you probably don't even know my middle name.

Today my dad and I just walked around and got lost here in Antwerp. It's great for that kind of thing. But I'm too worn out from eating these Belgian waffles to recap everything quite yet:
It's such hard work! You have to sit there and move the fork from the plate to your mouth. I took a photo in order to capture the Hard Work, hoping I could show it to my P.E. teacher and get gym credits for doing Hard Work outside class. I got distracted upon viewing the picture, however, by my great photography skills. For a moment I thought I'd make a fantastic food blogger. Then I remembered that the camera was good, not me, and that my diet consists solely of Nesquik, Goldfish, Fruit Roll-Ups, and Fun Dip. (And, if you work at any of those companies and happen to be reading this, you may want to consider sending me a supply of the lifetime sort in exchange for your mention. Just a thought.)

I wore this. Kinda going for a Royal Tenenbaums vibe, half-Margot and half-their house. And I really am happy to be in Antwerp, even if I don't look it. The sulking expression is half-Margot and half-glaring at my dad and telling him how to press a camera button through gritted teeth. Did you know that form of speaking makes you look creepy in all countries?

Miu Miu collar from the Miu Miu store in NY. Tom Ford lipstick (the shade is "ginger fawn." I'm obsessed. Mine was a gift from a friend so I can't say I'd spend $85 on a tube of lipstick otherwise, but I'm happy to have it. Prefer it to the lipsticks from Chanel and Armani for sure.)
(I swear I don't talk like that in real life.)

Random house-found barrettes (I chose red to correspond with my hair and lipstick, making a full spectrum of different kinds of reds. The yellow is for the collar. Plus I like the idea of wearing a naked lady collar with a barrette with a teddy bear on it.) Hand-me-down dress.
Teacup baroque vintage heels from Beacon's Closet in NY.
I have never been a bag person, and have never really found myself particularly lusting after one, but thanks to the generous ladies at Sonia Rykiel, I'll never need to. I'll also never need a sleeping bag or any friends, because I just want to shrink and sleep in this and hug it all the time. We'll share our feelings at these shrinking and hugging sleepovers, and it'll go like this:
Me: Do you ever get the feeling that it's all a lie?
Bag: ...
Me: Oh, Bag, that is so like you! Pass the popcorn!



I was in Antwerp too! It is easy to get lost there. I love your outfit and the food looks delicious!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could see pictures of your parents, the makers of that half sulk/half glare, expression carrier. Aside from that I love the outfit and the post.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GEMBEAR said...

gosh that food looks amazing! strawberrys are my ultimate favourite, weather in a desert or mixed in with cereal!
gem x

Samsara said...

Ha! gym credits! why are you better than any blogger could ever be!

Kaiami said...

Your title made me giggle. Because my little brother knocked on my door about five minutes ago and asked me "what's your middle name." And then I closed the door and he said "It's Evan! I know it is!"

and he's wrong.

Sorry, that was so off topic.

blukats said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Cute purse and hair clips! :)

Check out my blog: Principessa Gabriella

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SophieGrace said...

Great outfit especially loving your Miu Miu collar!


Anonymous said...

Love your outfit x

Raspberry Jam said...

Beautiful Outfit!


yummy belgian waffles!!


Unknown said...

OH my, I can't believe you're in Antwerp! How long are you staying here? Are you here for Stephen Jones at MoMu? You should definitely go to the Kloosterstraat (Belchique, Ra13, awesome little street full of antique shops), the Nationalestraat (where the MoMu is (and check out copyright, the book store next to the momu :))) and all the little streets around the Lombardenvest (Step by step, the Acne shop...) and vintage stores like Jutka&Riska (Nationalestraat) and Episode (Steenhouwersvest - another awesome street)!
I'm getting way too excited here, right. Wish I could lurk around town hoping to bump into you, but I'm stuck inside studying Greek literature for my exam wednesday.
Have fun, I've been living here for 18 years and I still love it.
x sarah-helena

Brianna said...

such a cute outfit!

Sarah Dee said...

you are hilarious! I get the feeling I should be a food blogger all the time too! and then I realize everyone would soon get bored with bagels and cheese.. Love the bag!


Sans titre said...

La Bise
'ECH from pAris

Viki said...

OMG! i love your dress, and your shoes are amazing! It's so funny how you write about everything :)


Gone Monteiro said...

You get 'em girl! Eat those waffles!

TheShoeGirl said...

You look adorable but I'm worried about you!
You need to quit it with all the Hard Work!! ;)

Heather Kathleen Rudd said...

i love those little clips in your hair! i remember having them when i was a kid and loving them haha <3

Unknown said...

mmm those waffles look yummy,
and you look super cute


Anonymous said...

