Favorite Magazines Part UNO

I tend to get a lot of emails or comments asking about my favorite magazines, so here begins a series in which I justify my love for some of them, if only so my parents read and see that they're worth the double-digit figures.

Lula this and the kirsten dunst-edited one tie for my favorite issue.
Lula is magic. I expect sparkles to fly up in my face with every page turn. I've always imagined that it is created by a bunch of fairies that live in a tree in a forest. More specifically, this tree. In the forest run off to in Marie Antoinette. These Lula fairies have a lot of teacups and their rooms smell like old books and they use laptops made out of tree bark (don't ask me how that works) to communicate with their pals Karen Elson and the creator of Strawberry Shortcake and other fairies.
Now, to some people, this is a good thing! To others, this sounds like Dave Eggers' rant about Joanna Newsom (who is featured in the most recent issue, actually.) For me, it's in between -- sometimes I finish an issue wanting to frolic in a meadow dressed like a ballerina, and sometimes I finish with the need for something really rough and incongruous and loud. But Lula's occasional trips to the dark side -- be it through an article devoted to angsty teens like Enid Coleslaw or an Alison Mosshart interview -- are closer to my tastes, and its aesthetic is fairy and magic and it always accomplishes this. Tough just isn't its thing, and that's cool, though it'd be nice to once in a while see them describe a woman as a powerful, angry force as opposed to a fragile, sparkling Manic Pixie Dream Girl (Anna touched on this topic here.) Still, unless it's one of my Speak In A Monotone And Give Everyone Death Stares days, I finish an issue inspired. I know I can always go to Lula when I feel creatively inept. And through it I have been exposed to so many independent artists, sculptors, photographers, singers, filmmakers, and more, and I like that this is balanced out with contributions from more well-known forces like Ellen von Unwerth and Lynn Yaeger and features on folks such as Keira Knightly and Mia Farrow. Plus there are very few ads and very few products/projects their interviewees have to promote. It's less like a commercial and more like getting a peek into a vessel of creativity where clothes from luxury houses are used primarily because it looks great in the photo and people like Bud Cort are interviewed just because they're awesome. It comes out twice a year (buy it while you can, as they are a bajillion dollars on eBay months later,) is like a book, and is worth it, in my opinion, as long as you like feeling like you're in a field in a flowing white dress and a boater hat with a bunch of pink cats. If you don't like feeling like this, you will by the tenth page.

I'm a bit biased as I wrote a book review for the next issue, but I wouldn't have done it if I didn't like the magazine, so there! Here are a few things that might sum up Worn for you:
  • The scarce ads are for things like street style blogs or vintage stores.
  • Articles include topics like toddler gender binary when it comes to pink for little girls and blue for little boys, the history of the Keffiyeh before it became a hipster fixture, how beauty aesthetics were redefined during WWII, interviews with the curators of various fashion museums, and more.
  • The pieces about the histories of different types of things like shoes or collars are very educational. It seems like the kind of thing you just know but I like having it laid out for me all neat and simple and more to-the-point than googling "history of clogs."
  • The fashion editorials contain no seasonal clothes, and range from independent designers to Vivienne Westwood to thrift. One was inspired by Nancy Drew, another opened with a Velvet Underground quote.
Do not, however, be mislead by my telling you of the Velvet Underground references and indie-ness. Do not mistake its "DIY" tone for an "indier than thou" one. What with the We're Using These Clothes Because We Like Them And Not Because We're Being Paid To spirit, articles that consider the social commentary of fashion from a feminist viewpoint, and the general outlook on fashion as something fun and creative and important and interesting and not glamorous or exclusive, Worn is very sincere and very enjoyable. Four gold stars, fine holiday fun! (I wanted to insert the respective Clueless gif here, but when I googled "clueless gifs," all I found was a blog that said "WHY CAN'T I FIND ANY CLUELESS GIFS??!!?!")

