I don't have too many photos of the insides of these because I think zines are kinda special and something feels wrong about sharing that. And some of these are my recommendations, and some are just really awesome and I'm excited about them.

Belle made this one, this might be my favorite spread visually. I dunno if she's selling it but look at how pretty it is! It's like a sandwich/sundae of all her best outfits. In collage form.
I love fashion illustration, especially when you can color it in, so obviously I'm obsessed with Laia's Holy Child. You can see all of it here, but this is my favorite part:

Pamflet was sent to me by its creators, but I swear I actually like it! Like, a lot. They're funny and honest and write about fashion with feminism so I'm obviously all over it. And this part struck me especially, and I started making my own zine again: (to read, click on the photo and then "all sizes" on the Flickr page.)

And then these are a couple other things where I'm like "HELL YEAH!!" (from issue X only, you'll have to be surprised by the others!)

You know what else? How talk show hosts are always like, SO TELL ME FEMALE ACTRESS, HOW DO YOU JUGGLE BEING A MOM WITH A CAREER?!?!?! but men are never asked about their parenting. So much sexism! For both sides! Blahhh.
I don't think Anna is selling it (sorry kids!) but she was kind enough to send me a copy. My favorite part is the comparison between Rodarte Spring 2010 and Sonic Youth's self-titled album (she compared the Fall 2010 collection with Daydream Nation, too. I emailed it to Kate and Laura of Rodarte and they freaked out. Go email Anna and bug her to do more because they're great.)

Lastly, First Kiss, which is done most justice when alongside the goodies that zine co-creator Marisa (who wrote Girl Power and co-wrote the Sassy book) and I bonded over when she visited my hotel room last time I was in NY.

