nyfw outfits part 1

Things are a little busy around here, in many ways! Fashion Week is good for dressing up though, and it's not like I'm keeping up with the pace of it anyway, so these are from last month.

With wifey Arabelle. Look at us little twee trolls! Awww. I am also taller than her now when I wear clunky shoes. (Sidenote: Teenagers are really funny looking, I only just realized. Like the other day I was staring at this kid who was standing next to my teacher and they were the same height but one was so obviously an adult and the other was like an overgrown 10 year old. This is not a trait specific to him, we are all like this, except the seniors who I confuse with teachers and have facial hair, ew wat cut that out/off.)

This outfit was pretty Romance Was Born heavy, with the leggings and scarf they sent me. I was thinking about crayon colors and childish things. The t-shirt is thrifted and the lumpy shirt is Comme des Garcons and was sent to me by beso.com.

The bag (thrifted) and leggings are so perfect together. Gap shoes, thrifted skirt, and Happy Socks.

Belle is a hair goddess.

Thrifted shirt and yellow slip, blue sheer skirt sent to me by American Apparel, and Miu Miu collar. Going for eccentric granny vibes.

THIS HAT IS GLORIOUS. My pal Laurel gave it to me and I can't get over the perfect mermaid/elf-ness of it. When I wear it to school the security guards are all "NO HATS ALLOWED" but that rule has to do with gang signs and I'm pretty sure I'm not in a gang of elf mermaid grandmas. But if it exists, how do I become a member?


Unknown said...

You two are so cute!! You should hire yourselves out as thrift-store shopping assistants :-)

Megan Hattie said...

That is a glorious hat! Especially with the feathers on your top! and mmmm that purple hair... mine used to be that vibrant but faded depressingly quickly...


jazz fututa sum hic said...

wizzzzzzza second outfit!

Thanh said...

hahahaha I know what you mean about seniors looking like teachers with facial hair.


Charlotte said...

I love Your bag!


matthew roland said...

Your Comme coat always makes me happy, so happy.

jenny said...

Hahahaha. I love you. Your writing is hilarious. Also, your Gap shoes are to die for!


Anonymous said...

leggings + thrifted bag = perfection. the style rookie strikes again!

geeze tavi, i remember the first day i found your blog; i think you were posting about CWAC or your alter-ego tomas. you are exquisite (just look at that hat!) and your personal style has evolved in a way i couldn't even imagine. you have one of the few blogs i make sure to follow.

all of this is a longwinded way of saying this is my first comment on your blog, and you rock, etc.

Alexi Frest said...

That peacock tail is fabulous. And I find the naked women on the collar fun!

Stacey said...

You guys are so gorgeous! Also, if you find out anything about an elf-mermaid-grandma gang then let me know, because that sounds freakin' awesome.

Fiona Timantti said...

You are sweet!

Sodafloss said...

Where do I get a mermaid/elf-ness hat? It's great - I'd wear it to school too/

brodie said...

Okay the patterns in Grandma Dumbledore outfit are beyond a joke. So good it hurts!
Also, you have security guards at your school?
Also, Romance Was Born! Australia reprazennnnnnnttttttttt!
Also, outfits part 2 now plz. I'm da-y-ing ova here!

Cristina said...

You two girls have the best smiles on your faces in the first photograph! It's kind of like the pre-prom, "Mooommm! Do I really have to take a picture?" But deep down inside you are so excited that you really do want your picture taken!

Anyway...love the leggings :)


Rosalind said...

That last bit made me laugh - the granny/ mermaid gang sounds like an interesting idea! It's also such a strange (kind of alien) concept to me to have security guards at your school. I live in the middle of nowhere, go to a tiny highschool that is pretty much open campus, and the only time the police really turn up are for talks and assemblies!
I love the Miu Miu collar, and the feather print shirt - those kind of shades remind me of a sugared almonds.

Shelby said...

just be like "hey mr. scurity guard - this ain't no hat. this is a bon-e-fide headpiece."

my school didn't have security guard so no i imagine u go to a middle school that resembles that piece-o-shit high school in the classic coming of age drama "save the last dance" that might be before your time, but then again so is hole.

Anonymous said...

Your outfits are always stunning. And you're a very good writer. I haven't explored your blog that much yet but I wonder if you write short stories or a really deeply personal journal?
You were in this month's Vogue! It's amazing how a young girl like you can really make a statement.

dolcezuzka said...

love your feather thrifted shirt- want one like that too :)))


MELISSA Z. said...

amazing bag and incredible shoes! <3


Jessica said...

You are so cute. The shoes are gorgerous and I love the bag.


Kairi Kuuskmann said...

I couldnt help but have a little giggle, so funny! I looovved this post! I cant get my mind of this crayon color crochet bag. I used to make something like that in the school in handcraft class, mh.. and i might even take up knitting again. Although summer is coming, but it will only give me time to finished a wool scarf by next winter! :D


Rosalinda Tjioe said...