I have the same clip as you, legit. The bow one!

Tiger said...

You are like... too cool to be allowed. I wish I was as cool as you when I was your age. I wish I was as cool as you now!

Lovers, Saints & Sailors said...

Absolutely love it. All of it is so awesome. I always love your outfit posts.

Ross said...

It's great to know I'm not the only one who talks to my bag.

Unknown said...

Oh I didn't know you wre in my country ;-) I hope you enjoy Antwerp... If you have tine go to Verso store... It's quite nice.
-diary of a fashion stylist-

Madeline said...

Haha I love your conversation with the bag!

thwany said...

the only thing missing with those waffles is an ice-cold glass of good ole' whole milk

Artemis said...

Love your post, and your blog. Come visit mine sometime:

Unknown said...

Haha, you're actually so funny.
Love that bag, I totally understand you're love for it!


Eli Jürgen said...

I want those strawberries and I want my hair to be that colour.

Eli Jürgen

Emilie said...

I overall just loved this post.
Those waffles look so good. I think your gym teacher may have to acknowledge that, however many calories were in the waffles, the process of moving them to your mouth and the work required of your jaw to chew them definitely evened things out. Second of all. I love Royal Tenenbaums. So naturally I think your outfit is awesome and captures exactly what you were going for. Finally, the part with the bag just made me burst out laughing haha. I am in a much better mood after reading this so thank you for that.

Malicious Mallory said...

Sweet bag, classic dress, good use of the collar and funky shoes!
I like it. It's very simple compared to your usual.

You should try eating healthier haha :p (Not really don't worry about it)


Aw man you are hilerious! And so beautiful, your outfit inspires me greatly, Tavi you are sublime xx

WendyB said...

I'm enthralled by those heels.


Great shoes! I need a pair of those.
check this out :!

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how you can have such intimate convos with your bag, I'm so jealous. ^_^

Rafael Franco said...

I love The Royal Tenenbaums, and Margot it's my favourite LOL

My english is sucks (i'm from brazil) but I always reading your blog. I really like it.

I'm getting more and more interesting by fashion,and I learning a lot with you. Thank you!

bye bye

Lucy in the Sky said...

THOSE WAFFLES. I think I'll have to start making/eating breakfast again.

I love your dress and bag and shoes. And you're funny. As always.

Sarah Bentivegna said...

haha tavi you really make me laugh
the bag does look pretty soft though

jeff said...

did you go to WALTER yet? Love.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I have the red plastic hair bow in pink! that exact thing! that's so cool!

Shevah said...

I am obsessed with you blog. Officially.


Jade said...

I love the royal tenenbaums. You have succesfully embodied margot. Only some heavy black eyeliner and a cigarette could make it any more margot (not that i suggest cigarettes) but, congrats!
hah. Well fantastic post anyway. I love the outfit, and want a yellow miu miu collar with naked ladies on it too.


Unknown said...

Yes, you rock the collar in Antwerp!

Nolita said...

Lovely hair clips, should also get the Royal Tenenbaums thing going!

--Nolita Vintage--

zoomslow said...

Oh, Tavi, you're so obliquitous... Pass the waffles!

P.S How's that play coming along, Margot?

brodie said...

that is such a bag thing to say!
you look totz adorbz, in a legit, surly, margot kind of way. i especially dig those bendy heels. THEY LOOK BROKEN BUT DEY RN'T! WHAAAAT!?
i hope you're enjoying the trip and aren't being a(n) twerp.

yasmine said...

Can't believe you're in Antwerp !
haha, I was in gent yesterday,
such a shame I didn't see you ! :(

yasmine said...

Can't believe you're in Antwerp !
haha, I was in gent yesterday,
such a shame I didn't see you ! :(

yasmine said...

Can't believe you're in Antwerp !
haha, I was in gent yesterday,
such a shame I didn't see you ! :(

Caroline :) said...

omg!!!!!!! I LOVE YOUR SHOES! (and the miu miu collar of course :D)

love the bad it looks so soft and fuzzy :D

hope youre having fun!

Anonymous said...

haha i love the way you write! :)
And adorable outfit!

Tess said...

Tenebaums. UGH. Who doesn't feel like channelling Margot once in a while?

SabinePsynopsis said...

I think every girl needs a bag like this - no more bitching and lonely feelings necessary anymore! (Oh, I know the feeling when you're trying to direct others to take the pictures you've got in your head. DIFFICULT, to say the least). I bet Antwerp is wonderful, and not only for the waffles.

VintageGoa said...

