nancy needs to calm down

I watched Kids and The Craft these past couple days and I think they may have played a part when I put together this one, unconsciously:
Excuse the facial expression. Smiling makes me look like a Justin Bieber catbutt, and a straight face makes me look like a frumpy troll. It is a lose-lose situation, Justin Bieber Catbutt vs. Frumpy Troll. But I have maybe just thought of the greatest WWE match to ever take place?
Things that "Justin Bieber Catbutt & Frumpy Troll" could be:
-greatest wrestling match ever
-love affair of the century
-the title of a Haruki Murakami novel, if it had one more pop culture reference
PIL pun sweatshirt (cropped a bit by me so it would meet the highwaisted jeans perfectly) from the wonderful Lyz and Josh at Obesity & Speed, hand-me-down Nikes, and Proenza Schouler + J Brand jeans. I guess those are all my idea of "cool." The witchy bag from the folks at Hayden-Harnett is kinda The Craft-y. It makes me really hope I find a group of witches once high school starts in LESS THAN A WEEK, GAH. We had orientation yesterday and I was lost and confused. The year hasn't started yet and I have ALREADY angered security guards and teachers. Which is where the one comforting thing about Kids can be found -- at least I'm not that bad, right, ha ha? Ha?
But I suppose I am not very weird, either:

Enid speaks the truth. These shoes got me way too much cool cred in gym class this year.
The overly kind Proenza Schouler boys, who are maybe Santa Claus, sent over these Proenza Schouler + J Brand highwaisted jeans. They are AWESOME. They make me like wearing pants. The graffiti jeans were one of my favorite parts of their Fall collection because they added a more (and I hate this word, because it sounds like something my dad would say before following up with a desperate, "Am I hip with it??") street element to the other clothes that were more sweet and schoolgirl-like. Also, I will bet you anything that Teen Vogue will have some kind of DIY once these hit stores. Also, these pictures don't totally capture the colors -- the blue is a bit more purple.

The Marc Jacobs sunglasses are from Louise and I added them because I like imagining that this outfit's character has one pair of sunglasses they just pair with everything. They don't totally go but it's nice to set things off. Speaking of Marc, I stopped in the Chicago store the other day and the people were so cool. Normally boutique employees are snooty or mad if you try stuff on without buying anything, but these people actually said, "Well it's still fun to try stuff on!" after I whined to Ella and her sister about how close yet so far this gorgeous wool skirt was. The clothes are SO nice in real life. I think one of the biggest critiques the fall collection got in the blogosphere was simplicity, so I will tell you right now, the details and quality are too special and amazing.

Other things about the store:
-Smelled the new perfume -- oh, sorry dudes, cologne -- called BANG. Kind of forgettable? I started thinking about how to describe it moments after smelling it and already couldn't remember what it was like. I think it just smelled a lot like cologne.
-More about the employees: one woman asked what I got at Borders after seeing my bag, and we talked about Industrie magazine (which is SO GOOD and will get its own post.) She recognized me, but from a friend's Facebook photos, so I don't think they were being friendly because they knew about my blog.

If you read this whole thing, you are very patient.


Sanam said...

Haha,lovely drawing there Tavi :D and loving the ensemble,very funky :D and those pants totally rock,i love the almost paint-splattered pattern on them and the electric blue colour of them :D

StopAndStareStyle = My super-duper fashion and style blog.FOLLOW,COMMENT,READ & ENJOY! :D


Cool outfit! I like the pants with the cropped sweatshirt.

Anonymous said...

This outfit is fun!

And your hair is reminding me of Linda Evangelista circa 1990 when she changed her hair every five minutes. I so wanted to be her when I grew up.

Aunt Eggma said...

fuck yeah, patience!
are you against DIY make-shift imitations of famous brands? i saw one the other day of miu prints. it looks tacky, i agree (and i personally wouldn't do it) but if it makes ya happy, dowit.

also, just watched your ideacity talk. you were so nervous! it was so endearing : ) but i fully support your cause. you also made a very good point when you talked about how some people might not be such a 'cool' intellectual (where they catch kafka/vonnegut references, etc.) but are nonetheless intelligent and have a point of view. i think it's very important to include those types of people and once you do, you will have a successful magazine!

Megan V said...

Good luck starting High School! Ugggg I remember that time. The first days are so strange. I had no idea what was going on. :) My brother is also starting 9th this year. xo

Lucy in the Sky said...

