I said, "Oh." TO BE CONTINUED.
I said, "My." TO BE CONTINUED.
I said, "GOD!!!!!!"
~The End~
~The End~

I caved. After four (five?) dreams about them, a persuasive essay for my parents to justify my spending, and lots of arm-flailing in stress over whether or not they were sold out, they are mine. The good thing about being this obsessed with clothes is that I feel pretty certain that I will love mine all my life. I'll need a million storage units, but that's okay.

Hand-me-down shirt and bag, dress sent to me by Fred Flare (thanks Jen!), Miu Miu collar from the boutique and shoes from Bergdorf Goodman (ugh, I'm going to reread my persuasive essay to make sure I'm not crazy for being so obsessed with that collection.)
They are my middle school graduation present to myself, which is pretty pathetic considering the non-milestone middle school graduation is. You go and listen to a bunch of speeches throwing around words like Excellence and Community and Opportunity and Effort, all capitalized, and then you get your diploma and refrain from throwing your stupid cardboard hat in the air ("eye injuries," they say,) and then you leave. Or you leave and then buy yourself Miu Miu clogs and decide they'll be your special Now We Are In High School shoes, probably much to the disgust of your peers, but you try to justify negative feedback with misanthropy, well aware that this will probably result in incurable bitterness that will last you your whole life, but not caring. Um, it'll help me get through high school?
Perhaps you are wondering, WHAT'S SO SPECIAL ABOUT SHOES? Let me tell you: this is what's so special, perhaps! Tomorrow is my last day of Jezebel posting, but I can't say that'll make for more going on here. Summer means I have more time to blog but I also feel less like doing it, because I have entire days, every day of the week, to spend entirely at the library, or making things, or whatever. Until school starts, posts here will be less frequent, but the content will be more inspired. It's not fun to write when you don't feel like it, and reading posts that are obviously forced and uninspired and bored isn't fun, either. Like, during the school year, blogging is the most convenient way to be creative, but I have all this time now to really delve into it. Hope all your summers are going swimmingly! Get it? Swimmingly? Cuz it's summer? I need to go to bed.
They are my middle school graduation present to myself, which is pretty pathetic considering the non-milestone middle school graduation is. You go and listen to a bunch of speeches throwing around words like Excellence and Community and Opportunity and Effort, all capitalized, and then you get your diploma and refrain from throwing your stupid cardboard hat in the air ("eye injuries," they say,) and then you leave. Or you leave and then buy yourself Miu Miu clogs and decide they'll be your special Now We Are In High School shoes, probably much to the disgust of your peers, but you try to justify negative feedback with misanthropy, well aware that this will probably result in incurable bitterness that will last you your whole life, but not caring. Um, it'll help me get through high school?
Perhaps you are wondering, WHAT'S SO SPECIAL ABOUT SHOES? Let me tell you: this is what's so special, perhaps! Tomorrow is my last day of Jezebel posting, but I can't say that'll make for more going on here. Summer means I have more time to blog but I also feel less like doing it, because I have entire days, every day of the week, to spend entirely at the library, or making things, or whatever. Until school starts, posts here will be less frequent, but the content will be more inspired. It's not fun to write when you don't feel like it, and reading posts that are obviously forced and uninspired and bored isn't fun, either. Like, during the school year, blogging is the most convenient way to be creative, but I have all this time now to really delve into it. Hope all your summers are going swimmingly! Get it? Swimmingly? Cuz it's summer? I need to go to bed.
A persuasive essay to your parents? I like it! Good idea.
Follow my blog at
Congrats! They look darling on you, and buying yourself presents is the best!
lahhhvvvvvv omg tav i'm shaking and crying they look so good
congrats on the shoes! hope you have many many years of miu miu'd happy feet.
I caved and bought the mary janes as soon as barneys put them on sale :-). Same with the miu miu cat eyes sunglasses.
adorable :D too cute!! this make me wants a pair of cute clogs myself :D
haha i wish i could relate =D i saw a pair of lanvin flats on sale the other day (from 500 to 300) and i still knew i wouldnt be allowed to give up three months allowance :)
I am slowly realizing that I will probably have to eat my words and give in to the clog craze. These are a prime example of clogs done oh so right. Excellent choice!
