take your silver spoon, dig your grave

Stevie Nicks vibes. It was fun to drag this long dress around when my friend and I went to the ice cream shop and bakery (both were necessary, it was delicious) and conservatory and, best of all, A PSYCHIC. I was hoping for a scam, if only for the cultural experience, and I think I got one! Either that or I really am the only person who is questioning things and has crushes on people. It was great. I got her business card and her email is like "jennythepsychic03@yahoo.com" or something.

Thrifted bag and lace wedding dress underneath, pearls belonged to my grandma, Old Navy floral tank top, sheer floral tank sent to me by Angie of iheartnorwegianwood, and tiara DIY'd from random brooches.

The polka dotted dress is Meadham Kirchhoff and was sent to me by Courtney Love. I'm drained from freaking out about her email so I don't have any ASDFSKHMKF's or !!!!!!!!!!'s left in me. It's also really hard to fathom to begin with, and kind of strange to be sharing. But it's worth noting that there's more where this came from on ebay, where she is selling stuff she has worn. Nuts!! I am happy to selflessly take a Meadham Kirchhoff dress off her hands because I am a good guy like that.

I'm gonna go let it sink in in private. I'll have some snacks, water, and an inhaler with me, but bring me a meal if I'm gone for too long.


abigail said...

Yay first comment! I love the layering, and Courtney Love send that dress to you personally? No way! You are lucky duck. Also the tiara is extremely awesome.



brightlightsbigcity said...

oh my god that is so past unbelievably cool! you guys should become best friends and hang out/crash parties only to stand in the corner looking angsty


Lia said...

cute bag!

Glass of Fashion

Anonymous said...

Ugh excellent funeral vibes. You remind me of some sort of great aunt who is always serious and wears black 24/7

charlotte collins said...

amazing - you've portrayed such a gothic and mysterious mood. perfection!


Fashion's Religion said...

This outfit exemplifies the witchy vibe. I'm really digging it.


bravegrrl said...

so cool! love da look!

Sophie Frances said...

this is sick! oh my golly goodness! (lol i sound like a 4 year old.) you look like a spanish queen in the middle ages. Meaham is equally cool to your queen vibes and it makes it even cooler that courtney love sent it. DLF;NS!!!

Jessie said...

very very cool! love it.


Katie said...

God, what is your problem? Why are you so freakin' cool?! I would like to be your best friend.
Not to be a creep, or anything.

Anne said...

You are so funny!
I like this look

emily marlow said...

wow i cant believe she sent you a dress, i wouldnt blame you if you were gone the whole night, but i appriciate the joy found in passing things on, i love giving clothes to my friends and borrowing clothes back :)

Melissa said...

Yep. This pretty much owns.

EmK said...

That's cool that she sent you that dress, and yes, the bakery and ice cream shop are both very important, ha.

Claire said...

Insane. Absolutely love it, the flowers add a nice vibe. :)
Also that tiara?! Is it really made from old brooches? That's incredible. I need to go find some random brooches at a garage sale and make one... it's a great idea.

Megan Hattie said...

gorgeous dress, pretty layered pearls, and that is a hilarious email address for a psychic... I hope you didn't pay too much for her! haha

--Megan//The Martian Tide

Anonymous said...

Beyond amazing, and that dress looks gorgeous on you!

alexis said...

really like the vibes form this post. and i cannot believe Courtney sent you a dress.
i would've hyperventilated from glee

Jess Heath MUFX said...

Amaziing, off to check out her ebay now!!

Unknown said...

i love that bag!!

<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons

Kaiami said...

Oh snap. Love. This. Outfit.

iShak said...

All I had to do was read the title of this post to know it would be brilliant. Huge Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac fan and you look great.
X Shahira


Anonymous said...

cool look :)

Pam and Ryan said...

Beautiful outfit!

Marlena said...

You look stunning! And IUSFJDKSFLFDOMFG Meadham Kirchhoff dress from Courtney freakin' Love. I AM DYINGGGGG *___*

Mitchie said...

I love how you post more often!

Mana said...

Hey Tavi, I know you get so many comments every day, but I would kindly appreciate it if you would look at my blog and tell me what you think! I actually dressed like Enid! I love Ghost World!
Thanks! I love your blog

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
favio said...

beautiful. love it
the dress from courtney is really you and spectacular >D

Unknown said...

DOOD. You have a jumper from Kathleen Hanna and a dress from Courtney Love. I don't get jealous, so I'm just really happy for you, it's beautiful on you xoxo

Limey said...

love the dress and all the lace.
i don't know, but it kind of reminds me of winona ryder/christina ricci


Lydia Armstrong said...

Courtney Love sending you an amazing piece of clothing... so stoked for you.

Unknown said...

oh my i think the whole outfit is gorgeous! no glasses?? esme noir (http://esmenoir.com)

Rich and Rebellious said...

Deathly Gorgeous!

KARLITO said...

Ooh, you purdey-scury little lady! I wish Courtney would send me something. Jelly 4 lyfe

Anonymous said...

i love this post. period.

Jenny said...

holy god you are ONE LUCKY GAL! MAN!

