the elf pinched me

Good evening, ladies and germs! I completely fail at the instant, fast part of blogging, seeing as I have show reviews up. And London has already started. Wah wah.
But! I just remembered I had these photos, and I wanted to share. Basically, back in like...October? FOREVER ago, it feels like. My pals and I went to the Art Institute's Fashion Archives because our pal Shane worked there or something and it was glorious. (To answer some questions in the comments...I didn't pay or buy a ticket or get invited, I was just with friends and one of them was Shane and we were able to go in because he worked there, I think. Simple pimple dimple.)
Some notes:
-Issues of Mademoiselle, Vogue, and Bazaar from the 1910's on (and a few 1800's ones, as well).
-VHS tapes of interviews with Issey Miyake, Jean Paul Gaultier, and more, and runway shows from the 80's and 90's.
We weren't allowed to try them on but I would be too worried of them disintegrating the moment my mitts touched the right sleeve. Seeing and touching was quite enough. QUITE. enough.

A top by Margiela from when it was good WHAT WHO SAID THAT NOT ME. Silver coffee filter bra top!
Align Center

90s Margiela
A coat by Margiela from when it was good God, who keeps saying that! Ahem, anyway, HATS! Many hats, covering your arms. Especially helpful if you happen to have a lot of parasites, or are the human version of Cerberus. Or even the Cerberus version of Cerberus! In which case, whaddup! How are the kids! Please don't eat me!

don't remember
I don't remember who this is by- Junya, I think? Anyway, it needs to be worn with the yellow/black satin seagull pumps from Miu Miu Spring, as well as the yellow/black optic Givenchy leggings, as well as a human that looks/smells/acts like me, and maybe is me. So, let's make this happen. What, you refuse? Then you can go home.

Margiela 90s
More Margiela. An inside-out vintage dress printed, so.good. If you click on the photo and then go to "All Sizes" on the Flickr page you can kind of see the vintage label.

Next we have what appears to be your average, run-of-the-mill, tiny straw hat.
you think it's a normal hat but WAIT
But then! What's this? An ACCORDION? (Gremlin underneath not included.)
Comme des Garcons
Comme des Garcons, duh.

Prada 1993
If you have reached this far in this post because you have not yet had a hernia, congratulations! Have a Prada AW 1993 gown. Not really. It's mine. Well, not really again. It's the Archives'. But we pretend it's mine, don't we? When we play Make Believe? What, you refuse? Then you can go home. Again.

saddle back
I'm pretty sure this vest is A.F. Vandevorst. Vest, or...HORSE SADDLE? This makes me think of some type of hybrid between the Richard Prince and Allen Jones sections of the new issue of Pop.

comme i think
Comme des Garcons...90's, I would guess? EDIT: I have just been informed by my team of super spy baby assistants, and maybe a very nice commenter, that it's actually Bernhard Willhelm SS02. Oops! Carry on.
So pretty. Like a marshmallow. Except now I just remembered how you roast marshmallows over a fire and then eat them, and then I thought about if someone set this on fire, AND THEN ATE IT, and now my blood pressure is rising, so deep breaths.

90's Undercover t-shirt as a scarf.

More 90's Undercover, so epic. I mean, this is totally something that some creepy old lady who lives at the end of your street would make and then leave for you in a tree knot because she would actually be Anthony Perkins and think she was Norman Bates and then think she was Mrs. Bates and then think she was Boo Radley, y'know?

Alexander McQueen. Even more amazing in real life.

In.SANE. Issey Miyake Converse pants. I would like to wear these with one of the tennis shoe dresses from Herve Leger AW10. Or with a t-shirt and baseball cap and play baseball with the kids in The Sandlot like it was no big thang.

Actually they would look kind of cool with this Junya dress.

Ugh, this is SO PERFECT. Cause you know how sometimes you really love a vintage dress but you wish it was just a little more interesting and less "HI, I AM A VINTAGE DRESS"? Well, this is like that and better. I bet it looks amazing on a person.

Oh, Comme des Garcons. The tricks you pull.
A paper doll dress. I crazy good. Proof that not every idea has been thought of.

