This week is no make-up week on this here Internet! I'm coming a bit late to the party, but consider almost every outfit photo on this blog a contribution. To quote from the event's page,
"The philosophy is this. Make-up is great. It is a powerful tool, a way to express yourself, your mood and interior life. But, when you can’t go without something, it loses it’s spark.A study online claims that 8 out of 10 women prefer their female colleagues to wear makeup and the same number of women said they would rather employ a woman who wore makeup than one who didn’t. Because of these expectations, I think it’s hard for any woman to have a good relationship to make-up."
I do the occasional lipstick or eyeliner because of the addition it can make to an outfit, but on days when I'm not into my skin, I'm tempted to cake on all that foundation stuff. I usually don't because I'm lazy and don't have much time in the morning, plus something about it feels too mask-like and makes me uncomfortable or kind of suffocated. What're your make-up musings? *Points to audience like member of Zoom cast*

Sweater from Salvation Army and Miu Miu fabric. The creative director at Prada was super cool and sent me a couple things in this fabric which matches my dog and his too, he said. My dog is always nicer to me when I wear this in my hair, but I don't know what it's actually supposed to be.

Alice + Olivia dress worn as skirt, Hide boots.
I was given this skirt when I styled Alice + Olivia's musical guests for their SS11 presentation (more on that later!) and I'm obsessed with how tear-crinkled the fabric looks. When I biked to school it got kind of dirty and murky at the bottom, but I'm really into it? Recently I've been less careful about my clothes' cleanliness because I like the idea of a closet full of lived-in and well-loved clothes. I will maybe regret taking such poor care when I have to sell all my stuff because I went broke after investing in a documentary about the history of the Snuggie, but that is why I am mentioning the documentary idea now. What do you think? Is it a wise business move? And would you be willing to fund it?
Dino boots! The designer gave them to me when I visited Ra in Antwerp (again, more on that later. Ra is awesome and led to me sitting in my school counselor's office a few days ago explaining why I wrote "live in a creative commune" under "Future Career Goals.")
Brand: Hide
Pros: They're comfy, remind me of the Greek god Hermes and of dinosaurs, and I of course love absurdity. They're also easy to clean, like dirt from bike riding.
Cons: So far no problems, but we'll see how they hold up as time goes on.
Are there any other components of a product you guys would like to hear about for when I try this freebie review format in the future?
Pros: They're comfy, remind me of the Greek god Hermes and of dinosaurs, and I of course love absurdity. They're also easy to clean, like dirt from bike riding.
Cons: So far no problems, but we'll see how they hold up as time goes on.
Are there any other components of a product you guys would like to hear about for when I try this freebie review format in the future?
This BAG, my lord. It's so cute and creepy and reminds me of something one of the Gashlycrumb Tinies might've owned. And I can't wait for how it'll look when it's all old and worn.
Brand: sent to me by Mandy Coon
Pros: Uh, it's adorable? I mean, button eyes! I carried my giant ass, calculator-containing pencil case around in it all day, if that tells you anything about the practicality. It's incredibly well-made with impeccable stitches. And there are some details that most people probably won't see but make it a bag that is a luxury bag, like silk lining and patches of fabric on the inside of the ears (as in this beautiful clipart.)
Cons: The length of the handle, because I feel like bunny bags should swing easily over the shoulder and not be carried daintily by the hand. The chain heightens the irony of a black leather bunny bag, but takes it a bit too far and makes the bag less versatile (the leather can't just be black leather, it has to be "punk" black leather) and more trendy (specifically, the one of Spring 2009 when everyone on Tumblr was posting photos of studs from Jak & Jil.) I wouldn't really care if the chain was detachable and there was space to add your own handle, but I struggled to tie my own gray string on there and had to adjust it all day.
Brand: sent to me by Mandy Coon
Pros: Uh, it's adorable? I mean, button eyes! I carried my giant ass, calculator-containing pencil case around in it all day, if that tells you anything about the practicality. It's incredibly well-made with impeccable stitches. And there are some details that most people probably won't see but make it a bag that is a luxury bag, like silk lining and patches of fabric on the inside of the ears (as in this beautiful clipart.)
