guess what i use as a beanbag chair? a raisin.

I am still without camera and tried scanning my outfit but after hours spent trying to curl myself up to fit within the scanning frame, I decided I should scan my school folder collages for inspiration instead. Ignore those weird duct tape-looking marks, they're just cracks from when I attempted lying in fetal position on our printer.
Also these are arranged as if they'd been scanned as whole, so the collages on the right are the covers.

Back cover: Natasha Poly in Proenza Schouler in T magazine, space photo from National Geographic. Front: Julianne Moore in A Single Man, mask girl from a W from a couple years ago, National Geographic space photos, the Ronettes, a photo from 1969 from an anniversary issue of Time, and a Chinese candy wrapper.
FUN FACT: When I got that issue of Time, I recognized those sunglasses immediately -- they'd been at my Pop shoot, from the vintage store Decades. I like to pretend they're the same pair, but even though they're probably not, it's a crazy coincidence.

Back: Easy Rider poster, John Lennon/Yellow Submarine postcard, Barbie, Twiggy, Jane Fonda on the cover of Playboy, a random postcard, and Prince Charles on an old issue of Time. Front: Peter Max for T.

Back: Raquel Zimmerman in Proenza Schouler in Vogue US, Frida Kahlo, random postcard wrapping paper, and random butterfly. The background for the front is from a Tracey Emin article in Vogue UK, and the little images are (clockwise from top left): Rodarte AW10, owl clock from Sear's catalog from the 80's, vintage Salvatore Ferragamo shoe, gardening tools from Vogue US, Sasha Pivovarova in Vogue US, Rodarte AW10 twice, and Stevie Nicks.

Back: Salvador Dali, Japanese eraser packaging, Alexander McQueen's 90's bumster, I Dream of Jeannie, Comme des Garcons AW07, Grease trading card I stole from my sister, Lady Gaga, random stationary. Front: Goldie Glitters in Vice, phone from 80's Sear's catalog, Dree Hemingway in Valentino's SS10 campaign, ticket from something I did in Japan, and Lily Donaldson in Louis Vuitton in Vogue Nippon.


Unknown said...

only you need its Lov3

KARLITO said...

I love doing that to my folders too...perhaps I'll do this as well this year.

Anonymous said...

I used to do collages in my notebook when I was in middle and high school. :) It's like putting your interests on a surface for all to see. Now, I want to make some collages after reading this post.

dear kate said...

natasha poly can do amazing things for a look!
i too collaged my notebooks - it was my favorite part of school, i think! :)

Anonymous said...

into the 60's lately? I make me want to start an inspiration board. I once tried to scan myself it was also unsuccessful

kate cait sith said...

Hey, maybe we can study for Biology tests together even though I'm taking a specialized college course. ( ´△`)
I really hope you have a good high school experience. Crazy things happen in the void that is HIGH SCHOOL.

Unknown said...

they're very pretty. i like them :)

S. B. Almendinger said...

Isn't that The Ronettes?

Rachel said...

Oh Tavi. You never fail to inspire.

I love all these, but especially the first<3

Miann - Fashion Falsehood said...

I remember doing one of these - in religion class of all places. We were asked to make a scrap book of our lives and what was most important and mine was literally just outfit inspirations.

I failed.

Thumbs up for fashion students!!!

Anonymous said...

I was just cutting up pictures, thinking of making a zine or some collage stuff.
its difficult cutting up magazines though, you need to be without magazine damaging inhibitions.

Cara said...

You can see your love of Proenza Schouler coming through hah


Viki said...

I love these folders! They are funny and very inpirators :)


andrea granger said...


Nikki said...

talk about inspiration! looks like my binders this year will have to have your name in the credits! i love them! :)

veronica said...

You're works are really fascinating.
I love it!
I have one more question:
Are you sending your T-shirts to Europe?

Anonymous said...

I love the Frida Kahlo one most.

Unknown said...

Refined taste for style

Anonymous said...

I like all of them! Where do you get all those cool postcards?

Unknown said...

hey tavi!
it's not a japanese candy wrapper.
it's chainese!lol

Jeff said...

hmmm tres interesting. i like. a lot. especially the proenza and national geographic space shots. :)

Tavi said...

lady aya-Oops, thanks for the correction! I've had it since 4th grade when some kid brought in a bunch of candy to class, so I'd forgotten where it was from haha.

SVRVH-Ah, you're right! I cut it out forever ago and had googled the Shangri-Las to be sure I had remembered the magazine's caption...and STILL got it wrong. I need new glasses. Thanks for the correction!

Man, I am really bad at remembering photo sources.


These are very inspiring!

Caroline :) said...

hahah love it tavi :) specially the first nubla thing

Emilie said...

Love all of the inspiration boards. Also Freaks and Geeks is indeed awesome/I am more in love with James Franco than ever.

TP said...

Are you coming to NY for fashion night out?