This is adorable. Franco Moschino used to make for his very special muses and lady friends these make-your-own-dress kits, complete with instructions.

Shoes from the late 1800's, also so tiny. When did people get such huge feet? And McDonald's size scales? And televisions?

Vivienne Westwood Rockinghorses. I guyyyyyysssss.

One of the most beautiful dresses I've ever seen in person but I can't remember who it's by. Like an onion layer/shipwreck/sad wedding dress.

A vintage Chanel jacket, can't remember the era. Can we get a close-up on those buttons?
Lions! Like those little statues outside that one museum I should be able to identify but can't because I would rather spend my time petting this jacket.

More shoes.
More more shoes.

comme, back of a coat
This is the back of this coat.
comme, front of a coat
This is the front.
It's CdG. Are you really surprised?

I can't remember who this is by! Which is sort of a good thing, because if I ever got one I would pop the whole thing.

The ultimate swagger coat. Now, I don't use that word very often-swagger. Sounds like something you kids probably run around screaming to the tunes of that rhythm and blues of yours. BUT, just imagine how you would look walking down the street in this? Oh, Yohji. The things you do.

More more more.

And some pictures I took of the TV when we watched a recording of a Comme des Garcons show. Mid-nineties...maybe Spring '95? I always go between this one and Lumps and Bumps for my number one favorite collection from Comme.


Sami Sandonato said...

I envy you, these pictures are amazing!!

thestylemonster said...

this is just absolutly wonderful.

- the style monster.

Maddie said...

i love seeing your adventues! you are amazing!!


I loved this post. Great photos and those shoes were so tiny! I love seeing vintage stuff, especially the old shoes! xo

Anonymous said...

The Prada 93' gown is gorgeous.

chelsea said...

holy. shit. the color of that peachy cdg? take me to this place

Trina said...

I'm out of breath. Is that possible? by looking at pics of clothes?

EmNic said...

your quite an amazing blogger, and those clothes.... well leaving me speechless is an understatement! By the way Tavi, what do you want to be when your older? Sorry I'm just wondering.... Like a fashion designer or something along those lines???

Unknown said...

WOW i love the hat coat by margiela, the bubble shirt and the converse pants.

Tavi you're so cute!

I am Denise Katipunera

Alani Catleya said...

Thanks alot. Now I have to wipe a whole lot of drool off of my keyboard! (Yay bodily fluid!) But that paper doll dress is amazing. sooperdooper amazing.

Shameless self promotion:

Briana Le & Merissa Ren said...

marshmellow shipwreck backwards coat paper doll girl. Thats who i want to be. by CdG. Please?

Paige said...

stunning clothes, the creativity is amazing

Domino said...

jelousy is just pumping through my veins at the moment. All of those comme dresses are genius


Robyn said...

It must have been brilliant to bask in the glow of so many amazing pieces of fashion history! I know I get butterflies in my tummy from being around the pieces at the museum where I volunteer and they are certainly not THAT sort of vintage.


M.Soleil said...

beautiful stuff right? I visited here over the summer and posted about it

we photographed a few of the same pieces. Though your photo's are much clearer (my camera was being testy that day)

Unknown said...

wow, that really is amazing! you're so lucky to be given these amazing opportunities to see stuff like this! and thank you for sharing.


Anonymous said...

That looked like so much fun. My Fashion School also has an amazing Designer closet full of Couture gowns, we aren't aloud to breathe by...haha! It's so cool :)


I love the converse pants, I would totally rock them until the end of time! lol!

Aya said...

This all makes me want to cry because I don't own any of those clothes! And they shall never sit in my closet amongst others things . . . that should not be in my closet anyway.

Let us not imagine clothes burning like marshmallows (well, some clothes . . . cough)

I hope someone finds out who made the cream/crinkled/onion-y dress! It's amazing!


So, I'm stuck out in the middle o' Kansas, which if you didn't already guess is relatively insulated -- thus, I have little access to stuff like this... What I'm trying to say is that it makes my day, reading posts like this! Thanks a ton, Tavi!

Anonymous said...

Those clothes are gorgeous. I love the pair of shoes from the 1800s, so amazing!

Miss Youngblood said...