Congratulations Tavi! I absolutely adore those clogs! Oh man....
You truly are a very lucky girl!
You KNOW how much I love those clogs! Good choice.
Cool shoes always trumps bitterness.
Congrats on the shoes!
I loved your outfit it looks so chic and sophisticated in a slightly kooky way. ( I mean that as a compliment!) :D
woooow love the clogs!
nice nice shoes! :)
I love your new header. It's so you (despite that I don't even know you actually..hmm).
The hard work, which has resulted in such excellence, provides the kind of inspiration that an entire community can benefit from. Those truly beautiful Miu Mius (!!!!) are certainly a fine reward for your effort and achievement!
N.B You may note my fine use of academically appropriate words there, but the congratulatory sentiment is very genuine!)
P.S I see what you did there at the start, with the words :-))
Funny story: you got Miu Mius for gr. 8 graduation. I got Birkenstocks for high school graduation. Are you laughing yet? Haha. I miss you! NYC soon!
wow! those is some damn fine footwear you've got going on there! congratulations on the rather epic purchase. definitely worth the fiasco i say!
summer sounds and looks so nice- its winter where i all i can do is swoon over your summery outfits and golden summery glow while i shiver in woolen stockings and mohair rugs (does't sound too bad afterall!)
Oh my, indeed. THE Miu Miu clogs...sighh. Would very much like to see the essay to your parents that got you those!
I also bought myself a pair of shoes as a "bitch, I'm done with high school" present.
aww you deserve those lovelies. gahhhh i really need some money.
you changed your header ! i kinda miss that lady (was she old?) sitting in a chair and ..... knitting (was she knitting or just sitting there with a lotta blankets), but this looks good too :D
Those are so adorable! I was really not into the Miu Miu Spring '10 collection when it first came out, but once I started seeing how everyone on blogs and on the street styled all the pieces from the collection, I changed my mind. Love this outfit.
what happens if/when you grow out of them?
does your feet still get bigger? it will be bummer if you outgrow them. can't believe clogs are really making a comeback...again!
aanony and ayreesa-I have some extra room in them! But not so much that they're hard to wear now :)
the shoes are great i also do love shoes and would like to have a wardrobe just for shoes
have a nice summer and I like the new banner
beautiful clogs.
This is ridiculous. I did the EXACT SAME THING TO MY PARENTS! I even said I would work out payment plans and everything and they so did not cave.
I hope you know how amazing your life is! And the Mius Mius are beyond gorgeous, just like all of their other shoes.
Middle school graduation present? Who wouldn't make up the same excuse? I know I wouldn't! ;]
I am super jealous. no way would my parents ever cave and buy me designer shoes! But your Miumiu's are absolutely amazing. I haven't decided on my Middle School graduation present yet, but maybe a keyboard to produce my own techno music. We'll see.
Those are HOT.
HAHA! Love it! I used to have to write persuasive essays too for my parents to understand spendings! Right now i'm in teh works of one for a new, better, camera! Night sweet heart.. and oh! I might have to borrow (steal) those shoes!!
Raeshelle of The Marchesa
Aah, Miu Miu clogs, my dream also. Good call buying them for yourself, it was well deserved!
Have a fabulous, action packed summer and make sure you blog all about it!
UO x
You are getting closer to what you are about: mixing and matching clothes like nobody else, wether they are MIu MIu or Good Will does´nt matter.
Come on, become interesting again, please!!!
Persuasive essay?! Why didn't I think of that!
Oh wait.. it did... and it worked too many times.
And it's making me broke.
It's perfectly reasonable for you to want those shoes. In my opinion, it's from one of the best collections of all time, so consider it as a collectors item.
Um, why is it that I suddenly want a pair of clogs? Damn you, Tavi for making everything look good. No wonder companies send you free stuff, you send them clients... a lot of them. ;)
mmmm those are so wonderful. i remember you doing a post a while back about harold and maude and i just finished watching it after spying it on netflix. off to reread your post because i don't remember what it said.
Haha. Sounds like you did anything to get those shoes. Don't worry. I would've too. I was quite partial to the cat print clogs. Ah, if only. x
Last year when I graduated middle school, I bought myself this AMAZING book. Before even reading it, I let a good friend borrow it a few days later. I have never seen it again. Anyway, gifts to myself are things that I enjoy justifying to my mother on a regular basis =)
By the way, great new header!
