How was your weekend?
A while ago I went thrifting and bought lots of stuff that was either plaid, light pink, or olive green because of Comme des Garcons aw09, which remains one of my favorite collections of all time (OF ALL TIME! Wait no that joke got old like 3 weeks ago.) Today I finally actually wore some of it. Procrastination nation.

Green doodle coats, brown and green plaids, light pink button downs, the back being different from the sleeves.

A while ago I went thrifting and bought lots of stuff that was either plaid, light pink, or olive green because of Comme des Garcons aw09, which remains one of my favorite collections of all time (OF ALL TIME! Wait no that joke got old like 3 weeks ago.) Today I finally actually wore some of it. Procrastination nation.

Green doodle coats, brown and green plaids, light pink button downs, the back being different from the sleeves.

Thrifted shoes and button-down and button-down-pretending-to-be-skirt. Mom's green skirt pinned to back of pink shirt. Don't know why the light is so MEAN because the shirt is actually way more pink, like this:
Light pink tulle and red side kiss..
One of these days I would really like to have a model to take pictures of as opposed to lugging around a tripod and taking pictures of myself with a self-timer as neighbors and classmates wander past confusedly. Well, the last part is kind of fun, but the main point is that I am so very tired of my face and people are pretty.
All for tonight, folks. Zzzzzzhomeworkzzzzfreaksandgeekszzzz.
One of these days I would really like to have a model to take pictures of as opposed to lugging around a tripod and taking pictures of myself with a self-timer as neighbors and classmates wander past confusedly. Well, the last part is kind of fun, but the main point is that I am so very tired of my face and people are pretty.
All for tonight, folks. Zzzzzzhomeworkzzzzfreaksandgeekszzzz.
YOU are so pretty! :)
yay! the pink button down outfit was one of my favs from that collection. holla
i like the collar detail on your version
nice outfit, but the little kiss is just great, Luv ya
i love the little kissy kiss
The side kiss touch is's too bad the light was being so silly, but I can see what you're getting at :-)
Slash I totally agree, taking pictures of pretty people in outfits that you concoct is much more entertaining that taking photos of yourself.
i love the tulle with the red lips on them... i remember emma watson wearing them for a photoshoot for interview magazine i believe... they look so cool!
you write better than me (can't blame the fact that I'm german), have a better sense of fashion than me, have a cooler attitude than me, you're prettier than me AND you're like, five years younger! I just have to admit that I'm fascinated!
So keep doing whatever you're doing, never stop being you!
(besides, the frames are my favs, they are persistent.)
1. you are pretty
2. Even if it is old, I still laughed at that joke
very cute
the side kiss is extremely creative too
You ARE pretty, Tavi!
Haha, yesss. Love the Freaks & Geeks quote in the title. Mr. Weir is awesome, but not as awesome as Bill Haverchuk!
Oh yeah, CDG FTW.
Wait a sec, grabbin' some lucent tulle and red glitter. MUST ATTEMPT THIS. Good lord my short attention span almost forgot about this collection.
And you must be kidding me. Every time I see your photos I think, "Oh, hello there 16th century Renaissance painting." And I don't think Titian or Michelangelo painted ugly subjects.
I love it all! I also love your expression in the last photo.
I love your interpretation of the kiss especially.
No models-- a photographer :) You're so pretty, Tavi!
i lovelovelove the cheek kiss! very comme. and by the way... YOU ARE DROP DEAD GORGEOUS! don't ever say you aren't pretty again, or I'll have to send over very intimidating and convincing people to your house to tell you that you are.
also, love the recent hair styles you've been doing. they're very cute and sophisticated.
i secretly want to be you sometimes, cause your so pretty, creative, talented and confident. I don't think i'd ever be brave enough to wear some of the crazy outfits i really want to show off at school. i admire that about you. people call me pretty, but im not really sure... there's nothing really interesting about my face. but you have this model worthy interesting gorgeousness about your face. i dunno. it's a girl thing i guess, cause we all think we're not pretty. haha :P
you are the queen of replicating comme outfits.
and i loovveee freaks & geeks!!!!
I think you did a great job of recreating the CDG look(s). Ha I have yet to acquire a tripod but when I do I am going to have to come up with an explanation for my seemingly random photoshoots.
but your too lovely not to be taking pictures of yourself! Love the side kiss and the awesome commes des garcons interp!
Damn, thanks for reminding me; I need to go thrifting. Badly.
