resort part five

I thought I was done with Resort, and it's sort of pointless to write about now, but these last few are just too good.

Proenza Schouler
UM, are you there Jah, it's me Ras Trent?! No? Maybe? Well, if he was more stylish. But the Proenza Ras Trent still reads Judy Blume, because there are such good cutesy touches to these looks, like the collar peeking out from a sweater and what look like friendship bracelets. The rest of the collection is less stoner-y, but these were my favorites. Don't judge me.

Christopher Kane

I gave Kane a way hard time last resort season for not taking an idea as interesting as pictures of bomb testings in 1950's America to a more conceptual level, but I have fully converted to his ways with photos (resort collections aren't supposed to be conceptual anyways. Lighten up, June 2010-era self!) Nebula prints have been done before, but the shapes add a lot. I like the weird punk-fairy vibes at the top-right, and the space-hippie vibes second from the left on the bottom, and the safari-astronomer vibes to the right of the space-hippie vibes. Vibes, man. Vibes.
Also the fluffy shoes. I would sit in a giant swivelly chair and pet them, if I owned them. Plus they help to differentiate the idea of nebula prints from something futuristic or natural; they're wonderfully tacky and feel sorta Clueless (Dionne, maybe Ambular, not Cher.)

Alexander McQueen

A resort collection that is designed to sell isn't the one to use to evaluate Sarah Burton's new job as creative director at McQueen, but it still excites me for the direction in which she's taking the label. I won't be disappointed if the coat in the bottom left is any kind of indication; the shape is one McQueen never really touched, but the symmetrical embroidery calls to mind a number of prints from his previous collections.

I am always up for a really awesome photo print as in the cases of Christopher Kane or Risto Bimbiloski, but it's also cool when optical illusions are created with weaving or embroidering or stitching or what have you, as is the case here. I like the idea of wearing something that looks kinda magical from far away but whose individual threads are each visible up close. The bangles ruined some of the looks for me but I don't care because I've been hypnotized by those pants, top left.


Meg said...

lovely assessment. personally, i shit a frisbee when i first saw the Christopher Kane collection. i'm such a sucker for nebulous whimsy.

Nedda Ebo said...

Great post, Tavi. The McQueen collection looks like it's in good hands. Personally I love Christopher Kane's collection.

Mustart x

WendyB said...

I'm digging the outer-space prints.

Nesle Baghdasarian said...

I read this weekend in a magazine store here in Buenos Aires, something you said about even you don't know if you are 13 or 80..I found it very funny and true!
greetings from Argentina

sarah said...

for me it is kane's prints, the mcqueen patterned coat.
i think that there is beauty in the world, seeing these.

Nico said...

Love your picks of Resort. Especially McQueen and Proenza Schouler. Ha, I definitely see your personal style work with all of these collections Tavi!

Jinnyd said...

Space print things of any sort always make me feel like I'm disappearing into Deep Space, that mysterious outer-place that is so intriguing that it requires capitalization.

Ai-Lin said...

//The Alexander McQueen dresses and the nebular prints are beyond lovely.

Especially the nebular, it makes me feel as if I'm caught in a never ending whirlpool

Ai-Lin said...

//The Alexander McQueen dresses and the nebular prints are beyond lovely.

Especially the nebular, it makes me feel as if I'm caught in a never ending whirlpool

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Anonymous said...

I left u a comment about my hair accerroies blog but. Want to
Leave u another comment about my brothers blog
I know it is a game blog but it would be a honor if u would be a follows and can u maybe look at my hair clip blog
Maybe u can order some stuff and I can do. Custom orders for u

Anonymous said...

i love your blog and this dresses too <3

Metka: Matka said...

i love the royalty of new mqueen's collection and outer space in kane's designs
proenza's first dress is my fav and when it comes to missoni i like the hipnotizing prints but for me it's just too much goin'g on there

Lovers, Saints & Sailors said...

Um, that first Christopher Kane dress? I really, really, really want it.

Emma said...

These were really good collections. I,too, loved the idea of a Drug Rug sweater for a high-end collection. I love the way Proenza turns things that are considered bad or looked down on by society, and turns them into things that look cool or accetable. Only they can do that. After losing McQueen, it seems hard to think that anyone could carry on the brand with the same energy and art, yet, Burton seems to be on the right track. No one can ever replace McQueen, but her collection seems to show a lot of respect for the designer. Missoni has been getting SO GOOD these past few seasons. Everything is funky and fresh and cool. Printed knits are the best. Great post, as always!