I did read the whole thing, and thank you, I AM VERY PATIENT! I LOVE those jeans! I just got a pair of plain old defective J Brand jeans at the Barneys Warehouse Sale the other day and I LOVE THEM despite the fact that it came with a hole above the butt pocket! you have nice shop employees over there... and you're lucky for getting such cool clothes!

Tavi said...

Thanks guys!

aunt eggma-I myself am too lazy to DIY, but I think it's cool to make your own versions of designer stuff, though I prefer interpreting their looks as inspiration to blatant knockoffs. Thanks re: the talk! I was really nervous haha.

Leah said...

oh reading this blog took me back to summer and my oh my! thank you, thank you thank you.
I just can't get enough of your writing style, keep it up lovely.

sarah said...

ohhhh high school.
i really cannot comment other than that.

But, butbut this is a lovely outfit slash paint representation of clearly the best hypothetical fight ever.


that bag killing me ! i must get that.

Anonymous said...

love those jeans! though they may be a little too loud for me. I do love them nonetheless.

you are adorable and so inspiring tavi!

Anonymous said...

Really wicked outfit. I love the way you turn outfits into different characters. You're three or four years younger than me but I would love a best friend exactly like you.

Sincerely, Sarah Margeurite

Stephanie said...

you look amazing, and this post was very fun to read!

SO. said...

i actually laughed out loud to your haruki murakami comment. thats a good one. didnt know people actually knew of murakami besides my small group of friends... props.

Unknown said...

i am very patient ^^

Fashion's Religion said...

yet another amazing blog by Tavi. You never cease to amaze me.

Briana Le & Merissa Ren said...

dang girl. you are so street. also i think your mid smile face makes you look like carey mulligan!


WendyB said...

Love the shades and the pants...and you have a nice smile! Don't be afraid to use it.

Lovers, Saints & Sailors said...

Oh how I've missed your outfit posts. And the stories that go with them. I know you've got a lot of stuff going on but I hope you know that reading this stuff makes me happy.

Plus...awesome outfit. For sure.

Martine Lynge said...

LOVE the pants :D

Anonymous said...

the most normal i've seen you! i love it :)

the janoo said...

Spoke too soon. Teen Vogue did a DIY similar to these back in the day. Paint your own jeans... how grand.

Sharon said...

what a bamf!

Camilla said...

i read the first paragraph, and the last sentence.
And those jeans are a whole new level of epitomely insanely cool jeans.
so cool, I don't even care how many words I just made up.

zoomslow said...

Your outfit’s cool, and really clever! I think each item sets off all of the other items.

And that photo of your (jealousy inducing) Nike shoe! It reminds me of that Goodies episode, “Kitten Kong”. The ground level POV makes me feel like an ant watching my ant friend get squashed! :-))

Patience!?!? No way! I enjoyed every bit of this post

Kim said...


Taamra said...

Great Post Tavi, love the jeans, WILD!
Do check out my blog

Anonymous said...

Yo, I love ghost world, and those pants.

hellothere said...

i'm a fan of the bag to be honest, quirkyandcool, also the pants, :)

Melissa Z. said...

awesome pants! wow!

Voldy ♥ said...

I like your outfit, it's very 90s, especially with your new haircolour. I like it now it's a bit more washed out. Your facial expression was, indeed, the first thing I noticed. Very "badass".
I am very patient.

JONE CONDE said...

Omg! Those pants are *.* Love it!

Lucy said...

I see a DIY coming on... although I need to decide whether or not it might be tragic for a 31 yr old to wear those jeans - I might just look like I have got a bit carried away with the tulip paints, rather than intended to create an homage....tricky!


Love the metal detailing on the bag and the trousers are excellent; would cherish owning a pair!
Whole outfit together works well; street, cool, rock & retro. Definately in-tune with styles I can't get enough of.

Natalie (NJ in L.A.) said...

I'd like to high five you right now for invoking The Craft (pun intended), Kids, and Ghost World. You are so cool Tavi.

Mystery Bruises said...

this is my favorite of your outfits yet, its all perfect! im so incredibly jealous of those pants i cant even tell you and your bag is amazing too, another thing, i saw you in the lastest Australian Harpers Bazar, theres a giant picture of you interviewing Alexander Wang, you look so cool, i stuck it on my wall.
i really like your hair here, perfect colour, keep up the good stuff tavi

Felina said...

Loooove the Outfit !

Lady M said...

This bag is cool!

Unknown said...

I love your bag


Carlos García González said...

is this cool?

J said...

love your top

Under Urooba's Umbrella! said...





