Ah, yes, it is that time of year.
Two weeks from today, September 10th, I am live-tweeting and blogging Fashion's Night Out for Barneys and will also be at the store and going around a bit. You should stop by and say hi! And also ask me questions on Barneys' Facebook and Twitter, because I will be answering them the night of. And if all those gorgeous ladies in the clip above aren't enough to sell you the idea, how can you say no to a charming face like this?

(Available scanner + boredom.)
Hope to see you there!
Two weeks from today, September 10th, I am live-tweeting and blogging Fashion's Night Out for Barneys and will also be at the store and going around a bit. You should stop by and say hi! And also ask me questions on Barneys' Facebook and Twitter, because I will be answering them the night of. And if all those gorgeous ladies in the clip above aren't enough to sell you the idea, how can you say no to a charming face like this?

(Available scanner + boredom.)
Hope to see you there!
HMM, Very Nice. XX
Lovely face! haha
Oh, I wish I lived in NY so I could go see what this is all about.
Wish you were gonna be at IFB!
You are so cute! And what a wonderful gig - too bad I'm not anywhere near NYC!
I was in NYC last friday night.. wish I was there on 10th september! So close!
Made me excited to hear the aussie accent in the clip :)
i wish i could be there .... :/
Ahhhhhhh that's going to be fun! I told myself last year I was going to go for FNO-NY, but it seems like my September's are dedicated, and full of fashion work here in Los Angeles, So I"ll enjoy FNO-LA once again. Great Night over-all, time to shop with purpose! haha!
did you scan your face? Ahhh Tavi you think of it all.
At first, I was disappointed I couldn't come to fashion's night out. But then I saw your face, and I'm a believer!!11!!!1
... Yeah. I had to do that.
I'm thirteen and recently started my own blog, and it's really inspiring to see how successful you are. Keep being awesome!
Fantastic! I love this video!!!
nice face :)
Oh my! I'm a huge fan! I'll be stopping by.
I definitely would if I was in NY. And are scanners safe to place your head around? =))
I definitely would if I was in NY. And are scanners safe to place your head around? =))
Awesome scanner face. I'm going to ask my mom if I (meaning my mom, brother and I) can go but I have a horrible feeling that the answer is going to be no.
If the answer is yes, than I hope I see you there!
I know where I'm going! See you there!!
I know where I'm going! See you there!!
well, i don't think i'll be able to go to NY , 3 days after school starts so ... what a shame :(
lol you are sooo funny!!
Daisy Dayz Home
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feel free to visit my blog page!;-)
wowza---models talk, too!
HHAHA*breathes in*HAHA that photo, beautiful! :D
Now it's such a shame I don't live anywhere near NYC but I am participating in LA's FNO. Rather excited too.
great video!!
I so wish I could be there! Alas, I am stranded in seattle. Hmmm... Stranded In Seattle (the film that is oh-so-superior to Sleepless In Seattle).
Very funny face. Haha...
Hahaha Tavi u are amazing, i must tell, great photo hah
Great scan! Haha. Love it. I'd love to be there, but its kinda expensive considering I'm located all the way down in Holland.
Aww, who could say no to that face? Classic!
Lovely picture. I wish I could go to Barney's but traveling from Germany to NY isn't that easy especially when you have school.
It's a funny website and maby you can put some of the Gadgets in your blog!
Gorgeous ;-D
hey you..
i really like your blog
I've moved my blog over to a new English website. I really hope that you want to follow mine. The blog is called fashion from head to toe.
Find it here - Www.fashionfromheadtotoe.blogspot.com
Please take a look!!
I really like the purple ! My name is Raphaëlle, I'm french, I'm 13, and I like a lot your blog ! Can you see mine, please ? I hope you like it ! I admire you, and I want to be like you... My blog is here : http://artbyraphaellealicemartinez.over-blog.com/ Thanks a lot !