Caroline :) said...

i meant nebula hahah, nubla is spanish...aak school work is messing with my mind

Sam Harvey said...

you shred. shredder. so i want to see you all slouched on a raisin beanbag now. i still want to make a sam harvey bag for you. where is the love?

Bee said...

<3 Lennon

go cry wolf said...

i like how you've incorporated my two favourite artists, aside from picasso, into the one post. love.


blukats said...

You know, I like your hand-made collages more than photo shopped ones? Partly because they have more of a real look and partly because they are more physical.

Good job! It's making me want to try some even though I haven't in a very long time.

Emzu said...

Your collages are so awesome, I love how you do them by hand.

zoomslow said...

They're all great, but I like the cover of your biology folder best! :-))

There's a nice sense of movement through it...the colours match up the two ladies leaning back nearly hit their the hand's holding the you fill the corners...and how you've played with scale (using female figures of various sizes).

I’m sure that the extravagantly moustachioed (Can this be a word? Can this be a correct spelling? It’s not reading as an error in my spell check?) artist on the back would approve.

Stephanie said...

I love collaging! Hope you are still loving high school xx

Pink said...

wowww i wish im creative like u!! really love that Proenza dress in the last photo:-)

check out my fashion blog at
or follow me on twitter at TTOSindulgence

Judyta Moćko said...

U really hav great ideas Tavi! At least everyone at school will see ur talent from the first days :)) I've just started new blog, check it if u'd like:)

ami said...

do you have a bookmark from the museum?

emiko said...

Absolutely brilliant.

Unknown said...

Hi, I saw an earlier topic about bugs. See what the dutch designers from Studio Job do with them:

hannbokhi said...

Great collages.

Voldy ♥ said...

"Biology - Tavi Gevinson". Awesome. What subjects are the otehr covers for?

Rule of Fashion said...

awesome colage)

checkout my shoppingblog

WhenEstherMetJohnathan said...

hehe, so you wento to the Ghibli Museum! 8-)

Were you able to enter the cat-bus?

I just couldn't convince them that I was still a child :( (I'm 21)

Maggie said...

What subject is your favorite?

Anonymous said...

You went to the Ghibli Museum! That's so cool. I went a couple years ago. Did you see those cool stained glass windows with the little black puff things from Spirited Away and Totoro? And do they still give you those sick little negative-like bookmark things for tickets?

Chooo kawaii. Really cool collage.

Anonymous said...

I've always loved doing that to my folders too. You think I'm too old to still do it now when I'll be going to university?

Anonymous said...

they're really cool, I like how it's just random stuff (postcards, candy wrappers) that works, not completely magazine clippings, like everyone at my school.

Anonymous said...

they're really cool, I like how it's just random stuff (postcards, candy wrappers) that works, not completely magazine clippings, like everyone at my school.

Unknown said...

I love these- I always do this aswel it'so fun! What the last one has to do with biology i have no idea but its a great cover anyway!! Very inspiring :)

sarah said...

haha, yes!
i'm inspired to collage.

Anonymous said...

Great collages! Some really great pics in there xxx

walrus said...

0.o like biology the best. folder i mean. XD

boyunso said...

:)like the second one best. XX

Explendid said...

¡Great inspiration! Really love your blog


Anonymous said...

I used to do that with my folders, too, but now I'm just too lazy... or maybe I should start again, because this is so pretty!!

Frida Kahlo one is staring at me from next to the black board every Spanish lesson. We have a poster of the same picture in our Spanish room ;)

Michelle said...

I had a dream last night you were in a movie, yes I know it's weird and I promise dreaming of you is not a regular occurence haha but it was pretty cool! I don't remember anything else other than that.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! I love that you quoted "Marcel the Shell With Shoes On!"

Paulina said...

I am also going to do that soon for my art class...
They look amazing! And it's obviously YOU.


Carmel said...

Marcel the Shell!

JIM Designs said...

Love seeing Frida with the modern fashion instead of a literal interpretation... My best, Jill

cancercowboy said...

so the tree one can see in some of your photos is actually a bonsai? thats sooooo cool. would be cooler still if bioengineering was way more advanced than it is today. you could sell life-sized clones of you that customers could carry around in their breast pockets or handbags. or you could design comfortable saddles for them. i guarantee it would be that thing for at least one season. them lil mons- ehm clones would give style advice and utter cynical/insightful/nonsensical remarks about whatever they see.
kinda got carried away here, beg your pardon. really like your folders. unfortunately they remind me of the ~3 Gig random pics i clustered to choose some i wanted to print and stick on my door. project is in preparation phase for more than 6 months now... damn you for reminding me... whatever, i babble BS, please enjoy school and everything else!

Anonymous said...

WoWww! I'm doing this to my school things to, but they don't look as great as yours, I guess :)
Viele Grüße ("Greetings" in German :))

Nico said...

The coolest folder and girl in school goes to Tavi!

Anonymous said...

those are so cool definatley gonna be my inspiration

Anonymous said...