Can not believe you are visiting Belgium. Do you plan to stay a bit longer and visit Brussel...there is still a lot to try & explore here:)
Just let me know if you need a guide or tips about what or where :)...and enjoy your time in Belgium.

MELISSA Z. said...

love your bag so much! Great look! <3

Dale Berning said...

oh tavi the joy of the silent bag and the margot glare and the "do you ever get the feeling it's all a lie". every day darling. every day. i hope brussels treats you and your dad well.

Chloe Tweeny said...

Oh my, i just had everyone in my class look at me like i was i raging lunatic because i basically screamed with joy when i read that last bag-part! Toooo good

Anonymous said...

Hi ! I discovered your blog by a friend, and I really enjoy it ! It's fun, happy and very communicative !
continue that way !
Oh, and I love the shoes and your bag !!
(I'm having some giveaway at my blog, so if you're interested, go ahead ! :))

Josie said...

I like that bag and the waffles look so yummy!

Alix said...

Why in america people use so many's hard to understand you even after 9 years of learning english, anyway I love the bag and the food lokks really nice.
Oh, and I have a question to you what's your tall?
You can anwser at my blog.
Greeting Alix from Poland :)

Ciarente Roth said...

You are awesome. That is all.

Caddy said...

1. That waffle looks delish!
2. Funky lip color! I'd like to try it out. :)
3. I totally had a clip like that yellow bear one. My mom used to buy sets of those for me when I was younger. It brought back memories.
4.Cool shoe!
5. Sonia Rykiel!! I wanted her Chamois flats from a year or two ago!

Enjoy Antwerp Tavi!!

Anonymous said...

I went to Antwerp for three days last weekend! It's a beautiful and interesting city, isn't it? It must be amazing to see so much of the world at such a young age.

The naked lady/teddy bear -contrast is a really nice detail!

Enjoy your time in Antwerp!

Katy said...

How I love your outfit! The barrettes are the perfect perfect touch. Also, this Christmas, I am going to leave artisanal ginger cookies along with fresh raw milk and homemade brownies for Santa if he'll give me a Sonia Rykiel bag.

Emily Vaine said...

Oh, cool! Would you be going to Brusssels? I live there. I mean it would be amazing to see you for real :)

Sewon said...

Breakfast food should always be easy as pie! I adore your outfit and your sullen expression. Have fun!

Yo soy yo, tú eres tú. said...

Your hair is fantastic :)

Yo soy yo, tú eres tú. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yo soy yo, tú eres tú. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Edith said...

I life in the Netherlands but like near to Antwerp. You really really have to go to Episode, i think it would be very you.

Wapsi Fjord said...

The lipstick, the heels, the dress, the you... I love them all so, so much!

Me said...

Should not have been drinking tea while reading a post from Tavi, the dialogue or should I say monologue with the bag = hilarious! Belgium looks as cloudy & grey as Ireland is at the moment, but I'm sure you'll have lots of fun any way!

Anonymous said...

Welcome in Belgium, dear. :)
Poppy. x

Anonymous said...

That Tom Ford lipstick shade is to die for! I might need to put back some cash. Then again, if I spend $85 on lipstick it better last me a lifetime.

Anonymous said...

I love the comment "half Margot, half their house"... that actually made me laugh.

And I totally get the "staring angrily to try and force the camera-operator to just hurry up and press the goddamn button" look. It happens in 2 out of 3 of my pictures.

Christina said...

Love that dress. Esp with the Miu Miu collar.

Ruby And Siel said...

Don't worry, we eat it by hand sometimes ;)
It's really horrible to eat with a fork!

Cateaclysmic said...

I love your look, also I think I put on about 10lb just seeing those waffles YUM! xoxo

Nancy said...

hmmm, in Antwerp - Kleinblatt for sublime handmade, Viennese Kosher bakery experience.

Jenny Morris said...

This post is bursting with wonder!

Anonymous said...

how is it that your so interesting and SO cool

ediot said...

Royal Tenenbaums is one of my absolute favourite movies. and i do see the vibe ;)
i LOVE the outfit
and you make me crave strawberries so bad right now.. and waffles. yums the word
wish you a wonderful week. xxxxxxxx

HowLoverly said...

I just adore your fashion sense. I wish I dressed as awesome as you do when I was your age. :|

Miranda said...

The dress and the shoes are so wonderful, I really have to start vintage shopping. Have to!

Stern said...

¡Tavi!¿Cómo una persona tan pequeña puede guardar tanta gracia? dímelo, me encanta tu blog, ♥♥♥

Megan said...

You are famous. Again.

Angeles Almuna said...