You two look colourful and GORGEOUS :) Stunning <3


Carys said...

I love the sense of youth in all of your outfits- not in the sense that you're a teenager, but in the sense that everything you create is part of a world of make-believe.

Also, I'd love to join your gang of elf mermaid grandmas if you ever decide to create one.


Shelley Noble said...

My husband asked me today how [Tavi] was doing, and was she still interesting as she was growing up?

And I said fantastic, and absolutely yes!

jessica january said...

you look so cute in your little mermaid hat! it's so amazing!!!

i looooove your crochet tights as well!

january, x


wow! awesome outfit!
not boring at all!


Michelle Lee said...

i wanted to get a blonde-pink-light violet gradiation hair dye but it will cost me more than $500 because I dyed my hair in black

love your post

spring comes sweet post at
twitter @divalicious_m

Unknown said...

adorable thrifted crochet bag :)

The Dress Up Corner

Claire said...

This mermaid elf gang sounds pretty cool?
Also the colours in your eccentric granny outfit are so great it's ridiculous.
I totally get what your saying about teenagers. I feel like the way people ( in my school) dress also adds something to this whole awkwardness thing.

The Fancy Teacup said...

You and Belle are too cute (definitely not trolls!). My eye was drawn to your shoes and Belle's hair, but then I saw the peacock/mermaid -esque hat! Truly glorious!

much love.

Unknown said...

your second outfit has me swooning.
im in love...

blue roses said...

totally feeling this, i am into the mermaid-grandma aesthetic as well. really love your friend's bright red bowling bag as well; i had a baby blue and white duck pin bag years ago, i should dig it out from my parent's house!


Cait said...

"but that rule has to do with gang signs and I'm pretty sure I'm not in a gang of elf mermaid grandmas."
Oh, Tavi, you make me smile :)
All school are absolutely ridiculous- my school had similar rules, and my sister and I would say stuff like that. Being at college six hours away from her, that was nice to see after a difficult few weeks back after spring break. Keep on being you! I love your blog!

Unknown said...

that pink handbag is sooo cute :)

<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons

Amy Leonard said...

I love that scarf. The pattern reminds me of Grayson Perry.

Also, the hat pleases me. The proportions... fine art?


Laura Niehorster said...

Your outfits will never cease to inspire and entertain me!
Life is so much more interesting when you're not afraid to push the boundaries <3


Emma Black said...

Aww you both look so fantastic!

I love the way you flawlessly mix expensive with thrifted :)

Hanna said...

Sorry, It's to late to join the badass of badasses gangs aka EMG. You see, you had to be present for the recording of "Under The Sea" from the lil mermaid. You also have to be able to make very lumpy/misshaped sweaters and know that they're very lumpy/misshaped and then give them to your loved ones. On the bright side, you fill the rest of the standards.

Jessie said...

always keeping it fresh unique and new style rookie! i love it. wish I could have enjoyed nyfw.


Ash said...

DAMN. I want your hat. And I know a secret organization of mythological grandmas...admission is the price of a hat?

Denim + Cotton

20thCgirl said...

That shirt with the feathers on it is just too cool. Love the vibrant colours and the whole fresh KAPOW-ness of it (that comment made sense in my head anyway...)

Anonymous said...

OHMYGOD THOSE LEGGINGS. I love them! Major quilt/childish/collage/scandanavian vibez. I love both the outfits though. Mermaid grandma? YES.

Gotham Girls said...

Tavzz we love you (and Arabelle, duh) we always got yelled at by security dudes for my hat donning in high school too. keep up the good work.

x Gotham Girls

Orphin Lasz said...

Looking awesome, as always!
Ó u Ò)/
I've always liked how you mix colors and textures, you always come up with some very interesting looks!

...and that hat is, indeed, glorious! Such a beautiful color, looks like you got it straight from a painting ; u ;

~ Orphin's Domains ~

ilva nieuwstraten said...

just awesome.

Xx <3

Anonymous said...

That hat is amazing and I think you should start that gang. I would like to be a member. Love the eccentric granny style mixed with weird teenager. I am none of this but that's what's so great about fashion. It's up to you to choose.

walrus said...

love them-thar leggings and bag. looks like something i would crochet and wear.
i think i could also plan an entire prom around that feather. the colors are awe-inspiring.

Anonymous said...

The hat just made me crazzzzyyy. Its probably THE most beautiful hat i've seen in all of my life. The second outfit is so fresh and RE-freshing. I love the colors and the hat is perfect with it. You have such an interesting wardrobe!

Korlei from
(My Style blog)>

Marlena said...

I'm totally envious of those leggings <3
And THAT BAG!! I've been thinking of turning this old lady-ish afghan blanket I have into a tote (I'm definitely gonna do it now!).