I've already done this to my homework folder, but it is no where as amazing as these are. How do you collect all these things so fast? It's like an amazing magpie disorder.

Anonymous said...

I wish you went to my school when I was your age...we would've been best friends, I swear! No one in my town understands fashion like you, me and the rest of the industry does...and I love your folders! I have to do this to each of mine, I was thinking of having a theme for each one! :]

Emilie ! said...

These collages are superr :) I really love them! Ha I actually used that same 'contamination of the soul' picture from the article in British vogue in a collage/doodle page I did in April :D

You've inspired me to do something similar to my notebooks before my school starts!

Greeeeeeat post, as always!

Emilie xoxo

Eloise said...

'My one regret in life is that I will never own a dog'. Ah Marcel the shell, we love you!

Brianna said...

love the Proenza Schouler in Vogue US.

Emilia said...

I hope you don't think I'm weird saying all this buttt.. today I saw you at school. Yes, we go to the same school, and though I am a senior and you're a freshman, I admire you very much. I've been a fan of you for a while now and I think it's insane that we go to the same school.
I saw you and literally gasped, wide-eyed.. i know.. dorky of me.
and strangely (but very awesome-ly) you're friends with my best friend brother.
sorry for the creepy comment but i wanted to let you know how cool i think you are.
and awesome folders!

Emilia said...

Oh, and also, what are your favorite thrift stores in the area? Do you like the Brown Elephant? I recently found some nice items from there.

P.S. I think we should become friends and you show me your miu miu beauties (the clogs) :P hehe... just kidding... kinda.

A said...

Oh, my. This is wonderful. Guess what I use for a hat? A lentil.

Unknown said...

You've totally inspired me to collage out my folders and notebooks! :D

Anonymous said...

Marcel the Shell! With shoes on! These boards are a dream. Keep owning, Tavi. You rock.

the 90s will never die said...

I really like the idea of you attempting to scan yourself. What would that have even looked like?

inapeartree said...

Guess what I use for adventure - a dorito.

MartaPalczewska said...

Amazing pic! ♥

BenchesnChandeliers said...

love your collages!

Lara Maria said...

oh i looove them

Claudia Montanari said...

this is very cool!! great!

follow my blog: one meter and sixty in height to show that fashion is not just for models.

ólöf said...

HAHAHA..why oh why would you lie in a fetal position on your scanner?:P

Annamária said...

the only one thing is ..I WANT to be in high school, again! aaa

Anonymous said...

Heii ur collages r great. But i jus made a fashion blog yestardaii u inspired me. can u jus help me get started nd stuff. my uncle is a stylist nd he said ur blog is hot. thx u m blog is thx u

Amy J said...

Guess what I wear as a hat.

Siru said...

I just saw the video where you style an editorial! Amazing I say!

juliet xxx

Nicolly Gomes. said...

flor said...

I really admire your fashion sense developed at a such a young age.I find your blog really inspiering and can`t wait to read new articles.I graduated Fine Arts Highschool-Ambiental design,and now I just got in at The National University of Fine Arts and Design-Industrial design section.If you want to chat about design,fashion in my country,I`m from Romania and i can keep you updated with the events here or highschool:P email me whenever you want here also started my oen blog
It`s a work in progress but hope it`ll turn out interesting.:X

K A T H L E E N said...

what a great post! i love all these combinations and picks and the great collages!


very cool work, its amazing to look at!

✿ren said...

All the pretty. *_*

Noumia's papers said...

John Lennon in sgt. peppers ! Love it <3


Lily said...

Maybe next year when I get my folders I will do this! Yours are so creative! Visit my fashion blog at

Tundra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tundra said...

Tavi ! I'm girl from Asia and leave the message first.
Your ability is so special!
I'm in admiration of you all alway
I don't speak English well..
so hope you understand my English!

likeariot said...

hahah i finally understand one of your post titles! i love that video, it's hilarious :)

Dutch design said...

Yes, this is great, doesn't look like my highschool agenda :-)

I posted a video of Tavi on my weblog about ladies jeans

Melanie said...

Love the Marcel the Shell title/joke.

Rose Mitchell said...

In doing this I can only expect to be ignored or hated, but I also need to stress I do it out of love. I am a fairly avid reader of your blog, and enjoy your writing immensely, which is why I have decided to continue fighting for my life-long goal of the general public knowing how and when to use "stationary" and "stationery".

StationAry = not moving.
StationEry = pens, pencils and the like.


p.s. I really do love this blog, so well done.

Violette said...

I always do collages on my notebooks and stuff, looks amazing ;)

Chino Couture said...

great work ! :)

meshugenah said...


Anonymous said...

I'm doing collages too !

life is a crazy dancefloor said...

i'm a big fan of collages too and yours are certainly amazing. so cool and funny!

Unknown said...

The next time I read a blog, I hope that it doesnt disappoint me as much as this one.
I mean, I know it was my choice to read, but I actually thought you have something interesting to say.
togel singapura