This is the kind of outfit that literally falls apart as you walk. It is a pain in the ass, and like, the way the pink dress at the bottom is going way too low is really bothering me right now, but at the same time, these heavily layered outfits that I have to constantly fix and aren't the most flattering are still my comfort zone. Dressing this way is such a great shield and I can't wait until it's not infinity degrees so I can get back in the overdressing every day zone.
So the references here: this Japanese street style photo, this cigarette carton, this girl's pink hair and cat and pink dress with cats on it, Ouija boards, this creepy cat, and CL's dress and pink fairy guitar strap on a seafoam green guitar. I guess like...fairy incense-smelling witch satanic cat hippie granny? Sounds about good to me.
Oh, this is random, but my talk at IdeaCity from back in June is now up. I'm afraid to watch it but if you're interested, it's here. I wrote about it a while ago, here.
And now the longest outfit credit list/breakdown ever:

This brooch used to be my grandma's and was added because it kind of reminds me of that cigarette carton. Same with the vintage bolero. The pearl necklace, which also used to be my grandma's, is for the sake of the granny vibe, and the Forever 21 feather necklace is for the hippie.

T-shirt is from the folks at Blood is the New Black. Satanic kitty! That sounds like an awful band name, but is not bad in t-shirt form. It was a bit too oversized for my liking so I cut a bit off the bottom.

This hairclip Monsoon Accessorize sent me is to counter the feather necklace and the colors are right. This coin purse thingy is from a family friend from a market and I added the ribbon.

The mint green shirt is a hand-me-down, added for Courtney's guitar. That off-white pleated dress is a gift from Fred Flare and is one of the only simple things I can wear without guilt because it's just so prettyyyy. Added with Courtney's dress in mind. The bow skirt is a gift from the ladies at Polly Sue's Vintage, added because its colors sort of tie in all the other ones in the outfit, and for the layering proportions. The print is kind of rad with the clogs, too. The pink mermaid-ish dress is vintage.

Miu Miu clogs from Bergdorf Goodman, added for the hippie vibe, the colors, and to counter the illustration from the bow skirt. I can't remember where this horn bracelet is from but I added it to make the outfit more gritty and less saccharine. The watch, like all my watches, doesn't work, and I got it at a local store when I was little.
That was so exhausting that I'm going to use it as an excuse to do nothing for the rest of the day.
great. i was waiting for this.
damn you for inspiring me with your outfit, because it's 2am in london right now (where i'm sitting in my bed, eating a yogurt)but now you've made me want to go and layer and buy some miu miu clogs.
but thanks, always, for inspiring me :):)(because i secretly love it)
haha <3
emma xo
Your outfit is just so... soo... perfect. I hate to admit it, but I'm ready for fall too!
best outfit ever dude.
wilson loves kitty. a lot
good work, tavi! such a fun post.
The satanic kitty shirt is pretty awesome. I always love your outfits that consist of millions of layers.
absolutely adore the layering!
sooo perfect!
Could you check out my fashion blog
glorious. i love you with red hair, also.
sweet clothes/inspiration, as always!!!!!
i'm so glad you like dressing outside the box. sometimes people can be so boring with their clothes....
GREAT job as usual.
I'm liking Satanic Kitty a lot.
omg tavi in forever21! ps. i also struggle with my clothing falling off as i walk :)
"heavily layered outfits that I have to constantly fix" -- I'm so glad you said that. I avoid layers like the plague for that very reason -- they're so fidgety. I had imagined that all you layering bloggers had figured out a way to keep everything in place and that only I couldn't manage it!
Thanks guys!
WendyB-believe me, it is quite a hassle sometimes.
Love the kitty purse!
“Dressing this way is such a great shield” – yes. But then paradoxically (yay for big words!) I also think it gives you a kind of ‘accessible’ vibe -> like If I saw you somewhere I wouldn’t be too scared to maybe have a chat… I’m not sure why?
Yay an outfit post. Love it. More! More!
layers are indeed a bitch. but the important thing is, they look great. except when you're fidgety all day. ha. but in photos, they look fantastic! love the colors here :)
The first inspiration picture was my laptop background for days now. OMG we looked at the same picture. (This is a big thing for me ha)
Your outfit is too layer-ish, Tavi-ish, Tokoyo street style-ish for words. Except amazing.