I LOVE vintage clothes! They are amazing, I always go to the thrift store to find fun clothes! :)

Anonymous said...

I love fashion archives! The University of North Texas has an amazing one with pretty much every designer you can think of. And since there's a lot of serious wealth out here, well, 'nuff said!

The yellow/black floral dress made my heart skip a beat. It reminds me a bit of this one 80s dress I have up right now >>

But alas, mine is no Junya Watanabe : P.

The bubble coat and paper doll dress are also show stopping. And those late Victorian shoes! I'm obsessed with vintage footwear. But I wear an 8 1/2-9. And have wide feet. So more often than not I'm outta luck.


Jade said...

all of those photos are breathtaking. thanks for posting! :)

Anonymous said...

*steals bubble wrap coat*

nmac said...

i envy you so muchhhhh- you get to go to all these amazing fashion shows, im so very jealous

Shelley Noble said...

Fabulous post. The paper doll dress raised an eyebrow here.

Anonymous said...

Um... why did you leave? Oh my!!!

That dress from Prada, ALL the shoes and the little Moschino sewing kits... SIGH!

Clare said...

That paper doll dress was beautiful! I would love to own something like that... I love the layer upon layer of sheer red fabric. Yum!
Clare xx

Soren Lorensen said...

converse pants!

bubble wrap jacket!

that is all.

Tokyo fashion-HOLIC said...

Great post.
You really fashionable!

mariska said...

damn.i'm dying for that silver top..
it's super cute...


NUMBER 3 said...

the Undercover are not from the 90's the white jacket is form the "T" collection Summer2006 and the coat is from Winter2004.. :-)

Unknown said...

Man, I think I would JUSTABOUTPASSOUT if I'd had gone there with you. Which, I wouldn't (have gone with you), cause we're not friends. But you know what I mean yah?

Also, I want to take the sleeves of all of the dresses, and sleeves to hand, waltz around the limited spacing.

Loved this post. Thanks for sharing

Siru said...

So lovely pieces and hilarious comments!

juliet xxx

foolfashion said...


foolfashion said...


I've sent you an email from vogue spain. Please, plase, asnwer asap! It's

Unknown said...

You just made my day! Lovely post.

Beni said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beni said...

I am jealous with a capital everything! All those CDG dresses are amazing

Emily said...

I'm getting excited just looking at these pictures, you must have DIED!!


Jorge Alexander said...

wow! amazing.. ( :

Anonymous said...

Awesome post, Tavi! This just reiterates what you say about inspiration being found everywhere--I love looking into the past of other artist's lives. Thank you!

Jessica said...

This is my absolute favorite post of yours thus far. I loved seeing all of these amazing vintage pieces.

Mila said...

.....!!!! Those might just be the most amazing garments I've seen in my entire life. I just got inpiration...mwahha

Lena said...

This was an amazing post, Tavi. So beautiful. I surely had my fashion-treat of the day now. Thank you for this one :)

Masha said...

all those things are really pretty and I suppose really expensive, no?))
I like Martin Margiela top))) It from what year?

Festy said...

I love this post and the pics!

Miss Molly said...

very different but i love it!


Peacock's Hat said...

What do I actually need to eat breakfast for now I've seen these pictures?? I'd much rather have an amazing beautiful clothes breakfast than a boring piece of toast. Unfortunately however, the beauty will not satisfy the rumbles. Damn.

Peacock's Hat said...

What do I actually need to eat breakfast for now I've seen these pictures?? I'd much rather have an amazing beautiful clothes breakfast than a boring piece of toast. Unfortunately however, the beauty will not satisfy the rumbles. Damn.

Peacock's Hat said...

What do I actually need to eat breakfast for now I've seen these pictures?? I'd much rather have an amazing beautiful clothes breakfast than a boring piece of toast. Unfortunately however, the beauty will not satisfy the rumbles. Damn.

Christoffer J. said...

Hey you Tavi!
I hope it's okay that I borrow the picture of the coverse-pants? I'll give the credit off course ;)
Fantastic post and blog!

Jessica / Lola Vintage said...

Nice BUBBLE WRAP jacket! haha! How fun.

mustownmore said...