I mean...Daria! 1993 Details with Nirvana on the cover! Floral clogs! All photographed beautifully against an ugly hotel room duvet designed to cleverly disguise stains.
So the zine -- a bunch of their friends and readers of Elizabeth's blog sent in stories of their first kisses and the whole thing is so angsty and beautiful.
So the zine -- a bunch of their friends and readers of Elizabeth's blog sent in stories of their first kisses and the whole thing is so angsty and beautiful.
Yes, that is my name. No, I will not tell you anything. Unless you buy the zine.
And now, make your own zine! Make a blog! Make babies! Reproduce! No, don't reproduce! Stoned Nirvana interviews!
tavi! you rock. thank you for turning me to some of the coolest stuff ever. i love these. <3
One of the best bands ever of course.
I'm working on a project which includes faces, food or things & a lot of paint. You may like it:
yeah zines!
also, thanks babeee <3
How did you get to be so dang cool?
When I was a freshman (you're a high school freshman now, congrats! but be afraid, be very afraid) I was Queen awkward. I mean, like gaucho pants awkward, *shudder*.
-Juliette WhereForArtThouRomeo
ohh... look at thiiss! I get 4th commento :) AMAZING zine, how funny that I read your post about first kiss just a couple hours after I put my order in for one :O haha. But Tavvi, m'darl, I LOVE YOUR BLOOOG, as everyone does!! Hugs XD
Emilie xxx
I love you really you are fucking fantastic and btw I just finished the 9th grade and I went through some shit so be on your toes darling!!!!!
Awesome! love your blog. I just started a blog, so if anyone is interested, check it out and let me know what you think:
Tavi, you are freakin' amazing!
Absolutely brilliant post!
belle has a beautiful collages n_n
hey what can i said, ur my hero tavi!
btw congrats u pass the middle school !! what's next genius girl xP desiging clothes desiging clothes!!
anyway, best wishes from mexico i love you XD
I absolutely love Daria!!! And I love when you quote her!!!
Absolutely love <3
It's weird that you're old enough to kiss someone. I feel like you've grown up so much since I started reading this blog.
I like the first one best! Thanks for sharing!
Your post reminds me of an Abe Lincoln quote:
"Whatever you are, be a good one."
Make a zine! Make a blog! Make babies!
Krist & the escalators, brilliant! Happy Summer Tavi!
I've been contemplating making a zine for the longest time, I kind of have some mental rudimentary sketches I've acknowledged in my second to last post I made (I think). I want to make it a bit more concise like 'First Kiss'; their introduction is clearly a thesis, and it's something that I'm striving to do similarly and correctly.
Holy shit this rant is getting long and irrelevant. Clearly it shows I also have a case of the zine fever
ZINES! = <3
Omg, that video is so funny!
x x x x
This will sound silly/creppy
I love that you're using the word "IMPLODE".
work can wait . buy nitrous
Love this post!!!
thanks for sharing these tavi! some great recommendations xx
Wow these are so very nice! but will I sound a little silly if I ask what exactly a zine has in it? Cause I understand its like a little book...but I'm not really sure what they are....hahah Sorry if i sound really silly!!! Thanks...love to you all XXX
HAHA!! So good.
It's pretty amzing how one art form can take so many shapes.
oh the illustrations are beautiful!
Looks fun!
I'm not sure why it has taken me so long to become obsessed with zines. But now that I have, I know what I will be doing this summer. And thankfully making zines will give me excuses to stay indoors. After all, what if a bird pooped on it? Or I smushed a bug on it? Or the acid rain hit it?
This is so cool! I must say being new to fashion blogging there is so much stuff I am learning and I must say your post teach me alot!
Tavi, I love you! When I was in high school in the mid-nineties (I graduated in '98), I had my blog planned out and my friend and I had big plans to make it and sell it in local bookstores, but it never happened. We were actually inspired by Sassy magazine, because every single month that I could afford it, I would order the blog of the month! I still have them in boxes somewhere, along with the Sassy magazines. Also, I recently one a blog contest from a Canadian blog and my prize was a Zine collection, which included a Zine about how to make your own zines! I was so excited people are still pursuing this, and now this post! I AM INSPIRED! THANK YOU!
The awesomeness is simply overwhelming.
those look nice. :)
i'm working on some paper dolls that people can color in that will sort of come in a zine, something bookish + fashion illustration + coloring in...i just haven't had time to really DO IT but when i make it you'll get one of course
I love sonic youth and Rodarte, but I never knew Anna made this comparison. That's really cool thanks for sharing. The Zine's look awesome too!
love the nirvana interview.
oh dear. dave grohl was cute when he was young. and stoned.
and i really want that first kiss zine.
muy lindo blog! (*)
Hey! There was an upgrade on the delivery for my cat shoes! They are coming on Wednesday! Let's have that shoe/movie/hole party with Sheba.
You would enjoy Philly's Zine Fest! Once I got a great one about growing things, it had an apple print on the front, and it came with seeds to plant.
Haha, you should have visited Australia in 2004 to help the cause...
"In 2004, Treasurer Peter Costello urged Australian couples to have ‘one (baby) for your husband and one for your wife and one for the country’. To encourage this, the Budget that year put in place the ‘Baby Bonus’..."