Cons: The length of the handle, because I feel like bunny bags should swing easily over the shoulder and not be carried daintily by the hand. The chain heightens the irony of a black leather bunny bag, but takes it a bit too far and makes the bag less versatile (the leather can't just be black leather, it has to be "punk" black leather) and more trendy (specifically, the one of Spring 2009 when everyone on Tumblr was posting photos of studs from Jak & Jil.) I wouldn't really care if the chain was detachable and there was space to add your own handle, but I struggled to tie my own gray string on there and had to adjust it all day.
i'm all about the no make up. when your only beauty product is soap, life (or at least getting ready) becomes a lot easier!
I only wear mascara. That's it. I hate everything else and never wear it.
Ehh, I'm a bit of a sucker for make up, mainly because everyone around me is caked (in a nice way) in the stuff.
But I will try this week too!
And I LOVE THAT SWEATER! and the skirt too! Lahvely.
Sonia // Dozen Dresses xo
I'm joining the no-make-up-week! I usually do with a little foundation (my nose is rudolf-red, due to a skin disease), some mascara and eyeshadow/lipgloss when it matches my outfit... I love you
aww those boots
This Outfit is cute ^_^
Cute outfit! I love the dino shoes and that bunny bag is too awesome!
I totally agree that they should be flung over the shoulder though. That'd be so much better.
You know, in Japan there are these ridiculously old tea ceremony objects who are incomprehensibly expensive who sit in a museum and are waiting to be stared at everyday. But at least once a year they take it out and use it in tea ceremonies because in their culture they believe that an object will lose its soul once it's stopped being used. This is just one thing I heard, and I think they view all inanimate objects like such and so it's definitely applicable to clothes. Look at your clothes as more than a consumer object and use them, live them.
i love mascara.. but i dont get the point of fake eyelashes. they are like creepy crawly caterpillars.
You know, in Japan there are these ridiculously old tea ceremony objects who are incomprehensibly expensive who sit in a museum and are waiting to be stared at everyday. But at least once a year they take it out and use it in tea ceremonies because in their culture they believe that an object will lose its soul once it's stopped being used. This is just one thing I heard, and I think they view all inanimate objects like such and so it's definitely applicable to clothes. Look at your clothes as more than a consumer object and use them, live them.
It is difficult to have a healthy relationship with make-up. For me at least. I feel like a swallowed potato without it, but hate that I'm so dependent on it.
I'm pretty dependant on make up, since my skin looks awfully blotchy without it. I've cut down a lot recently though, partly through laziness and partly so I will soon feel like I don't need it so much. No make up week is a good idea.
i usually go out with no make up or put it on as minimal as possible and i love it!!
check out my blog at
The bunny bag is like Cher and Dion's animal backpacks from the series clueless (not the awesome movie), It also reminds me of the Giles stuffed-dino bags from spring 2010.
i am celebratin no make-up year so far
nice outfit
I only put a light dust of face powder and mascara. Sometimes I wear lipstick. But that's about it. My skin's naturally oily so I can't put any foundation; it's only meant to not make my skin look like someone could fry an egg on my face.
I think makeup has to be use sparingly when it comes to interviews because, sadly, image does count. Especially in business. They would prefer somebody visually appealing, but it does not mean that they don't care about your knowledge about the field. It's putting a good impression; it's suppose to be professional. Make up in work is a feature in the work field and is not meant to be taken personally.
For other uses of makeup in theatre, movies, or personal staples ... well, that's another story. But overall, I think make up is great. In a dreamy and whimsical kind of way. Like Narnia.
IN OTHER NEWS, your mandy coon bag is CRAH-ZAY.
P.S. You dress like an eccentric grandmother - that's golden in my books.
Generally speaking, make-up sucks.
That is all.
I really really like your outfit! Your shoes are awesome! Wow I just say :) They are very dino-like..