MrJeffery said...

fun outfits! love all the colors.

Lia said...

wow! the feathers on that hat look amazing!

Lydia Armstrong said...

Yay, outfit posts!! The feather on this hat has the most perfect curve, jeez.

Yajaira said...

brave ones - i couldn't wear so much color - it would be a mess on me

Makenzie said...

Good lord, her hair is absolutely PERFECT. I've never been able to get my color like that!


Roma said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sophie Frances said...

I am sorry but I am convinced this is absolutley amazing. HOLY CRAP TAVSTER YOU LOOK LIKE A NEW WAVE MINIMALIST GRANDMA. SKGHSDJKLGHDKL!!!!!!!!!! You can easily tell my glee over this

Anonymous said...

I love Romance was born! I've been waiting to see your fashion week outfits forever! Someday I will go to fashion week and people will be waiting to see what I wore.


Brno's dreams said...

Tavi love your outfit ;) and your friend have very good hair. Hihi, stupid school rules, haha ! Youre the most perfect.

Erica said...

i LOVE that hat, it's incredible!

Anonymous said...

Simply stunning hat! Would look loveley to a hair colour like your friend has!
Have a nice evening,


Anna said...

I love the hat!

Anonymous said...

I really love the knitting bag feel and yeah I've noticed that sometimes teenagers are taller than adults but the adults just look adulty its wierd ahhhhh!!!

Bailey Faye said...

Neat bag! And lucky you for having a Miu Miu!

Hehe and facial hair isn't all bad! Maybe when you're a senior you'll like it..*cough cough* like me sometimes :] (but not if it's gross facial hair!)

-Bailey Faye, To The 9's

Anonymous said...

Saw you in the new H&M Spring magazine yesterday:)

cancercowboy said...

nice hat, but how do you keep it on your head? ^__^ but seriously, doesn't it need adjusting every few steps? or do you stroll real slow, like an empress taking the salute? anyways, looks a bit like a Robin Hood cap from one of the old movies.
btw, don't you get cold feet? i mean, you wear, like, at least four layers on your torso, but only socks? leaves me kinda baffled. mysteries of life... ^____^

Unknown said...

just like my ukrainian baba

firefly said...

Oh that hat is EPIC. Hope you had fun at Fashion Week,


Anonymous said...

Excelent blog!! Amazing!
Congratulations for the magazine! :D

Anonymous said...

her hair is perfect so true
you two lookin so cute together !

Hazel said...


Anonymous said...

Tavi! I just saw the most amazing video on NOWNESS that you will love! It was a bunch of grannys talking about dressing up! There's lot's of good advice and inspiring outfits.


meagan said...

tavi, everything here, and i do mean EVERYTHING, is GLORIOUS. bag, comme coat, feather shirt (with hidden buttons!!), naked ladies, just everything. have i told you lately that you fucking rule? cuz you do.

zoomslow said...

I'm trying to do the "crayon colors and childish things" thing in my painting these days. So I'm really into the vibe you've got going here :-)

In my previous attempts at this style of painting, the colours always end up too clean. This time I'm going to put all of the colours out, and just paint the whole thing in one go - so the colours mix together and get dirty and stuff. I want 'pure expression', Tavi Gevinson! Don't you understand?!?!!

P.S I'm sorry about that outburst. I think it's just the frustration of my unrecognised artistic genius. [;-)]

Fabrício Pereira Da Silva said...

I loved your blog you are a fashion diva!


Ella B said...

Wow. This post is like good jazz music.

It inpired me to blog.

Keep it up Tavi.

Gisèle Kitagawa said...



Houndstooth Bunny said...

Gosh tavi. Your sense of style is impeccable.


elenoir said...

Your headpiece is stunning!!
Love it.


Lola said...

This post is insane, I LOVE it!

Unknown said...

We designed gowns with Christian Siriano and Teen Vogue! Watch how we did it on YouTube... Part 1 - http://bit.ly/gcPHD8 and Part 2 - http://bit.ly/fPHfQi

PrincessLena said...

WOW, i love that hat! i actually want one! http://wwwcutiekid18com.blogspot.com/

a reference said...

I saw you when you were wearing the first outfit at my friend's show! You two are quite the pair!

Anonymous said...

♥Love your blog♥

Unknown said...

Love the purple hair and love your "granny" outfit!! gorgeous hat!

Frederik said...

I just LOVE that Miu-Miu collar, it always make your looks look amazing and effortless!

You guys should visit my blog, and see the most amazing photo art you will ever see!


Kaiami said...

When this post came up on my newsfeed, I thought it was a new entry from Arabelle because I noticed her hair first in the picture. Smiley pictures!

Mitchie said...

I like your outfit but you seem to always wear the same pieces at the fashion weeks: gap heels, comme jacket... But at least they are your your best items!

