Technical camera difficulties! These photos are from a couple weeks ago. I had this post in mind.

Goody barrettes, Urchin sweater which I like because the neck kind of resembles a noose, thrifted navy schoolgirl skirt, drugstore tights, and ideally Mary Janes but I've yet to thrift a pair in my size.

It's really "simple" for me but, you know, broadening horizons and all that, and it seemed like the best way to translate the photos I was looking at.
Winter break starts Friday. I really wouldn't mind these next few days just blending together and being a quick and painless and stress-free blur.

Goody barrettes, Urchin sweater which I like because the neck kind of resembles a noose, thrifted navy schoolgirl skirt, drugstore tights, and ideally Mary Janes but I've yet to thrift a pair in my size.

It's really "simple" for me but, you know, broadening horizons and all that, and it seemed like the best way to translate the photos I was looking at.
Winter break starts Friday. I really wouldn't mind these next few days just blending together and being a quick and painless and stress-free blur.
yeah 1st comment!!!
This is really simple, maybe you could add one statement piece??
I like the inspiration though.
I love the black and white photo it's so pretty it looks like some cool picture of some old style icon you could find in some box in some paris basment. I love your creative decorative style but simple looks good on you too!
I love the tone of the b/w photo... the moodiness and melancholy!
Simple can be good! The outfit still evokes a feeling, which is what makes it interesting. :) And you really are a beautiful girl. I know you like to question the standards of beauty, as do I, but take it as a compliment! You have striking features. :)
I think you have a kind of cool and intelligent vibe going on here. Like a poet or something - a young Sylvia Plath? :-)
once upon a time i didn't particularly care for you whatsoever. now i think you're just precious.
love this look for you!
Winter break starts on Friday for me, too! Any plans to work on the magazine over Christmas?
you look stunning
now that I live in Chicago and share the same time zone as you...
you are up way too late for a school night. go to bed!
Great Look. I love the blue gray collar of the sweater.
xo, Anna of green gable
There's some Cindy Sherman going on in that first photo, m'lady! Too cool for school
I think the simplicity makes this outfit - I love it, it's probably my favourite of your creations. It's simple, but it still manages to tell a story.
Very Cindy Sherman-ish of you. you should totally go for an homage project on her "untitled film stills" series
your skirt looks so good on you! :]
You are looking very Mia Farrow here, and I love the simplicity. That sweater is so elegant, it doesn't need anything else :)
I love this! You look so chic x
It was the best of times, it was the simple times.
wow, you look so great !
Ich habe ein Gewinnspiel auf meinem Blog gestartet!Würde mich freuen wenn paar mitmachen würden!
Kisses from germany!
LG(liebe Grillfleisch) Mag
Ich habe ein Gewinnspiel auf meinem Blog gestartet!Würde mich freuen wenn paar mitmachen würden!
Kisses from germany!
LG(liebe Grillfleisch) Mag
I like the simplicity of it. It's nice to see you trying something different. Even though it's less complex and striking than some of your other outfits, it still takes courage to wear something that you wouldn't ordinarily wear, so respect. Besides, I think you look completely Virgin Suicides-esque, and no one's hating on that shit. Job done.
Lovely first pic!!!
so cuteee <33
xoxo* the sad black and white picture. Lovely.
i love love love your hair :)
i love this outfit, very elegant and also a bit reminiscent of 'The White Ribbon' film?
I actually think it's an interesting outfit! Beauty is definitely in the small details!
I break up for christmas this friday to, can't actually wait!
I love the neck detail of your top :) xxx
Hello Tavi!!!!
Really beautiful photo in black and white. I like the clothing too and the hair looks amazing. Simple and perfect.
kisses from Brazil*
perfect in its simplicity perfect expression on your face too I agree you remind me of cindy sherman :)
xx winnsome
Beautiful Tavi! :) x
sometimes simple is needed. I love your hair though, I have never been able to accomplish it in my own x.x.x
Casie Jean
I want a sweater like that! Love the color and the collar.
The first photo is fantastic !
when i first looked at this picture i thought you'd cut your hair into a pixie cut! i think you'd really suit it ! !! <3
You look so cute :)
lovely photos!
I like the simple way :)
First photo is so cool!