That looks like it would be SOOO much fun. I had to do something similar with Zandra Rhodes stuff from the 70's when I worked at the Fashion & Textile Musuem in London. I found Mick Jagger's pants. They were tiny! *Scream* I was holding Mick's pants.

P.s. Viv Westwood rocking horse velvet slipper shoes. There are no words. Other than - I want.

Samantha Nandez said...

That is absolutely unbelievable and just so beyond amazing. Shoes from the 1800's!!! Wow....just wow. How fortunate that you could go :D

Licia said...

I really like your posts..
but this photos are amazing!
Thanks for sharing it!
They are of great inspiration for me!
Have a nice day!

Michele said...

This is very awesome. I would love to have that "swaggercoat"!

j. rutledge said...

The lions outside the museum you can't remember are at the NY Library. Love the Vivienne Westwood velvet/wooden shoes :)

Prudence said...

You're soooo lucky!

kimmie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Emma said...

Oh My Goodness! That must have been such an amazing day. I know what you mean, just touching the clothes is SO magical. A little "star-struck", no? I loved that Prada gown and it would be great fun to play make believe with you. Anyway, enjoy your day and great photos. Must have been heaven.

kimmie said...

This looks like it was fun!
what art institute was this?

kyra said...

Tavi Ilove it.
I love the buble wrap t-shirt the coolest.
and I think that my mom would set me out of the house because she is gonna freak out ;D
But would you please look on my blog?


I'm also thirtheen.
almost. ;D
still 22 days.
but I love u. And your style.

WendyB said...

Love the accordion hat and the converse pants!

norawoah said...

Oh jeeze, Shane was my TA years ago. His and Chris's line is brilliant hey? Ohhh, my old old school. I'm so glad you got to go and appreciate the closet. And I totally "jaw dropped" the first time I saw that swagger coat also. Hellloooooo volume.

Ollie Crafoord said...

This post makes me want to get back to sewing. :)


Curtis said...

These are GLORIOUS...particularly the marshmallow-y CDG ensemble. If I had this amount of pretty/frickin sweet clothes, I could never get dressed in the morning...too many choices slash I'd probably end up just petting the Chanel jacket. You know, the usual.

the goorgeous said...

looove all that vintage stuff! these tiny shoes are mesmerizing! love your blog dear, and the way you express yourself! go on! ;)

Maryn said...

i want all the shoes which are post on your article!!!
great blog!

Oh to Be a Muse said...

wow! these are so awesome. my vintage stores aren't this cool.

jane said...

the shoes are very gread, you have a wonderful blog ! <33

HC said...

Thank you for sharing your photos, snap shots of time and creation.
Issey Miyake Converse pants are insane indeedy, thats how we like it ;)

Caddy said...

Thanks so much for sharing all of this with us. Great post! :)

Unknown said...

Issey Miyake converse trousers×D
ah I can't believe my eyes, they are just soooo awesome and just WoW!!!
than you for sharing your adventures ×D

The Acolyte said...

Tavi,I have to ask you, doesn't it make you just a little sad to see all that glorious art, those amazing creations, sitting on hangers and shelves in a storeroom? I feel like they should be out in the world, being worn and made alive by people! They're like animals in the zoo right now, sad and faded.

Dmitriy said...

first off,
'-Issues of Mademoiselle, Vogue, and Bazaar from the 1910's on (and a few 1800's ones, as well).'
-that sounds amazing.. history is so great.
then, 90's Undercover t-shirt as a scarf, from the pic it reminds me of the puffy shirt "but i dont wana be a pirate!!

and those converse pants into shoes, wow, just wow..

tavi, you are great as always

Sam Harvey said...

thanks for taking me with you! i had such a blast in there! hey pick up that brown hand bag for me why doncha! I did a print screen on the red paper doll Comme dress - pure yummy!

Stray From The Mode said...

ahhh lush, vintage. Pure and beautiful vintage...
argh where can I get my hands on that paperdoll dress? hahaha...
-Stray from the Mode

Leonidas said...

that hat will look great on you. and just for fun, wear it at some fashion shows

Leonidas said...

that hat will look great on you. and just for fun, wear it at some fashion shows

hubert said...

