and my buns, they don't feel nothin like steel

This is so weird and sad. I watched Drop Dead Gorgeous last night and Clueless earlier today.

And she could do Marvin the Martian!
RIP :(


Anonymous said...

i was so sad when i heard about it and i too just watched clueless!

C. said...

Love your blog!

Eyeliah said...

cried, loved her so so much. Clueless, Little Black Book, King of the Hill and Uptown Girls the best.

C A said...

I am still shocked, she was so young!

The fashionart blog,

ItsonwithVictoria said...

Oh it's so sad !

WendyB said...

Very sad.

50two said...

my english class studied clueless this year. wow.. :(

Anonymous said...

She was so gorgeous..

Jem said...

i'm still in shock; she was such a talented, beautiful, and funny women. :(

Mila said...

RIP:'( So sad.

Ellen Burney said...

she could be a farmer in those clothes.



Uptown girls is still one of my favourite films. A complete and utter un-guilty pleasure. I had no idea until I read your post. See you on the other side Brittany.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it. I mean, she was only 32. D:

Anke Weckmann said...

She was amazing. I'm so sad about it. :(

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is sad. It removes my rodarte spree elation.

Ava said...

I'm "rollin' with the homies" in her honor. Brittany may be gone but TAI WILL LIVE ON FOREVER! :(

blukats said...

Very sad and a bit shocking. We were just talking about "The Ramen Girl" the other day. Sweet and silly movie. We were going to a local ramen shop but it was closed.

I have a feeling will be going there tonight.

How sad for her family.

Rae said...

I actually came home from shopping and I went onto Yahoo! and saw that she was pronounced dead. I immediately started freaking out because I didn't believe it. It's SO sad because she was a really great actress.

I'm actually watching Clueless right now. And I did "rollin' with the homies!"


Casual_autumn said...

She was really adorable !
seeing her acting in a movie always made me happy..

elena dao said...

thanks for letting me know of this terrible news!!! i've been distracted all day with shopping for rodarte for target treasures and didn't realize this was happening until now! :( she was too young, can't wait to find out more.

* said...

i just found out...this is so heart beaking and so so sad :(


maya said...

so so sad :( she was so cute loved her...:(

Unknown said...

So sad... I loved her in Clueless!

Anonymous said...

I love clueless
This makes me so sad :(

Sondra said...

It's so sad... she was so funny in Clueless.

Ollie Crafoord said...


AVY said...

Such a bad time to die too.

Anonymous said...

dude I super bummed about it.
Brittany Murphy was such a beautiful,talented,good person. My favorites were Clueless,King of The Hill and Uptown Girls. I really hope it's not drugs.

Release Karma said...

oh my goodness, that's so sad. :(

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

I hope you watch her REALLY good films as well... and that you mention these two mostly because of your interest in fashion. The video really is more about Alicia Silverstone...

Anonymous said...

garotinha você vai brilhar muito!!!

Flavi ;)

matthewsiddall said...

this is so tragic rip brittany :(

Vanessa said...

I watched a bunch of clips from Uptown Girl when I found out.

Afonso said...

Poor Brittany. Rest in peace. :(

tee said...

I adored her in Never Say a Word. So sad, so sudden.

<3 always,

Katie said...

Latest celebrity death to actually make me feel any kind of emotion (No offense MJ but I was never a huge fan). I always found she had something so magnetic about her. I'll be having a Brittany marathon over the next few days.

Anonymous said... are the angel of hollywood.......♥

Andie said...

so sad
RIP brittany murphy :( :(

Anonymous said...

so sad so sad

Ross said...

That's just too many 90's references. Though Amy Addams plays a pretty convincing stripper in 'Drop Dead....'.

Solange said...

yeah that's soo sad---

Smaggle said...

I was gutted to read this today. She was my FAVOURITE!

Anna G said...

I'm never going to see Clueless, without thinking about her. :(

Danielle @ Story of Style said...

So, so sad!! :(

Hanna said...

It's been forever since we've chatted! We should fix that. The end.

ashley said...

true true.

Studded Rose said...

So so horrible what a year 09 has been , Hope 2010 brings more happiness and less of this.. Rip beautiful girl xo

Christina said...

I was so shocked and saddened by this.

Anonymous said...

Loved that actress...her best role by far was SPUN.

Lucile said...

Jj'ai loué clueless la semaine dernière, et je m'étais dit qu'elle était beaucoup mieux maintenant. Mais elle n'est plus du tout désormais. RIP Brittany.

Anonymous said...

“Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.” Dr. Seuss

dallas dwi lawyer said...

It's an unfortunate lost. It's been a bad year for Hollywood stars. I wish the best for her family.

Coco [Lilcocoloco] said...

One of my favorite movies is "Just Married"... and I almost cried watching it.
I also loved her in "Up Town Girls"
...she was so young!!

indigotangerine said...

I couldn't believe it when I found out! Tragic for sure

Anonymous said...

nice but i would look better if you smiled

Anonymous said...

And she was so young too! I know this is odd, but I was way more shook up about her dying than I EVER was with MJ.


reckless daughter said...

I know... so sad but your post title made me smile. At least she did a lot while she was here - that's all we can ask for I think.

JenFaulkner said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JenFaulkner said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tobes said...

RIP Brittany!! thanks for this post tavi.... although alica and the teacher just reminds me of the scene in gg with blair and her lawywer stepdad :)

Eliani said...

i like how u have post about her...yep she could do MARVIN THE MARTIAN !! RIP Brit.

becstar said...

Loved Brittany, such a terrible loss...

Eira said...

Really like Tavi my little example
I really like all your desings ..
All your photos everything
sounds stupid but I'm a fan !

Anonymous said...

I've seen that japanese cartoon when I was 11! It's adorable! me and my sisters put up an act of our version in our very own living room back then. It's too adorable, i miss it so much :(

gah, I'm posting up my webpage link on an icon's fab blog via commenting. I feel ashame and dumb.

Bechara Baroudi Akel said...

awhhhhhhhh, i love this post tavi, u focus on the tiny details.