The bag is awesome :)
I can't wear foundation. It's not cos my skin is oily - it's not really. I just can't stand the feel of it on my skin. So I don't and my skin provokes the 'oh my god your skin is so nice what foundation do you use' questions which I like saying ' none' to. But I like eye makeup. And if you don;t need foundation, it's simple. Don't wear it. If you work for ex, in a hospital, which is a very warm place anyway, it will just slide off your face and that looks more unprofessional that just a small amount of makeup.
The bag is awesome :)
I can't wear foundation. It's not cos my skin is oily - it's not really. I just can't stand the feel of it on my skin. So I don't and my skin provokes the 'oh my god your skin is so nice what foundation do you use' questions which I like saying ' none' to. But I like eye makeup. And if you don;t need foundation, it's simple. Don't wear it. If you work for ex, in a hospital, which is a very warm place anyway, it will just slide off your face and that looks more unprofessional that just a small amount of makeup.
The bag is awesome :)
I can't wear foundation. It's not cos my skin is oily - it's not really. I just can't stand the feel of it on my skin. So I don't and my skin provokes the 'oh my god your skin is so nice what foundation do you use' questions which I like saying ' none' to. But I like eye makeup. And if you don;t need foundation, it's simple. Don't wear it. If you work for ex, in a hospital, which is a very warm place anyway, it will just slide off your face and that looks more unprofessional that just a small amount of makeup.
I really don't like make-up, and I've never worn it (I can make an exception for lipstick). I just think girls look so much better without it all on, especially when they cake their faces in the stuff x
I just want to say you rock as a person and I think you're really shamazing. I'm a big fan :)
I don't know, I like the process of putting on make-up in the morning, it feels kinda meditative bacause you have to fully concentrate on what you are doing.
But I don't use too much of it. I don't like it if girls pile on tons of make-up on their face and pluck their eyebrows completely and draw them back on and such.
Wow this is so great !
I very smart idea :)
I'm not quite sure how I feel about it since I usually don't wear make-up (I'm a boy). Although I can say I do feel a bit sad that I can't participate... you look...........
I love make up.
I used to hate it andf only started wearing it when I was 18.
I'm not addicted to it, or to any one specific item. Sometimes I wear blush, sometimes mascara, foundation, or everything when I do a complete look. A lot of the time I wear nothing. I love it because it relaxes me to put it on, to have fun with smokey eyes.
I think people make too big a deal when it comes make up, and think too much about what it means to wear it or to not wear it. I wouldn't bother with no make up week because I'm comfortable with relantionship with 'the stuff' and don't feel like I have to look into it at this point in time. If don't feel like it won't wear it. If I want to cake it on like a tranny, well, that takes more confidence than going about bare faced. At least to me anyway
great bag
I never wear makeup, i did go through a lip gloss+lipstick phase as a kid but always ended up rubbing it off..or licking it off (ick) so now i just don't wear makeup period lol. personally, i feel that makeup is just covering up our true beauty.
I am in love with your bunny bag! it is so adorable and i love the little button eye (it's a button, right? lol.) i also don't like it when a bags strap doesn't go over your shoulder ); that's usually one of the main things i look for when i buy bags.
I really love your blog and you have a very unique+awesome sense of fashion, you are very creative! <3
I really like makeup, but I don't feel like I'm someone who "puts on her face." For me, makeup is about playing up your assets, not hiding or falsifying.
Theres a girl in my class who has all these beautiful freckles on her face, but she hates them. She smothers about a pot of dream matte mousse over them everyday, and it looks awful. It's kind of sad that she hates the thing that made her beautiful.
I think I need a bunny bag :)
Emilie xoxo
I think makeup is only a problem when it is used to mimic reality. The whole "maybe she's born with it, maybe its maybelline" thing." I think a person who is willing to wear makeup in ways that are very obvious, like Ana Piaggi and Lyn Yaegger, it becomes a different thing. These women, I think of as heroes, makeup not as enhancement, but makeup as decoration and statement. I think that takes more courage on a daily basis.