Tavi Hello, my name is Hubert I am 17 years old and I'm from Polish. I think that what you are doing is great! I am also a bit designs. Today I started to write a blog where I will add every day their new projects. I invite you to read: And this is my e-mail, write whether you like it;)

VampyMary said...

I love your blog, but you might get a better camera or try to make better pictures because though the clothes are high quality, the pictures aren't..

VampyMary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Annie said...

Loving the 1993 Prada and "the marshmallow"!!

FutureLint said...

Hhhholy crap, I am dying just looking at the pictures! I would be so scared to see it all up close, I'd probably puke all over in excitement!

Anonymous said...

I now want Marshmallows.Also I liked the To Kill a Mocking Bird reference, apparently its too racist to read in school, but we read of Mic and Men last week, which contests the above.
Also love all.that.comme. It's some insane shit.

Maria José said...

OMG! Very original, and interesting the post. I love all shoes, and the coat made by hats.. very funny too

Anonymous said...

Which Art Institute is this? How could you forget these photos. You busy bee. These photos are very interesting and some of these clothes are so surreal it makes me smile creepily at the computer screen.

mariposa said...

the art institute of chicago has the lions! yay!

yui said...

that white dress i cant stop looking at that photo. shipwreck really is the perfect word to describe it. it makes me think of pirates and treasure chests and young brooke shields on the beach

Unknown said...

Dear Tavi... I sent you an email with some questions to a brazilian magazine, but you didn't answer (yet). I'm writing here hoping you answer me :-)

Luciane - Brazil

ana said...

i love the onion layer/shipwreck/sad wedding dress.

Angeles Almuna said...

Fabulous super fabulous!!!!!
I love the clothes and the opportunity that you had to TOUCH all of these treasures!!!! Fantastic!
Kisses Lady Tavi

Romane-Eléonore-Esther-Pernelle said...

"One of the most beautiful dresses I've ever seen"--> for sure

Romane-Eléonore-Esther-Pernelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nathaniel said...

So so cool! Great photos and commentary! :)

helen chen said...

the converse pants are just wowzaaaa.

skampie said...

just in case you didn't know, you've been featured on looklet <3

Anonymous said...

Love vintage, love this blog, love the way you write, Tavi. I know I am repeating myself, but - this is THE most amazing blog.


Anonymous said...

okay i comment forever .but what i will say is one you are NOT a gremlin and wow so jealous that you got to be near those clothes and yh.though i know you probably wont read this i wood love for you to check out my

Natalie said...

This is at my school, and I hang out here daily. We should meet up one day!

Anonymous said...

Hello! Awesome Blog! Have you heard of Free People Boutique? The store has AMAZING clothing!
Check it out here:

Fly said...

what amazing trip! I love vintage clothers, and bags, and costume jewellery: I hope to enprove my english asap, to write more relevant comments

Sleepingviolet said...

Those Converse pants are impressive.

Brianna said...

Love it! ( my fashion blog)

eresmuyborde said...

veeery interesting,really!
big kiss 4u!(L)

Alice Cassidy said...

VeryJealous! thins must have been ahh-ma-zzinggg!!

Rosalind said...

Next time you go an adventure like this, can you take me with you? Haaha. It must have been so amazing to see all these clothes up close. Some of the design ideas are extraordinary- especially that coat made out of hats. Very inspiring to an aspiring designer like me.
I love your descriptions of the pieces too, makes it so much more entertaining than just a bunch of images on their own. The piece about the nineties coat that 'some creepy old lady' would make made me smile! I like the exposed stitching on that piece.
And seeing teeny tiny vintage shoes always makes me wish my feet were smaller so I could fit into them. Some just look like high heels for children.
To reiterate, you are SO lucky getting to go there!

Patricia said...

it's like what... treasures ?
I'm so jealouss Tavi .. ;). I like the vintage style Comme des Garçons really !

Katherine Lee said...

this post reminds me, i MUST go do some vintage shopping tonight; only the most fabulous pieces will do. hope you're having a lovely week my dear!

xo urban flea

VâniaMoure said...

Oh I really love your blog, i wish you the best ♥

Anonymous said...

Its wonderful seeing vintage Comme des garcons pieces. Great post!!