Love the post and your style is super duper cool and hilarious Lady Tavi!
Good luck in NY, enjoy the time and all the Fashion shows.....I tried to go this year but my friend Money said to me nooooo! Next time!
Kisses and see you around!

Siblings said...

what a cool little outfit! liking the collar~

Anonymous said...

LOVING the look. Including the expression. With those little window thingies in the background.

Anonymous said...

And those shoes are more than slightly incredible.

Unknown said...

santa claus only exists for those who've been chosen to experience "him". for the rest of us, santa is a myth and only reality exists.

comments like that are annoying. just thank the people at sonia and stop being so pretentious.

Anonymous said...

that's are really nice heels Tavi!, so chic, elegant, just period! like La Boheme :)
you can also check and follow my blog:

i've made some pics of my girlfriend's grandma shoes, they're also classic and vintage

greetings! :)

Katrina said...

You look positively smashing! In other news, conversations and travels with Bag could be a new column for you.

L said...

Ohh, well-made waffles are one of life's greatest pleasures. The crisp and golden crunch with the soft and subtly sweet inside. Mix in the fresh, homemade, whipped cream and the fresher strawberries... I'm already missing my brunch from yesterday.

interesting heel on the shoe from Beacon's Closet; I would figure if anything else they'd be very stable.

Amy said...

I've been eating Fruit Rollups since about 1990, though I haven't had plastic hair barrettes like yours since around that time. I miss them so.

x Amy

Taamra said...

Great post! Waffles look beautiful! And I love the Tom Ford lippy, job well done again :)

love said...

miu miu bought u

kaeda said...

strawberry hair=<3
beautiful gorgeousness luxe

JIM Designs said...

And the strawberries match your outfit too! Those are the coolest vintage shoes ever :)

Valerie Friedrich said...

Oh Tavi, you're simply irresistible. Margot is one of my favorite characters of all-time. XO Valerie

Nicole said...


georgeface said...

Totally adore the shoes and the dress. The shoes a little more so.

Anonymous said...

Great bag! I can see why you have been converted xxx

Dennis said...

This is one of your best posts ever. I love the look and, as always, your dorky sense of humor. Thank you, for existing!

Anonymous said...

If you love waffles and all that amazing stuff, you should def go to 'Désirée de Lille'. It's the best place in Antwerp for non-diet, whipped cream, etc food.
Btw love the bag

Pink said...

i love your miumiu shirt!!!

check out my fashion blog at

if you like please follow me!! thankss

Anonymous said...

major carb coma, surely

Eve M. said...

I live in Brussels! Is there any chance you'll be coming by here so that I my kiss your very fashionable feet?
I have been meaning to make a trip out to Antwerp, but I'm really busy back in Brussels with school, so if you're coming by and have time to meet up (I doubt that though!) please tell us on your blog!!
Big hugs!!

Public Mentor said...

Love the shoeeeee! It's dreammy!!

All the best,

Marzio Martel said...

So 70s! I like it and you'r great! ;)



Evy Paap said...

very nice!!

eef en lot

Evy Paap said...

very nice!!

eef en lot

Jeff said...

ohhh tavi. you crack me up sometimes. you really do.

come to paris and we can eat really goood raspberry lunettes! k? cool.

April said...

you're the bomb-diggity, and so is your outfit

Anonymous said...

I am so in love with the fact that you are so bold and brave with fashion. I wish i could take my creativity and channel it towards my fashion sense. Good luck with what youve already accomplished and will in the future.

✿ren said...

Wow Belgian waffles. Heavenly~~~

And I get that expression every time my dad takes my photos too! It's probably the ubiquitous daughter-to-father look.

Re: title, no I don't. Sorry. :(

Linde said...

I had no idea you were going to Antwerp! I live in Belgium,Ghent, not to far from Antwerp!
haha just follow the meir, it's one straight line ( : but I have to admit I lost my way one time there too!

Life As I Show It said...

You're so freakin' hilarious!

matziii said...

Dear Tavi Gevinson. You have enlightened me with the tv show "Freaks and Geeks". I don't quite know how to thank you. seriously best show of all time!!!

Btw I love your blog and your style and I think you are a real inspiration to lots of girls around the world.

I live in sweden and I also have a blog. It's in swedish but at least you will see what I look like :)

Lots of love //Matilda from sweden :D

Jolene said...

that looks DELISH!! have fun at NYFW, Tavi! :)

Alizée Gaie said...

Wowww ca a l'air delicieux !! Le sac Sonia est divin et ce melange de jaune et de marron Miu Miu tres bon, mais change les cheveux jolinettes, blonde t'allais mieux !
Bisous, bisous, Alizée G.

Alizée Gaie said...