I definitely don't wear make up unless it's a special occasion, but when I do, I like to glam it up. x3
xD Your dog feels a connection to the fabric. PCS? (Unless it's another arrangement of the letters... psc.. pcc... psc Well, whatever it was about the concious mind sensing things)
And the boots are full of LOVE. <3
Nice outfit, I love the dress/skirt. and the boots are cute and funny! :)
Check out my blog: Principessa Gabriella
love the boots:)
15 year old blogger, fashion-lover, and dreamer:
Love the outfit!!!
No makeup week is like every week for me.
I like to use a bit of powder and some brown eyeshadow when I feel like I should be formal or dressed up.
Good luck with your social/beauty experiment. I admit to being one of those chicks who doesn't leave the house without at least some makeup.
Some people would look better without make up sometimes !
I need that bag, so much, my current one is in the shape of a watermelon, the bunny is wayyyyyyy cuter. Oh yeah make-up, I'd love to have like rainbow eye-shadow everyday but, I'd need a make-up artist, or at least a steady hand. So really the only time I bother is family outings when I bring out the black raccoon eyes. urban decay eye-shadow = £7, the look on my mothers face = priceless!
i don't wear foundation, never have and never will, i hate the way it makes my skin feel and i much prefer the natural look.
I love you!!
my blog:
Hello, How are you?
No makeup week is like every week for me. (2)
(I love the idea)
Kisses from Brazil*
No makeup no worries. Your hair absolutely compliments this look as it will for most of your looks.
my face goes naked day after day. occasional lipstick and mascara if anything.
ps. love the bunny bag and the boots
Gashcrumbly Tinies! Best book by far. No makeup is rather feminist, yeah? I do it all the time, it feels fabulous :)
Stay lovely
zara x
I don't really wear much make up on a daily basis, just some concealer under my eyes. ; u ;
Still, I'm ok with make up. I think it's something meant to enhance a woman's natural beauty, if anything.
~ Orphin's Domains ~
That bag is adorable!
And I never wear makeup, only sunscreen and lip balm, because I have PE 4 days out of 5 and am worried about smudging. And yeah, I feel like it masks the person behind it sometimes.
Same here. I occasionally put on lipstick or my Tokidoki eyeliner but other than that I'm makeup-free. I think that beauty ads can be seriously degrading to women. It's always a young woman (or a sixteen-year-old pretending to be a woman) posing suggestively with a creepy dude staring at her creepily in the corner. I use makeup that doesn't exactly have 'ads' that make me want to scream "I wish that creepy older guy would stop staring creepily at her cuz it's giving me the creeps'. And Burt's Bees lip tint or whatever they call those lip crayons. So, yeah. Rock on, internet.
i totally understand what they mean about "losing its spark." i go totally makeup-less as much as possible, but every now and then i will go through a time where i get blemishes on my when this happens i put on primer and mix some foundation with water. it gives a really clear and matte look to my skin.
makeup-ehhh. I occasionally wear mascara but its a relief when i can itch my eye and not look like a raccoon.
outfit-love. I will steal that skirt from you, along with all your Comme FW09 things. (I'm obsessed with flowy beige things at the mo'.)Also, that purse reminds me of the book The Miraculous Adventures of Edward Tulane... it made me cry so hard :'(
Haven't worn makeup since age 20...35+ years ago. I work as a professional. It's not the makeup, it's what you can DO.
I wear make-up because it makes me happy. I like to play with my liquid eyeliner. But I only wear eyeliner, mascara, blush, and Burt's Bees. It's too hot in FL for anything else!
P.S. Cute boots.
i never ever ever wear make up .
except for lip gloss (does that even count?)
and the snuggie documentary is such a great idea ;D i would so watch that .
I love putting making on and everything..and I used to pack it on when I was younger..but now I just conceal some bits of my face (if even that) and yeah! Just can't be bothered..and the thought of having to remove it all before going to bed!