= O

Unknown said...

I read, and thoroughly enjoyed the whole post and would just like to say that I cannot get over how witty and mature your writing is. Seriously impressive.

This is exactly the kind of look I see too-cool-for-school (in a good way) girls wearing down Brick Lane or in Portobello and wish I could rock myself. And on the subject of the simplicity of many of this seasons collections, I couldn't agree more. The beauty of the pieces is in the quality of the fabric, the precision of the cut and the slight detailing that is only really noticeable under the closest scrutiny. Minimal luxe is what it's all about... but then again, if the whole of the fashion world was equally enamoured with this trend then things would be pretty damn dull. X

hannbokhi said...

Hahah. I think that Frumpy should win this wrestling match:)

Ross said...

those jeans bring a tear to myne eye. ........wait, you hadn't seen the craft before this week? How does that happen?

-Ria xo said...

I love the Nike's, but would never wear them because Nike uses child labour, and pay their workers as little as 20p an hour.

The top is....gorgeous? cool? AMAMZING.
And the glasses!
They look a miX between Audrey Hepburn and Modern Day one's- love it ;)

Sylvia Etc... said...

Hello Tavi!
it's interesting how you translate Kids & The Craft references onto your personal outfit ... lovely note on the MJ stores staff, I found them really pleasant in the Place du Marché St Honoré store in Paris too!
Hope you have a good back to school and pre-fashion week time!
Best, Sylvia

Sootjeelina said...

I didn't read the whole thing because I'm not very patient. But I love your jeans! The colours together on denim look so good

xoxo Sootjeelina <3

Zoe Badley said...

I can't tell you how much I love your posts Tavi! I love your style and your confidence so much, it's extremely endearing. Good luck with school, high school is probably the worst stage but you'll do fine haha (I hope that wasn't too discouraging)


meagan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
meagan said...

the employees at the chicago marc jacobs stores ARE super nice! i love shopping there, it's such a pleasant experience.

Moira Pineda said...

goodness, ohmy. I LOVE YOUR OUTFIT. from your hair to the shades (marc jacobs<3) to the shirt, and your pants oh my... and your bag and the NIKES <3

oh and LMFAO about the bieber and troll WWE match xD

ólöf said...

this is nice and relaxed, I like it. Has quite the cool-kids feel to it, if you know what I mean. I do think the cropped t-shirt is better than if you'd keep it to it's real length, and these pants are niiiiiice

Mairead said...

I love the jeans and when TeenVogue has a DIY for them, I will be making some!

Fashademic said...

Loathe as I am to refute the Marc Jacobs Shop Lady... yet I doubt that she recognised you "off a friend's Facebook." Does she live under a rock? I live in Australia and I would recognise you in a flash, let alone someone working for a major label (located in the same city as you!)
I think she was probs trying to act all casual and cool, like 'uh... you look familiar... or something?' but inside she was secretly doing cartwheels of excitement.

(Also, that outfit drips cool. Nice one:) )

Paulina said...

I love the pants <3
And don't worry whatever facial expression you put on, it'll still be fine

Paulina said...

I love the pants <3
And don't worry whatever facial expression you put on, it'll still be fine

T said...

Still have continual love for the new hair colour. It was killer in Chalk, which I had major love for.
BANG advert--coolest. XO

MrsPeterson said...

I don't get the shirt.

Then again, I am old, and public image was a big part of my own youth.

Mario Rodriguez said...

Tavi! You have killed this one! It is so fierce! I love!!!!

claudia beetlestone said...

fantastic drawing tave ;). and this outfit, i love it, especially the bag and the shirt, i want a shirt like that. and about the pants thing, right as a clicked your blog i was really confused and was wondering if that was really you because i have actually never seen you in a pair of pants. they suit you :) haha. i really like this post, btw.

Gazel M. said...

You're the raddest 14 year old I've ever seen!

Or 15? I am so confused haha. Anyway I wish I was as cool as you at your age.


Rebeca said...

Yesss, i was missing your outfit posts, love it :)

Danyell Peterson said...

SO jealous, i love those proenza pants

Emzu said...

Niiice outfit
Love the jeans
the bag is extraordinairy,
you look lovely! x

Chloe Tweeny said...

red hair really agrees with you! looks soo rad! also the jeans almost made me pee my pants - yes, they're THAT cool!

thwany said...

if only murakami would name his next book that

simonesays said...

I consider patience a redeeming quality of mine. also, YOUR OUTFIT ♥♥.