Sophia said...

:o!!! Tavi! Pleeeease tell me where you got the huge multi colored diamond bracelet!!! I love it

Unknown said...

Ohhhhhhh emmmmmmm geeee!
I have totes been there! I had such an amazing time looking through all the expensive fashion books that I could never afford also. Those clothes are GLORIOUS. ROCKING HORSES ARE LIFE.

~celia :)

Katy said...

OH MY GAWD. GAAHHHHH. OK OK I always loved CDG but after this post I just . . love it so, so, much . . . GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH.

Aza Ziegler said...

What school is this? SAIC? and This is awesome.

emily said...

I've died and went to heaven...

christian dettloff said...

tavi hey,

lovely posting. we met on the rodarte/target shoot/pres last year -
heads up; the burning marshmallow ; ( is bernhard willhelm, i think s/s 2002?

thx again for the fun look @ fun stuf.

mayb c u in paris next week?


mAdi*cakes said...

chyeah..if i had that swagger coat..i'd totally walk around like I was in the secret service. And Im only 5'0 so it'd totally swallow me..but thats ok cause Id act like I was super cool. And the vintage dress is begging to be worn. I mean....someone needs to take that thing. JK. *shifts eyes* Im starting art institute after my term at bible college soooo...maybe...if i end up being there at an AI fashion event and see an awesome vintage dress like that one..well...Im no thief and I dont think God would you know, appreciate that, but hey...ill at least try it on take a picture and send it if i dont invite you. :]

Miss Tami Lee said...

Wow that is an awesome thing you got to experience. I imagine you felt similar to how I felt when I got to go into the costume workshop and archives of the Seattle Opera (historical costuming nerd here ). Just being able to see everything up close and touch these magnificent creations is indescribable, especially since not a lot of people can understand why you're going crazy over some silly garment.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could have been there to pet that chanel jacket too! haha... Would you mind telling me what channel on the TV you were watching the runway show? i would love to see that! thanks, sophie

Anonymous said...

I wish I could have been there to pet that chanel jacket too! haha... Would you mind telling me what channel on the TV you were watching the runway show? i would love to see that! thanks, sophie

S∆R∆H BOOM said...

i miss the resource center so much...

S∆R∆H BOOM said...

...and shane and chris...

blahblahgirl said...

I wanted to climb into my computer and act like some crazy old lady roaming the halls and stroking the clothes...but that would probably be creepy.

i am so jealous! I love those converse pants and all the vintage dresses! and i totally called it with the accordian hat.

Thanx Tavi!!!

Emma said...

I've been in there a few times before. It's one of my favorite places in the city, not lying. the vintage stuff and the magazines are to die for. I think I spent an hour in there just reading the books before I realized there was a closet in there too.. well, then I just about died of happiness.

Emma said...

I've been in there a few times before. It's one of my favorite places in the city, not lying. the vintage stuff and the magazines are to die for. I think I spent an hour in there just reading the books before I realized there was a closet in there too.. well, then I just about died of happiness.

millions of cells said...

Oh, you lucky city girl. Sure, you might be a product of suburbia, but at least you have a decent art filled city nearby.

P.S: Bubble wrap blouse/shirt?! Please. Please. Please. Go back and see what brand it is. I will PAY you. With words. And love.

Tavi said...

Yui-I KNEW you'd love that one!

Prutha Raithatha said...

i love the mc.queen ..and the white sad wedding dress ...

Gillian Hannah Berry said...

The bubble wrap shirt is ingenious!

Rock Couture said...

Those Converse pants are siiick!

zoomslow said...

I <3 the shoes from the late 1800's. They remind me of Gustav Klimt's paintings :-) Also like the Westwood's - amazing!!! And the Gremlin's not bad either - just don't spill any water on her :-)

marr said...

love the dresses!
the shoes!
the stufff!



ashley said...

um those 1800s shoes are 2die4. It looks like he's holding a tiny baby kitten.

also since you are into this femme stuff, larger feet (for women) in modern times have been partially attributed to Title IX (the equal sports thing). Your feet grow in response to how much you use them, so once women became increasingly involved and sports and things like running, the average shoe size went up, way up.