Those boots are super cute. :)
The boots remind me of dorothy the dinosaur. I'm only 13 so I don't wear make-up but I'm suprised at how many girls my age wear it on a daily basis - and it makes them look worse! All-natural or none at all is the way to go =)
I like the serenity, and kind of ‘stillness’ of the outfit picture. Reminds me of an olde worlde painting. Perhaps, Vermeer? Of course the fact that I just recently saw a documentary on the ‘stillness’ of Vermeer paintings has no relevance to this highly original spark of brilliant artistic analysis that I’ve just offered you! :-)
BTW You’re a grammatist after my own heart. I would have handled the always tricky... clothes' - in exactly the same way :-))
Kinda having a no make life here. Lots of make is tested on animals and it is sad and horrible the things that are done to those bunnies (it's mostly rabbits). Worn clothes tell a good story.
At the risk of sounding like an annoying grown-up, I think at your age you shouldn't be worrying about caking on makeup! The saying is only too true that the young don't realise how beautiful they are until they are older (OK well that's not the saying but I can't remember how it actually goes... I'm sure you get what I mean)!
hey, I'm a new reader (kinda. I've been lurking for a couple weeks).
Makeup: I really like playing with eye makeup, but I'm too lazy to do it on an everyday basis. I usually wear lipgloss or at least chapstick. As for face makeup... never, unless I'm in a show (I dance). it makes me break out and just feels gross. coverup if i have a massive pimple or something.
I think that part of the reason I don't really wear it is this: you know when someone wears lots of makeup every single day, and one day you don't and you're like "WHOA", usually not in a positive way, though not necessarily in a negative way. i guess i just don't want people to forget what i actually look like. i hope that made sense.
Makeup is primitive.
I only started wearing make-up in the past year or so. Concealer is my best friend since I've got major eyebags but I still love the days when I don't wear any make-up since that means I won't have to bother removing it all at the end of the day.
i really get the no make-up week thing. sometimes we apply make-up all the time and then begin to get all uncomfortable about being around people without something on the skin... and also forget how we actually look without it...
by the way, i was a BIG fan of ZOOM!!! ah, childhood... :)
I always find after wearing no make up for a while, it feels really hard to but it back on because it feels really heavy on my skin, i don't know maybe its just me :)
omg!!!! I LOVE UR SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh god I like melted when I saw them...mmmm, beautiful, lol I sound like a freak, but I love ur outfit Tavi, you pull everything off
I love your shoes. They are so cool.
going to Antwerp I have to visit that store,too.
Your whole outfit looks so pretty.
i really love your bag, i've been looking for an animal shaped bag for ages!
that bag is amazing!
I love your outfit but what is the relevance of the skunk in the No Makeup Week graphic?
Nice dress
xoxo Sootjeelina <3
finally for a long long time I was waiting for something I would like to wear.
What's your tall? (in cm)
I am very fascinated with the Snuggie.
And I would hate having to go without make-up for a week, I tell you that much.
That bunny-bag is awesome in a sophisticated creepy way!
nice pictures!really like your blog!
Have a Fabulous day!
The bunny bag is awesome ;)
ok so, i'm so jealous of your dino shoes. i went and searched for them right away, but alas i am a poor college student and will never be able to afford such an amazing pair of boots. now, i must wait for a knock off pair, which will probably never happen. so wear these more so i can vicariously live through you!! please!!
haha also, history of the snuggie documentary = big yes! make it! i'm kind of one of those people that, instead of going online to watch the latest episode of jersey shore or something, i will go to watch some random ass documentary about modern cannibals or something, and then quote facts to my friends for the next month or so. =)
i love the dress/skirt
i tend to avoid wearing make up and totally agree with the comment about too much make-up feeling like a mask,
great blog, :]
There is pressure to wear makeup, mostly because of our patriarchal society. But I think as women you need to ignore pressure from men, and make your own decisions based on how you feel. In the end it's a personal choice. The idea of a "no make up week" seems so stale or cliche (none of those words really seem right but you understand). How about making a decision based on what you feel comfortable with. You can be a feminist and wear makeup, it doesn't have to be a mask. On the other hand, you can make the decision to not wear makeup, because it isn't something everyone has to do. Just as some women choose not to shave. I don't shave, but I enjoy makeup. Does this make me less of a feminist?
nice blog!