LauraKing said...

Hello, I gusta much your blog. I do not usually follow fashion much, but I am an artist and eventually I ended up giving you.
You're a special girl Tavi.
Do not change, and of course you do not change.

I would like to draw you!
I would also like to know English! ouch!
(I'm Spanish ¬¬)

Kisses and hugs!


Anonymous said...

Saw this once


Rohina Katoch said...

T, I've fallen VERY hard for your blog!
Do you know you look a lot like Kate Moss when she was little? I think that's very telling, don't you? :)

alexis said...

Kids & The Craft? Thoroughly enjoyable movies.
I can definitely see the feel of these movies in your photos.
your hair coloring with those sunglasses are great!

Life As I Show It said...

Glad to see an outfit post, my favorite thing about your blog!

Dani said...

Oh gosh do i love that bag. It is pretty Craft-y. Keep up the good work! And good luck in high school. It's not sooo bad.

Fashion Doohickey said...

Hmmm... Love your new hair color.. <3

Megan said...

Haha! I love the drawing!! I was looking through some old archives of mine and I guess I once drew a picture of you for your blog and never submitted it? I'm silly. Love your style as always!!


melina bee said...

you're so cute; I wish I'd known someone like you when I entered h.s. as a freshman. your hair color and pants really compliment each other.

firefly said...

I...would totally DIY those pants. If my parents would let me. XD
Strangely, I was surprisingly...encouraged by my HS orientation, also yesterday. Even though I woke up at 6:30 when the orientation was at 8 AM, then turned out to be at 9(those -!) The guy giving a motivating speech ripped up a one and a twenty dollar bill, though, so I'll admit he was good.

brightlightsbigcity said...

sweet pants! they would totally make me love wearing pants too. :)

Anonymous said...

you are the hippest G in da hood, Tavi.

No, but seriously, I like. I usually don't like the "ooh I can be hip and wear gansta clothes but I can also be high fashion!" thing, but you made it WORK, yo.
Okay okay I'll stop now.

P.s. I read the Only Boring People Get Bored thing on your POP blog- inspiring x20. I've already taped it up on my wall and put it in my zine!

Brianna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brianna said...

I'm so envious of those jeans! i would so DIY them, but then I would feel weird knowing that it wasn't really the real thing. The crop goes great with the jeans!
Your hair is amazing! Red looks really good on you!
those sunglasses are pretty awesome too.

The Petro Zillia Girlies said...

LUV IT!!!!=]
check my blog at
make sure to follow!!
aslo check out...

Anonymous said...

that outfit remembered me that I watched Almost Famous today

Journal d'une étudiante Parisienne said...

Love your hair! So grunge! xo

bearcat said...

brilliant outfit! the tshirt though - shurely should shay PiL, not KiL. KiL is a verbal pun i guess? because PiL are an AMAZING BAND (public image limited) fronted by john lydon of the sex pistols, who pushed the boundaries of post-punk to the extreme. listen to flowers of romance! or metal box, the album box shape of which you are wearing ;)

christie! said...

Patient, schmatient. I love it when you write long posts!

Artemis said...

I love Proenza Schouler!! You are so lucky Tavi! Those high-waisted pants are amazing! *envious*


sarah said...

too cool for (high)school. i love the outfit. yea kids has some great 90s fashion but shoot, its hard to watch...

Nedda Ebo said...

Apparently I'm very patient. :)

Mustart x

Tomma said...

I want those jeans!

Fourth Daughter said...

Cool jeans indeed, but I hope everyone remembers to put newspaper down on the floor before they attempt the painting job themselves!

KARLITO said...

Come to California. We need more people like you here.
Ten points for referring to Ghost World! :D

doloresg said...

girl you are cool! I really enjoy reading your blog!

Zaia said...

you look like such a cool 9o's rocker chick, i love that!
these pants, are rad.

Lucinda said...

Is it just me or do you kind of look like Kurt Cobain here?

Anonymous said...

Awww. This is awesome. Yay for the Craft. You are so right about this fall's Proenza Schouler. It is so good. They didn't even need to send you the pants.

Leyla said...

love the boots <3

Tsw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Victoria said...


I love your blog and your style! :)

If you get a minute please check out my blog Thank you! xxx

walrus said...

loved the pants! soo phychadellic. loved the whole outfit actually because it is apopriate for a teenager instead of a twenty year old:)
the justin beiber catbutt has maketh me to roflmao.

Lara Maria said...

looove it but who is writing ur blog ??