Being that you are not a fan of gym, you don't really have to worry.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this. I love when people share stuff from behind-the-scenes

brightlightsbigcity said...

Amazing! Thanks so much for sharing! LOVE LOVE LOVE the Converse pants!!! Each is a work of art on its own, together this post is entirely top-notch. Thanks!

Bianca said...

your similies could only be produced by a star-crossed, little pixie like your self...long live your beautiful words!

Kerry Porter said...

i love the Shoe tights *oh my word*
your a very lucky girl! come to South Africa<3

Follow me @:

Anonymous said...

Love the clothes!!!
especially the Prada AW 1993 gown

Jorge Alexander said...


violetville said...

More vintage please, Miss T!

Stephanie said...

GaH! from someone working in the museum industry (not fashion- visual arts) I almost died with all your bare-handed TOUCHING! geezus!

You better hope that the Art institute doesn't read your blog, or your friend might be in some trouble.

Wear some clean cotton gloves next time will ya? to make sure those magnificent fashion moments last for generations... (every time you touch them you are transferring oil and dirt and makeup and bits of your own skin -eww- and whatever else you have touched onto those fabrics, speeding up their deterioration

Great to give your readers a behind the scenes scoop though

:-) xx

S∆R∆H BOOM said...

relax museum girl. i get what ur sayin but fashion happens to be a little daring and edgy. we love not knowing what will happen next. lol.


Bohemian said...

Amazing pieces!

shurigabi said...

thanks for your concern, but the SAIC collection is hands-on. we not only allow, but *encourage* students to learn from these garments by touching them, putting them on dressforms, turning them inside-out, etc. a collection that you can't get close to? that would be a real drag.

ctrl-s said...

Style Rookie! I am DYING from the awesomeosity of this! The hat! The tiny 1800s shoes! And that SAD WEDDING DRESS! *expires!*

I showed my friend your blog the other day and she instantly loved it. She is 50.


Anonymous said...

I love Comme des Garçons.
xoxo from OlieteWorld

Emma Westbrook said...

Omg I love the converse boot trousers.

Anonymous said...

OMG! i love those shoes, Tavi your ribbon in Dior was AMAZING!!

Irina said...

Wonderful photos! Love the Comme des Garcons hat! The Converse boot trousers were so weird! I like them! lol

Irina said...

Wonderful photos! Love the Comme des Garcons hat! The Converse boot trousers were so weird! I like them! lol

Irina said...

Wonderful photos! Love the Comme des Garcons hat! The Converse boot trousers were so weird! I like them! lol

Meghan Roberts said...

So lovely! That store seems so magical, take me with you!

Love you and your blog!

Anonymous said...

Thank god, I have been trying to figure out who made those converse pants for years!!!!

Alan Li said...

Wow, the converse pants are pretty cool! I really liked that Alexander Mcqueen dress, it looks amazing!

Anonymous said...

The bubble wrap jacket was by far the most convincing thing I've ever seen. It makes me want to pop all of those bubbles. But then that would make me sad that my beautiful jacket is ruined..*sighs heavily* Anyways, I've started taking an interest in Comme des Gargon just because he has a vintage, but still chic theme to his clothing. I wish I could afford designer-wear ! But you know, I'll have to stick with thrift stores and Target for now ! Us 13-year-olds can't buy fancy shmancy designer clothes ! Well, maybe you can just because you're YOU, but me ? Haha, that's funny.

the Citizen Rosebud said...

so much good stuff! you're an excellent,and funny tour guide. thanks for the show.


it all just blew me away. and i do mean all of it! you are one boss kid girly and i'm loving it.your just a year younger than me (if i'm correct 13?)and your living the dream..well part of it..kinda..not really lol. I actually aspire to become an actress of the oscar level and hopefully creating my own clothing line. besides the point.. i learned about you in one of the many magazines i clip out of to make inspiration boards and such. your style is so unique (everyone is unique but..) you hit the charts girl. just by the way people describe you in articles and videos and even blogs i know your one cool girl that is like..well a chicita after my own heart. i enjoy your posts and your whole blog for that matter, and even though you are younger than i you are truly an inspiration to me. that doesn't have to mean like "your" own goals and "alll" of the things you have done but just you as a person. maybe one day ill meet you, but for the meanwhile KEEP*ON*ROCK'N(:-misskris<3
p.s im a bit dramatic so all my comments a really long just keepin it real

octoberose said...

