The colors colors colors. Blood is the New Black tee, Rodarte for Target jacket, can't tell what skirt I'm wearing...

Vintage dress from Polly Sue's in D.C.

Uniqlo heattech shirt, Rodarte for Target skirt, random tights. Now is where I bore you with FTC stuff: I received compensation and pieces from the Rodarte for Target collection for my collaboration with Target, and Uniqlo sent me that shirt, and FredFlare sent me this camera, and BITNB sent me that tee. (I have a love-hate relationship with the FTC regulations -- I like that it's honest but feel weird listing off stuff I got for free.) And here are some randoms:

When Tommy of Jak & Jil visited to shoot me for Vogue Paris we were in agreement that the Diana looked really cool with the bike and outfit, and I played with it, and a cliched Tumblr photo was born! Har har. I also took a picture of my Comme des Garcons-clad feet:

And of some weird tinselly stuff I canNOT figure out. I wanna say it's a Christmas tree, but when I look closely I see the ghost of Lady Gaga or something? You could add a really weird religious twist to that if you wanted to.
Thank you to my friend Ella (CLICK THAT LINK) for taking the photos and letting me be bossy and controlling and tell her where to stand and NO YOUR FINGER ISN'T POSITIONED ON THE BUTTON THE RIGHT WAY GOSH YOU'RE LIKE A WHOLE MILLIMETER OFF. And for letting me use her pretty pink walls and curtains. And, obviously, to Jen and everyone else at FredFlare, who are too cool to have their names hyperlinked to an awful Bob Dylan movie from his Curly Orange Mullet And Earrings phase.
Cool camera!! That sounds like fun. I like the dress!
love your pictures. spencer is certainly proud of you, or stella.
Oh wow I really love the effect this camera has!
p.s read the interview and it was great! love your blog =)
Man I love Lomo cameras. These are fantastic pictures. The type I'd love to see in the new Sassy ;)
these have an awesome vintage feel to them. kind of 90's?
the very last one on the right reminds me of a Jackson Pollock for some reason.
Tavi, you're awesome.
Amazing photos.
I agree with the comment above, they have an awesome vintage feel to them.
Your blog is divine :)
I´m glad to see our super model back! Wonderful!!!
But don´t let anybody exploit you either, I mean, financially. I used to work for a very important company writing adds and I think you should charge for the items you quote. You have millions of readers. More than Vogue. Part of the charm of what you do is due to the fact you aren´t a pro. But, since people are making money with you it´s totally fair that you get your percentage. I myself got a few itens from labels you list, stores you quote...
you´re right it´s weird that you have to list them and not getting your wage. I don´t understand these rules but I wish I could, to give a more responsible opinion. I´m sorry if I talk too much. If I was inconvinient, delete this message. I won´t get ofended. :))
Anyways, you are a divine model, a true lady...oh, yes, the dress you are wearing, the green, yellow and blue, have the colors of the Brazilian National Flag. I´ve heard from friends who work in the business that my country is in fashion now. I don´t know if I like this idea. Brazil is a very machist country and the oficial culture very uninspiring. However you would be very welcome here, you see, you have lots of Brazilian fans and perhaps you should show them your fearless post-modern contemporary feminist notions. The colours of the dress are great though. So are the photos. I laughed a lot with your description of the session.
About the contest, I´m not running for it, of couse. I used to be a scriptwriter but now I prefer to write books. But, knowing that you love Bob Dylan - me too! - I imagine a fashion clip with you like Dylan, in that bw movie, throwing the papers away, like he does with the lyrics of everybody must get stoned, but would be your lyrics for Rei Kawakubo, in that fantastic rap you wrote. You would be exctly like him, same sunglasses, same outfit, same position, but the music would be the rap and everything in black and white, like the original. I think Robert Frank filmed it, I´m not sure.
About your p.s. of the Terry Richardson affair, well, Tavi I don´t know about the other readers, but I never thought you were critizing sexual liberation or the models. You were discussion something that has been an issue for decades. Is nudity a liberation or humiliation for women? It really depends on the context. Diane Keaton, for example, refused to take her cloths off in Hair, in the sixties. But she did in other plays. But those photos were not artistic. they were pornographic in a very hipocrit way. Your response is your photos. Those are very very artistic as all you do.Classy, imaginative and inteligent. Much lovies!
extremely cool photos;)
I know you're a big Dylan fan, but I've seen a few pics. of Bob from that "Curly Orange Mullet And Earrings phase" & I have to say that the look kinda creeps me out :-)
Yes, the Diana photos are really good, but I can't help thinking they could have been a smidgeon better if Ella's finger was positioned a millimeter more to the left, no? (hehe, I jest!)
you look like coloured air...i love those pictures!