Wowww ca a l'air delicieux !! Le sac Sonia est divin et ce melange de jaune et de marron Miu Miu tres bon, mais change les cheveux jolinettes, blonde t'allais mieux !
Bisous, bisous, Alizée G.

Camilla said...

me and my green velvet jigsaw bag have the same relationship.

Anonymous said...

Wow Tavi I'm loving the collar...

Much love,

Paulina said...

Glad you are having lots of fun!!!! The food looks GREAT and of course you look GREATER!!!
Take Care Tavi! xoxo

Front Row Mode said...

Loving the pictures and your look


If you would like to enter our Giveaway and win a Prada bag then check out our Blog

meagan said...

tavi this is easily my favorite outfit post you've EVER done. AHHH SO GOOD

Isabel said...

Oh Tavi, pictures of you make me so happy. Hope yr having a blast in Antwerp and we miss you here in Canadaland!

Unknown said...

Luma said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Luma said...

tavi, your blog is very perfect.
I'm from brazil..
here in brazil your blog is much known .
vite my blog..
but is in portuguesh...

chloe said...

How rude of you to post that photo of the waffles! Now I'm terribly hungry and have no means of getting to Antwerp before class starts tomorrow.... ):

also, the inspiration of this outfit is expressed wonderfully. I love the collar...and I used to have those barettes. Oh, the '90s!

Sara Krolewski said...

Love the shoes :) and the dress...and the bag! Classic with a twist. I thought I was the only teenager under 15 to have seen The Royal Tenenbaums, haha.
BTW, have you seen the article in The New York Times (today) about seating at Fashion Week? I don't remember who was quoted but someone was quoted as saying something along the lines of "They sat that strange little 13 year old girl who looks like 97 in front." I wonder what your reaction to this would be? It is a front page article in case you're wondering. They also mention you and Bryan Boy a few times.

Anonymous said...

I love the whole outfit!! especially the whole vintage feeling. It gives up a innocent, but I mean business kind of tone. I love your blog as well ♥


какая же ты умница))*

thecowboygeisha said...

any kind of animal or printed collar is a thumbs up.

Brenty said...

Loving the hairclips!

-Brent Billiman

Sootjeelina said...


xoxo Sootjeelina <3

Luiza said...

One of my favorite posts :)

fairy on acid said...

misspirate said...

I love these vintage shoes! ...and the bag, too

VeraGeorge said...

You're Belgium! That's great! Really close to where I live (The Netherlands!)

It's great,

love your outfit btw!
it's gorgeous!


Rich Hippie said...

so i was wondering if i could like adopt you? My little sisters a bit of a zzzznor.
I conversations will feel like one that took place in the twilight zone, since all we'd do is talk over each other about the exact same thing...

Rule of Fashion said...

you look cool

checkout my shoppingblog

Coco Pastis said...

Hey Tavi i see you visited Antwerp, city of fashion and good waffles, and the lovely people of RA!!!! hope you enjoyed your stay here.. yes we do eat belgian waffles every day, 3 times a day. it's a hard knock life. :)

"someone said i looked like oompa loompa, he made my day." i love you for that :)

take care!


That shoe is just gorgeous!!
i wanna get that it is so
and you were in Antwerp
that is total great
can you tell me
'how was it'?

Kate said...

Miss Tavi, only wish I had been as cool as you when I was your age. -Your blog never fails to be a joy to read, never mind that I'm over six years your senior. I'm in love with your Margot-inspired ensemble, which has thoroughly inspired me to have a Wes Anderson marathon tonight.

Mademoiselle-marie said...

so vintage !! i like that !


Violette said...






Simone said...

i love u soo much, u´re very inspiration person in my live...i want be as popular as u are :)

Eye said...

Lol...too superb and wonderful blog.
agenzia hostess Roma

antonia said...

love your blog!

greetings from poland!!!

derek said...

great heels!!!

Alex Elizabeth said...

Dear Tavi,
I think you should grow out your natural hair color, it would look nice!

the girl in grey said...

Marc Jacobs should just ask you already to be in his ads. You have that look

Anonymous said...

Yor conversation to your bag made me laugh so much !


thsoe heels look increidbly interstingly beautiufl, and love what your wearing, as always!

bonnieKate said...

Catching up on your blog since a friend spotted you at fashion week NYC.

Great outfit in this one, but even more entertaining to me was the reference to Royal and Margo parallel to you spending time with your dad.

loves it.

[aInIgrIv] said...

Greetings from Singapore!
I had the same hair clips too. The yellow ones.. I wore those to school everyday..


Aesha said...

What is the mark of your camera?? Your photos are magnificent!