Mi bloggg: Sanity Through Art
you're so creative! honestly i had no concept of such fantastic designers when i was your age! Comme des Garcons is a favorite of mine too :] my mom and i have a blog and we just did a recent post of one of her older Comme des Garcons pieces. i think you would like it!
i may not have liked the comme des garcons collection, but you emulated it PERFECTLY!! bravo, tavi :)
I didn't mean to say "OH I'M NOT PRETTY SO YOU SHOULD COMPLIMENT ME!" but just that other people are pretty and I want to take pictures of them. And by that I don't mean I'M A PHOTOGRAPHER~ but just that I would like to try it out.
(In case you had doubts of my being a neurotic Jew.)
heather-Don't talk like that! I'm sure you're gorgeous. Yes, DEFINITELY a girl thing to say that, haha.
I've been reading through your're insanely quirky and odd, but that's what makes you interesting and it's the source of your creativity. I can't say "never change" because change is inevitable, and you're young, so I'll say this: continue to embrace who you are and don't be coaxed into becoming a "normal" teenage girl. Don't fix what isn't broken. ;=)
I recently discovered your youthful brillance. I enjoy your point of view.
I would have tied the sleeves around your waist and cut holes in the green pant, so you could "wear" them over your blouse. Suggestions from an older version of you. :)
I really love the kissy. It's very special. Like you.
i love your style :)
and wow nice work of the kiss in your face ^O^
No way!
I do so enjoy all your entries, but for some reason, this is my favorite. Except I must also disagree with you about you not being pretty. I'm pretty sure we all still want to see photos of you (sorry if that's slightly creepy...).
I love your glasses Tavi, and can't help but wonder if they...actually have glass in them? It's very hard to tell ^^;
If you like the last issue of Vogue Paris (the one you published on tumblr), i can send it to you.
Brilliant, thoughtful, and slightly witty style yet again. And there could never be a more beautiful and interesting model then you, Tavi. I'm loving watching you grow up here.
Comme des Garcons is really something...
I wouldn`t say this collection is my favorite, but I can tell its on my top 10*
I used to love Undercover`s shows...
but recently...I don`t say he doesn`t do good stuff, but it doesn`t have the same impact anymore...
I really enjoy the way you approach fashion with ur posts...Thanx so much for sharing it!
i forgot how you smile.
*a kiss in the cheek is a sweet thing. not something to look upset about.
darling so amazing, your style is impeccable
check out my blog @
i hope you aren't serious about being tired of your face! your adorable, and i love your style :o)
{uninhibited fashion blog}
i reckon the green skirt pinned on the pink shirt makes you look like a superhero. which i find quite cool. love this!
Don't use models please - we like seeing photos of you - its the highlight of your blog! :)
great interpretation of style!
Haha - my dearest compliments on the Rushmore quote that you started your post with. Say - are you quite a bit like Max Fisher?
Best regards
I would have liked very much to be born in your family ... with an artistic and cultural background as you've had , you are a genius , you're amazing, keep it up!
I want to know what your mum said about pinning the green skirt on to your back. :D
It looks like a cape! You are a super hero.
Very nice skirt ! and I adore the skirt attached to yourback, its like a cape.. quite magical looking !
Love it! Just wanted to post to let you know that I ordered your tshirt from Borders and Frontiers and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I've blogged about it here:
so cooool!
I wanted to skip latin and i did because my dad is the teacher!!!
Style is very new romantic! Love the blog x
You must think in change your glasses, they're like my grandma's.
you really amaze me, you're gonna get far!
My ex-boyfriend (who I have not been with for over two years) has mine and won't bring it back :(
Yeah I could get a new one, but I'm a poor student...
your are a genius! so young and so amazing...congratulation from berlin. Esther
Very nice look.
Just a suggestion for your Halloween movie night, because you mentioned it somewhere on here: The Worst Witch. If you haven't seen it, oh, the camp...the Tim Curry...the will blow your mind.
congrat. from Warsaw
pretty face
red kiss is shock 4 me!!!
loving the lipstick, i tried doing that onece (lips not cheek) ah uhh, well lets say i looked more golfish than lady gaga.
but congratulations because it looked good on you.
don't get tired of your face, your glasses look great on it's shape and you havent got any abnormal features, making it easy for you to try new looks.
*looks up* sorry i'm kind of rambling, actually i was going to ask when your birthday was?