Girl you did an amazing job!
Now go and have a pink Nesquik and do nothing.
hey tavi, long time reader, first time commenter!
GURL. i've been in love with layering ever since stepsister from planet weird came out on the disney channel. (if you haven't seen it, i think you'll LOVE it.)
summer is the worst for layering, though. got any suggestions for adding texture + color without the extra fabric?
Wow, what a fantastic outfit. The entire look reminds me of fettuccine alfredo on a nice windy day.
But the heat here in Caleephornia hasn't been too bad but I'd be in pain if I couldn't lair too.
*two thumbs up*
Your video was SO inspiring to me! I am a Christian feminist who goes to a private college. Our college is progressive in some ways and the professors are awesome but soooo many of the students are still suggesting that women not be pastors and always yield to their husbands. It's just plain refreshing to find out that I might not be the minority in the real world.
You know, you could also be an "ageist" or a "youngist" or something because I never realized how awesome 14 year old girls were until I started reading your blog. WOW!! I love this outfit of yours!!!
And...that cig. box is amazing.
Miu Miu O.O <3 <3
You have to wear like nothing if you want to go outside
it's just too hot! So everything always looks plain... I'm loooking forward to spring!! hehe yes thats far...whatevs!
Tavi please don't become a cat lady!
I really enjoyed the idea city video, I've just been a distant admirer of your writing thus far and it was nice to see you speak on some really important topics. I really commend you for being brave and speaking about the importance of a magazine/publication that embodies the great things Sassy was for girls in the 90s. If anyone has the power to make that happen, I think you do!
Definitely also makes me happy to see you speak about the importance of taking away the negative connotations of feminism in the younger generation today. Being bold and confident and trusting in the importance of getting involved in social commentary and politics is what will create change for the future.
Keep it up, lady. <3
love the look tavi! i'm sure people have said this before but you would make a great stylist.
love your blog! very good
from then on my
i love this so0o0o0o0o0o much! I am so sick of summer weather and the total lack of creativity in my outfits due to the heat. You're inspiring me to just screw it and start layering again!
Tavi you are fantastic. I absolutely love this entire outfit.
you are simply brilliant x
you are simply brilliant x
I love this. I love how layered it is. I love the colors. Perfect.
love your miu miu's and your outfit is lovely!
wow, what an amazing outfit. i could never wear quite this many layers at once because I'm just too fidgety and not quite tall enough. cats rule.
this reminds me why i'm such a huge fan :)
i'm kinda dying over your outfit!
You look like a big raspberry lollipop. I love it.
I'm not a smoker but Eve cigarettes could sway me into risky habits...
well, regardless, i think you SHOULD watch your vid from idea city. that was really neat. you looked really confident and spoke what you felt. and yes, wise beyond your years. i appreciated your speech. and i agree with you.
you got them laughing and clapping. luv it. :)))
watch it!
One of my favorite outfits ever. I love to colors, and the kitty cat is so creepy cool too. Now I really want to try and recreate this color story myself!
i love this post and you're outfit. :)
you're the one who inspired me to actually start writing a blog. :D
if you have time.
Gorgeous outfit as always x
great outfit and everything but what I'd really like to say is that I watched that ideacity video and I LOVE your lecture! I honestly didn't know much about Sassy Magazine but the ideas you got from it are so great! You really are funny and charming outside of your blog and I think I was nodding in agreement to a lot of your statements on feminism and community. anyway, I'm glad you spoke about your ideas in a way that anyone could follow. Not in a preach-ey way but in a way that's really enlightening for anyone with an open mind. The questions that you were asked towards the end of the video kind of pissed me off but I'm glad that you were very modest and honest. ANYWAY keep up the great work!
Your MiuMiu's are incredible^^
I love the clogs!