Tracey said...

Sarah Burton is doing a pretty sweet job so far. I'm not big on resort collections though so aside from Burton's work I feel pretty meh...

Tarina Heart said...

Love the resort looks!

KARLITO said...

Fluffy shoes; smells like the 90's, smells like childhood, smells like home. Mmmm

mara said...

love proenza schlouer's composition...especially in the second outfit.


ps. i get what you mean about kane's last collection, but it sort of grew on me after a while :)

Suzannah said...

I absolutely love the Missoni looks. I'm all for fun colours and stuff!

Check out my blog. :) <3

zoomslow said...

I'm really impressed with the Proenza Schouler 2nd from left look. The fit gives it a really relaxed vibe (man). But the strong use of geometry helps to smarten it all up.

alle said...

Ohh my gawd I just love those gallaxy shirts. I want one so badly.

Anonymous said...

These are all really beautiful collections. I love the tribal patterns in Proenza Schouler, the SPACE PATTERNS OMGGG in Christopher Kane. I'm really in love with those ones. And the Alexander McQueen collection really impresses me, it almost looks like it could have been imagined by McQueen himself. Almost.

Sincerely, Sarah Margeurite

Unknown said...

Nice post...!
Kane's collection reminds me of the Prada one from a few season ago (mostly in the cut).

I used to work at Alexander McQueen in London (check my blog: and Sarah Burton was definitly the best choice to carry on the brand... She was really hands on and Alexander's twin when talking about design/conception.... And she was fun to work with so... I'm not worry about the direction the brand will take... It will be McQueen from a woman's point of view...
-diary of a fashion stylist-

Unknown said...

Nice post...!
Kane's collection reminds me of the Prada one from a few season ago (mostly in the cut).

I used to work at Alexander McQueen in London (check my blog: and Sarah Burton was definitly the best choice to carry on the brand... She was really hands on and Alexander's twin when talking about design/conception.... And she was fun to work with so... I'm not worry about the direction the brand will take... It will be McQueen from a woman's point of view...
-diary of a fashion stylist-

Hannah Barker said...

Missoni most definitely stood out to me for their resort collection:) it takes real talent to be able to make patterns look modern and also cohesive when paired with contrasting patterns..<3 it!!

Kirsty said...

it is so mad that it seems outdated to be reviewing these collections now when people won't actually be wearing the stuff till next year...good picks, kane, ps and mcqueen were amongst my faves too

Emma Hoareau said...

LOVE the christopher kane, the top right dress is too gorgeous!

Miss Molly said...

i just can't get enough!

Anonymous said...

Heheh, you would pet the shoes, oh Tavi you are a funny one.

Andie said...

im lovin this collection of christopher kane! to be honest i didnt really like his last collection with that gingham cutouts and shiz which made me not like him for awhile, so this is his saving grace :D
and i think the bangles in missoni really complement the outfit, but if they did away with them, it would be fine. but i dont like how they were added to the outfits on the top right and the center bottom.
missoni and christopher kanes resort collections for the win!

Unknown said...

I am loving Proenza Schouler more and more... Stoner Chic!? I could have never dreamed up such a thing, but yet its so right. Christophern Kane's resort collection is one of my favourites, interesting shapes + photographic print, I like it. Very impressed by Sarah Burton's first offerings as creative director or McQueen. She had some pretty big shoes to fill but it looks like she's up to it. Your writing is brilliant as always. X

Mystery Bruises said...

ahhhh kane and schouler are my favorites! those colours are amazing!

hellothere said...

i'm kind-a mesmerised by the missoni prints as, to me, they have almost a tribal/african vibe + I'm a sucker for clashing patterns, its a controlled mess, but i still love ..


Anonymous said...

those christopher kane vibes are pretty strong. so are missoni's, which reminds me of the 60's. I'm probably verrry wrong, but still great post!

Anonymous said...

You are totally right, these collections are worth mentioning.I appreciate the smart color and print combinations.


I really think so.
specially christopher kane and
alexander mcqueen

Chloe Tweeny said...

the missoni resort is so cute. perfect colours!

hannah banananan said...

LOVE the christopher Kane LIne! so pretty and whimsicle

Diana said...

i love reading your critiques! Proenza Schouler is my fave :}

hannbokhi said...

This coletions is so incredeble! Specially Christopher's Kane and Missoni's.

Tabea said...

I love these things!!!!!


FashionCommitted said...

these collections are soo amazing and dynamic!