I'm from Germany and maby you know,in Germany/Munic is Oktoberfest(October party)
by Mag
J-I don't think that was the point of the event. It's about having an open discussion about makeup and for some of us to come out and let everyone see us without it on and show that it's not a big deal. No one is saying, "Makeup makes you a bad feminist! Don't wear it!" It's more about learning to be comfortable without it as well as with it.
I tend to wear only mascara and chapstick/lipstick/lipgloss, and gave up on blush and foundation years ago.
foundation always made my pores worse, and i would break out randomly (and often in epic proportions) when i used it, regardless of brand or method of application.
and i am generally laughing and smiling enough that blush is unnecessary for me, so i skip it. plus some of it really makes me look like a child's doll, and i'm not into that.
i've recently started playing around with an eye pencil in addition to wearing mascara, and i'm beginning to like the effects.
i've never heard of not getting a job because i don't wear makeup, but it does make some sense.
the 1st pic looks like somethin barbara kruger wuld do
I've always loved a black and white Audrey look. I like how you added the ethereal cream. I always have to look up how to spell "ethereal". :)
Linda! Amei o lenço!
I think that by ignoring the patriarchy and what their ideals are for what women should be like, you have the freedom to do anything. That was the most important thing I learned as a teenager.
your outfit looks somewhat cartoonish, but chic at the same time.
love the outfit...and
"come on and zoom!"that show was so much a part of my childhood! thanks for reminding me of it:)
Tavi, the bunny bag was perfect for a post where you write about a "closet full of well loved clothes." I agree that the bag will look even better when the leather has worn in - it will start looking like the Velveteen Rabbit.
eh I never wear makeup so I've been participating in this No Make-Up event for quite a while! it is kind of hard to put the eyeshadow and lipstick away especially when you're around so many people who put on makeup EVERYDAY but then I see these people when they take their makeup off (thanks to dorm living) and I pat myself on the back for never hiding my actual appearance, however pretty or hideous it may be.
love that fabric, btw. waaant.
in terms of your comments about freebies, I'd like to hear whether you'd actually buy the item (had it not been given to you, obviously), taking into account the price and stuff.
thanks, tavi!
those hide boots are too precious!
I usually don't comment on blogs, but this prompted me to do so.
I usually don't comment on blogs, but this prompted me to do so.
Tavi, re: makeup. I spent a decade working in a conservative company feeling like a female impersonator with full make-up every day. You get to choose - minimal natural look (sunscreen moisturiser, eyeliner, lipstick - maybe mascara) which gives you more time in the morning (and at night, when you have to take all this gunk off) or the full disaster.
The black bunny bag is seriously Donnie Darko and quite disturbing. Should get the career counselor thinking about psychological referrals (after your underground commune remarks) LOL.
Your black and white comic-ness reminded me of The Blot by Tom Neely:
Makeup should be optional.
you dress so creatively!
i skoff at women that think they need to hide their faces behind the results of tortured animals just to look good.
lets make it No Make-Up Millenium,eh?
I'm kinda surprised how many ladies commenting do not wear makeup! I thought I was in a tiny minority, as a 27 y/o who has never worn makeup except on one or two special occasions (such as my wedding, or when my femme girlfriend when I was 19 wanted to dress me up, ha ha), and even then it was just some sloppy eye makeup! I don't know how anyone finds the time for it, mostly - I do admire people who wear makeup artfully; also people who have the balls/skills to do it up Ronettes-style.
Those shoes! They are incredible.
History of the Snuggie documentary is a solid business move. I don't see how it could go wrong. I think that the masses would be particularly intrigued by the Snuggie/Slanket controversy.
Dino boots and Bunny bags would be all over my life if I didn't have a job that expected me to look like an adult (whatever that means). Alas, I think those days might be in my past. And my future. Like, when I'm 60 and nobody can tell me what to do anymore.