Are there pom poms in that amazing (and very Taviesque) stain covering mix? :-)
Tim Blanks is not British! He's from New Zealand!!!
I love that you are genuinely interested in things like Nirvana and the 90s in a real way instead of the "liking this will make me so edgy and cool" way that a lot of kids are.. I don't know if that sentence made any sense but I'm sure you get the idea. Keep up the amazing posts, I am always interested in everything you write.
zines! great! i never think to wrote about that. :)
oh the suspense! now i have to buy on of them fist kiss zines!
Thanks Tavi... You made me redescover the world of zines...!!!
-the belgian fashionista-
It's awesome!!! =) ♥
I really love zines. I made a zine in the midle school too.
But, let me say, summer means not thinking in Rio de Janeiro: 45ª!!! Insane!
what exactly are zines?
those floral clogs look beautiful :) and alot of people seem to be posting about daria right now, i never watched it as a kid but i may have to youtube it soon...
Is a zine like a smaller magazine? I don't really get it. Yet I want one. hmm....
Zine is just short for fanzine, sort of amateur, nonprofessional and nonofficial magazines, although some zines became professionals after time.
I really enjoyed this post... Guess I can buy some of these zines from France, by any way?
Also, some people make "zines" but don't share them at all, just using them as a creative support. Don't know if it still can be called a zine if it's non-shared.
That's really cool. I love seeing people reading and promoting DIY stuff.
I use my blog to put up stuff from my zines so a wider audience can see it for free. But nothing beats the real thing!
I don't mean to be spammy but if anyone wants to check out my blog for more zine stuff it's this bad boy right here
sorry, that is pretty spammy...
I'm twelve too, and I'm a brazilian girl.
I have a unique way to dress me and I identify a lot with you, Tavi. I love doing different combinations, but use the most basic clothing.
love the blog!
visit my blog Pretty Rockless.
xoxo, Rafa
oh my god, hahaha. stoned nirvana. the best.
And Tavi, why is it that men always have to organise the ruddy anniversary shindigs?!
Amazing! =)
Love this collection of rodarte !
'ECH from pAris
La Bise
Yaaaaay fantasticness!! I really want First Kiss, Elizabeth and Marisa are both super wonderful.
God, I hate it when people stand on escalators too...
I was 14 when Kurt died...just imagine... the same age as you are now...!
man these are great... and that video is hilarious.
Cora x
iD (doesn't that just look like a smiley?)
The video on the First Kiss tumblr was hilarious!
daria is one of the greatest shows ever.
Woahh this stuff looks quite interesting. And true that about how talk show hosts always ask actresses about balancing their life with kids and work, but never actors. Good point. Great stuff you've got going on here!
Tavi, I do love your blog! Not so long ago I had to write an article for a hungarian magazin about fashion blogs, and yours was the first on my list :)
You're a great inspiration. and I started a blog a month ago. check out if you care,:)
xxx annamaria
haha only you to make depressed people laugh. makes my day! kiss from Antwerp. lemme see what do you know about Antwerp and fashion huh?
Haha, didn't notice that zines culture still exists. That got me inspired/persuated to make some some some. In my best collage style, honey.
And I also like 70s/80s/90s a lot.
I just like this blog. A lot. :D
Mustart x
Hi Tavi!
If you like Zines, you might want to check out some of these!
I was born in 1989... And we used to hate the 90s. Like, totally! We were fascinated by the 60s, the 70s, I mean, the 90s were soooo depresive. Even Micheal Jackson with all of his wicked energy, was incredibly sad in his Neverland with all the animals and the babies he nearly throw out the balcony.
And actually now, when you think about it, it was the best time of our lifes, I mean we were kids and we didn't have a CLUE. anyway, though we still use to say, that the 90s suck, I think we say it because we actually miss them.
love your blog, it's really interesting...
you're special, Tavi!
as always!
You're going places Tavi...write a book! I haven't been keeping up-to-date with this. Hmphs...do you write for any magazines or newspapers, if not you blatently should.
de Tildy X
Uwielbiam twojego bloga, widzę w tobie ogromny potencjał,mam nadzieję że będziesz kim ważnym w świecie mody !
I love your blog, maybe we can link each?
Absolutely hilarious post...love cartoons and because I'm an artist
I'm really like your art sensibility and your taste....FABULOUS as always!!
Kisses Lady Tavi
Lovely pictures, you rock!
xoxo Sootjeelina <3
Thanks for sharing thses - you're the coolest!
jeez, they are stoned ^___^
makes me think of the saying that only kids and fools are allowed to point out that the emperor has no clothes... and i like zines, but the ones i read deal mostly with SciFi-stuff. no, neither Star Wars nor Star Trek, german pulp literature :)
but the ones you present here look pretty awesome.
interesting! and wonderful! i've been wanting to make a zine or something along those lines for a while, but haven't gotten around to it. i think this is the little kick-in-the-butt of inspiration that i needed, haha.
nirvana, rawrrrrr
& absolutely lovely pictures
dear tavi,
is there a way i can send you my zines? you can check stuff out at sassyfrasscircus.com.
There are no words to describe this post. IN a good way.
WHERE did you get that details magazine from? I want it.
Its a great sharing and really informative.. will keep following ur web. thanks to you and ur great website. :)
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