Russh is way, way up there for me. It just feels like me, ya know? Lula puts me in a fairy world, Vogue Paris puts me in a glamorous one, and Russh is just me in my bedroom. Each issue is like a moodboard, be it about a general idea like "experiment with everything" or a more visual thing, like neon/90's/Proenza Spring 2010. Among their interviews with designers and models are people either very outside of fashion (John Waters) or so inside fashion that they're behind the scenes and we don't know about them (set designers.) In other ways -- moodboard collages that include Michel Gondry stills, Marisa Meltzer's list of top 10 songs she listened to alone in her room as a 90's teen, fashion stories inspired by the movie Badlands -- Russh ties in other forms of art with fashion, but with a voice that feels sincere. I feel like all the film references and flash photography of models against a plain white wall could make the magazine really pretentious, but it isn't. For one, the references are always relevant, not like "LET ME GIVE YOU A SPIKE JONZE STILL FOR MY INDIE CRED," and more "this Spike Jonze still works really well with the mood, and we just want to appreciate and celebrate art." It always makes sure to commend a designer for being a good designer and not for creating the It Shoe each season. The layout isn't so minimalist that it feels inaccessible; there is just enough personality to it. Vintage is mixed with high-end labels in the editorials. And Lesley Arfin's column adds the Talking To Your BFF quality. Still, I'm waiting for Russh to get a little nasty. Surely the person you just interviewed wasn't that nice! (Maybe I am just a cynic.) And they just had a story about investment pieces, which made my brow bunch up into a furrowed caterpillar (I wonder if people buy those articles?) Russh comes out every two months and is I think about 17 US bucks. It sounds narcissistic to say it's worth every cent after having said that it feels like me, but lucky for you, it doesn't talk as much as me, especially in this post.


lol said...

you know it definitely sucks when your parents don't want you to buy these magazines because they are so dear. all parents including mine are the same. but it's so worth it each time. i don't know about chicago but magazines here in singapore can cost a lot. i mean A LOT! But I always save up my lunch money just to get Lula and Pop.

gabi said...

i love magazines, i hate when people compare them to bloggers or the on going bloggers vs. editors debate. honestly they can't really be compared, ther are both fantastic and hav so many different qualities. love ur blog, your such a cool person. :)

gabi :)


le Blogueur said...
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le Blogueur said...

I love all these, especially Russh and Lula. I will choose them over magazines like Vogue anyday, whose content you can find almost entirely on the internet. I look forward to reading every page!

brodie said...


i love that you love russh, because it's australian and so am i. and i dig spike and sofia and meltzer and enid and bud so much!
but who doesn't.

teaparty.. said...

wow russh is $17 in the US?! it's around $9 in Australia. Definitely one of the best fashion magazines out there though.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't you look at my blog, TAVI.


<3 Cooltop

warrior said...


Anonymous said...

I love the way you see things, the first description takes us, with you in a magical world and magic, as you said. It's a strange emotion, but you still made us share, that's what I love so much, I think, you do not hide what you like or not. In the second, I confess to have not understood everything (since I'm Belgian and I speak in French, I translated but hey ...) and in the third, I loved it. But the first is really a description ... MAGIC? Yes.
Solenn 14 years.

Aoife. said...

I would love to get my mitts on one of those magazines. Unforch, I doubt they sell them up in my local newsagents.


Jenna said...

Russh is a brilliant magazine!
Great post :)


Caddy said...

I've never read any of these mags before but your comments on them make me want to check them out. Especially Lula.

brodie said...


i love that you love russh, because it's australian and so am i. and i
dig spike and sofia and meltzer and enid and bud so much!
but who doesn't.

Cris said...

you will have much luck in the fashion world.


Megan. said...

Love Your Blog Doll.

mademoiselle créative said...

Your blog is so great!

Anonymous said...

russh is definitely one of the best, though it's hard to find them in my area.

Moira Pineda said...

Sadly, I never ever read any of those :( i don't believe they're available in my country. but i sure wish they were, because they seem so amazing.