Krystel said...


I think I might need an inhaler too.
This is just too fucking fantastic. It looks rad on you. Drop a call if you need the meal :)

Ana G said...

Love this post like a crazy unicorn. The textures mixed together are love. Besos.


Lovers, Saints & Sailors said...

My teenage self is speechless.

Also, love the outfit.

isis said...

someone posted that last photo of you on tumblr without credit but i knew at first glance it was you. this look is probably my favorite of yours. stevie nicks all the way. i don't know how you do personal style inspiration so well.

Kaitlyn said...

The dress makes me think of Mori girl a little. Very cute :)

Anonymous said...

...the shape of the dress gives a sense of movement....it looks like a great dress for the summer....I hope you enjoy it....im sure DVF would love that dress

Alexa said...

My favourite piece is the tiara. It reminds me of the Grinch's lair with all its metal and contrasting shapes.

Cloud P. said...

love the mix of the textures. great dress

20thCgirl said...


That is preeeetty amazing. Also well done on the DYI Tiara, it looks like it could be designer or something.


Lucky lucky you, it looks like an amazing dress! There should be more witch outfits around too. Cant imagine how brill it must feel to get a present from your idol. wow.

Anonymous said...

You're obsessed! But the outfit looks amazing as a consequence!

Pull Your Socks Up! said...

Wow, I'd be having a bit of moment too if CL gave me a dress, any old dress, never mind this gorgeous MK number that makes my heart skip a beat! I adore it layered over the wedding dress, plus the stunning pearls, the leather bag and your beautiful DIY headband. Your hair is getting really long and I love the deep red lippy on you:))).

zoomslow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mihaela said...

Ooh :D
So amazing!
I want that tiara!!

mfashionfreak.blogspot.com - please follow

zoomslow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
zoomslow said...

'take your silver spoon, dig your grave'

I like the last photo! Your outfit, the bag, the flowers, your pose, and the cropping, for me, are giving off a really cool "Vertigo" vibe. Just add that creepy circular Vertigo motif, and I'm totally there!

And your news about Courtney Love is amazing! I'm very happy for you :-))


'after about five lines of this post you're gonna wish you had five beers'

Awesome shoes deserve some awesome foot modelling, and dude, you’ve done those platforms proud!

That curling of the lip! Not only does it perfectly capture the disenchantment (coughvocabularycough) of Enid’s youth, but I think it would make Elvis proud :-)

And that 'Ghost World' button just plain makes me jealous :-)

Oh, and I love the proportions of this outfit. The socks and platforms are a perfect match for a skirt of that length. Or should it be… The length of that skirt is a perfect match for those socks and platforms? Sure not am I.

sarah said...

gothic loveliness,

meagan said...

courtney love gave you that dress?! girl, you have some serious access. the whole post and its mood feels like a cocteau twins song.

Michelle Lee said...

cool look!

new inspiration post w/ Foley & corinna, the kooples @

Jack Flash! said...

LOVE THE STEVIE NICKS INFLUENCE, she's my god... Gold Dust Woman is like the best song in the world :D
MEADHAM KIRCHOFF AGHIEOAENKLGJHAHH! and it was sent to you by the LOVE?!


zoomslow said...

P.S Do you sell beer or any alcohol?

Proximity said...

Thanks for living all my dreams from when I was a teenager!

Frockspotter said...

...woah that is awesome! So jealous of you right now, and also because you definetly work that gothic vibe!


Anonymous said...

Great layering!


MartaPalczewska said...

You're really lovely!

Jessica said...

Great post. I love the details of your outfit and the bag is gorgerous.


Nicky said...

Tavi...your love for the 90's, ghost world + courtney love, etc., is rather interesting. Has anyone ever bothered to ask you why?

I love sharing the love of the 90's. Fan of The Cardigans at all? You seem to already have Lady Kiev covered...which leads me to Thiery Mugler, thoughts on his latest?

Oh and love the look. You're great without the glasses. I'd tell you to lose the glasses, get contacts...but that would be impractical hehe.

Masha said...

that's so crazy!! really crazy! Like it))


Francesca Robertson said...

that purse is amazing!


Le Kiss Kiss- Click HERE!!

Anonymous said...

That lipstick looks great on you! And, oh how sweet it was of Ms. Love to gift you that fab dress:)


Unknown said...

that is insane! i bet you were over the moon when you got it, looks great on you too



Kaleigh Moynihan said...

so you probably will not even read this but I like over half of the intergalactic universe and then some people who like Jersey shore, have been following your blog for about two and a half years. I am very interested in your interpretations of the fashion world and I was wondering if you could do a Prom post because I am SICK of all the skanky drab that is going around at my school. Sincerely, Kaleigh.

Stephanie Kuehnert said...

Great look! And a dress from Courtney herself! That is beyond awesome!

Ro Furkim said...

Dotted polka dress in a little witch. I loved (...!!!)

cancercowboy said...

applause for your unselfishness to give that dress a new home. this degree of altruism isn't a given in our modern times, where even psychics have email ^___^ hope someone stands on watch to reanimate you in case your brain turns into alphabet soup again ;) would be understandable, though.
your outfit is a witch-y eye catcher again. i'd totally invite you to my funeral ^____^
the tiara = priceless

microrganisms said...

