyes - The Who
4. Suicide Blonde - The Weepies
5. Teenage Whore - Hole
6. Criminal - Fiona Apple
7. So Far Away - Carole King
8. Little Trouble Girl - Sonic Youth
9. Young & Tragic - Dead Man's Bones
1 – 200 of 227 Newer› Newest»i love the shring thing!
Vomit pink is so gross it's good. For a legit diroamoodboard, that little girl would need to be bent over the toilet instead of sitting on it.
Just, you know, FYI
I DID say, months ago, that you should write about Twin Peaks girls! It was the uncanny TV series of my childhood, and Hungarian Women's Journal wrote fine articles about the wardrobes of the female protagonists. (Besides, can you find the stereotypes in the series about certain final - or not final - girls?)
omg haha, you funny little one. I seriously need to watch Twin Peaks and The Virgin Suicides. Netflix; HOLLA!
I love this real life moodboard, especially with its slightly static overtone. I can picture an outfit created from this with a crown of pearls that has thorns sticking out of it and then a long, pink nightgown-esque dress. While listening to The Who. ;)
I am such a huge Twin Peaks fan its ridiculous! I love your real life inspiration board, very 90's and tragic.
NICE. I'm in the middle of Twin Peaks right now too and I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one who gets terrified.
Oh man I was terrified of Twin Peaks when I watched it in High School. I wonder if it would pack the same punch now...
Playlist is gold.
Glad you added the YSP!WSD! song!
is it too disgusting if i say that i actually had an experience related to pink vomit?
loved the playlist, it's SO good °o°
"vomit pink" = awesome.
Harry, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don't plan it. Don't wait for it. Just let it happen. It could be a new shirt at the men's store, a catnap in your office chair, or two cups of good, hot black coffee.
Twin Peaks is so good, but it freaks me out man. I was confused as hell and weeping like a baby when Laura Palmer's dad broke down in the first episode. I thought it was just going to be another crime show, but NO, they had to have emotions.
AUDREY IS MY GIRL. Who cares about Laura?
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haha, funny, but im not too much in twean peaks ;)
I get bored incredibly easily - and I'm guessing this nasty attribute of mine was even worse in my childhood. 'Twin Peaks' must have really hit many of the right buttons for this mini-me to tune in every week without fail. I left that series kind of horrified but exhilarated at the same time.
P.S You’re such a pretty girl, Tavi, why don't you show your face more often?
I'm watching Twin Peaks as soon as I can get my hands on it XD
Oh Twin Peaks, you will forever by my favourite. I still want to be Sherilyn Fenn...
Love Tweet
Ok so this is real weird! I haven't even finished reading your post yet cause I just have to say something now!
I don't know much about you except for what you post in your blog and that you seem to enjoy the same programming as I do! When you did your "My So called Life" post about Rayanne, I had also just finished the series. And now, as I'm working my way through "Twin Peaks" here is yet another post! The only diff is that I have seen these shows before and I'm not sure if you have. How odd...anyway it's like we are t.v. friends or something. That was a pointless comment but it had to be said...now I will finish reading your post.
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twin peaks is the best show in the entire world. it's funny, because i always thought it was something that influenced your moodboards and outfits before, i didn't realise you'd only watched it recently. my boyfriend's from washington and i am forever indebted to him for merely introducing me to the show, since being from england it's not hugely popular over there
Yay! A new 8tracks mix...listening now!
... I think I'm going to go wikipedia Twin Peaks and watch Virgin Suicides - i really liked the moodboard though!!
''I am living Tumblr in real life''.
Haha. Me too
the playlist is GENIOUS !!!
vomit pink ♥
Love your playlist)))
I soooo need a tumblr! I think I shall make a dioramoodboard now - but It'll probably be more clashing acid-tone tartan than vomit pink :)
That said vomit pink is making a massive comeback - but it is always to be worn with ironic cynicism!
have you heard this song tavi? it makes me think of you. enjoy.
the greatest light is the greatest shade
Love the moodboard, and I love your vomit pink teddy bear, as cute as hell, worth dying for, huh?
Chck out my blog too!
i love ty beanie babies, and theres nothing wrong with vomit pink :)
<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons
twin peaks was one amazing show. if you haven't already, you should watch the film Fire Walk With Me after you are done watching the series. it's kind of like a prequel and sequel all in one. just thinking about "Bob" gives me chills. take care.
that music list is just AMAZING!
lol my mom recently referred to beanie babies as tee-why bears
Twin Peaks = fucking awesome! one of the few shows that changed my perception kinda permanently. those weird and weirdly real people, that eerie music, that atmosphere, that... everything.
damn fine mix tape, btw. oh, and Happy Easter from a goy ^____^
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great post
tis not the pink making me want to vomit ;)
love. it. just watched episode 1!
O congratulations sweet thanngg, you are initiated to the land of David Lynch!! ~ things will now rapidly become more confusing and darkly 10x more surrealisticly fabulous...
for the future: Mulholland Drive!