JIM Designs said...

Love the feather shirt. The rest is too genius for me...

Norine said...

Love your blog and this post!


thwany said...

i love the shoes + socks combo.

Unknown said...

Awesome "hat" =)
I'm sure you could've countered with a "it's a head piece, not a hat"


Anonymous said...

I <3 Your Blog !


style meerkat said...

wow, awesome outfits! You have so colorful clothes :D nice

love ur blog <3


the writer. said...

Wanna become a member of my elf mermaid grandma gang...Well, with you in the gang, we're...2!

mispapelicos said...

I have a vintage feather blouse like yours, in a different colour.
I love bit when you are girly, creative and yourself.

mirae. said...

Your bag and leggings reminds me of the patterns in House of Holland FW11. I love it.

Anonymous said...

Adorable photo. I WANT that crocheted bag.

Coco C said...

Wow, i LOVE the shoes bag combo.

Daniel said...


Clean Approach said...

That's an awesome collar!

Great blog, I'm following!

New blog:
The Clean Approach
Take a look!:)

Katerz said...

to cute! i do to love the hair and the outfit! vwalah

Mani D said...

The hat is amazing!

Daily Sass said...

Sure brilliance

my sister also has purple hair

and that hat is to die for

job well done Tavi!

a dream come true (sounds crappy i know) said...

I adore this collar! It looks good, no matter what you wear with it.


Anonymous said...

amazing style and everything xx

Hannah May said...

love this outfit. something gwen stefani about it!

We Are The Wild Ones

(previously not18forever)

Lixiduu pom-pom said...

really nice look

welcome this blog with crazy jewelry :)

Cloud P. said...

miu miu shirt and soes are great

MONi said...

Looks more like the top of bird to me some peacock maybe… You got security guards at your school?!

Masha said...

great second outfit.

and my lovely comme des garçons vest)))


Unknown said...

this woould be uber fun for derby!!



Anonymous said...

the shoes are bombastic! love!


jenny liu said...

ahaha love this!


kirbyjo said...

LOVE the hat...anything with feathers!

Cora said...

I loooooooooooooove you're hat! It is the most fab hat I have ever seen!!!

. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
. said...

That illustrated scarf is amazing and WOAH your leggings match your bag which, you must know, both match a blanket that my nan crocheted for me. Imagine all three together. The insanity of it.
Lauren xx

Laurel St. Romain said...

i love you so much! perfect perfect as usual!

Anonymous said...

love those blanket coats, i still have leftover pieces from that season incuding the hoodies and cardigans with similar execution

Esther Mädchen said...

i look up to u, tavi, 'cause u're a younger blogger, also younger than me... u're doing a great job!
take care

I profumi di Davide said...

I really love the baby blue hat! :-D


davidikus said...

Chill! It's only Anna Wintour. A journalist. Someone who *writes* on fashion. Not a designer. Not someone who creates fashion.

Also: you are a teenager. That's fine. It's Anna Wintour's job to be mature, not yours. Your job is to be a teenager. Enjoy while it lasts.

In case this helps: when starting a conversation, ask people questions about what they are doing. That will flatter them. Make sure to ask a very precise question. i.e. one they can answer easily and that leads to another question. Say, 'I really liked the editorial on Fashion in Kazakhstan. How did you get the idea?' rather than 'Your work is great. How do you manage to be such a genius?'


Lida said...

I am from Russia and I think that your style is very interesting,but Russian teenagers thinks about your style is very absurt and when i wear "bold dress", then surrounding condemn me. What your classmates thinks about your style???

gosialein said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gosialein said...

I like this blog, although I don't agree with some of the styles, but the ideas are so nicely fresh :)
greetings from Poland

Mônica said...

you're the most stylish girl I've ever seen in my entire life!
want you to visit my blog and acomente
the address is www.thestylefashionblog.blospot.com
I love your posts (oh, I'm Brazilian)
and I love your way of dressing and mix parts!

RetroStyl said...

Very oryginal style! Hat is lovely:-)

Tara said...

you two have the loveliest style. and Arabelle has such perfect purple hair! oh wow I am in love with that scarf. love the crazy circus feel and the childlike sketchiness and colors. that comme des garcons shirt is great. it reminds me of an explorer (a rather well dressed one anyhow)

the combination of that thrifted feather shirt and the miu miu collar is absolutely extraordinary! the colors go so wonderful together. I absolutely adore everything about that outfit! it's as if peter pan were mixed with a mermaid and a schoolgirl in a pretty light airy fantasy land. a gang of elf mermaid grandmas-that sure would be a sight to behold!

Anonymous said...

I think the security guards should get used to your fancy hats by now :)


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Security Guards said...

My pal Laurel gave it to me and I can't get over the perfect mermaid/elf-ness of it. When I wear it to school the security guards are all.

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