This isn't related to this entry butttt... I just watched your Idea City talk. I was really impressed by your views, particularly changing the stereotype of feminists. You said it really well, and it was inspiring! Also, it's so refreshing to see a teenager teach adults. Adults really like to see the next generation thinking independently and intelligently, makes us feel like we're doing something right. So, thank you!

ólöf said...

I really like this, it's nice..and quite amazing that Courtney Love sent it to you personally, the dress that is;) I like all of the combination and I love your gut, I wish I had had this much character when I was your age (which isn't that long ago actually, only about 7 years I'm guessing) ..at least you're way cooler than I ever was haha!

anyway. Your comment on bakery and ice cream being necessary, I get that. Seems like something I would say. Yum yum.

Wow. This really doesn't have any special message, just wanted to say..something..well..hello goodbye

Unknown said...

jesus. First Meadham Kirchoff AND Courtney Love??? And GIFT??
speechless, so speechless...

Kate Rose said...

ooh! florals cans till be hip and non-trend-barfy! pretty amazing to be getting an email and a dress from yer hero. gah. !!! seriously thanks for being a beacon of creativity/indivituality as cheezy as that sounds lol I don't have any other way to put it sorry!

The Fancy Teacup said...

That is so cool that Courtney Love sent you that darling dress personally. And your lip color is delectable.

much love,

Alexi Frest said...

I loved that first picture - and I love everything that is grim and black.

Uendi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Gold dust woman : )

Ash said...

The dress was sent to you from Courtney Love? So all those posts/ASHDLFKADJFOIASDFA's about her really paid off!

Unknown said...

OHEMGEE! thats so amazing, you must be freaking out so much!! great post, love the bag and of course the dress!

supercalifragilisticexpialidocious said...

WHAT . oh my gawd . stop being such a cool kid tavi .

Raquel said...

You are amazing!!! :) Please, guys visit my blog ;)

Renee said...

God that dress is such a darling.

So great to see you're posting so often :)

Madeleine said...

Hmm, the two last posts of your outfit, I can kindly say its my favorites. You have developed into a new interesting way. :)

Chelsea's Girl said...

Love the photos. And love seeing all your movie selection photos. Great choices!



samantha rae said...

love this! i LOVE stevie nicks! fleetwood mac has gotten me through some rough times...
your blog is sweeet.
would love if you would take the time to check out mine!

much love,


Tawfee said...

How tall are you?

Carnivorous Seaweed said...

Yay Stevie Nicks title and witchiness are really getting on my good side.
I have a really similar polka dot dress that used to belong to my grandma......have to try the Stevie thing with it.
I don't have any psychics in town, maybe I should become the new one....

Cora said...

You're Soooooo cool and this outfit is super cool. It inspired me to do a version of it. Of course it's not as cool because I do not have much of a variety of clothes.

ninam said...

you're very lucky :)

Anonymous said...

I loved it as soon as you said stevie nicks and then I read on and wow meadham kirchoff AND from courtney love.. that is one hell of a special dress x

Trashy Student said...

I love everything about this outfit. SO beautiful :) You are so fortunate with your clothing gifts x

stilon stilanda said...

it's soo sweet! really i love this gossamer dress.

Anonymous said...

i love that<3<3<3

Emily said...

Your look is so extravagant in an amazing way its such a statement ! Your looking very vintage if a little ethnic ? ANyway looking beautiful darl , http://dottedblazer.blogspot.com/

Manvi Mittal said...

Tavi,I love your blog too much.You are awesomely creative and absolutely great.

Unknown said...

I love this dress, is so amazing!


Anonymous said...

Hi Rookie! I LOVE UR BLOG! Its the best, keep up the fantastic work!

Anonymous said...

really cute outfit! loving the dress!


Unknown said...

You have a pretty interesting blog.
Follow mine?

Helena said...

loveee itttt!! check me out!!


jancassander said...

I LOVE THIS OUTFIT. U R my fav fashion blogger! What you think about my blog? xoxo Cass

hannah said...

I like your candle sticks.. and all the other stuff too.


Valentine said...

where are you tavi?

Brooklin said...

Oh Tavi. You make my Teen memories look ridiculously lame. I wish you could post as much as you used to but luckily I have RookieMag to get my nostalgia fix these days :)

From one thrifter to another... all the way from Oz

Brooklin <3


Eva said...


Margot said...

Well, no surprise that I love your outfit, seeing as, well, it's lovable...
I especially adore the brown leather bag you have, which make the dress seem even darker with the touch of light.
Anyways, go see my blog, www.la-mode-is-all.blogspot.com :) and tell me if you like it (it's new but i'm getting there)

Anonymous said...

I love the tiara!! The jewlery was so cute too! I love how you layered so many things!



Matilda Delaporte said...

O to the M to the G. You're all grown up now. Nice to see the blog still going strong. Félicitations x

Un peu d'amour



sarita said...

I just can't get enough of this post! :) the dress is freaking AWESOME! i also love the crown:)

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