(and the honesty about not wanting to force yourself to post is so, so refreshing)
They look great! And I love the new "style rookie" pic.
I don't know but...
maybe your outfits are becoming too ordinary?
or maybe it's just me who's becoming a more extraordinary view.
keep on blogging
The cost of extra storage is nothing compared to the experience of going through it all and falling in love with every piece all over again.
I LOVE THEM! I love clogs and the pattern...... I NEED THEM!
xoxo Sootjeelina <3
i'm jealous of your summa lovin'! it's winter here and it's effing freezing and i love your new header and the weird feeling i'm getting from looking at this picture of you and being like, "she's so grown up!"
you're blossoming (LOLOLOL) in front of the world's collective eyes- it's like you're the olsen twins for the online, 2000s generation/s. i feel odd for saying that but it's totz true BACK ME UP GUYS!....
Hello Tavi, the new heading of your blog is lovely!Trovo che ti rappresenta meglio.Mi dispiace, ma quello che sto dicendo non so scriverlo nella tua lingua.Ti scrivo e ti guardo da molto lontano. Dal tacco d'Italia! Trovo che sei en petit Tavi in Fashion-Wonderland!Ti prego,cambia la tua T-shirt per Borders&Frontiers.Fai stampare il tuo bel visino col fioccone rosa in testa.Sarei la prima a comprarla.CIAO!!
Ahh I know how you feel! I recently just caved and bought a pair of Miu Miu Satin Platforms in the sale because they were just too beautiful to pass up! Of course I did stand there for half an hour justifying them to my mother before they were bought but with a special birthday and three weddings coming up, I think they will serve me well! x
Just read your article on "women who want attention" on Jezebel and i loooooooooove it and completely agree with you on every note. I even wrote a response to that article on my blog, tell me what you think:
Your Miu Miu platforms are so cute!!! You have a wonderful way with words for a youngen, your blog is a wondeful insight into your world!
I have the same Miu Miu clogs and they're very cool but also comfty!
cute clogs! :)
Congrats! They are gorgeous!
juliet xxx
I wish persuasive essays still worked on my parents. damn.
-Jane @ Brunch at the Beach
...your feet are going to grow and this will have been a huge waste of money. Sorry, Tavi.
lovin' the miumiu's tavi! also, your new bloglook is adorable. =)
Vogue Gone Rogue
Wow! I love them!
Own the killer Miu Miu shoes!
We have to reward ourselves once in a while. :) Happy Miu Miu feet ~
a persuasive essay to your parents sounds like a very resonable idea. maybe i should give that a try before dragging home expensive things that make my mum throw a fit?
Great style
Love ur shoes
'ECH from pAris
La Bise
i hope you wear them out as much as possible before they become too small for your growing feet!
That collection was something New! I love your new Miu Miu clogs I saw them in Miu Miu shop in Istanbul last week when I was there! Lovely
We have to look beautiful, that is the way they gonna remember us :D
HA! The essay cracked me up.
I love those shoes! Le sigh. Wear them once for me!
Fantastic shoes!! I like, I like, I like!!
Come to see my blog
and leave some comment...
Okay, I'm officially jealous right now.
Love them!
I do always wonder with those heeled clogs tho - how on earth do they stay on your feets?
The new header is perfection! I love those miu mius on you, shoes are eternal, so no need to justify yourself such a purchase ;)
hahah, i love your shoes, i can understand your obsession.
and.. well, highschool sucks u______u
Beautiful shoes...I can understand why you caved.
I just WANT SOME of this collection. it's not fair. I wish I could write a persuasive essay to my bank manager to give me the money. But I bet they've all sold out. Sigh. One day....They're gorgeous.
You're like me. Any excuse to celebrate with shoes is a good one.
I love you! Pure and simple. (not in a creepy way, though...)
The perfect gift to yourself. Somethings are better when you get to buy them for yourself. Congratulations! And congrats on you Jezabel get Nordstroms to call you...pretty big investigative journalism. Haha love it.