Your hair style is like Freja
it is very cool i luv your style~


Your hair style is like Freja
it is very cool i luv your style~

Mara said...

I have those same Marc Jacobs sunglasses only in black. It's amazing how different they look from yours! While yours look hip, nu grunge, mine are more reminiscent of Audrey Hepburn's classic pair in Breakfast at Tiffany's. Awesome.

Anonymous said...

I love your jeans.They look great with my white v-neck

lolzzz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lolzzz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I have the right to deem myself a patient one. The jeans are my favourite.

And I think you might intimidate all the 'niners' at your first day of highschool.

On a final note, I vote for the frumpy troll.

Unknown said...

Your outfit is freaking amazing, CAN I HAVE IT! I honestly think we wear the exact same size...LOL!!! But anywho, the outfit rocks!

АНТОН said...

Образ замечателен!!! Тави - ты умничка!!!!)))) А брюки особенно хороши!!!)))))

Hurlement Élastique said...

this is genius
i love you

L I D A said...

ahahaha, I am patient :)
you're great!

Clueless Glamour said...

Great paintins hahaha
I love the looks ;)

The Clueless Glamour Girl

Siblings said...

what a COOL little outfit!

Aleksandria said...

Great blog Tavi! :)

Check also out the new blog:

Valerie Friedrich said...

Tavi- the Proenzas look shamazing on you! I love that you're channeling Kids and The Craft... so Chloe Sevigny of you! XOXO Valerie

Check out my couture junk food post! And, congrats on your Blackbook styling! Love.

Brenty said...

I really like the Hayden-Hartnett bag, the silver details are amazing! You can never go wrong with J Brand Jeans, the high waist fit looks cool. Thanks for sharing the photos, your style is inspiring.

-Brent Billiman

Emilie ! said...

I'm very patient :D haha no really, your posts are always interesting to read, so dontcha worry about us getting bored or anything :D

dayuuum, so much love for those jeans- I'm not a pants person either, but I do like the pro ones a lot! Amazing styling, as usual!

I hope you're having a great Friday!

Emilie <3

Lyndranette said...

luv it! awesome shoes!

Audrey said...

i just want to tell you that i read your blog as study breaks in college, and they seriously get me through those long hours in the library!! your line drawing of bieber vs troll almost made me fall out of ma chair!

~your nerdy admirer, audrey!

Nico said...

Loved the post. Well worth the read haha! The outfit you picked out is great. Love love love the Proenza Schouler jeans. That sucks about BANG. I was going to try it... Maybe I'll smell for myself?

laia. said...


Sheik said...



This is definitely a Kurt Cobain-esque look. I love it! :3 I wish I could pull off crazy looks, it seems only when I was younger I could look good in crazy outfits... Now a days I find myself being boring -sigh-

Anyway. Great pics!

Kay Richardson said...

I read all of this. Do I get a reward? I love Enid.

secret life of... ! said...

Oh Tavi, nice combination of shirt and pants. I like it. Your posts are very entertaining :D

Sichtbar said...

I like this shirt and glasses! =)


Alex Ingram said...

Dope photos & great blog.
Be sure to follow mine @ and on twitter @ tuxandtie

Sommes Démodé said...

A grear great blog, you are amazing and I love your new colour hair!!

sommes demode

Anonymous said...

check my blog out for good trailers and reviews and good music too

Jessica said...

your outfit looks amazing! i love the bag. great post.

Anonymous said...

rAD outfit.

Leslie said...

HELLO, i am SO GLAD you are going to post about Industrie. I will be waiting with baited breath to hear what you think. In my opinion, it's the most insightful compilation of fashion knowledge I've ever read. It's bringing something once " in the fashion world to the forefront. I wouldn't say it's glamorized, but it's certainly giving attention to the right people at the right time.

Leslie said...

idk what happened to my typing.
"it's bringing something once considered 'behind-the-scenes' in the fashion world to the forefront."
mah bad

Victoria Haze said...

I really loved that outfit. It looks like a colorful grunge haha and justin bieber looks so real-life-like hahaha

Chantele Cross-Jones said...

Love that bag!! And the jeans are very cool. Daisy Dayz Home

Jessie said...

No doubt this will lost in the midst of all the other similar comments. You have compelling voice and individual style, especially considering your youthful age. Not to mention great hair!

Evie said...

I wish I was as cool as you.


обожаю кеды))

Jessie said...

amazing outfit. great post!

jessie xx

Pink said...

tavi! u rock!! those pair of proenza jeans are so flashy:-) suits u haha

HellgaProtiv said...