I love how you described Lula mag, and I especially like the tree, lol. You reminded me of tinkerbell, while I was reading it, lol. (i mean that in a good way ;D)

Though they sell Vogue here in the Philippines, I can't really keep buying them. But I really do like Preview, a local magazine. It too, is AMAZING. :)


Rebecca said...

i love lula magazine. It's really hard to get hold of the other two where i live, though. well, it's also really hard to get lula too!


Anonymous said...

It's sad, I've never read any of these. Mostly because I'm too lazy to click on your links, but yeah. I'm glad there's such things as Kind Of Underground But Not Totally All-In-Your-Face-Indie Magazines.

Anonymous said...


Check out these shoes tavi!! :)


Anonymous said...

Russh is actually the shit...every issue is so good. Clothes you want to die for and shoots you want to get blown up and framed!

xx come visit!

Allegra said...

AHH, I noticed that you said "Manic Pixie Dream GIrl". Are you a fellow tv-troper? :D best site ever (apart from your blog, of course!). great post!

Rebecca Jane said...

These are a few of my faves as well, particularly Worn, to which I am a devoted subscriber. I look forward to reading your book review in the next issue!

Nedda Ebo said...

I've never heard or seen Worn, but I LOVE Lula and Russh. :)

Mustart x

Orphin Lasz said...

I had never before heard of any of those magazines...!
We only get the usuals in ere: Vogue, Elle, etc. ; n ;

~ Orphin's Domains ~

Maia said...

it is so incredibly hard to find rush. also, 17 DOLLARS! i could buy a thrifted wardrobe for that! well not really, but whats a wardrobe without the inspiration of rush?

Angelica said...

i love LULA too!!!!


Indigo said...

Ahh I've only ever seen a couple of issues of these magazines :( bad times! But I absolutly LOVE the photography. Yum! I spend way too much money on magazines! but my faves are Love, British Vogue and Nylon!

Happy Reading :)
love Indigo x

Hayley said...

oooh! I'm so glad you reviewed these magazines! I didn't really know too much about them but now I think I might love them! Thanks for a great post! (p.s. I love your style of writing!)


Jem said...

I think its totally worth spending a few extra bucks on these magazines becase they are so unique. I especially like Lula, I think you described it perfectly, its very fairylike! :)

Katy said...

Oooh, thanks! I've been saving up money for fashion magazines and now I know just which ones to buy. I am eagerly awaiting part 2.

Beth Ruby said...

I always end up just look at the editorials from these magazines online (TFS is my hero) because they are so expensive (I have to spend my lunch money on i-D)
But I really want my magazines shelf in my room to grow so I will have to check out Borders soon and buy myself a Lula for the first time :D

Anonymous said...

i never read any of those magazine, but i've been trying to find at least one to love. i really like the sound of either lula or worn :)

Little Miss Violet said...

Lula sounds nice.

Anything someone describes something as magic sounds nice.

Emma Rose said...

You should read Interview sometime if you already don't!

lolzzz said...

I have two issues of Russh (and I do really like them) but I've been looking for Lula and have had no luck. I think I may have to trek downtown and pay those $6 parking fees to get a chance to see it!

no said...

This is freaking me out because I often talk about wanting to wear a white, flowing dress and run around a field. Like the Daisy by Marc Jacobs ads.
Thank you for showing me that we speak the same language :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for introducing me to such fab magz! That's where all my money is going to go from now on...

Unknown said...


My dear friends I decided to do a small contest. To win a T-shirt by me. I invite all to participate just need to answer the question.

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Maddie said...

I started buying Lula because I read about it on your blog awhile ago and it's my favorite magazine now :D

Unknown said...

Thank you for the suggestions. I love Rush, it's one of my favorites. I find it to be much more entertaining and better reading material that your average mainstream magazines. Your blog is wonderful and I enjoy reading your daily posts. Very informative!!

CreativeTrash. said...

I love Lula too.


JULIA said...

I say Lula's overrated. Their stories try to hard to be new and hipster, they try too hard to be "random and whimsical".

KK said...

Anyone wanna check out mine?


Ella said...

I love Lula to the point where it is a bit of an infatuation. Lula gets me high on whimsy, if that makes any bit of sense whatsoever.