They are so lovely, and I agree that you will love them (and many more things) forever. Middle school graduation does deserve a gift c:
The whole outfit is inspired and your feet are so little! :)
OMG what amazing shoes, you lucky lucky thing
Daisy Dayz Home
So. Beautiful.
There you go.
Love the new header and the SHOES!!!
What a fabulous graduation present to give yourself!! I wish I could get my hands on a MiuMiu collar, they all were sold out here :( I guess they don't make them in man-size anyway
Want to post that essay?
And nice clogs! (and nice new header!)
ahh the persuasive essay. the best way to convince parents, i've found. nice shoes!
Love them! I remember seeing your looks on a year or two ago and going crazy over your clothes. Little did I know I would stumble upon your blog in my sister's bookmarks toolbar. Love everything you wear, and what I wouldn't give to own a pair of Miu Mius, especially those kitty heels.
Summer is meant to be spent out and about doing lovely things in the sun. If you're spending all of your time in front of a computer, you're not doing it right.
Enjoy your summer!
ohh those beautiful clogs are the compliment to any summer dress/shorts. Love them.
Have an amazing summer, sure you will have better weather than us here in Scotland. :) xxxxxxx
The Miu Mui Clogs are beautiful :)
You and the shoes look fab !
They're gorgeous and I totally hear you about being obsessed with clothes but it being okay because you know you'll love them all your life. Only thing is, aren't you worried you might grow out of some of them (no age-poking-fun-at, I'm a huuuuge admirer, it's a genuine question) ?
You look lovely :)
okay, love the new title image, love that you wrote your parents an essay,love the shoes and shirt (very 80's, so going gaga naturally)
And shoes are awesome! They are, like, architectural platforms!
ps. see through shirt still inapropriate. i'm not kissing THAT much ass.
wow, very nice new acquisition! the shoes seem to glimmer. currently reading through your Jezebel articles. your writing is witty as (almost ^_~ ) always and made me smile more than once. enjoy your summer and try not to feel too pressured to feed the crowd. better one good post in 2 weeks, that you feel you really wanted to say, than 4 mediocre ones.
Oh. My. God. Jealous! I need to write an essay to myself...
tweet tweet tweet
I adore your new shoes!!! I want a pair too, how much were they?!?! :)
Also, good idea on the persuasive essay.
Somehow I knew they would come to you. :)
I always have to write essays to my parents, even if it's just about what I have to do in the summer. 0.o
amazing amazing outfit. the shoes are fantastic! and i love the new header
Maybe I should write an essay to justify my spending too.......... I've been lusting over Angelic Pretty's Fantastic Dolly series. That, and I need to reward myself for graduating Middle school :)
Good job ya caved, that's all I'm saying...
Sarah Betty
HWAT. how!?! I tried to cave and get the cat pumps but they haven't been on the Bergdorf Goodman site for a while now! The only thing I found online was a pair of gold swallow pumps on ebay for freakin' $900. did you have to call?
You are soooooo lucky! I want Miu Mis so bad!
P.S. I like your new header!
follow please
I'm planning on writing a persuasive essay for my mother in which I explain why I "need" to get my nose pierced. Enough about me. THE SHOES THE SHOES THE SHOES THE SHOES.
Is it weird that I feel like I now have a pair too, just because you do? Yeah, probably.
Always so creative by your clothes. Love "chanel fashion" inspiration for the shoes.
It seems like you do less layering, but you're more careful about the layering that you do. I like it!
new fab clogs...
they're so damn cool!
The Influence Of Emmekay
check out my blog ;-D
you'll like it!
I want to read the persuasive essay! and when you're ready to hand down the shirt, I'll take it.
aahhaah these shoes are so great ! tavi and everyone, please chck out my blog !
Persuasive essay? Tell me about it, before I had my own debit account I went MAD every time I had to get my dad to order something for me that he thought was absolutely stupid.
Very cuuuute.
lol you're crazy!)) but great find of shoes! congratulations! and have a great great summer))
wooooooow tavi, i love those shoes! and your beautiful collar also.
i'm not a huge fan of clogs, but wow. you sure know how to pull them off. :D
love the clogs and the colllar!
wow you sure got a betterr gradation present than i did
hey tavi, how do i send you a copy of my fashion illustration zine? I messaged your gmail but haven't heard anything? I hate to pester, I just genuinely think you'd like it!
love the colour
love the print
love the shoes ♥
at first I though clogs were not so nice, but the way you combinate them, they look very nice!