Pony & the seal:
A love note to Tavi,
Your Blog blows my mind i found you on the Sportsgirl website, you inspired me to start my own blog! I cant Thank you enough Peace out x
haha lol! you're too cool.
This is hilariously terrific, Tavi!
¡Very funny! Lovely post
great and gorgeous face! NICE!
I so wish I could go... I would like to say hello to you and have a nice little talk...
But unfortunately I live on the other side of the world and there is no chance I could go to NY :(
Bah I would have liked to say Hi...
Have fun, Tavi!
clearly the most alluring face ever !
Wow This is exiting.
you are in charged in some great job.
and that picture is total cute
I posted comments about that video!
I posted comments about that video!
i'd say i would pay you alot but then i realise i only have probably less than 3 pounds...
You are funny scanning your face. You have made me laugh. Thank you. Xxxx
It will be sooooo fun! So happy you will be at Barneys!
b> (sideways heart>
heck, i wish! i'll not even have internet access that weekend ;__;
hope it will be an awesome evening and you'll have lots of fun! please don't forget to fill us in about all the dirty and embarrassing after-show party details ;-)
oh, and would it be ok if i printed and framed that pic? ^___^
hahaha. adorable. I HAVE to try this scanning the face. You are so sweet.
visit me!
Great scanner face! :D
xoxo, Goody - fashiongoodies.net
Great scanner face! :D
xoxo, Goody - fashiongoodies.net
I really would want to come and stop by, although I'm sure there is a lot of people going to, but I live in Iceland - so no can do...but have fun and good luck:)
will totally try to stop by! I've been reading you for a while and just love your POV :)
Second pic are very funny! ♥
Yay for the second picture!
Hi, I love your blog ..
It's so amazing! I also have a blog (http://fofoqueiradeplanto.blogspot.com), and there I talked about you!
PS: The blog is Brazilian, then you can use a translator!
P.S 2: You know the site Looklet? There you can create models looks real!
It's pretty cool!
That picture reminds me SOOO much of that Sia music video
awe, love the scanner photo xx <3
i love the ad
and what a face ;-)
Love your scanner face!
I've just set up my own blog and was wondering if you had any tips on how to get it 'out there?'
HAHAHA scanner face, sick.
Wish I could be there! Sadly enough, there is the whole Atlantic Sea seperating me from NYC...:(
i heart fashion's night out!!
love the last pic also
check out my fashion blog at thetalesofselfindulgence.com
there re two new posts today!! dont miss xoxo
Oh I would love to go there!, but it's a kind of far away..
But really nice video :)
hahahaha LOVE it!
J'adore la grimace ! GRR.. Lol
I have a story for you.
A few months ago I went to H&M. When I went to the cash, the lady working there looked at me funny for a moment, then asked me if I know who Tavi was. I said no. She said I look just like her.
Of course I went home and searched up your name. I ralized what a compliment that was, saying I look like you!
I found your blog, and have been reading it ever since. You are the true reason I learned to love fashion. I just weanted to share that story and say Thank you, Tavi.
love Hannah Jean.
hahahhahaha that is the greatest pitcha ever
i'm super excited for fashions night out!!
lol I didn't scanners could do that lol!
Love the pic lmao, and great style by the way its very creative . I am new to the blogging scene maybe you can check it out and tell other people about my blog:D.
Hello Little Tavi! I love your style! You remind me of myself when I was your age in the 70's! Oops, I'm aging myself, oh well! Back then I think I was the only girl in my hometown my age reading Vogue! Anyway, I still am and am still loving every minute of it! The whole damn fashion thing!
I meant: I felt as if I was the only girl my age at the time, twelve or thirteen, reading Vogue!!! (I just read my previous comment and it kind of did not make sense, so I'm clarifying that comment!)
this is teh first post I ever saw of style rookie. when I saw this face, I almost peed I was laughing so hard.
excuse me. ur site is very good and so informative.. looking forward and thanks alot. may u have a great future...
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