Tavi, great interview! Imagine my surprise when I was scanning my Fred Flare newsletter, like I do, and up pops "Tavi is a cutie." I thought to myself, "Surely, they must mean THE Tavi!" and to my delight, my suspicions were confirmed. Two great things that go great together. Killer miniDiana pictures. Congrats on the continued press!
The photos are great!! :) Your friend Ella did a great job
I see a person dressed in double denim and wearing a gas mask, but that could be Lady Gaga
great photos, truly artistic- congrats!
haha of course it's Lady Gaga's ghost she's everywhere! (and also on youaresohonest.blogspot.com)
what type of camera did you use?
My name is "てって". (nickname)
Came to play there is interest.
Not all English this blog to read yet, but enjoys, such as photos and videos.
Looking forward from this blog updates.
This is my blog. To play nice hope coming .
《 http://albein.seesaa.net/?1274951278 》
《 http://albein.seesaa.net/?1274951278 》
I love your blog!
XXXX, Sarai.
beautiful - like the first kiss
artsy :)
COOOOL photos! Blurred images make you look so much more.
i just peeped this over at ff! such rad shots, esp you in possibly your dads office? i just got one of those cameras too, they are so fun to play with and i always get compliments when i go out with it. :-)
These are fabulous photos! They turned out so well
im from dc and ive never been to polly sues! ill have to go check it out next time im home bc i love your dress!
looove the photos dear!
LOVE fredflare. They have amazing dresses
what lovely pictures! I the lighting is very pretty, that fifth one is really beautiful, and I love the last one of your red shoes with the feet on them. (one of my favorite items you own) Thank you very much, Tavi. You are a huge inspiration.
Love Poppy
My fashion blog:
Love the pictures! LOVE your blog! ( you obvs get that a lot haha )
x x x x
these photos rock! Id really like if you'd visit my blog too thanks? xoxoxoxo =)
I love the dress!
I like it :D
xoxo Sootjeelina <3
Your blog speaks to my soul more than anyone elses. I want to hang out with you when I was 14! (and now doubly - 28). heheh. Good for your for being your authentic self and writing like one! You must be an N (iNtuitive - Myers Briggs classification)
Of all the time I have came here I can really say you are such a great photographer and model, with smarts comes creativity! Very good job! I love, I love!
love the pictures, also like the photos for Vogue paris :)
fun photos. i like using song lyrics as post titles to confuse people :)
the Vogue pictures were (and still are) totally epic. i love how these pics are so blurry, it gives a great effect
YOU ARE MY IDOL ! I AM ALSO REALLY YOUNG LIKE YOU BUT I MEAN LIKE YOU ARE SO STYLISH ! YOU ARE SO OKAY WITH YOURSELF ARE YOU PERFECT ? EVERYTIME I SEE YOU ONTEENVOGUE YOU JUST CAN EVEN IMAGINE HOW JEALOUS I AM !! love your blog and love your style ! ı startes bloggin last week please check my blog : http://imaginationagainstharmony.blogspot.com/
woa! trippy camera @.@ i want one. tavi, yer much adorable just so you know. ;)
lovely and strange pics...
why isn't the link working? whine whine whine!
I liiiiiiiiiike. *ahhh stalker. sorry.* how'd you get the pictures like that?
Olá Tevi adorei seu Blog.
adorei vc postei até uma materia sobre voce no meu fotolog. estou te seguindo faz o mesmo . please
Whoa, those photos are insane, I love them. They take me back to the 90s when that effect was super popular. Hah, Gaga ghost, I think I see it too... Or is it Jesus?
I've always wanted a Diana! I totally see Lady Gaga too!!
please read my blog at http://ohgeeitsgreat.wordpress.com/
love love LOVE dianas! those photos came out really cool too, i love how they give a ghost like effect :)
Cool post, i really liked the first picture.
Oooh, arty. ;-) I dig the tinsel. And while honesty is good and all, don't you find it unfair that you have to list free stuff but magazines/periodicals don't? I dunno, speech here is not quite free enough for my liking. Why the hell should bloggers have to say what they got for free? Seriously, FTC. This makes me uncomfortable.
I really do like the ones where you have taken it when sitting on the arm of the couch. That photo shoot right there can tell me a story!
The shutters in these photos are so cool that I could write a chapter for every one of them! Keep up the great work!
I am in love with Fred Flare!
You've got to be thinking how you went on your life before without them huh?
you are very creative!