They are so cute
I watched your lecture and I am not sure if the adults in the audience really understood the progressive words you were saying. I always say - we must learn from history or it will repeat itself. I really appreciate your honest and inspirational words. Your words really resonated with me, as I am sure they do with other girls from our generation. Over the summer, I read a book called "Female Chauvinist Pigs" by Ariel Levy, which I think you might enjoy it. It was not preachy, just honest and interesting. Please continue to speak your mind and encourage other girls to do so even if the people in your immediate surroundings are confused or uncomfortable by your "different" ways and beliefs.
Zoiks! You did it again.
aflishad rubididididido bleng, oh don't mind me, I'm just trying to come up with words to describe miu miu clogs because I can't seem to find any that already exist
your hair . is awesome .
You are great.
Any two cents on this?
Yeah, ASP(su)x. (that's a joke, c'mon)
Where are my manners? I forget to say please and abracadabra. What would Harry Potter (or that other Potter, whatever is his name) do?
kittens and clogs!
Lov the outfit especially the jacket and the shirt. But I think you should cut your hair a bit like when you had this pixi cut!!
I posted an entry about you on my blog, I hope you like!
kisses from Spain
Tavi, I love how you're rocking 90's grunge - I wore very similar layers (slips, lace, clumpy shoes) when I was in the 90's and for many, many years. Great look xx
you are really pretty:) I like this layered outfit, although I still wish the weather was too hot for layers, haha. I think however, as you mentioned, that the pink part at the bottom goes too low and would even be okay to skip.. also I am not a big clogs fan, even if they're Miu Miu, but they go with the outfit. Oh..and I LOVE your watch.
the watch is my favourite :)
Love the watch :-)
here where i live is hot all the time so i'm not much into this style ..but but..i loved n i can make this wearable here, miu miu is amazing. Great accessories, i loved the feather, so "vintagily cute" lol thnx for sharin' this Tavi !! u're great ;)
Miu Miu clogs: fabulous!
I loved the layered look, and i really like the pink dress, even though i can only see a little of it. I love your hair red!
I too am SO ready for fall... bring on layering, knits and coats. This look perfectly demonstrates how uniquely and imaginatively stylish you are. I love that you aren't concerned with looking 'on-trend' and as a result come out with more inspirational looks than the rest of us combined. In theory I should detest this look as I have a natural aversion to anything remotely boho and unnatural coloured hair but this is enchanting. Some slobbing for the rest of the day is most definitely deserved. X
I adore this outfit (and you)! Great colours
Nice article: D Very original
Your blog is the bees' knees. Even better, maybe. x
Please visit I'm a newbie blogger.
"The mint green shirt is a hand-me-down, added for Courtney's guitar."
That is microbrilliance, my girl.
Great outfit it kinda a cross between mori and fairy kei, plus anything with crazy cats on is a winner in my eyes! xoxo
i've missed your outfit posts and i this is a firm fave! love reading about every part of inspiration that makes up the layers. and you should watch your speech, i hate watching recordings of myself too but you did such a great job! although that guy asking you that stuff at the end made the whole thing a bit awkward, haha
The other day I was thinking "I really miss Tavi's outfits... I wonder what she's wearing these days" and then I see this on my google reader! Way to read my mind. The layering in this outfit is so good. I bought this long, faded pink dress that I want to layer with other skirts... this outfit is the perfect inpiration.... or maybe I just really like the idea of a Courtney/evil cat hybrid. It makes me happy.
And you left me a lovely comment! Wow I feel lucky, haven't seen you around my blog for a while, haha! Thanks for that bb, have you seen my hair before now? You should look back in the archives a few months and check out when it was purple... good times. I'm going to do mermaid blue-ey green next I think, it's just way too much fun having rainbow hair.
ps- I don't think I mentioned it before but I think going red was such a good move, it looks amazing on you<3
i don't even have the words for how much i love this outfit! the colour palette is so soft and beautiful and every time i look there's a detail i hadn't noticed before. and your hair looks amazingly awesome :) x
Hello. This is first time i write here so first of all, i wan't say i love your style. You have so much everything but still you look so perfect.
I had reason to write you (not so "rational" but..)
I watched here in Finland children program and there was girl who may play as some 'aunt' person and you came first in my mind when you had blond hair. :----)¤t=taviclone.png
oh mais tu es toute jolie avec ta nouvelle couleur rousse rosé !
j'aime toutes ces petites choses sur le gilet !