So. Envious. All wonderful. If you ever get a free minute in LA, the FIDM museum has some amazing pieces as well. A few weeks ago one of the curators brought a Fortuny Delphos dress into one of my classes and I wanted equal parts to run away with it and cry at its beauty. I don't think I breathed until she put it away again.

Don't eat rocks!

Diane said...

Hy, thanks so much for posting this. It is such an inspiration! All the items are great, but what totally killed me are the 1800 shoes. They're like pieces of jewelry!
Have a super nice day!


Mo said...

OMG....I need to be there, now! Look at all those clothes....amazing.


Lara Woodbine said...

Tavi i am 12 and you like my idle i love how u dress i totaly respect your style and i wish to be like you when i am older soo thankyou for inspiering me i guess xx

Marlena said...

Uhhh Converse pants?!

Anonymous said...

You are very lucky and all this clothes are so cute !

Anonymous said...

You are very lucky and all this clothes are so cute !

My So Called Life said...

Hey Tavi,
I take a class at the SAIC and we go into the fashion resource room tons of times. How did u get in there do you take a class there too?
My absolute favorites are the converse pants, the Chanel suit, and the wax dress.

My So Called Life said...

Checkout my blog too at:

Kelsey said...

CdG=AMAZING!! love a thosand times

Unknown said...
i think.. i just died

Unknown said...

This collection is the Fashion Resource Center at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. We are a hands-on collection available to the entire SAIC community, so if you are interested in investigating the garments in the FRC, come to school here! You might be interested to know the black and yellow dress is Christian Lacroix, the bubblewrap jacket - Hino & Malee, and the beautiful white dress was made by one of our faculty members, Billy Atwell.

Allan said...

Favorite pieces for me: The Commes des Garcons hat you were about to wear, the McQueen dress, and the Issey Miyake - COnverse shoe-pants... Killer!

Gaga fashion said...

hi i new here i from mexico sorry for my english is not very good i love the fashion!!!

Unknown said...

her style is great,wonderfull,im in shock,i love it

Ai-Ch'ng G-B said...

Hi there, Tavi - new to your blog, you are very refreshing to read.

I am so curious to see where you're going to be once you hit your twenties: it seems like you have really done so much fashion viewing already, and you are just under a third of my age!!

Keep up the wonderful and cheery observations on fashion and life, I think you are a welcome new voice.

Ai-Ch'ng G-B said...

Hi there, Tavi - new to your blog, you are very refreshing to read.

I am so curious to see where you're going to be once you hit your twenties: it seems like you have really done so much fashion viewing already, and you are just under a third of my age!!

Keep up the wonderful and cheery observations on fashion and life, I think you are a welcome new voice.

jennamariia said...

hi, i propably dont have any need to say this cuz its pretty obvious, but damnit i´m so envious!!!! ;0 i need to go to that place. i could live there :p play dress-up all day and then fall asleep in the middle of the clothes *sight*

Unknown said...

I love your adventurous take on Fashion Philosophy. In Jalisco Mexico, I found that I too have an adventurous attitude, and changed my thoughts about Tequila and tastings. Now I like to sip tequila to see the brands I like now. Premium Goodtimes!

Julie Ling said...

your hair looks so pretty here!
And your so lucky to be able to meet all these designers and have them impress you!

h.f. said...

you are soooo cool tavi!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kokorokoko said...

Um I cannot believe there are no comments on this post. how AMAZING--thanks for posting all the pics. wait i guess I am speechless too. ha

chattypatra said...

Tavi, do you know how much the Issey Miyake Converse Pants sold for at the stores? I'm really curious. Thanks for all your great pictures.

crystalunique said...

Tavi. I love your blog. You totally inspire me. It is amazing that you went to fashion week and pursued your dream at such a young age. I'm 13 and I love fashoin too.

Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this post. Super cute. I agree with you on the dress, its very pretty.
Love Poppy
follow me!

Unknown said...

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