The photos have come out so well. I like the one where you're sitting down the best.
gawwd i cant describe how amazing these pictures are . they look like pictures from world war coz their so grainy . which is awesome :D
the diana cam is pretty cool lol.
i feel weird though, because in the pic where you see the ghost of lady gaga, i see this dude dressed up in a dress, doing the can-can. just my imagination. @-)
: )
I like the photo with the bike
Hello dear Tavi either Rookie,
It already has been one moment since I want of you speak, to say to you that I Axelle I am one of the biggest fan of your style! I so like your face finally I really like(love) quite at home! I are more the words. How to say to you that I love you? No for good love on. In brief in only 13 years you are lucky to go to see parades (...)! I envy you!
Axelle G.
Really awesome images miss! Love them all and esp the one of sitting by the couch. You're so darn talented at setting up nice editorial style photo ops for yourself!
Also read the intervew you did with Fred Flare - more awesomeness! Someone said I also didn't seem like the fashion type the other day...always makes me laugh/breath a tiny sigh of relief when ppl say that ;)
thx again for retweeting my cause (semi ridoncs I know, but it's appreciated!!) Also, fyi - met Angie (Norwegian Wood) the other day. She is kind of realllly great & we actually ended up chatting about you are equivalently kind of really great too :)
sorry for the book lenght comment!!
This weblog is being featured on Five Star Friday!
your blog is just THE BEST!!! love your pics, the way you write your posts and EVERYTHING! keep the good work up Girl ;D
Nice Pics! I really like the colors of that vintage dress...so tropical!
I adore the dress and the photos are amazing with an original feel. Thanks for the post.
The Beso Team
such fun pictures! they look so magical =D
>>new post on some of my dress designs! i need feedback please =D
Um, can I put you in my pocket and carry you around like I would Thumbelina and show everyone I meet, "HEY Y'ALL! ALL IS NOT LOST! THAR IZ BRAINZ OUT THERE AMIDST THE MINDLESS TEENY HORDE!"
I have read a few pages of your blog and I am mightily impressed that you are you. Carry on.
cool pics. they look like they've been in a family album since waaaaaaaaaay back when
My friend and I just loove to ogle Fredflare for the eclectic array of things you get...While int'l delivery is slightly a turn-off... I love the Diana and I have been not- so subtle-y hinting for 1...fingers xd!
i love you
such awesome pictures! but i want to see some more clear :)
as always I am LOVIN IT!
pretty. which camrea did you use. double exposure... right right
very cute, trippy, artsy--i love this style of photography.
I love how you have the courage to dress however you want. Do not let anyone ever tell you that you should dress a certain way. Love your newest pictures!!
kind of looks like a guy waiting in a waiting room [:
www.thefloralcardigan.blogspot.com ?
cool pictures !!!
Wow the photos look sooo great!
Hugs ♥♥
Love the photos.
I'm crazy about your blog right now.
What is wird about me is that I always finding smoething to be totally crazy about for some time, and now it is your blog.
I'm reading yours posts from the very first ones. Lot's of them so it will take some time.
So I'm your fan:)
And you inspired me to start my own blog, even though I dont's have much to talk about, but still. I will help me to forget the world and have some fun. After all, life sucks, doesn't it?
And thanks to you I found something to entertain me, and make an illusion that my life is nteresting.
Again, love your photos and your blog.
I love the Rodarte for Target jacket. (:
aghhh i love your blog <3 !
Peter :)
Aw, what a sweet opportunity! And I really like the photos that you took.
the photos are w o n d e r f u l. haha. :D
love the eggplant woody picture!! lol
i like the bLurrrrryness. especially with the first snap!
and your blog is a joy.
happy weeeekend
xx ediot
Tavi,I haven't seen you at the fashion weeks and shows for ages:)Why?Aren't you no longer cool and popular?:)
MY BLOG: http://omg-mjo.blogspot.com/
love love love the pictures! :)))
Hi Tavi,
The green sweater dress looks great-thanks for crediting us! We have had many people come into the store who read your blog regularly and I have become a faithful reader myself.
Drop in when you are in town-
Susan at PollySue's
Our brand new blog, and our first. Take a peek.
best regards from Sweden
I dont have a diana, but I love my lomography fisheye, the photos have a really cool vintage film type feel to them...really awesome.
this is the real you .just rambling and photos .thats the taviness that i like
an Ovation, nice, do you play?
I love your blog! (: its very insightful!
Lovely Pics!
check out my new blog. Leave comments and tell me what you think!:
Hearts of Fire
I really like of drees that like brazilian flag!! Amazing!
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