Bisous, bisous, Alizée G.
Tavi--I just wanted to say that I've been aware of your blog ever since I saw you in a magazine (of which I can't remember the name right now..) and wondered, who is that? When I researched you and found your blog, I was absolutely blown away. And your IdeaCity video only enhanced that feeling. You've inspired me to do more than just post pretty pictures on a blog, and I truly admire you for your progressive thoughts and innovation, not to mention your impeccable taste in fashion. I look forward to what you have to post/say next. -Noelani
your talk was really epic, your 14 (so am i) and you had a room filled with hundreds of people listenning to every word. and as for sassy, once im done writing this im gonna have to go find stuff to read on it because the kind of things you were talking about that were in sassy are my favorite parts of magazines today. also i love your writing, i don't even know how you do it but you can always put thoughts down on a page perfectly. yea, i just went off for a bit, my bad! and way to stick up (thats not the word i was looking for) for yourself when that guy asked you to pretty much name drop. *applauses*.
Love the bolero and CL also :)
Adi Sher
please have a look:-)
love your clogs, it' floral!
Adorable, you look like a fairy who landed in someone's LSD trip.
I love the cat t-shirt. The clogs are fab too!
U n i q u e
Oh yes! I needed that shock of inspiration today. I love the vintage/neon/90's pop to your outfit!
wow, this post title was exactly what i was thinking when trying to come up with a title for my most recent post. but then you posted and i couldn't take yours, 'cause that would be copying.
amazing! i love the layers soo much. its got such a vintagey cute look.
Hey, the girl with pink hair is me.
My blog that i still use is
Thankyouu xo
prettiest armor i've ever seen
let me tell you now I love your fairy incense-smelling witch satanic cat hippie granny look.absolutley inspired though i can see how cumbersome it must be to actually wear. heehee long words
you look like you stepped outta an updated version of the Great Gatsby. pretty (&) awesome.
your speech is pretty good too, though you're looking quite a bit uncomfortable. but heck, who wouldn't? besides, the host apparently didn't even read the cards beforehand, whoever chose that line from your blog to break the ice did not make the wisest possible choice and that clip that should introduce you to the audience was a total failure, imho. i mean "more celebrity than suburbanite"? who the hell chose that thing? did the organizers ask you how you wanted to be introduced? well, whatever, you presented your topic pretty fine. its plain to see and hear that these things are important to you and thats good. please rock on!
Haha, no, and did he even listen to what you were saying? His questions afterwards didn't suggest it... but the audience got it.
You brought a little wetness to this sentimental 32 year old hag's eyes today, using your voice and your person for what you did in that talk!
Big cheers for being vocal!
Beautiful outfit - you are really good, you know.... :D
I am happy to read that it is fidgety to wear many layers - i have never got the hang of it... ;D
I will try again and take inspiration from you - fashion has no age.
Layers look so good on you! It's one of those outfits that mix patterns, but with the same color palette, it doesn't look the least bit crazy (it would probably look crazy on me)! very cute and stylish!
yay for your outfit posts! ive missed these.
Okay lots of those anti smoking campaigns out there are like, "They get kids to smoke because they use fruit flavoured cigarettes." Well I think they should add, "And also really really pretty ones."
Also, Lovely outfit. The sort of every other layer being a flowing fabric evens out the heaviness extreme layering can bring.
And the video. I ate it up.
wow. I just saw your IdeaCity talk and I am really inspired! You were great, and really said some powerful stuff. You have very strong views and are very intelligent:) i feel like im seein gu in a different light now!
Nice style Tavi..I love how you mix and all these little details in your oufits! Wish I could get those cigarettes in Barcelona (L)
xx darling
A very original style and a fun post!
You have very good inspiration:)
Regards from Madrid
love it!
you are tres stylish, tavi
best outfit
I've seen some photos on google and. . . fuck!, you have great style !!
I have not really read your blog, but just lookin' at the photos I can say. >I love it !!. I love you <
Come on, you have only 14 years old !!!..