FB: Nolita Vintage Shop & Blog
Every now and then I'll wear something and think, I'm not wearing enough! It' not complex enough, I at least need another cardigan, or a belt, or something, but it just looks better with less.
I love this, because it's creepy, that first picture!
I loooooooooooove the skirt :D
lovely photo!!
from Japan
I really love this look. That skirt has an amazing silhouette.
I love more this than the others.
The look remindsme to Lara Stone for Vogue Paris by Terry,
The look, not the style.
Why you haven´t step by to meet San! it will take you two minutes, she is gorgeous.
Yes, I am very much classic/traditional.
it's so cute:)
I LOVE the black and white picture!!!! it looks like it's right out of a 60's Jean-luc Godard movie!!! fantastic. probably my favorite of you. Great work! I am excited for your magazine. If I were a better writer... and younger... I would have submitted to be a part of it.
Love it, that first pic looks like a work of art!
I loved both of the photos - you turn more and more beautiful, really.
It looks like CK automm/winter 2010 runway. That's simple and with few colors.
love the skirt tavi, your photos are so beautiful!
I like the skirt, and how the photo is in black and white gives it an vintage feel.
your facial expression made me instantly start humming the daria theme song. lol
J'adore! Tu es trop mignonne coiffée et habillée comme ça! Ton style est génial et ne change pas!
This is so beautiful on you..
I love your style! Kisses from Poland! :*
i'm all for this blur of stress free painless-ness, this break could not come soon enough.
I understand the whole broadening your horizons, and you do look great, but I miss maximalist Tavi. Come back maximalist Tavi, come back!
Love this! The sweater is awesome xxx
Que lindo el conjunto, pareces una artista de cine retro!
muy cool, para ser sincera, me gusta mucho tu estilo. muy chic!
saludos desde argentina!
How nice the set. look like a retro movie star!
very cool, to be honest, I really like your style. very chic!
Greetings from Argentina!
I like ur second pic! <3
You look just like my gorgeous Aunt did in the 60's. Perfect, FiFi from xx
Now one of my favorite pictures of all time. You look stunning.
That post this one is inspired by was a favorite of mine--I thought that whole creepy vibe was awesome. The black and white photo does a great job of conveying that post. Simple works.
You look very Amish! Maybe you were an Amish girl who was hung because you smuggled a TV into the village!
By the way Tavi, where do you get your hairclips? I have the ones in this post but the others (the bow and teddybear ones) are very cute and creepy and Lolita.
Thank you :)
You look very Amish! Maybe you were an Amish girl who was hung because you smuggled a TV into the village!
By the way Tavi, where do you get your hairclips? I have the ones in this post but the others (the bow and teddybear ones) are very cute and creepy and Lolita.
Thank you :)
great dress and fricking amazing hair!
Urchin sweater which I like because the neck kind of resembles a noose
-> Nooses gives, one might as well live.
Cool , fabulous and original!
Kisses Lady Tavi!
the simplicity is kind of refreshing, I'm into this
i love the simple, tavi. its so CLASSY, and excellent thing to be.
Very "Passion of Joan of Arc," Tavi! Keep it up!
i love this, its very old school :D
and kind of evil in a Lamb to the slaughter...
love it <3
You need some Edith Head spectacles with that outfit!
I was actually in shock for a good moment. That is the simplest/plainest outfit I've ever seen in following your blog. In a good way. I think it's awesome. I also love your hair I wish I could do that haha,
Truthfully, I love the simplicity of it. Good for you in broadening your scope. This vibe totally rules.
your blog is amazing!!I love it.
View my blog.
More minimalist that I'm used to seeing you in, but I like it very much! Clean lines but still the details are there.
I love Heidi braids. I wish I hadn't chopped off my hair so I could do them again...
classic goody barettes cant go wrong. ur hair is so pretty!
Very chic! I would love to see it with a high-necked white cashmere sweater too! :)
That first picture is awesome. It looks like it could be a hundred years old.
oo lovely shirt :)
i was looking forward to reading your new post!!! it's so lovely:))
i really like this outfit! it is simple, but still very lovely and it's simplicity makes you take notice of the blue/green of your top, the barrettes and the detail in the collar. very sweet!
you look so beautiful here. :)
love the first pic so much! great job!
you remind me of mia farrow from rosemary's baby....very cute hair-do!!!