PPS. Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a great day :-))
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xxx thanks Tavi
Funny, I was just listening to Julee Cruise. I can't think of Twin Peaks without thinking of her.
laura palmer. oh she's golden
I don't know if you knew but there's a book called 'the secret diary of laura palmer.' after I watched the show I read it. it's pretty good and it's interesting to read a book from her mind/get more insight into her when she's alive as after all on the show you just get glimpses of her past
the bible object is so charming and the whole grouping is so aesthetically pleasing. the soft pink tones girly prettiness is great.
like I said on 8tracks, the mix is wonderful. it captures her mystique and angst very well. after listening to your mixes I was thinking of maybe making audrey horne/agent cooper ones. I think I'll start compiling songs
you don't know how happy I am that you've discovered and are enjoying twin peaks. it's such a fantastic show and I'm always glad to see people who are already fans of it or who are just getting into it
and oh the show's music! it's brilliant. so moody and jazzy and strange and beautiful. it makes me happy also that david lynch wrote the lyrics for the songs with words (the julee cruise ones)
I have this cassette tape I got at the thrift store that's the best. it has some songs from the show and some from the film (fire walk with me which I have yet to see) and I swear someone made it themselves in the ninties. 'twin peaks' is written in pen over a layer of white-out and there are these wonderfully crummy/pixelated-ish (you can see the dots, reminds me a bit of roy lichtenstein) thumbnails of laura palmer and the 'welcome to twin peaks' sign. makes me wonder who made it. I wish I knew.
It warms my heart that Twin Peaks still strikes a chord with teen girls. Not be all nostalgic, but I can tell you exactly what I was doing when it premiered (working on a huge research project for my 11th grade Honors English class) and yes, pretty much taking my fashion cues from it. Another commenter mentioned the Laura Palmer diary but there was also a book of the transcripts "Diane" typed up of Dale Cooper's tapes. Good times.
go matzah! i've already had to passover sedars, thankfully my grandmother sargeant sedar wasnt there. love the moodboard!
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Laura Palmer is my favorite, but Audrey Horne is equally fantastic:
Yeah the vomit pink is so uncool it cool if you know what I mean? Its like style I guess... make the uncool, cool and its your own (: Happy Passover!
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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin_Peaks_books - I wasn't expecting the books to be as good as the real thing, but they really are. You might like them.
Happy Birthday, Tavi. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x653yn_depeche-mode-little-15_music
Happy Pessach and Hag Sameah cool kid :)
I don't know about this Laura Palmer, but I once met a girl called Lorraine, who stole my heart (hehe). Sorry for my Bad Manners.
Laura Palmer! Twin peaks I miss that show! I just know I have it on DVD somewhere...
Love this post! Was just looking at international fashion bloggers website and theres a video, and it mentions you!!
Not quite your 90's riot grrrl standard but a great some inspired by Laura Palmer and Twin Peaks:
*great song
his name is bob
twin peaks4evvaaa
xxx jazz
Candyfloss cute.
Ok, isn't Twin Peaks addictive? Did you know Yohji Yamamoto was hugely inspired by it and did a FW collection that made you want the models to carry "Meals on Wheels" to the audience. it was so cool to see, especially when the Japanese were having funerals at temples complete with plastic-wrapped Jaapnese Laura Palmers. Happy BD, by the way.
They are still running your interview with Marc Jacobs last year in Canada (boxes) and that link scarf is supreme so when I saw it I had to write to say you are f***ing fabulous.
Oh, I know you like to read, check this and lemme know what you think:
Keep making fashion interesting!
Huzzah for Dead Man's Bones!!!
Oh! Happy birthday Miss!
Hey, you share your birthday with Shakespeare :) I bet you've been told that a gazillion times, but kool nonetheless.
But: What your playlist is screaming out for is Little Baby Nothing by Manic Street Preachers!
happy birthday rookie!
Cute Teddy bear!!!
clipping path
Cool vomit pink!
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HBD girl!
Hey Tavi! Love it. I really like the white/light pink look combined with Laura Palmer it's quite a feel.
I just started a site http://moodyboards.tumblr.com/ Where I'm looking through tumblr and asking people from outside of tumblr to submit their moodboards. Naturally I thought of you and your awesome creations.
I'd be honored if you submitted anything.
Either way, Keep being yourself,
I love to watch Twin Peaks to and Laura Palmer is my favorite character!
Claire M.
vomit pink <3
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its now only You Say Party! since one of the members died not too long ago
love this too! I'm a new follower :)
Oh yeah! You knows the band "You Say Party" & so many more...Who are the base of my emotional, esthetical & musical feelings. One of my best day of my life is when i've offered one of my DIY pin of feather to Becky Ninkovic, after one of their concert in Brussels, during this winter. This girl is also brilliant and charismatic as you, little trouble girl :)
Lot of respect from an little 90's french older girl from Brussels.
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