Great. Good 4u!. Really.. amazing !
Funny how used to your hair color being out of the ordinary, that when it isn't, it seems odd, and when you go back to coloring it, it's like all's right with the world again.
those cigarettes are glamourising death, I know it should be a turn off but they are pretty.
I still think cigarettes can be sexy when smoked by the right person, because they were so fashionable in the past. I wonder if you share this opinion?
hello tavi,i'm one of ur fan from indoneia. u're really inspiring,keep the good work,someday i want to meet you >,<
ja....ich find deinen style echt super...ohhhh
in english:i love your style and ideas...i come from germany..♥
Lovely outfit! I think lots of us here are ready for fall (and thus cooler temperatures!).
Lovely outfit! I think lots of us here are ready for fall (and thus cooler temperatures!).
I really like the layering of the light fabrics in your look. The hint of colors give its a nice touch. Thanks for sharing the photos and your look is really inspiring. Thanks.
-Brent Billiman
this outfit is too rad..hah.
i watched your speech...i admire your ideas.
it would be cool for there to be a reemergance of a sassy-like publicaton.
I love how you write, jogs the brain for tangent ideas... Love how you modernized the kitty bag. Love the idea of wearing old funky watches, even if they don't work... The way you're dressed is like you're looking for a better place, not the past or future, but better :)
Totally, i like your hair colour.
OMG! Do you really have red hair?? It's so amazing!!!!
I ♥ the outfit! :-)
watched the talk, it was great! u had some perspectives that i really appreciate (n i googled 'dear thurston'.. oh it's too good)
but i was really bothered by the old man host though. trying to hype everything..though not very successfully. i dunno, didnt quite sit right with me.
anyhow, love ur work! keep it up! :)
This reminds me why I have always come back to your blog to keep up with any new content. I can see that most people's comments also echoes that as well.
Keep it up and be sure to visit one of my other favourite blogs on test life in the UK exam. This is for those who want to become British citizens.
Helen Neely
where the fuck do u find these magnificent pics
I LOVE THIS's so freaking awesome!!! It reminds me of something you'd see on TheLastDeed but it's so cute to be so satantic.
I still can't believe how the whole ensemble, despite the layering, looks pleasing to the eye. I love the bolero and the dress!
I'm actually really loving this ensemble of yours, It's one of my personal favourites.
just watched your ideacity presentation. bravo tavi! i'm stunned that you gave that good of a talk at such a young age. i couldnt even do that and i'm 20!
i see even bigger and exciting things in your future.
how do you even move in this concotion?
Hey, tavi.. I'm wondering what you think about Audrey Kitching since your hair went a bit like Audrey Kitchings.
Thanks !
so nice outfit!
you've grown so tall! :) beautiful
come by soon,
The Ballon Rouge
i love your t-shirt and coin purse! so cute!!
p.s and of course the amazing hair colour!!
your ideacity talk equals love love love.
it makes me want to let people that they can do anything be anything, if they want to.
it was great/weird to see you outside of your blog posts, you know, talking and stuff.
I love it how you can look young, while imatating an older lady.
love what your wearing, its so unique and the layering is interesting (in a good way)! :)
odd i think my previous post didn't go through
The silhouette and wrapping is quite Missoni which in turn is quite amazebomb
Thanks guys! Especially about the IdeaCity talk, because I was hella nervous. <3
cancercowboy-I was indeed uncomfortable. No, they didn't ask me how I wanted to be presented haha.
t-Well I adore your hair!
Kylie-I always read you even if I don't comment! Kind of a lurker. TOTALLY go for the mermaid hair.
indeed, mori-girl/natural kei style is the best! loving it myself and feeling much better since i'm wearing it.
I don't know if anyone's ever told you this, but you look a lot like Natalie Portman in "Leon, the Professional" without your glasses on.
You're pretty much my hero.
YOUR A FASHION GENIUS god i wish i was you :p lol i like the way you layered your dresses :D keep up the good work tavi!!