Mathilda said...

Thanks for the tips, Tavi. I´ll sign all theses mags up.

You surprise me everyday. Only you would evoke Bud Cort´s name. He´s excellent. And so are you.

Khyra said...

Have you ever heard of Little Thing Magazine? Sometimes I love it because they have some awesome modeling but then other times it can be a little stupid. I love Russh though!

Carmel said...

I'm so glad you included WORN. I love that magazine! It doesn't get enough love that it clearly deserves.

Eva said...

Beautiful photography-driven magazines. I'd add CITY to the list: http://www.cityist.com/

Anonymous said...

Now I really wanna check out Worn! Thanks for te tip.

Bianca said...



Olivia Isabella. said...

I feel so boring in my magazine choices after I read this! I obviously go for Vogue and then Grazia... I need to branch out more!
UO x

Anne♥ said...

I really love the lipstick on the last photo :))


http://coutureandsoon.blogspot.com/ mine, i need readers :)
Could u make a psot about my blog ?

Love & Hugs xoxo♥Amy

Roseparis said...

ur the best !!
Ps: If u like the french vintage style, go on my fashion blog: http://leblogderoseparis.blogspot.com

Gracey Williams said...

I love Lula magazine. I only know of one store that sells them around here though, and they are so darn expensive.


twodollar_love said...

new russh this wednesday woooo, plus it's only $10 in aus, fab-u-lous!

vanillacardamom said...


thanks for posting about it, now hopefully more people will realize how awesome it is!

Cindy Van Dyck said...

Hay dear blogger!
How are you? I'm glad that I've visited this blog! She's lovely.

Please, check mine too & maybe we can follow eachother!
You can also join my GIVEAWAY!
Love, Cindy.

Katie said...

Lula and Worn are brilliance in magazine form. I will have to check out Russh as soon as my next paycheque is deposited!

Erin said...

Lame, but I conformed and nominated you for blog award...because I'm twice your age and you're more kick-ass than me.

Deepa said...

You seriously are good with your content and writing style! Keep up the good work!

hope505 said...

hey thanks I've been looking for some new magazinis! I've been wondering about LULA & now convinced I should get it so ~ thanks! ~
* : )

The Vegaran said...

Hah, I can honestly say that I have never heard of any of the three magazines... They do look intriguing, though. I'm just too cheap to buy any magazine... ever. I should see someone about that...

Duck said...

Lula I've heard of but never bought. Russh I saw on Susie Bubble's blog, but haven't bought. Worn I have never even heard of. But now I'm going to buy all three...


Bubu said...


Hello Friend, I love love love your blog, it‘s very interesting!!! I really like your style!! i‘ll visit you many times for sure honey.


おぴー said...

Hello I am piitoro.

I am Japanese

I got to know you by news.

I want to learn the idea concerning your
fashion though I do not understand English.

Therefore, I am grappling it with the translation machine now.

firefly said...

Sounds cool!


Angeles Almuna said...

I love Lula and Worn, great magazines! and I love your special sense for things and feelings...you are unique1
Kisses Lady Tavi


Meet Virginia said...

its awesome that you read magazines that are more underground! love that! love you, you're the best!


zoomslow said...

Well! With a Part UNO that good, I can not wait for Chapter B!!!

I always approach these more expensive magazines with some apprehension 'cause, I worry that the content will kinda numb my inspiration or I'm concerned that I'm getting some sort of 2nd hand or processed inspiration - hope you know what I mean :-)

"BUT" - hearing about how you approach these magazines, & what you get from them, has really got me re-evaluating! Your descriptions, particularly where you explain the moods that the content puts you in (especially re. Lula... "I expect sparkles to fly up in my face with every page turn." = <33, and how the magazines mix things up), are just full of joy and wonder (and not some wishy washy wonder, but funny and insightful wonder) - are just awesome, and inspiring!