Ms. Tavi:
I highly love your summertime library plans. When I was about 14, I was OBSESSED with Dan Eldon's journal, The Journey is the Destination (crappy title, but still brilliant). He was a 19 year old photographer who was killed in Somalia and who kept really elaborate photographic/collaged journals. His mom combined them all into this book and it's essentially a giant tome of amazingly layered collages that are a combination of photographs he took of his various adventures, souvenirs, and paintings.
Not sure how available this book is at your local library, but that book got me through some rough adolescent years.
I'm super jealous, I've been lusting over similar Miu Miu shoes lately. They are so fab!
Follow my blog at
HI !!!
I'm from Brazil, and I love your style and all... =)
I love clogs *----*
congratulations for your blog and success =*
darling, the shoes are BEAUTIFUL. and I really dig the new blog header. (or new-ish? I have been lazy at reading my favorite blogs so maybe you've had it awhile)
Tavi, NOOOOOOOO. I have to say, I'm pretty disappointed.I mean, sure you can do whatever you want with your money, but clothes that expensive will never be worth it in my opinion. I know I wouldn't have looked twice had I seen these shoes at Target. And I have seen some similar shoes at such places...
You're too intelligent to cave in to labels!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! YOU. ARE. SO. LUCKY.
and an essay to your parents? cute!
You got the wicked style!! :)
Can you visit my blog, please?
I once wrote a persuasive essay about how awful flip-flops are. Inspiring!
I like how the bottom of the dress peeks out from under the shirt :]
haha your entries always make me laugh, congrats on the MIU MIUs, they are beautiful and i am sure you will love it all your life!
<3 B
meh, congrats on the miu mius but the header? dunno, not that im your advisor ( not that i couldnt beeeeeeeee) but yeah. i guess you are growing up. i should to. time to ditch to curious george wallpaper. on second thoughtssss...
shameless self promotion
гарне взуття)
niice shoes!! :)
OMG! I LOVE THEM! the daisies are amazing
come check out our blog, we did some fun sp10 miu miu inpsired things!
I was never a fan of clogs, even when my mom bought them and forced me to wear them in that window in your life when you have no choice---- but I LOVE these! They're adorable! Hope your summer goes swimmingly as well, EM
Oh I absolutely LOVE yours!
I have a pair of nice clogs as well but they are just brown :)
I love them and I think I would never really wear these (haha, not knowing how to combine them and I'd save them as a museum piece) but I think they are lovely!!
Beautiful miu miu's - 'they complete your feet' tehe
Hm, that persuasive essay sounds like a good idea. I once wote down a whole list of reasons as to why I should really, really go to that festival where my favorite band was playing, but my parents weren't really convinced.
Anyway, anything can be a milestone when it involves these super awesome shoes!
wow, those are legit.
follow, were new :)
Awesome shoes! I wish MIU MIU will start men`s collection again!
my gay boy blog
oh tavi, how i adore your posts! everything you say is so funny and witty, and i agree with everything you talk about.
cute shoes by the way! i think your justifications for buying them are totally legit ;)
<333 x
AHHHH! omg, I'm so effing jealous! their perfect. I really wanted some but I'm still growing so I didn't want to buy amazing and expensive shoes then grow out of them... that would suck. But I hope you love them. Their great. Hey if you get sick of them let me know ;-) haha, that'll never happen. Have fun!
Love the chunky heel :) nom nom nom! I'm trying to start up my own blog and it's kinda depressing with no followers so... *click me! click me!;)*
Aarrgh so nice. I love the way you write.
blesshercottonsocks.blogspot yadda yadda.
Hi :) I really admire your blog ( and I am so jelous of those shoes :O :D ). I have recently started a new fashion and beauty blog and at the moment, I have no followers :( I would really appreciate it if you and the people who read this could just take a look at my page ? :)
Thanks ! :)
SarahCee -
wow! i love your shoes!!
incredible your blog, is the first time i visit it but not the last!
kisses from
This post made me feel two things:
1. Old. Because my first thought was "Omigod, what if she grows out of them?" Which is something my mom has been yelling at me for years (she doesn't seem to realize I'm 23).