I love those pale pink hair :D
Hahahaha i absolutely loved your talk at ideacity. I love you have such a deep insight in fashion magazines and the way the media works. The crowd seemed to really like you too! Although the guy at the end asking you questions seemed to make it quite awkward... hahaha
Oh and great outfit, as usual :)
This is FRABJOUS. It seems so… inspired? That's a stupid word. I'll stick with FRABJOUS.
It is very unusual! Cool! I like it!
finally! style post! :) :*
I love your creativity with the layering- it's really inspiring.
Take a look at my blog at
Cute shoes !
the cigarettes! so art nouveau!
Yes!!! I reckon you need to post more of these pictures of you in cool clothes! It certainly pleases the crowd!
The talk you gave was really brilliant. I go to conferences for my profession and the presentations are rarely so flowing. It's a skill most people don't learn. I try to be as conversational as possible and I have a presentation coming up soon - I'll be trying to channel your easy way and content-rich one-way conversation. Beautiful work.
and this is why I keep coming back for more/GUHH!/you're a bowl of fun and rainbows.
I´m sooo jealous of your pink hair and your Miu Miu´s. You look amazing!
Ok, I just have to admit, I'm a little jealous...
You look amazing, you are young, your future lies ahead of you and you can have so much fun.
I tried to tell myself that I have style, too and I know as much as you do, but it's no use, because I just don't have as much style as you do.
And you are so young! It's amazing!
Just stay yourself and keep making me jealous, so I can work on myself, too! ...and one day I can leave this boring boring city and see fashion shows myself.
I know! I'm gonna make myself a dress today, I have awesome duck print fabric lying around somewhere ;)
Love from Germany,
I hope you can read this, you are getting so many comments...
That feather is reallly gorgeous
That cigarette packet is so cute! And your hair looks great! Daisy Dayz Home
How protective are you of your Mius? Do you wear them out a lot?
tavi, you are officially my hero.
i just watched that entire video and i almost cried, it was wonderful! you can tell that you care a lot about what you were talking about, and i think everything you were saying was great. we have a lot in common. i love all of your ideas! the world does need a sassy redux
I am very proud to see a shirt I illustrated included in a wonderful outfit you put together! You wear it wonderfully. Thank you, Tavi!
Really enjoyed your presentation!
Tavi- Great talk at Ideacity! You must have been so nervous to speak in front of so many people, but you handled yourself beautifully. I don't even know you, but I feel really proud of you haha. Again, great job, and please don't shy away from public speaking in the future- you're a natural!
I wanna say this for a long time..
I have so much respect for you!
you gonna make it in the fashionworld.
and maybe, you seen me back in that world.
Xx ilva
your looks always amaze me. leave me astounded all the time. you let me inspired in such various ways and you make me look at the world one more time for that i can catch beauty in things that i missed to do so at first.
And oh, your hair is so nice!
And oh, your hair is so nice!
u probably don't know how much you inspire me (: keep up the good work tavi! (Y)
I LOVE the watch w/ the bunny on it!
ha that girl with the pink hair. i know her.
I am in love with that lace (crochet?) shrug!
I don t know if u realize what you re wearing ...The cat on your t-shirt ,on cat´s tag is satanic symbol ..bafomet.. you should know that..
Hey Tavi,
I just watched your ideaCity talk and really enjoyed it! I just wrote a blogpost about girl culture and style blogging in response to what you were saying here:
I thought you might find it interesting (or maybe not! ha) but either way, you should check out
Angela McRobbie's book Feminism and Youth Culture if you haven't read it already. It's a response to male-dominated subculture theory, examining how girls have used their exclusion from subcultures to create their own spaces for agency and self-expression. She talks about Seventeen magazine, coins the term 'bedroom culture' and is just all-round awesome:)
this is it what i really wanted to. i want to have ur grandma's clothings.+_++_+_+XX
u look like crazy grandma
I love the coloursssss
I love the devil's cat LOL and Coutney.
I really like your old-cat-freak-lady-dressed style LOL
(sorry about my bad english)
kisses from Brazil.
where can I get those cigarettes? they are amazing & your watch is adorable
where can I get those cigarettes? they are amazing & your watch is adorable
where can I get those cigarettes? they are amazing & your watch is adorable
where can I get those cigarettes? they are amazing & your watch is adorable
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