I love those two photos. Really good.
Very pretty hair clips. I like your haircut.
visit my blog, you wont be disappointed:
thank you <3
nice skirt <3
i think ure so damn pretty
love the simplicity! the barrettes are adorable
Kate xo
It is definitely minimal on accessories compared to other outfits, but really cute nontheless! I am obsessed with the whole school girl look, good luck finding some cute mary-janes :)
Lovely post, beautiful blog,
wonder if you would like mine? :/
Only one way to find out :) xxx
Love! Stunning first photo, the mood and quality of photo is very special. You did simple beautifully. i think this is one of my favorites of yours ever.
i love the first photo. beautiful.
Deep mysterious sight and hairdress very much in your style, hairpins and апликации very lovely, I admire them with special pleasure, an excellent post!!!
love the braids
the first picture reminds me of an angry sad albert anker girl with a touch of edvard munch. beautiful! both, outfit and picture.
Party like it's 1993!
why do you look so mad in the first photo? :D anyway, the shape of the skirt is so nice! such a good find!
kisses from the philippines!
i love the hairpins in different color
i want to do that braid hair too bc i often do that but i cut my hair too short now :( and too dark...
anyways love your looks like always
twitter @divalicious_m
Omg i think you are Crazy!But i love be crazy!Like your style..a little bit vintage but very very chic!:) I'm 16..i opened a fashion blogger yesterday!:)
pretty head! lol
you look great, even though your melancholy mien sometimes makes me melancholy ;)
you are so beyond your age....
I like it all, but I really like the first b&w photo. I like the moody story of it. Makes me think of Cindy Sherman.
I love your hairstyle on photos. More not always means better :) Wonderfull skirt.
I really dig what yr doing.
Reminds me of myself. In the early years.
Simple is good, never hurts to mix it up a bit.
i don't know which shoes you decided to wear, but i think the mustard Repettos from your last post would be perfect with the blues of your outfit.
Gorgeous sweater!
xoxo Sootjeelina <3
I love your blog ;D
I have the same barrettes! Love 'em... they remind me of Sour Patch candies.
Love your clothes ! You always look beautiful by the way :)
Hi Tavi, I wrote to get an virtual interview, for the magazine MUCHA PINTA From Peru.
I want to interview you because you're a fashion icon for me.
Urpi Orihuela Cruz
Your so unique and I love reading your posts as a new subject emerges and pops up in your life, thanks for sharing as always (even tough the camera had a glitch, you worked out pretty perfect anyways) Merry Christmas! Alice
The hair style&the photography are wonderful!
It might be a "simple" look but that doesn't mean it's boring. The clips give it a bit of color and kookiness and the hairstyle is very Frida.
Sos muy cool, te felicito por tu mirada estetica sobre la moda. Eres muy pequeña y adelantada. Te invito a que conozcas mi blog y lo que hago. Soy artista plastica de argentina.
beautiful! (:
The 1st one is stunning!
You look like Mia farrow in her Rosemary's baby time!
Oh I really this photos !
Love the black and white! Reminds me of Mia Farrow...
great outfit love it <3
i love your hairstyle on photos.
the hairdo is so timoschenko, really like it.
The first picture makes me think of Das Weisse Band. Angelic in a way, but definitely brooding on some serious mischief. You should watch it. This is how imdb introduces the movie:
"Strange events happen in a small village in the north of Germany during the years just before World War I, which seem to be ritual punishment. The abused and suppressed children of the villagers seem to be at the heart of this mystery."
If that doesn't get you going, I don't know what will.
in the first pic could be your grandma
OMG. I have THAT sweater ... in black. Got it a a Barney's sale many many moons ago, still have it and still love it. ha! P.s. I love this look on you, buuteeful.
The style remember me a Zooey Deschanel in this video:
omg tavi you look so cute.
you sort of remind me of gene tierney in the black and white... she was so simple but her beauty really was what made her special.
one of the best photos of you, for me. the first
I really like the first picture. And your clothes! You've got your own style, I'm sure you'll go far away in fashion world. Sorry for my bad English (I'm french) :)
That's funny, we use "barette" in France too!
You give me inspiration :)
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