Brianna said...

i think that the Proenza and Kane collections are the best! They are officially my favorite Resort 2011 collections!

millions of cells said...

transformed herringbone would excite me, too.

My favorite is most likely Christopher Kane, because it's so majestic and dreamy (as is space, and that is probably why I'm saying this.) It makes me think, once again, about the fact that there are other galaxies and that the universe is never-ending... But this collection, full of ambition and hope, makes me happier and more exhilarated than ever about this fact.

Anonymous said...

I love the Missoni collection!

Anonymous said...

Missoni kind of reminds me of Miu Miu this season, the same colors and girly-ness but with crazier patterns and knits.

SO. said...

ahhhhh... proenza schouler and kane's collection is both oh so ammmaazing. i still cant get over it. if only i had the money to even buy one item, my life would be complete!!! ahhh!! perfection rolled up in one collection...

Nolita said...

Love them all!!

Little Amy said...

I love the Christopher Kane collection. Space just hits the soft spot in my heart. Check out my Etsy store, I think you'd really like it.

brightlightsbigcity said...

now i have such an urge to mix missoni and kane if only i could afford either!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the blog!

Ruri and Kephsy said...

love love love the C Kane collection. definetly wanting the shoes.
cosmic shorts have their own personality ;)

Cara said...

Missoni is always so unique with textures and colours <3<3
The shapes in Kane's is SO good.

Alex Elizabeth said...


Stephanie said...

Uh I love Missoni :] Great post Tavie! I love your blog, have to read it all day ;D

Malicious Mallory said...

I did like PS Resort this year and also McQueen. Both were very nice!! Those long dresses from McQueen? And the gray dress you posted? Perfection.
I can see why you like Christopher Kane too, but it's not my personal style. It is a pretty sweet collection though.

SaraKateSwan said...

Christopher Kane...STUNNING!!!

Bianca said...

LOVE this Post!

Anonymous said...

Christopher Kane all the way, but I also really like the Proenza Schouler a lot as well.

Erik Goldberg said...

I love the McQueen collection. Though she isn't McQueen, Sarah Burton I believe will be a great creative director for the Mcqueen Label. The Nebualr print is just plain love.

Anonymous said...

God, I LOVE those fluffy shoes!! *_*
...Love at first sight~

I liked your evaluations. I agreed in many aspects and you showed me some aspects I didn't notice before. Good Work, Tavi!

Viki said...

AWWWWWWWWWW! I'm in love with christopher kane's new collection, it's AWESOME!


Olivia said...

ha! i totally saw the Kane ones and thought of you a while ago ;D

K A T H L E E N said...

totally in love w/all these collections!

Anonymous said...

these patterns are wwaaaaayyy tooo awesome. - keba

Victoria Haze said...

Omg those Christopher Kane fluffy sandals!!!!!!!!!!!!!

boyunso said...

I luv Christopher Kane's, i bought sth like nebula or sth, i love that so much, and i love Christopher Kane's... u know, its beautiful enough for human kind...^^

cancercowboy said...
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cancercowboy said...

P/S win the prize. i like their sunset/thunderstorm colours and this kinda poncho look.
Missoni should be obliged to hand out slips of paper: "Warning. Looking at our current resort collection (when in motion) may cause epileptic fits. But in a good way."

Welcome said...

Of all collections shown, aside from Alexander Mcqueen, Proenza Schouler would have to be my next favorite that I admire most. My favorite piece is the poncho. Great patterns and styles.

Becca said...

your blog is so inspirational!

Violet E. said...

like this!


these collections are stunning! love the missoni and proenza their eye-candy

the outfit diaries said...

nice to see alexander mcqueens label in good hands. the last dress looks absolutely stunning

Anonymous said...

I think I'd like what Sarah Burton is doing with the label more if the label wasn't McQueen. There's absolutely no comparison.

Aubrey Mayne said...

I never really liked Missioni, but this collection is kind of off the heezy.

Rachel said...

your analysis of the Kane stuff is spot on, it all about the fluffy shoes....and the vibes.

Jolene said...

Love Proenza Schouler's collection!

Anonymous said...

I noticed you mentioned Clueless I love that film.

Anonymous said...

I noticed you mentioned Clueless I love that film.

Mary Smith said...
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Meg said...

Missoni is definitely my fave. I love the look in the bottom right, and I WANT THOSE SHOES. Also, wearing just one or two of those peices makes an outfit, and is really wearable. Still can't stop staring at bottom left.

Katie said...
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Katie said...

lavin is perfect
tumblr ''Oh Darling''

brodie said...