But that is part of what makes it so cool is that it is you and it's your face as it's your ideas and your know how - if a lady of early 20's was wearing it, it's not that it would lose it's magic or genius but it would lose that certain something!
amish chic!
btw, we love pictures of you in your creation. having it on other people wont be as fun.
I have to say this, Tavi, that I can´t do anything but admire your astonishing sense of beauty. When I was in your age (Now I sound like a grandma) I was so mainstream, and had no wind of what´s trash and what´s real desing. So, what am I saying is (though you propably hear this all the time), that you´re an incredible talent. Never underestimate or forget that.
I´d love to see models styled by you! Maybe someday when you have a high flying career in the fashion world... But you make a great model until that.
i only just found your blog now, you are actually amazing. x
love how you diy-ed this collection! pure genius.
hola! comme de garcons collection was mental. Thats in a very good way. Nice take on it!
you're so creative.
& i love that you take pictures of yourself as ur neighbors go by hahahah...tavi do a "vlog" pleasee we love those
plaid skirt from plaid shirt? that was beyond clever!
great make-up....
Just found this and thought it would pique your interest. you may already know about it.
some sort of cdg project.
you are a strange little girl, but I really like your style and your photos are just amazing.
Maybe you will watch my blog?
greetz :]
LOL @ the tripod/self-timer comment!! The same thing happens to me. The other day I had a new neighbor move in & I was outside, photographing myself wearing a lion jacket. He was obviously perplexed & I felt like a big goose! HAHA!
"who's your dad, hitler?"
I love the pinned skirt/cape-let. I might even like it better than the CdG original!
I haven't been Thrift shopping in a while...I miss it. They always have interesting stuff! I bought these cute shoes a loooong time ago that looked totally Gothic Lolita. I was all :O! They were so cheap too. They barely fit and are not that comfortable but I don't care because they're freakin' adorable!
I love how you took the idea of the modeled clothes but made it into your own thing. Very cute. ^~^; I'm sure we all don't mind seeing you modeling off these clothes either. I can understand though that you'd like a model. My sister is a photographer and sometimes uses me as a model... She gets tired of using herself as one and seeing her face.
It's too bad you live so far away..I'd model for you! Although, I'm not that tall..and only decent looking. >__>
Sooo uhhhh, this is a long comment. Love the pics.. ^~^! Hope you have a great week, Tavi-chan.
Oh really love how you just try to perform the runways clothes, and you do it really really well. And you are my age ! That's amazing. Wanna go to my blog? Maybe you like it, dunno.
and, if you want:
(best online mag in Argentina)
Hey Tavi, I really love this blog. It shows you are really keen of fashion (? Im sorry for my bad english, Im from Argentina.
Well , just wanted to tell you I love you and this blog ! You´re amazing :)
Oh, just like grandma use to do.
"Come here you have a kiss for gam gam!"
you're sucha little munchkin, and you're super adorable, love your outfit btw, soooo cute
I'd get sick of NOT seeing your face, though! I'm sure you'd do a wonderful job of styling a model, though.
kkk cute & approachable take on the red lip on the cheek ^^
I LOVED that collection.
I love the way you took inspiration from the collection and made it your own. I don't think enough people actually try that.
I am trying to take a look that was showed through the entire McQueen A/W collection.
-The Wish List
Great interpretation! I'm so impressed that you know about all the designers, much more than I and I'm inspired to get studying!
Tavi, you are brilliant, I know you must hear that a lot, but I just discovered you on here....and well, you are!
DUDE ive definitely been watching freaks&geeks NON STOP SINCE YOUR HOUSE!!!!!!! sorry. this post reminded me.
Hi Tavi,
Um, even though I really like the photos of you giving outfits a run, if you've had enough of it, then stop. Anyway, I'm sure that if and when something has to change, you'll be able to comfortably make that decision :-) Sorry if I'm giving advice when you didn't really want or need any :-//
P.S I've been meaning to tell you that the part of your video where you're interviewing the Weardrobe guy (darn it, I can't remember his name), and your mother is causing a small disturbance, is one of the funniest things I've seen! :-))
Tavi check this glasses !!! :D
LOVE your blog! you're my biggest inspiration!
I would be so happy if you could check out my blog!:
Oh doll, those glasses suit you.
I am not a fan of the collection and your outfit..However I do like the creativity
luv it i just stared a new blog check me out :
absoloutly love the skirt :)!
follow me people:
love the side kiss!
i want pink hair like thisss!!
I agreee, ur stunning :)
If you believe you are hot, other people will believe it to
I love it so much i hope is my next creation !!
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