2. A strange desire for clogs. Personally, I've never been a fan but they look so perfect on you! Definitely worth the cost.
Miu Miu shoes are gorgeous!
This Miu MIu print is the cutest thing they've ever done!!
Miu Miu shoes are gorgeous!
This Miu MIu print is the cutest thing they've ever done!!
is annoying how you think you're so above graduation and all that
what size are you?!
you're my heroooo.
Love the shoes so much!
please get in:
I agree, it's not fun to write when you don't feel like it..but..congrats on the shoes and I like your theory about the Now we are in High school shoes:)
I like the new heading of your blog.
shoes are fun and very chic.
My blog:
i am wondering how you afford these beauties, but i do not care, because you look AMAZE in them and no one else could pull off a clog or a patterned clog better than you. america is a more affluent place. i should visit one day x
you look gorgeous girl.. i love specially the first heels ;)
LOVE the shoes xx Bravo pour ton super blog et pour ton super look !!
Love the shoes so much!
bedutiful look!!!!!!!!! and the shoes are simply fantastic!!!!!!
Storage units for shoes is something not to be taken lightly. My wonderful partner had me one made for my Xmas present last year. The shoes and I are now very happy.
You can see it here:
If you dream about it, you must have it, no essay needed ;)
Those shoes are sick!!!!!! I like the fact that you wrote a persuasive essay to your parents hahaha. You look extraordinary.
U used to have really nice style, but now you are... ugly (?).... i don't know what did happen to you! you were fantastic, but fame made you next famous shit :/ i'm so sorry , but this is true
U used to have really nice style, but now you are... ugly (?).... i don't know what did happen to you! you were fantastic, but fame made you next famous shit :/ i'm so sorry , but this is true
Lol... I use to write essay to my my parent about why I wanted to stop piano lessons...
Nice shoes!
-the diary of a fashion stylist-
que lindos !!!!
i love your shoes. there are beautiful!
i understand how much shoes are important. they are not just shoes!
looking forward for your summer blogs!
Your hair is amazing like that !
Congrats on graduating middle school! You're gonna kick some major arse in HS and have a blast and great stories to tell! Yup. And great new shoes are a wonderful way to kick off the next chapter of education. :)
Have fun at the library! Make a splash: READ! (That cheesy saying is the summer theme for all the libraries in our state, haha).
(PS-I've enjoyed your Jezzie posts).
Dear Tavi, I'm following your blog since JAnuary. And I must tell you that I really liked it, but last times I see that you have changed you grew up, and all I saw in you disappeared. Maybe it all about that you get older and older, and I was looking at you as a small girl with her own fashion world who is older and look like a women now. Maybe I have changed. Anyway I needed to say this. Keep be blogging, and I will follow you and pleas don't delete me comment. (I'm from Poland sorry for my mistakes.
clogs? wow! how coincidental is that here I am in australia, who though clogs were another word for crocs, but then I go to your blog, and then next day I see some floral clogs at sportsgirl on display! you're amazing.
clogs? wow! how coincidental is that here I am in australia, who though clogs were another word for crocs, but then I go to your blog, and then next day I see some floral clogs at sportsgirl on display! you're amazing.
my english is horrible, but I follow you a lot of time ago, and I like your blog so much!!! you´re a fabulous girl and this place is wonderful. You do a good work! congratulations!! I´m spanish girl, I´m 24 and I work in my own blog of fashion. You are my inspiration!
I only can say...BRAVO!!
1 Kiss from Spain!
holy excrement, miu miu did it again! You're not the only one who's dreams are haunted by shoes, though ;)
those are really amazing shoes!! I love to pair colorful shoes with really colorful stockings. Thought the way this designer did it was sooo inspiring- and some of the boots were insane!
The shoes are very becoming on you. Don't ever get rid of this stuff because it goes out of fashion or you grow out of it or whatever. (I say this as a very old person.)
Tavi, that skirt + the lovely new shoes + your hair + everything else is just pure perfection. I've pulled the persuasive essay thing myself a few times, good to know I'm not the only one. :P
Very is realistic.
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