классные штаны)

Isabella said...

Favorite. Favorite ever. Tavi, this is amazing. I think it's the pants? :)

LadyNoir said...

I like the whole outfit!!


Cló said...

Woo!love ur jeans!
I understand you when you talk about trying up clothes n dont buy it. When i was in Paris I was shopping n i liked everything, so how could i do if i like everythin?, i cannot buy everythings...crazies things..

shakeywakey said...

Your hair looks brilliant like this!

ManicMolly said...

you are super cool, and have inspired me to do something artsy tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

AH! I watched 'The Craft' and I was sort of distracted by the fact that I love Robin Tunney but then I got into it when Nancy started to scream. She really does need to calm down.

I like the jeans and your top.

JIM Designs said...

At first, I thought you were wearing two small purses and I thought, "There she goes again! brilliant!" :)

boyunso said...

i just gonna luv ur pants,, i wna to have it.. ohohohohohoh, i found sth very similar like that pants,, but that's not really great quality. oh~~ you'r perfect, i love the color, the blure!!!!

Stern said...

Hi Tavi, I saw your profile in Vogue México, I want to share with you this pics.

Cuauhtémoc Suárez is my friend and I thought you will like his style.


Linda said...

this is nice and relaxed, I like it. Has quite the cool-kids feel to it, if you know what I mean. I do think the cropped t-shirt is better than if you'd keep it to it's real length, and these pants are niiiiiice

Linda said...

I like the picture and the colour is what makes it stand out just like most successful items.

Nice, I will be checking out more of those colours like the one on the Sennheiser Headphones I saw at the local airport.

Helen Neely

the 90s will never die said...

This is like the good version of dressing like a hipster. I love your hair so much!!

cancercowboy said...

welcome to the slacker mode. and these Pollock-esque jeans look interesting. remind me a bit of snakeskin, texture-wise and cause they seem to be iridescent.
JBC and Frumpy Troll made me think of Laurel & Hardy and Bonnie and Clyde.
and don't diss your smile too much, its not that bad ^___^

hope505 said...

Justin Bieber Catbutt vs. Frumpy Troll = CELEBRITY DEATHMATCH 2010!!! *hahaha!!!

+ love that little handbag!! cutey cute! !

I can't wait to see your red hair in an UPDO! Do you evr do that? Is it long enough? Just curious...
* : )

Gabriel Beaulieu said...

I red L'OFFICIEL Paris, and they sai that red hair would burn the coldness of fall. And i can see that you're almost redhair, do you follow the trends ? and i saw the bottega Veneta Men's wear F - W and i think it was not good. The idea was unclear. and i want to ask you what you think about this fashion show, if you saw it ( of course ).



vaynerhuck said...

Tavi , you are unrivall , but I don`t understand you sew the dress or compose the looks out of the things prepared ?

Unknown said...

Your look reminds me of everyone at Sunset Junction this past weekend! Love it! Check out some Street Style pictures from Sunset Junction at Style Section LA.

CZEKAM said...

Justin Biber nie jest códny, wygląda jak upośledzona ciota.

Unknown said...

hi ! i'm from brazil, and this is the first time to i visite your blog, and i loved !
you're fantastic, here, in brazil, i didn't find a very nice blog, so i finded yours !
i LOVE your blog end you're so much funny

ps: i don't speak and write in englesh very well, so i'm sorry i wrote wrong HAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

seriosly could you get any cooler??

Annamária said...

this outfit is like a... a super wish, and an outfit I could wear EVERY day at least for a year.
totally love it!

Bub said...

Tavi! You are a huge inspiration to us all, great talent for a young girl like yourself, keep up the good work and enjoy school! Ps I love your hair colour!!

Wendy said...

Love the outfit. I lol'd at the drawing.

Wendy said...

Love the outfit. I lol'd at the drawing.

Isabelle said...

hahaha here you should check out this site its funny:
not saying that you are lesbian, not that it would be bad if you where haha i dont even think you look like him that much...
also your pants are insaneee!!!!!

fairy on acid said...

visit and follow please!

Bambi said...

waw, i'm just terribly in love about this style...

◊ ◊

Unknown said...

you rock girl, those pants are wicked!

Parky said...

Omgsh love that outfit! Especially the shirt. :)

Georgia said...

Great outfit.

Unknown said...

after I read your article I was very interested and it was very helpful for me , I wait for your next other article ,thanks.
togel singapura