Well, most of the days I don't even want to see make-up products, they look so bad, it looks like I'm going to die if I use them (what?). But some days I just wake up wanting to do some make-up and I DO it! It's so easy! I'm so grate that i'm not addicted with this is kind of thing!
oh my god! thank you so much for the Ra link. I'm in love. How did you even hear about Ra?
The bunny bag! I wasn't crazy about it when it first came out, but seeing a non "lights camera action" photo of just looks so nom-able and squishy and stuffed animal-y. AHHH
I usually don't wear make up, but on "special" occasions I use tinted moisturizer, tinted lip balm. You know, the good for you stuff that makes you look like a better version of yourself.
I do look loads better with make up and eyeliner... but just too lazy and afraid to look 0__0 if ppl get used to seeing me actually look human.
I do think taking a break from makeup is a good idea if you feel you can't go out without it and/or you wear a lot. That said...I din't wear any till I was 21 and had/have bad acne. A little concealer is a great way to look less like a teenager at work and eye makeup is just plain fun for going out.
You have a fun sense of style. Keep rocking it.
wellwellwell, thanks to being male i don't have to worry that much about makeup, even today. generally i'm an advocate for "less is more" in this matter. something to emphasize the eyes, some lipstick. i don't understand why some women put so much effort into looking so artificial. lots of makeup doesn't make one stand out or look individual (unless you wear war paint in the literal sense of the word ^__^), it makes you blend in, imo.
i like the review format, but i have to chicken out on the docu; i think the world's not ready yet.
and the only time when your clothes really shouldn't get dirty are occasions like funerals, weddings and international disarmament talks.
oh, and i like the outfit ^__^ and i hope this friggin cute bag lives to see its 20th birthday.
I love your pictures and your clothes.
I love your pictures and your clothes.
hola yo soy Brasileira, pero yo hablo espanol! me gusta mucho usted!
my blog:
i love Tavi,i love !
my blog
Perhaps you should thank Miuccia next time?
I just watched you at Fashion Television, and I thought; WOW! She has a really cool style, I have to visit her blog!
Love the bunnybag!
I love that you dare to dress so cool, I would never dare I guess, but you look awesome!
no make-up day?
ehm... I never wear any make-up...
you could include fabric content... that would be sweet. :]
Sometimes I wear makeup and sometimes I don't. The option is the thing that is great about makeup.
It's funny when people cover up their skin imperfections with makeup. It makes skin look worse in a self conscious way, but maybe it makes them *feel* better...not sure.
Kind of like logos make people look poorer, even though they think they make them look richer. But maybe it makes them feel better.
i like makeup, but feel the same way about foundation, it does feeel like a mask
your boots are totally great :0 I want to steal it !! xo
barbara krueger is my favorite artist ever. the text is most certainly made by/based on her.
Not all face makeup is cakey - I use Clinique pressed powder which looks really natural. You can still see my flush, freckles, etc. but evens my tone.
and mascara can do no wrong.
PS Your blog is the best! :)
oh god, I'm a boy but I still wish you could dress me up.
I very, very rarely wear makeup. A few years in high school I wore at least powder and eyeliner everyday, but that got pretty old pretty fast. My skin feels healthier without all that gunk up in my pores.
I also don't like all the comments about how "girls look better without makeup," because, as Tavi points out, fashion and clothes and style and things don't have to be about "looking good." Sometimes I wear makeup to look pretty. Sometimes I wear makeup because a giant stripe of bright matte yellow all the way across my eyes looks totally badass. It's like--when Molly Ringwald wipes all the dark, moody eyeshadow off of Ally Sheedy and says something like "there, you look so much better with all that black stuff off" I want to smack her.
The "no makeup looks better" thing also vaguely reminds me of my other supposedly-empowering pet peeve, "real women have curves." I like to wear makeup sometimes and I don't care what you think. I'm also bony and flat all over and I'm not a fake woman and I don't look like a child, I look like a real, skinny woman.
/tl;dr rant
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