Yes! Your writing makes me want to look at these magazines so I can put myself in the same moods as you. Well, maybe I'll try and avoid the "Speak In A Monotone And Give Everyone Death Stare" mood, 'cause it might cause me to do something I'll later regret :-))

Mystery Bruises said...

oh tavi, russh is my bible! im so happy to hear you love it, it started in australia you know, thats where im from, ive been reading it religiously since the very first issue, you should check out ebay for the past issues, they are just as amazing as the ones today, thats what i love about it they never dissapoint!

keep up the good stuff girlfriend


Contact said...

russh is one of my favorites, good picks!!


Prad Savania said...

Hey, Impressive post!

Check out my new shoe designing blog, the link is,


All designs are Hand-Drawn,

Comment and tell a friend if you like what you see.

Thank you.

fashiondreamer said...

I loved this post - I adore Vogue and Russh but its cool to hear about others too.


Young, Ginger, Fashion Daisy said...

Wow, I wish all these were sold in the UK... love the blog <3

Mashanda Lazarus said...

Thanks for posting these, I will check them out!

cancercowboy said...

thanks for this interesting look through your eyes. and you don't talk too much, your style of writing is quite entertaining.

Anonymous said...

I'm soo glad you included WORN! It's one of my favourites and definitely will be getting a lot more recognition after this. I actually had an interview a little while back for an internship position there, but I didn't get it :( Maybe next year though!

Stephanie Fereiro said...

I work at WORN and I'm so glad you love it and can't wait to read your piece in the next issue. You should be coming to the release party on Friday! You might have to kick Anna off the futon if you plan on staying over, though...


Sophiamalia said...

http://www.pedestrian.tv/arts-and-culture/news/russh-gets-a-cover-dude/15801.htm Thought you would like this...x

Harley said...

I work for Lula on the side, and I have to say your fairy description is pretty head-on.

Anonymous said...

Spot on with Lula I love that magazine - it's like someone crawled inside my head and made a magazine out of it. I just wish it was easier to get hold of and was a more frequent publication.

km. said...

Russh is my fave!!! Great choices


Sooz said...

I just read the new issue of russh from start to cover. And then read it again. Stevie dance has done a great job with this one!

I find I can pick up a russh that is a year or two old and can still find inspiration in the pages, while the fashion shoots still seem relevant.

If russh is up your alley, you might like to pick up Karen magazine if you ever see it. It only comes out twice a year, but you can see why from the amazing quality and dreamlike shoots.

Anonymous said...


^pretty much my reaction when I found it. :D

Anne♥ said...



(not)PicturePerfect said...

love your recommendations for magazines!


severin said...

i love these magazine, because it'is not like the normal fashion magazines.

Anonymous said...

where do you buy these? in my rinky-dink town, you can't get them. :((

Lucy said...

I love Russh too! I found it a few years ago and I almost can't wait till those two months are up. The latest issue has just come out in Australia, there are some fab articles and a wicked photo shoot featuring models with bleached to within an inch of its life hair! Oh and about dishing the shit, wait till you read the article about Courtney Love! x

Ella said...

Amen to the Russh references miss. It's one of my favourites. It's become a little Americanised recently but good on them for cracking the international market.

spades of said...

Just ordered the recent edition of Worn thanks to your rave review. The cover's so fantastic, that was almost enough for me. I'm sure it will be worth my last $13.

Andrew C said...

Thanks for this entry. It's so easy to get sucked into the world of big magazines (V being my personal go to) and the world of high end couture, and while that stuff inspires it's a world most of us can't make use of and it comes with so many strings attached. Your recommendations sound great, especially Worn. I just ordered it as a matter of fact. I'm pretty excited to see what they're about.

knowjuan said...

I got 5 issues of WORN during Toronto's Word on the Street Festival. All for $12. Plus the people at their tent were (and still are) really cool and friendly.

Unknown said...

Took me time to read all the comments, but I really enjoyed the article. It proved to be Very helpful to me and I am sure to all the commenters here! It’s always nice when you can not only be informed, but also entertained! Haute Living Los Angeles Life Style

Unknown said...

This is great and really informative.. I'll keep following your web and your article, thanks for sharing :)
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